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Minister Phagwali!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Nicholette Henry, our Minister of Education says in National Assembly of this country, as part of her official presentation in this year ‘s Budget Debate that she is not a “Chatrie” and therefore she does not have to know the difference between Phagwah and Diwali. .....

let that sink in a little...

and you will realize how racist, discriminatory, bigoted , divisive and inappropriate that statement is ...

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Replies sorted oldest to newest

Strike 2 for Ms. Phagwali.  What an embarrassment for an Education Minister.  Next time she should just keep her mouth shut and let's assume she is stupid rather than open it and confirm the obvious.

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

She would spit on Django and others like him if she gets near to them!!!!

Bhai,i would put that Minister in place,Django is toughie.

Nah, you WILLN'T put her in her place and risk your paycheck.  

Bibi Haniffa

A friend told me today that its probably time to divide the country among the 3 groups...indos, afros and amerindians...because god has forgotten about this country...looks like guyana really gone for channa!

Django posted:
Nehru posted:

She would spit on Django and others like him if she gets near to them!!!!

Bhai,i would put that Minister in place,Django is toughie.

That's who you support, Dunce for Minister of EDUCATION. Maybe it's another form of ethnic cleansing., no need to know of other races.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

She would spit on Django and others like him if she gets near to them!!!!

Bhai,i would put that Minister in place,Django is toughie.

Nah, you WILLN'T put her in her place and risk your paycheck.  

You also heard about his PNC Posting Bonus.

kp posted:
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

She would spit on Django and others like him if she gets near to them!!!!

Bhai,i would put that Minister in place,Django is toughie.

Nah, you WILLN'T put her in her place and risk your paycheck.  

You also heard about his PNC Posting Bonus.

I heard they had to lay off 2,000 sugar workers to finance his posting bonus!

Bibi Haniffa
Django posted:

 Minister Nicolette Henry is out of line,need serious introspection.

Guyana is a multicultural society and as Minister of Education should educate herself about the different cultures.

Django, I think that this is something she should have known prior to becoming a minister, or even a high functionary of the ministry of Educatikn which is what she was before becoming a junior minister. (Assuming that the repot is correct)

Bibi Haniffa posted:
kp posted:

You also heard about his PNC Posting Bonus.

I heard they had to lay off 2,000 sugar workers to finance his posting bonus!

What kind of stuuupidness yuh deh pun ?

Last edited by Django

Nicholette Henry is right in every sense to say those words publicly. If Moses can denied he is not Indian, Nicholette Henry is right to say she is not chatree to understand the difference between Phagwah and Diwali. Guyana is in pro Afro mode and the aim is to suppress the Indians under Granger's government. Granger set the racial examples for his ministries to follow. Please don't expect apologies from Indians or Afros in the PNC government. Once again, Indians are paying for their ignorance to put Granger in power.

Cobra posted:

Nicholette Henry is right in every sense to say those words publicly. If Moses can denied he is not Indian, Nicholette Henry is right to say she is not chatree to understand the difference between Phagwah and Diwali. Guyana is in pro Afro mode and the aim is to suppress the Indians under Granger's government. Granger set the racial examples for his ministries to follow. Please don't expect apologies from Indians or Afros in the PNC government. Once again, Indians are paying for their ignorance to put Granger in power.

no u wrong the indians is to be blame for being silent when the ppp was being corrupt if they did speak up and keep the ppp in line the country will be having a better government a more inclusive government 

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Django posted:
Nehru posted:

She would spit on Django and others like him if she gets near to them!!!!

Bhai,i would put that Minister in place,Django is toughie.

Nah, you WILLN'T put her in her place and risk your paycheck.  

After a long day I can come on GNI for a good laugh. hahahahhahahaha

warrior posted:
Cobra posted:

Nicholette Henry is right in every sense to say those words publicly. If Moses can denied he is not Indian, Nicholette Henry is right to say she is not chatree to understand the difference between Phagwah and Diwali. Guyana is in pro Afro mode and the aim is to suppress the Indians under Granger's government. Granger set the racial examples for his ministries to follow. Please don't expect apologies from Indians or Afros in the PNC government. Once again, Indians are paying for their ignorance to put Granger in power.

no u wrong the indians is to be blame for being silent when the ppp was being corrupt if they did speak up and keep the ppp in line the country will be having a better government a more inclusive government 

Look at this chap, he supported the AFC was was praising and singing the glories of crooks and conmen like Moses.

Moses turned out to be the biggest scamp and Granger's yard dog. He can only bark for Congress Place.

Django posted:
kp posted:

You also heard about his PNC Posting Bonus.

Oww budday wha wrong with you ? what bonus bhai ?

You stupid or what, Granger and boys read GNI, you deserve compensation for your loyal support and postings, many do far less and get paid. If I were you, I settle for a free house lot, or paid vacations or shares in the oil company. but put all jokes aside, Django is the hardest working PNC outside Guyana, I mean, Day and Night.

yuji22 posted:
warrior posted:
Cobra posted:

Nicholette Henry is right in every sense to say those words publicly. If Moses can denied he is not Indian, Nicholette Henry is right to say she is not chatree to understand the difference between Phagwah and Diwali. Guyana is in pro Afro mode and the aim is to suppress the Indians under Granger's government. Granger set the racial examples for his ministries to follow. Please don't expect apologies from Indians or Afros in the PNC government. Once again, Indians are paying for their ignorance to put Granger in power.

no u wrong the indians is to be blame for being silent when the ppp was being corrupt if they did speak up and keep the ppp in line the country will be having a better government a more inclusive government owed the linein this turmoil we se today.

Look at this chap, he supported the AFC was was praising and singing the glories of crooks and conmen like Moses.

Moses turned out to be the biggest scamp and Granger's yard dog. He can only bark for Congress Place.

Dunno what you meant by that post but he is correct. He said the same thing many have also said, they would have preferred a PPP government that toed the line and had the people who backed the PPP been much more vocal and not stand shoulder to shoulder with Ministers of Corruptness, things could have worked out for the better.


Bhai kp,

sorry i can't live on dirty $$,was brought up that way from childhood poor and humble.I will be content with salt and rice,when ever i can't afford my moderate life style. Django got wan lil shack on a piece of prime land bought by his sweat,in the homeland.The seller from the community came and  said to me,I have this property [owned by wealthy folks in their time] for sale,i am not selling anyone but you.That was my first step to moderate life from then on i continue to live by the sweat of my brows,when the days are dull,in a jiffy it becomes bright...Django is gud.

Last edited by Django
cain posted:
yuji22 posted:
warrior posted:
Cobra posted:

Nicholette Henry is right in every sense to say those words publicly. If Moses can denied he is not Indian, Nicholette Henry is right to say she is not chatree to understand the difference between Phagwah and Diwali. Guyana is in pro Afro mode and the aim is to suppress the Indians under Granger's government. Granger set the racial examples for his ministries to follow. Please don't expect apologies from Indians or Afros in the PNC government. Once again, Indians are paying for their ignorance to put Granger in power.

no u wrong the indians is to be blame for being silent when the ppp was being corrupt if they did speak up and keep the ppp in line the country will be having a better government a more inclusive government owed the linein this turmoil we se today.

Look at this chap, he supported the AFC was was praising and singing the glories of crooks and conmen like Moses.

Moses turned out to be the biggest scamp and Granger's yard dog. He can only bark for Congress Place.

Dunno what you meant by that post but he is correct. He said the same thing many have also said, they would have preferred a PPP government that toed the line and had the people who backed the PPP been much more vocal and not stand shoulder to shoulder with Ministers of Corruptness, things could have worked out for the better.

That is why change is an ongoing process, it takes patience and time. To be fair, there were claims of corruption but the AFC/PNC cannot prove many of their claims. They lied to the people to get into office and became 1000 time worse than the PPP.

Guyanese now have a monster 100 times bigger than the PPP and all because of the AFC towing the PNC line. They (AFC) have no Ball* to stand up for the people. AFC leaders hijacked the party and are just filling their pockets.

It is downhill form here, I will not be surprised if we see a mass uprising sometime down the road. A hungry man is an angry man. Guyana is royally screwed.


Last edited by Former Member
Nehru posted:

Imagine she said that in Parliament NOT at her usual  daily behind the door Indian bashing!!!


BLOODY RACIST PIG!!! oink oink

She is not a racist. 

Ppl fail to realize that other than the Indians, no one else cares to be familiar with their customs and holidays.

The lady just proved that it is a useless dream for a cohesive Guyanese society. Mostly it is corrosive.  

It is a test of wills and blacks will not 100% subscribe to Indianess nor do Indians subscribe to Mashramani.

Too much emphasis on ethnicity. Just get on and do right for the country and leh everybody enjoy it their own way.


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