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Former Member

The racist tactics of the APNU/AFC regime

Dear Editor,
The APNU+AFC regime has clearly displayed their racist policies in their attitude towards the Indo-Guyanese and Amerindian population of our country.
One of the first moves the regime made when they took office was to commence mass dismissals of persons of these ethnic groups from the public service.
The discrimination, especially against Indo-Guyanese, has continued, particularly at the level of the state corporations, including GuySuCo and the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA), among others.
Indo-Guyanese now live in a state of great apprehension, wondering what next the regime will use to victimise them because of their race.
The situation in the sugar and rice industries is also a demonstration of the racist tactics being practised by the regime.
However, they reserve some of their vilest attacks for the Afro-Guyanese supporters of the PPP/C.
Kwame Mc Coy is one such victim who is hated/despised by the regime because he is a strident supporter/activist of the PPP/C. This makes him enemy number one for them.
During the 2015 elections, Kwame was seriously injured by ardent supporters of the APNU+AFC; his suffered a broken nose and was hospitalised for several days.
The regime has also brought trumped-up charges against him. In the early days of its assumption to office, Mc Coy was arrested on a fake murder charge and forced to endure several days in prison under horrific conditions. He was also dragged before the court shackled in chains.
Now again, the regime has resurrected another case. This time involving Mark Benschop, a known political provocateur, stating that Kwame damaged his (Benschop’s) property, etc.
This incident occurred more than five years ago.
The most troubling occurrence is that the political directorate is using the police to harass their opponents.
Mc Coy, in a statement issued to the press, pointed out that three eyewitnesses testified that he was not present when the alleged incident involving Benschop’s vehicle being damaged occurred.
The police refused to place those eyewitness’ statements in Mc Coy’s file before it was sent for review. The only purpose for this act was to ensure that Kwame was charged and placed in the lockups.
This could be seen as an act to punish and humiliate him because of his being a PPP/C supporter/activist. .
Mc Coy’s continued harassment is not an isolated case; it is a continuation of racist policy of the regime and which has clearly and openly shown their intolerance to criticisms levelled against them.
Recently, the regime cancelled the leases that were granted to some thirty Afro-Guyanese farmers in the West Berbice area. These lands were state lands which the former PPP/C administration leased to landless farmers and those already cultivating land, but were being exploited by persons claiming to be members of a co-op.
The ‘co-op’ was investigated and it was recommended that it should be disbanded. This entity was controlled by a little clique of known PNC/APNU members.
The cancellation of these farmers’ leases was another vindictive act designed to ‘teach’ a lesson to Afro-Guyanese people not to support and/or work with the PPP/C.
As can be gleaned from the above, the persons who were granted leases to farm the land are poor farmers, who badly need the income gained from their crop to support themselves and their families.
The regime obviously intends to punish these farmers or force them to humiliate themselves by begging pardon of the PNC big shots.
These acts of victimisation and racism have clearly shown that the PNC has not changed their ‘leopard spots.’
They not only discriminate against Indo-Guyanese, but also against Afro-Guyanese who dare show an iota of independence and action.
This will only bring our country to economic and political disrepute in the eyes of the rest of the world.

Donald Ramotar

Replies sorted oldest to newest

asj posted:
RiffRaff posted:

This fella used to be Pres?

Yes, that is why I copied his letter to the Guyana Public, as being Presi, he might be knowing more than I do. 

That's saying something about your intelligence. Surely nobody could possibly be more stupid than Ramotar? Even Alexei made more money out of the PPP years in power then he ever did. And what is his legacy? A lame duck president. Literally.

kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:

he is an idiot and this letter just conforms it

Someone speaks the truth , he is an idiot and a racist. That Idiot was the President of Guyana, what are you??

I don't think that being president of Guyana is a badge of honour.

kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:

he is an idiot and this letter just conforms it

Someone speaks the truth , he is an idiot and a racist. That Idiot was the President of Guyana, what are you??

Burnham was also Pres of Guyana....

Like I said, that is an idiotic letter


Ramotar speaking the truth? Haha. Kwame and his goons attacked Benschop and damaged his vehicle. He did the same to Freddie Kissoon with a bucket of shit on his head. These men were exposing the wicked deeds of the PPP regime so they came under attack from PPP hired thugs. The PPP protected Kwame from prosecution and now he has to face Justice. The PPP also protected Kwame when he was fooling around with underage boys. They didn't only protect him but also appointed him to be a Commissioner for the Rights of Children. Evil needs to be confronted and Ramotar can talk all the fraff he wants. He was an accessory to the wicked deeds by protecting the thugs.

kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:

he is an idiot and this letter just conforms it

Someone speaks the truth , he is an idiot and a racist. That Idiot was the President of Guyana, what are you??

He screams APNU is racist and then cites the issues of a thug named Kwame McCoy. When Kwame attacked people in the 2011 elections was he charged?

We saw pictures of Kwame leaving the polling station inscathed, and in fact he was rescued by Granger.  He subsequently was shown beaten up. Ramotar must explain at what stage he was attacked, because it was NOT at the polling station.

Vish M posted:

There is a high Level of "Blindness" on this forum

Why don't you state exactly what you mean. Who is blind, and blind to what.  And why don't you discuss APNU racism within the context of PPP racism.  

In addition the fact that Ramotar builds his case around a goon like Kwame just shows how weak his case is.  What did McCoy do that was independent.  The man is a savage storm trooper for the PPP.

skeldon_man posted:
RiffRaff posted:

he is an idiot and this letter just conforms it

Like all PNC supporters, the truth kills.

The racist AFC/PNC idiots for Politicians are poised to destroy Guyana.

They are doing what Burnham did, they are destroying the Goose the lays the golden egg, twice !

To date, they have not even built  TOILET and Guyana is now a crime haven. 

Last edited by Former Member
yuji22 posted:
Vish M posted:

There is a high Level of "Blindness" on this forum


Instead of attempting to address the problems, they are still backing a bunch of dunces.

What problems did Jagdeo correct.  Millions spent on a road, and no road because they gave it to a man whose only qualification was that he was Indian?

What of Marriott?  Where is the private investor that they insisted existed, as the project was so lucrative.

Or Skeldon factory, which has only succeeded in bringing Guysuco to bankruptcy.

Or the Providence stadium, which was to generate foreign exchange, but instead only replaced Thirst Park.

Or Buddies, which was supposed to make Guyana into a major casino destination, competing against St Maarten!

caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:
Vish M posted:

There is a high Level of "Blindness" on this forum


Instead of attempting to address the problems, they are still backing a bunch of dunces.

What problems did Jagdeo correct.  Millions spent on a road, and no road because they gave it to a man whose only qualification was that he was Indian?

What of Marriott?  Where is the private investor that they insisted existed, as the project was so lucrative.

Or Skeldon factory, which has only succeeded in bringing Guysuco to bankruptcy.

Or the Providence stadium, which was to generate foreign exchange, but instead only replaced Thirst Park.

Or Buddies, which was supposed to make Guyana into a major casino destination, competing against St Maarten!

Caribj, you are clueless.  If you do reflect the brain thrust of the PNC, Guyana headed back to the abyss!!

Mr.T posted:
kp posted:
RiffRaff posted:

he is an idiot and this letter just conforms it

Someone speaks the truth , he is an idiot and a racist. That Idiot was the President of Guyana, what are you??

I don't think that being president of Guyana is a badge of honour.

This may be correct, Granger the Jackass is now in charge. 


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