An India man once told me that I know lots of things about his country and he knows nothing about my country.
My Indian friend from New Delhi said the same,it has to do
with our inquiring minds.
When I was in Kolkata, I tried to find out about the indenture system to the colonies, but the average Indian seems interested only in finding food for the day and seem to care little about their history.
I guess, if they are elevated above their poverty, they might find other interest.
I now know about the indenture labourer monument, Ashook Ramsarran, GOPIO and other efforts to make this more visible.
India Indians were puzzled when they saw Rohan Kanhai. He looked like an Indian but unsure of it. Told to me by an old Indian man from Kerala.
I had a few Indian ladies working at the company. Very smart women. One of dem decided to ask what part of India I came from. I told her my people were from India but not me. I told her the regular story of our odyssey. She remarked that was missing in their history. That evening after work, she went to public library and borrowed the books about Guyana. She was a graduate in molecular physic-Masters.