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Surge in Cubans and Haitians trafficking through Guyana

June 18, 2018

By Ray Chickrie
Caribbean News Now contributor

GEORGETOWN, Guyana — In the past two years there has been a surge in human trafficking via Guyana, especially from Cuba and Haiti, according to a June 13 Sectoral Committee on Foreign Affairs Report chaired by PPP/C member of Parliament, Gail Teixeira, who analysed arrival and departure records that were submitted by minister of citizenship, Winston Felix, at the request of the committee.

According to the Stabroek News of Guyana, which used the figures released by the Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, “in the year 2016, 21,165 Cubans arrived and 19,225 left Guyana, a disparity of around 2,000. In 2017, the number was greater, 44,747 Cubans arrived and only 37,492 departed — roughly 7,000 unaccounted for. For this year, the trend continued, as up to April this year 22,520 Cubans had arrived but only 16,350 had been reported as having departed.”

The Stabroek News, also citing the Parliamentary report, claimed that in 2017 3,515 Haitians arrived in Guyana, but only 291 were recorded as having departed.

“Up to April this year, it was much the same: 1,238 had arrived and only 85 had been recorded as having left. These figures are disturbing,” Teixeira remarked.

There is little evidence of Cuban or Haitian settlements in Guyana and those unaccounted for are apparently not in Guyana, allegedly being trafficked out of Guyana to other countries like French Guiana (France/EU), Argentina, Chile, Suriname, the United States, and elsewhere.

Human trafficking is nothing new to Guyana. The country has been on Washington’s radar and will come under pressure from the Trump government to abolish the visa free movement of Haitians and Cubans to Guyana just like Suriname had to do last year.

Teixeira said in a letter to the media, “The annual US TIPs report placed Guyana on the watch list for two years in a row because there were too few cases of human trafficking in 2006-2013, I hope that the US officials will pay more interest to this unusual movement of people.”

Teixeira claimed that Haitians are being trafficked through Guyana, but there appears to be an additional twist to the story. More information is surfacing that, in return for their “safe passage” through Guyana, they are required and are facilitated in obtaining Guyanese identity documents such as birth certificates, national identity cards, with Guyanese names, which are then left in Guyana, after they depart. “For what purpose one may wonder and who is behind this?”

A year ago, a surge of human trafficking from Haiti via Guyana was reported by Caribbean News Now when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname. However, numerous reports on the issue in the media did not stem the flow of human trafficking via Guyana, the contrary took place.

In 2017 Guyanese authorities arrested a number of Surinamese involved in the smuggling of 27 Haitians, including 12 children, at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) who were on their way to French Guiana via Suriname. They arrived in Guyana on a Copa Airlines flight from Haiti via Panama, and no one was at the airport to meet them.

According to Guyana’s Kaieteur News, the police believe that the smugglers, after realizing that the investigators were onto them, did not show up at the airport.

From Guyana, it is very easy to get to Suriname and the rest of the Americas illegally through the “backtrack” without the need of a passport. It’s a breeding ground for crime, human trafficking, drugs, weapons, and pirating. The two countries have been examining ways and means of policing the illegal “backtrack” crossing via the Courantyne River that separates the two countries.

The international human trafficking network is complex and includes law enforcement officials from a number of countries far and near like Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Guyana, Haiti, India, Suriname, Venezuela and the United States. And Guyana and Suriname seem to have little capacity to address the problem.

In total as of April 2018, according to the figures supplied, Table 3 shows the numbers who appear to have not left Guyana:-

[Table 3]

These figures reveal that the years 2016 and 2017 show the highest upsurge in numbers of arrivals of several nationalities. Since the minister did not provide any information on those who were denied entry, one assumes that these arrival figures are, in fact, persons who entered Guyana.

Sectoral Committee on Foreign Affairs Report

Replies sorted oldest to newest

"A year ago [2017], a surge of human trafficking from Haiti via Guyana was reported by Caribbean News Now when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname. However, numerous reports on the issue in the media did not stem the flow of human trafficking via Guyana, the contrary took place."

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

"A year ago [2017], a surge of human trafficking from Haiti via Guyana was reported by Caribbean News Now when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname. However, numerous reports on the issue in the media did not stem the flow of human trafficking via Guyana, the contrary took place."

I will take a stab at this later...homework getting in the way...

The information in the article has greater implications for Guyana...not about the so-called "Haitian issue" but issues relating to border control and security...


VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

"A year ago [2017], a surge of human trafficking from Haiti via Guyana was reported by Caribbean News Now when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname. However, numerous reports on the issue in the media did not stem the flow of human trafficking via Guyana, the contrary took place."

I will take a stab at this later...homework getting in the way...

The information in the article has greater implications for Guyana...not about the so-called "Haitian issue" but issues relating to border control and security...


banna, neither the PPP nor ANY of their immoral, ignorant bacoos posting here have ANY interest in "border control" . . . only race propaganda

note the uninterested DEAD SILENCE about 17,615 Cubans 'still in' Guyana

what you need to "take a stab at" should be the subject of a separate thread

this one does not need another antiman 'diverter'


  1. ronan posted:
    VishMahabir posted:
    ronan posted:

    "A year ago [2017], a surge of human trafficking from Haiti via Guyana was reported by Caribbean News Now when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname. However, numerous reports on the issue in the media did not stem the flow of human trafficking via Guyana, the contrary took place."

    I will take a stab at this later...homework getting in the way...

    The information in the article has greater implications for Guyana...not about the so-called "Haitian issue" but issues relating to border control and security...


    banna, neither the PPP nor ANY of their immoral, ignorant bacoos posting here have ANY interest in "border control" . . . only race propaganda

    note the uninterested DEAD SILENCE about 17,615 Cubans 'still in' Guyana

    what you need to "take a stab at" should be the subject of a separate thread

    this one does not need another antiman 'diverter'


    Dude, you cant post things and not expect a response…even one not to your liking..

    First..this Chicherie dude is no expert on immigration in Guyana…but you swallow his words as Gospel truth…he is not presenting any earth shattering information…certainly not in your defense

    …what is his background and authority on this subject? A web search show that he is an anti-PPP, possibly a radical Muslim school teacher living in the US….not even a credible reporter.

    …this article was published in 2018…the “Haitian issue” was raised recently

    …YOU and the GNI RACISTS miss the BIG picture ...the fact that this many people coming into the country (which can be verified, some by immigration records) and that some of them are not leaving (there is no proof that all of them left, according to the article, and charts) has political ramifications and points to skullduggery on the part of the coalition.  A close election in 2015 and previous ones does not give us comfort that this one gon be free and fair…you very well know that the coalition will make sure all the loose ends are taken care of…to prevent the PPP from winning…

    Second…rushing to stick the “racist” label on the PPP GNIers…like a revealing epiphany …shows that you did not read the information carefully. Did you actually look at the figures presented in the tables? They do not support your claims…its troubling that BRZILIANS, VENEZUELANS, DOMINICANS, HAITIANS, CUBANS, etc are coming in such numbers and the government is not sure if some of them have stayed or where they went…

    With the oil boom…this trend will increase…and with Suriname closing its borders, US closing its borders, and easy access to Guyana…all makes for a credible case for illegal (and legal) influx into Guyana…a security issue…

    So why are you and the others here simply worried about the Haitians? 

VishMahabir posted:
  1. Dude, you cant post things and not expect a response…even one not to your liking..

    First..this Chicherie dude is no expert on immigration in Guyana…but you swallow his words as Gospel truth…he is not presenting any earth shattering information…certainly not in your defense

    …what is his background and authority on this subject? A web search show that he is an anti-PPP, possibly a radical Muslim school teacher living in the US….not even a credible reporter.

    this article was published in 2018…the “Haitian issue” was raised recently

    …YOU and the GNI RACISTS miss the BIG picture ...the fact that this many people coming into the country (which can be verified, some by immigration records) and that some of them are not leaving (there is no proof that all of them left, according to the article, and charts) has political ramifications and points to skullduggery on the part of the coalition.  A close election in 2015 and previous ones does not give us comfort that this one gon be free and fair…you very well know that the coalition will make sure all the loose ends are taken care of…to prevent the PPP from winning…


    So why are you and the others here simply worried about the Haitians? 

banna, please gather your thoughts before you hit "send"

the Haitian immigration issue was a 2018 PPP issue . . . [hint] that's why SN KN and (the cited) Caribbean News Now covered it in 2018

try to keep up

this thread addresses the vampire LIE let loose by Freedom House that increased Haitian arrivals in Guyana under the Coalition Gov't is situated in a plot to pad the Voters List with Blackman PNC voters

PPP raising it from the grave, making this a 2019 'issue' [ask Baseman], not me

"when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname."

the above is public, stake-to-the-heart stuff (not "Chickrie") information

and is in "defense" only of hallucinatory nonsense bouncing around with the "For Let" sign in your head

as you offer 308 words of logical confusion . . . painful incoherence

yesss, DUMB attention-seeking at it's worst


Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
  1. Dude, you cant post things and not expect a response…even one not to your liking..

    First..this Chicherie dude is no expert on immigration in Guyana…but you swallow his words as Gospel truth…he is not presenting any earth shattering information…certainly not in your defense

    …what is his background and authority on this subject? A web search show that he is an anti-PPP, possibly a radical Muslim school teacher living in the US….not even a credible reporter.

    this article was published in 2018…the “Haitian issue” was raised recently

    …YOU and the GNI RACISTS miss the BIG picture ...the fact that this many people coming into the country (which can be verified, some by immigration records) and that some of them are not leaving (there is no proof that all of them left, according to the article, and charts) has political ramifications and points to skullduggery on the part of the coalition.  A close election in 2015 and previous ones does not give us comfort that this one gon be free and fair…you very well know that the coalition will make sure all the loose ends are taken care of…to prevent the PPP from winning…

    So why are you and the others here simply worried about the Haitians? 

banna, please gather your thoughts before you hit "send"

the Haitian immigration issue was a 2018 PPP issue . . . [hint] that's why SN KN and (the cited) Caribbean News Now covered it in 2018

try to keep up

this thread addresses the vampire LIE let loose by Freedom House that increased Haitian arrivals in Guyana under the Coalition Gov't is situated in a plot to pad the Voters List with Blackman, PNC voters

PPP raising it from the grave, making this a 2019 'issue' [ask Baseman], not me

"when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname."

the above is public, stake-in-the-heart stuff (not "Chickrie") information

and is in "defense" only of hallucinatory nonsense bouncing around with the "For Let" sign in your head

as you offer 308 words of logical confusion . . . painful incoherence

yesss, DUMB attention-seeking at it's worst


Listen clown, given the history of the PNC and their current fraudulent behavior, People get suspicious over everything.  Maybe it’s less an issue but we don’t trust the PNC.  Why the games and delaying tactics?  

Don’t blame the people, blame it on your PNC wicked history and current behavior!

You are very much like the rest of us, just on the other side of the coin!

Did you not raise objections to Indian investors on the basis of race?  And we talking couple dozen at best!

Suh gwan suh!

Baseman posted:
Did you not raise objections to Indian investors on the basis of race?  And we talking couple dozen at best!


but the insistent, empty LIE is all you have left after being made to look the fool on this and the other thread

banna, you deep in self-esteem recovery mode

carry on

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
  1. Dude, you cant post things and not expect a response…even one not to your liking..

    First..this Chicherie dude is no expert on immigration in Guyana…but you swallow his words as Gospel truth…he is not presenting any earth shattering information…certainly not in your defense

    …what is his background and authority on this subject? A web search show that he is an anti-PPP, possibly a radical Muslim school teacher living in the US….not even a credible reporter.

    this article was published in 2018…the “Haitian issue” was raised recently

    …YOU and the GNI RACISTS miss the BIG picture ...the fact that this many people coming into the country (which can be verified, some by immigration records) and that some of them are not leaving (there is no proof that all of them left, according to the article, and charts) has political ramifications and points to skullduggery on the part of the coalition.  A close election in 2015 and previous ones does not give us comfort that this one gon be free and fair…you very well know that the coalition will make sure all the loose ends are taken care of…to prevent the PPP from winning…


    So why are you and the others here simply worried about the Haitians? 

banna, please gather your thoughts before you hit "send"

the Haitian immigration issue was a 2018 PPP issue . . . [hint] that's why SN KN and (the cited) Caribbean News Now covered it in 2018

try to keep up

this thread addresses the vampire LIE let loose by Freedom House that increased Haitian arrivals in Guyana under the Coalition Gov't is situated in a plot to pad the Voters List with Blackman PNC voters

PPP raising it from the grave, making this a 2019 'issue' [ask Baseman], not me

"when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname."

the above is public, stake-to-the-heart stuff (not "Chickrie") information

and is in "defense" only of hallucinatory nonsense bouncing around with the "For Let" sign in your head

as you offer 308 words of logical confusion . . . painful incoherence

yesss, DUMB attention-seeking at it's worst


Semantics aside....all of you have a one track mind

...its night and day here on this site...the Afros on one side and the Indos on the other side of the ring...each side trying to BIG UP their clan and prove who is the bigger shouting each other out...

Guyana had many Cuban doctors working in the country under the Burnham dictatorship...but I dont believe they were granted citizenship...

Let the Haitian people live...Haiti has enough problems on its own...they can come to Guyana

Guyana should allow all those who want to come in (Venezuelans, Brazilians, etc)....but they should not easily be granted citizenship...

The fact remains that a checkered history of previous voting and elections means that the opposition will, rightly or wrongly, keep a close eye on tings...

This fact seems to have somersaulted right over your big head...without notice...

VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
  1. Dude, you cant post things and not expect a response…even one not to your liking..

    First..this Chicherie dude is no expert on immigration in Guyana…but you swallow his words as Gospel truth…he is not presenting any earth shattering information…certainly not in your defense

    …what is his background and authority on this subject? A web search show that he is an anti-PPP, possibly a radical Muslim school teacher living in the US….not even a credible reporter.

    this article was published in 2018…the “Haitian issue” was raised recently

    …YOU and the GNI RACISTS miss the BIG picture ...the fact that this many people coming into the country (which can be verified, some by immigration records) and that some of them are not leaving (there is no proof that all of them left, according to the article, and charts) has political ramifications and points to skullduggery on the part of the coalition.  A close election in 2015 and previous ones does not give us comfort that this one gon be free and fair…you very well know that the coalition will make sure all the loose ends are taken care of…to prevent the PPP from winning…


    So why are you and the others here simply worried about the Haitians? 

banna, please gather your thoughts before you hit "send"

the Haitian immigration issue was a 2018 PPP issue . . . [hint] that's why SN KN and (the cited) Caribbean News Now covered it in 2018

try to keep up

this thread addresses the vampire LIE let loose by Freedom House that increased Haitian arrivals in Guyana under the Coalition Gov't is situated in a plot to pad the Voters List with Blackman PNC voters

PPP raising it from the grave, making this a 2019 'issue' [ask Baseman], not me

"when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname."

the above is public, stake-to-the-heart stuff (not "Chickrie") information

and is in "defense" only of hallucinatory nonsense bouncing around with the "For Let" sign in your head

as you offer 308 words of logical confusion . . . painful incoherence

yesss, DUMB attention-seeking at it's worst


Semantics aside....all of you have a one track mind

...its night and day here on this site...the Afros on one side and the Indos on the other side of the ring...each side trying to BIG UP their clan and prove who is the bigger shouting each other out...

Guyana had many Cuban doctors working in the country under the Burnham dictatorship...but I dont believe they were granted citizenship...

Let the Haitian people live...Haiti has enough problems on its own...they can come to Guyana

Guyana should allow all those who want to come in (Venezuelans, Brazilians, etc)....but they should not easily be granted citizenship...

The fact remains that a checkered history of previous voting and elections means that the opposition will, rightly or wrongly, keep a close eye on tings...

This fact seems to have somersaulted right over your big head...without notice...

Ronan is actually a dunce...mitigated by nuff shit and fag talk!

Baseman posted:
VishMahabir posted:

This fact seems to have somersaulted right over your big head...without notice...

Ronan is actually a dunce...mitigated by nuff shit and fag talk!

Anyone who whines that they are leaving a two cents message board because they are not being taken seriously has to be a dunce. He also shows gross lack of self esteem.

VishMahabir posted:

Semantics aside....all of you have a one track mind

...its night and day here on this site...the Afros on one side and the Indos on the other side of the ring...each side trying to BIG UP their clan and prove who is the bigger shouting each other out...

Guyana had many Cuban doctors working in the country under the Burnham dictatorship...but I dont believe they were granted citizenship...

Let the Haitian people live...Haiti has enough problems on its own...they can come to Guyana

Guyana should allow all those who want to come in (Venezuelans, Brazilians, etc)....but they should not easily be granted citizenship...

The fact remains that a checkered history of previous voting and elections means that the opposition will, rightly or wrongly, keep a close eye on tings...

This fact seems to have somersaulted right over your big head...without notice...

you running around in circles 'litigating' facts NOT in dispute

chanting non sequiturs to smokescreen your lack of comprehension

banna, do yourself a favor and go park your puerile jabber jabber somewhere you and baseman can exchange notes on chasing-yuh-tail methodologies . . . in private


VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:
  1. Dude, you cant post things and not expect a response…even one not to your liking..

    First..this Chicherie dude is no expert on immigration in Guyana…but you swallow his words as Gospel truth…he is not presenting any earth shattering information…certainly not in your defense

    …what is his background and authority on this subject? A web search show that he is an anti-PPP, possibly a radical Muslim school teacher living in the US….not even a credible reporter.

    this article was published in 2018…the “Haitian issue” was raised recently

    …YOU and the GNI RACISTS miss the BIG picture ...the fact that this many people coming into the country (which can be verified, some by immigration records) and that some of them are not leaving (there is no proof that all of them left, according to the article, and charts) has political ramifications and points to skullduggery on the part of the coalition.  A close election in 2015 and previous ones does not give us comfort that this one gon be free and fair…you very well know that the coalition will make sure all the loose ends are taken care of…to prevent the PPP from winning…


    So why are you and the others here simply worried about the Haitians? 

banna, please gather your thoughts before you hit "send"

the Haitian immigration issue was a 2018 PPP issue . . . [hint] that's why SN KN and (the cited) Caribbean News Now covered it in 2018

try to keep up

this thread addresses the vampire LIE let loose by Freedom House that increased Haitian arrivals in Guyana under the Coalition Gov't is situated in a plot to pad the Voters List with Blackman PNC voters

PPP raising it from the grave, making this a 2019 'issue' [ask Baseman], not me

"when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname."

the above is public, stake-to-the-heart stuff (not "Chickrie") information

and is in "defense" only of hallucinatory nonsense bouncing around with the "For Let" sign in your head

as you offer 308 words of logical confusion . . . painful incoherence

yesss, DUMB attention-seeking at it's worst


Guyana had many Cuban doctors working in the country under the Burnham dictatorship...but I dont believe they were granted citizenship...



School Bhai Vish, you pra pa know about Burnham days and them Cuban Doctor.

Dave posted:
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:

banna, please gather your thoughts before you hit "send"

the Haitian immigration issue was a 2018 PPP issue . . . [hint] that's why SN KN and (the cited) Caribbean News Now covered it in 2018

try to keep up

this thread addresses the vampire LIE let loose by Freedom House that increased Haitian arrivals in Guyana under the Coalition Gov't is situated in a plot to pad the Voters List with Blackman PNC voters

PPP raising it from the grave, making this a 2019 'issue' [ask Baseman], not me

"when Suriname abruptly closed its consulate in Port-au-Prince on “security” grounds. Suriname then bowed to international pressure and halted the visa free entrance of Haitians to Suriname. Guyana thus became the destination of choice for Haitians looking to get to French Guiana, the USA and beyond via Suriname."

the above is public, stake-to-the-heart stuff (not "Chickrie") information

and is in "defense" only of hallucinatory nonsense bouncing around with the "For Let" sign in your head

as you offer 308 words of logical confusion . . . painful incoherence

yesss, DUMB attention-seeking at it's worst


Guyana had many Cuban doctors working in the country under the Burnham dictatorship...but I dont believe they were granted citizenship...

School Bhai Vish, you pra pa know about Burnham days and them Cuban Doctor.

Hey, leff the banna alone.  He seh everyting' deh pon Google!  Nuff peokle gatt Google degree!

ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Semantics aside....all of you have a one track mind

...its night and day here on this site...the Afros on one side and the Indos on the other side of the ring...each side trying to BIG UP their clan and prove who is the bigger shouting each other out...

Guyana had many Cuban doctors working in the country under the Burnham dictatorship...but I dont believe they were granted citizenship...

Let the Haitian people live...Haiti has enough problems on its own...they can come to Guyana

Guyana should allow all those who want to come in (Venezuelans, Brazilians, etc)....but they should not easily be granted citizenship...

The fact remains that a checkered history of previous voting and elections means that the opposition will, rightly or wrongly, keep a close eye on tings...

This fact seems to have somersaulted right over your big head...without notice...

you running around in circles 'litigating' facts NOT in dispute

chanting non sequiturs to smokescreen your lack of comprehension

banna, do yourself a favor and go park your puerile jabber jabber somewhere you and baseman can exchange notes on chasing-yuh-tail methodologies . . . in private


You wasting my time banna...

One last time...speaking of facts...look deep...the facts as presented by the accompanying tables above do not support your argument

...what happen to all dem visitors the govt cannot account for??

I am sure there is hanky panky going on in that Immigration Department since 2018, the date of the article... to now....

I will consider your challenge...if you can show me some instances where you have taken the coalition to once condemned the fuzzy math that produces 34 as half of 65... but thats all we get from you...

Until then...we gon hold you to your biases...because we know whose shoulders you leaning on...

ksazma posted:

He also shows gross lack of self esteem.

wait . . . were you not embarrassed in that i had to explain to you how to properly use the term "lack of self esteem" a couple of days ago?

i'd advise that you try to copy me less; it's a fool's errand  . . . you're a couple of lifetimes behind

stick to mimicking Skeldon_man  . . . "hero" bigot status is quite achievable if you subordinate yourself and work hard


Last edited by Former Member
VishMahabir posted:
ronan posted:
VishMahabir posted:

Semantics aside....all of you have a one track mind

...its night and day here on this site...the Afros on one side and the Indos on the other side of the ring...each side trying to BIG UP their clan and prove who is the bigger shouting each other out...

Guyana had many Cuban doctors working in the country under the Burnham dictatorship...but I dont believe they were granted citizenship...

Let the Haitian people live...Haiti has enough problems on its own...they can come to Guyana

Guyana should allow all those who want to come in (Venezuelans, Brazilians, etc)....but they should not easily be granted citizenship...

The fact remains that a checkered history of previous voting and elections means that the opposition will, rightly or wrongly, keep a close eye on tings...

This fact seems to have somersaulted right over your big head...without notice...

you running around in circles 'litigating' facts NOT in dispute

chanting non sequiturs to smokescreen your lack of comprehension

banna, do yourself a favor and go park your puerile jabber jabber somewhere you and baseman can exchange notes on chasing-yuh-tail methodologies . . . in private


speaking of facts...look deep...the facts as presented by the accompanying tables above do not support your argument

i am not making an "argument"

get comprehension lessons


I am still waiting for the PPP to show us huge Haitian towns which exist in Guyana, packed with people waiting to vote PNC.

Tons of Chinese entered Guyana during the PPP era, no one knowing what their status in the country was. Legions of Brazilians as well.  Should we assume that they are all registered and waiting to vote for President Jagdeo who is hiding behind Puppet Irfaan.

caribny posted:

I am still waiting for the PPP to show us huge Haitian towns which exist in Guyana, packed with people waiting to vote PNC.

Tons of Chinese entered Guyana during the PPP era, no one knowing what their status in the country was. Legions of Brazilians as well.  Should we assume that they are all registered and waiting to vote for President Jagdeo who is hiding behind Puppet Irfaan.

How can they? They blend in with the negroes.


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