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Amral posted:
Nehru posted:
Amral posted:

bai all dem politicians crooked one way or the other

Not the late, great Dr Cheddi Beret Jagan.

There are some that will not agree with you. No one is perfect.

Anyways I am off to work now. Enjoy the weekend

Bhai, I do not expect all to agree with me. I believe one reason you started this Site is for airing of different opinions, so I thank you for that.


With regards to Dr Jagan he certainly had flaws BUT was NOT CROOKED.

May you have a pleasant day at work and may business be good.

Last edited by Nehru

According to Granger, in 2000 to 2010 Guyana suffered some of the greatest killings. That meaning deaths. It is a pattern since. Added to the regular stream of banditry/murders, we now have suicides in alarming numbers.

But 28 years ago, this intimidation of Guyana was brought upon by the PNC regime. The society was living under fear. It is fear again under Granger. He failed in his promise to the nation. Quite possibly, the nation have lost hope. And Lucifer meking good use of the dilemma-could it be the government knows of this and hoping religion would offer help. Giving people hope is one thing but Granger must demonstrate his government is one of hope.


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