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Keyr yuh rass. Coolie racial = 23 years. Blackman racial = 28 + 5. De two kind racialism diffient. Jagdoe does pay blackman foh support while he mek heself and wan haanful rich. Blackman racialism bad and woss because dem doan have to pay coolie. Dem get de army pon dem side. Racialism all over de place...hey hey hey...gurl Petul keyr yuh rass 

Last edited by Former Member

I honestly believe we should look at what racism has done to all of us in Guyana and here in America. If we don't make a conscious effort to change our behavior towards others, we will endure a life long war to coexist. There is space for all of us. Every person on earth is a creation of God (if you believe in creation). Everything we write on GNI, people read it all over the world. When Ray started "We Deh Pun Top" it might sound funny and give others a laugh, but in reality, it not funny when the little things you say have a big meaning in people's lives. So, please, let do the right thing for the right reason. 


@Ramakant-P posted:

Racism is a state of mind. It only exists if you want it to.  And it appears to me that you are hell bent in trying make it a happening.     

Shame on you..

De gyal making a valid point, why not having a civil conversation instead of knocking her down.  Alyu rass always want to feel superior. Must be a Brahmin trait Guyana.  

Last edited by Tola
@Ramakant-P posted:

Racism is a state of mind. It only exists if you want it to.  And it appears to me that you are hell bent in trying make it a happening.     

Shame on you..

When a policeman kneel on you neck for eight minutes or blow out your brains on Regent street, shout 'RACISM IS A STATE OF MIND AND IT ONLY EXIST IN MY MIND. THIS IS NOT FOR REAL'.  

@Totaram posted:

It's not the rebirth of coolie racism because their racism didn't die.  IndoGuyanese have got to be one of the most degenerate ethnic groups in the world.  The funny thing is that the most racist among them are not very bright.  It is very embarrassing.  Shameless!

And many on GNI feel they have more intelligence and wisdom then any other. Shameless !!

@Totaram posted:

It's not the rebirth of coolie racism because their racism didn't die.  IndoGuyanese have got to be one of the most degenerate ethnic groups in the world.  The funny thing is that the most racist among them are not very bright.  It is very embarrassing.  Shameless!

Hey hey hey...hear dis black bai KKK one lover. Social cogeasion lover...hey hey hey. Ayoo discriminate coolie more in 5 year...coolie give ayoo dem vote in 2011 and 2015 and yuh black bai KKK still believe dem racial? Hey hey hey...yuh doan see dem brooklin bais doing dem black bai KKK pon guyana Indos and coolies...hey hey hey. Wickham seh blame Granja foh lose de eleckshun. Doan blame coolies...hey hey hey.

@Former Member posted:

Hey hey hey...hear dis black bai KKK one lover. Social cogeasion lover...hey hey hey. Ayoo discriminate coolie more in 5 year...coolie give ayoo dem vote in 2011 and 2015 and yuh black bai KKK still believe dem racial? Hey hey hey...yuh doan see dem brooklin bais doing dem black bai KKK pon guyana Indos and coolies...hey hey hey. Wickham seh blame Granja foh lose de eleckshun. Doan blame coolies...hey hey hey.

Can't decipher your writing--sorry.

@Former Member posted:

Totaram is a Black racist. I read his shit but decided not to respond.

Blacks have a lot of racism and prejudice wrapped in them but get away playing the victim card. 

Black of Guyana are a racist bunch. And that’s from top to bottom.  In fact, educated ones are fill with hate and racism.

If you think so ,what can one say about your posts.

Last edited by Django
@Former Member posted:

I honestly believe we should look at what racism has done to all of us in Guyana and here in America. If we don't make a conscious effort to change our behavior towards others, we will endure a life long war to coexist. There is space for all of us. Every person on earth is a creation of God (if you believe in creation). Everything we write on GNI, people read it all over the world. When Ray started "We Deh Pun Top" it might sound funny and give others a laugh, but in reality, it not funny when the little things you say have a big meaning in people's lives. So, please, let do the right thing for the right reason. 


You are better off spending your time discussing how to solve the problem....not waste your time, and others, exploring what racism has done to Guyanese. Everyone knows Guyana has a race problem...including a knucklehead like Mitwah

@Totaram posted:

It's not the rebirth of coolie racism because their racism didn't die.  IndoGuyanese have got to be one of the most degenerate ethnic groups in the world.  The funny thing is that the most racist among them are not very bright.  It is very embarrassing.  Shameless!

Knucklehead...either YOU are an anti-Indian racist or a fool...or you could be a self-hating Indian. 

Aside from the fact that the use of the word "coolie" is derogatory by itself, where do you get off saying that "IndoGuyanese have got to be one of the most degenerate ethnic groups in the world"? This is a meaningless statement. Its like me saying that everyone whose name start with a "T" are get the drift?

So I ask you:

What exactly does that mean?

Where is the evidence for this vile observation of yours... social media, GNI, conversation with your Indian friends, its in your head, ...?

How did you measure this level of degeneracy?

The truth is you dont understand what the word actually means, ergo, spilling your nonsense here.

@Former Member posted:

Bai wid out worm abie cyant get bora, baji, wiri wiri pehhah, tigah teeth pepah, okra, kathar and all dem good tings. Works is wan great creature. Yuh try to be betta dan dem worm. Doan be wan black bai KKK...hey hey hey.

Bai Labba, me plant plenty wiri wiri pappah plants, dem lil aroma kine(12). Wen dem bear, me can send you some fuh ou peppah sauce.


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