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The Real Reason For the Coalition’s Defeat at the Poles

Permit me the opportunity to voice my opinion regarding this election impass that’s being created by the APNU+AFC cabal, with support from the Chief Elections Officer of GECOM.
In stating this I must commend the GCCI for their public statement concerning the Chamber’s loss of confidence in the Chief Elections Officer of GECOM.
My fellow Guyanese more so supporters of the APNU+AFC it should come as no surprise that the lawful recount observed by the Caricom team shows that the PPP/C amassed the majority of the votes at the March 02 elections.
The PPP/C gained in excess of 15,000 votes more than the APNU+AFC and it’s not because of the deceitful narrative that the APNU+AFC is peddling. It’s actually because for the past 5 years what Guyana has witness is tantamount to failed governance, the country has witness crass leadership and poor policies in vital sectors of the economy.
For the most part the now caretaker government made life more difficult for the ordinary Guyanese while enriching themselves and living their version of the good life.
They are also guilty of the same misdeeds they accused the PPP/C of, the only difference is that the APNU+AFC was and is more transparent in their effort to pilfer the country’s resources for their own benefit, just take a look at the lop-sided contract they signed with the oil companies and their most recent effort to sign away prime state lands and the procurement of movable assets at prices way above market value.
Additionally, there are a number of cases where key positions were filled with questionable characters who don’t have the requisite qualifications nor experience, while this now illegitimate caretaker government sought to brandish experienced and capable patriots as not being fit and proper to hold certain positions for the mere fact that they know they wouldn’t be able to influence these capable patriots.
So my fellow Guyanese don’t be deceived by these morally corrupt leaders of the APNU+AFC, I can assure you just as all the other international organizations that observed these elections on March 02, would have alluded, the elections were fair and credible, and the figures of the recount is a true reflection of the will of the Guyanese people and it shouldn’t come as a surprise for these failed leaders within the APNU+AFC regime either, since its a culmination of their failure to govern effectively as well as their lack of leadership and greed which has resulted in the Guyanese people losing confidence in their ability to govern effectively and consequently they were fired from office on March 02, 2020.
As eloquently stated by one prominent AFC leader, “the people never elected us to remain in office forever.”
The APNU+AFC coalition came into power on a high and many people including myself who had voted for them in 2015 had expected more of them.
I can safely say that the majority of Guyanese who voted for the APNU+AFC in 2015 never voted for them to go into office and increase their pay within their first 3 months on the job, while the nation’s teachers, nurses, Joint Services and the rest of the public service were made to wait for a measly increase at the end of the year which the Minister of Finance had to dwell about as if he was doing these public servants a favour.
Not to mention the widening of VAT bracket and the removal of subsidies on water and electricity for our pensioners.
These act by the coalition government set the stage for the host of other misdeeds which followed, including the D’Urban Park Project which initially started with private donations but ended in the wastage of hundreds of millions of public funds, which still can’t be accounted for.
I never voted for these acts when I voted for the coalition in 2015, so just as how they lost my vote they lost the votes of thousands of other Guyanese due to their actions and incompetence nothing else.
So my fellow Guyanese now is not the time to be deceived by these self serving leaders of the APNU+AFC, it is a time for all to come together and work towards the betterment of this dear land of ours.
Ronley Kendall

Source - https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...poles/#disqus_thread

Replies sorted oldest to newest

@Mitwah posted:

KP, where is the link to your post?

Listen young man, I am kind enough to read the News Papers and search for pertinent articles to post on the FORUM, as Mr Dave says, click on the Editorial or you can call Mr Ronley Kendall.

 Tell me , what have you contributed to Mr Django's Forum TODAY, other than COMPLAINING.

@kp posted:

Listen young man, I am kind enough to read the News Papers and search for pertinent articles to post on the FORUM, as Mr Dave says, click on the Editorial or you can call Mr Ronley Kendall.

 Tell me , what have you contributed to Mr Django's Forum TODAY, other than COMPLAINING.

It's simple. Give the URL. Clicking on Editorial does not necessarily take you to the article at all times. 



The reasons APNC lost.

1. Honoring that evil Hamilton Greene.

2. Honoring an American court convicted terrorist.

3. Perceived being soft on dangerous hardened criminals instead of gunning them out of existence to save innocent Guyanese.

4. Rewriting history as if Guyanese people are stupid.

5. Leaving the sugar workers to starve with no system of relief.

6. Inability to build large projects like swimming pools, large hotels and stadiums.

7. Again taking loans from international institutions and behaving as if they are grants and gifts instead of money to be paid back with interest.

Last edited by Prashad
@kp posted:

Listen young man, I am kind enough to read the News Papers and search for pertinent articles to post on the FORUM, as Mr Dave says, click on the Editorial or you can call Mr Ronley Kendall.

 Tell me , what have you contributed to Mr Django's Forum TODAY, other than COMPLAINING.

Like dis is you personal forum and you can make you own rules.

The rules states, post a link with all articles at the same time, not a link to an editorial. Why don't you get you buddy to show you how to post sources.  

Last edited by Tola
@Tola posted:

Like dis is you personal forum and you can make you own rules.

The rules states, post a link with all articles at the same time, not a link to an editorial. Why don't you get you buddy to show you how to post sources.  

Are you hard of hearing, MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!!

 Go and wash some film. Have you found a cure for SUICIDE?

@Mitwah posted:

Are you suicidal because the PPP lost?

The two of you like Batty and Poe, ayuh playing "want to be Moderator".

 Ask yourselves, what have you post here recently?   NOTHING, Two lowlifers just picking at posters. MIND AYUH DAMN BUSINESS.

@kp posted:

Are you hard of hearing, MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS!!

 Go and wash some film. Have you found a cure for SUICIDE?

Typical kp, when he runs out of proper words to use.  Do you understand what it means by PUBLIC FORUM ? 


Editorial 2 Comments

Click on the 2 takes one to the article with the http:// ... reference.

However, it is always preferred to also use the http:// ....

Important is that all articles must have the reference source.

@Prashad posted:

Mits how is the dead house singing job business these days. It looks like covid 19 giving you lots of free time at home because people relatives cancel wakes?

Mits sang at your wake. Like you missed it.

@kp posted:

The two of you like Batty and Poe, ayuh playing "want to be Moderator".

 Ask yourselves, what have you post here recently?   NOTHING, Two lowlifers just picking at posters. MIND AYUH DAMN BUSINESS.

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