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Former Member

The recent lapse of the AFC is small potatoes

September 23, 2013 · By Staff Writer



Dear Editor,

I am not a member of the AFC, but I support the idea of the third force. Since the formation of this party and especially since the November 2011 elections we have witnessed the importance of this force. One must have no illusion; the situation in parliament today, the effectiveness of the majority opposition are direct rewards of the third force. Without that force the political landscape of Guyana today would be difficult to contemplate. Simply put, the third force has contributed immensely to putting pressure on the brake pedal of the runaway train. So all those who are trying to take advantage of the present parliamentary gifts should never forget that if it was up to them alone this situation would never have come about. So ‘dissing’ the third force is absolutely sacrilegious.

Without the third force what would we have today? We will technically have PPP 1 and PPP 2 in eternal competition and in-fighting, which stretches back to the 1950s. What we will basically have is the two main political parties having the population just where they want us ‒ it is either we or them. And if we should look back at our history we will realize that one came out of the other. They are basically part one and two.

I was of the impression that the majority of persons who latched on to the AFC over the years did so because they understood the third force concept. I thought they were totally dedicated to the cause and the potential change possible while appreciating the gains it has enabled thus far. So when I see persons jumping ship because of a little shortsightedness on the part of the leadership I come to the conclusion that these persons have no good intentions and may have been in it for the wrong reasons and are thus seeking positions elsewhere for self aggrandisement.

After twenty-eight years of the PNC and twenty-one of the incumbent, for the life of me I cannot see anything within the AFC that could cause the behaviour and deep concern of so-called members, as expressed in the press , which are un-reconcilable. What is within the organization, which is relatively young, that is much more grave than what the Guyanese people have endured for forty-nine years? What is so ghastly that so-called members cannot wait until the next major conference or congress to fix?

All I can say is that these persons have fallen victim to those anxious to quell the third force. That they can be so gullible is an indication that they were never about country in the first place. In the future, I would suggest potential members state in writing their reason for joining a political party.

Also, why do persons continue to try to crucify the Hughes’s for their association with Sithe Global? Why is it I cannot see any conflict of interest? Why is it that so many are bent on not separating the structure of the Amalia hydro project from Sithe the part investor. Why are persons blaming Sithe and by extension the Hughes’s and not the government for the potentially ill use of taxpayers money? What is the agenda and who benefits from this?

My case is this. Sithe is a business, an investor. Business people look for the best deals. If you think that the deal they were getting is bad and a ‘give away’ don’t blame them. Blame the negotiators. (Remember GT&T, Omai & Barama) Secondly, any international business with the intent of doing business in Guyana will have to register locally and establish an office. A shrewd business would seek out the best attorneys in Guyana, to be on their side and represent their interest. In a small marketplace like Guyana one would agree that Nigel Hughes is one of the best. He will most likely be getting most of the major hits. To all the naysayers I say, put yourself in the place of the investor. If it was your money or interest on the line, what would you do?

The AFC was on the wrong side of the Amaila project in parliament. APNU got it right. This project as it was structured would have been bad for Guyana and extremely good for Sithe. What really caused the AFC to side with government on this worrisome vote may come out in time. Some make the wild claim it was to support the Hughes’ interest in Sithe. Even if that is true the vote did not affect the right outcome in parliament. And if that kind of strategy is bad I invite you to the American parliament. Parliamentarians often vote against their beliefs just to be on the right side of the people who elect them or vice versa.

Regardless, after all, the concept of the third force is paramount. People who believe in the third force ‒ wake up. Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Do not fall prey to those are excited about the failure of the third force. Remain focused. The recent lapse of the AFC is actually some really small potatoes.

Yours faithfully, F Skinner

Replies sorted oldest to newest

~~~~~That they can be so gullible is an indication that they were never about country in the first place. In the future, I would suggest potential members state in writing their reason for joining a political party.~~~~~



Haha, not gullible, merely disgruntled, lack of morals, and shameless.


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Originally Posted by TI:

~~~~~That they can be so gullible is an indication that they were never about country in the first place. In the future, I would suggest potential members state in writing their reason for joining a political party.~~~~~



Haha, not gullible, merely disgruntled, lack of morals, and shameless.


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I did not Judge TK .....

and I do not believe he is a swinger

like...... "De Kwame Type"

lack of morals, and shameless....etc

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Damage control by the pedophile gang led by mitjuanita and co chaired by jaliki whose job is to scour the internet for lil bais and present to his master mjuanita. ahahahaha

Big Seed yuh scratching early...
Like....Dem Crab Louse....

hunting fuh Breakfast....


Bhai wa mi gon say

to a man with a Big Goordeee

with Brains de size of a Crab Louse...


What can I say?


Ok...If yuh count all dem Crabs...

yuh got wan army round yuh seed...

pon de base...

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Damage control by the pedophile gang led by mitjuanita and co chaired by jaliki whose job is to scour the internet for lil bais and present to his master mjuanita. ahahahaha


The AFC is finished. They have proven to be the most corrupt, rotten and stinking party that eventually imploded. Their members could not fight corruption within their own party so they now jump ship leaving the AFC to rot and the stench is unbearable since the party is rotten at it's very core.


Comments from SN Blog:


Mr Emile Mervin: "

Skinner, you did well making your case for the AFC up until you came to the Hughes-Sithe Global-Amalia debacle, on the one hand and the AFC parliamentary vote against and then for Amalia.

We already knew of Cathy's controversial role as a hired PR person for Synergy, later renamed Amalia Inc., even as the AFC was part of the growing choir than sang lustily against the way in which government was proceeding in secrecy with the project. But it was not until AFTER the AFC, with APNU, voted AGAINST Amalia that we learned of Nigel's association with Amalia.

The nation was already having a problem with the project's financial structure, not its physical architecture, and so when the AFC voted 'no' and Nigel's relationship with Amalia became public and the AFC went back and voted 'yes', the AFC provided potatoes, maybe not big, but bountiful enough for the public to make French fries, mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, potato pies, potato balls. We are 'potatoed' out!

As an AFC backer since its launch in 2005, I harbor no illusion that the AFC bungled the Hughes' role in this project, but while APNU has made it easy for me to move on from it, I am unable to move on from the AFCs agreement with the PPP for an 8-member Local Government Commission.

In fact, I want to see how the AFC will go forward with this exercise that is supposed to produce LG elections, and of which the PPP is deathly scared . We are talking back-to-back blunders here, but I am still hopeful for the a viable third force."



F_Skinner: "

You guys amaze me. Maybe you guys are too decent to play the political game. When did this news break? I'll tell you. It was after Nigel successfully defended the Lusignan accused. The press knew about the Hughes all the time. Thosde who did this were angry that he won the case. Think about that. That was Nigel's blunder. Not no conflict of interest. And as a potential investor, I would most likely hire Nigel to represent my interest in Guyana. He is one of the best. The people ranting about the money are just jealous. There was no conflict of interest. Guyana/Georgetown is too small and complicated a market place to really enforce this concept."


Saint Burnham: "

There were many persons who used to say that the autocratic moves Jagdeo were making and their initial forays into corrupt actions and thievery were also small potatoes.

As Guyanese we have to learn to stop making the same mistake over and over again."


T_Khemraj: "A third force in a bi-communal society such as Guyana is facing the universal logic of the prisoners' dilemma. In that case the leaders of the third force have an uphill battle. They must be sincere about wanting to build a mass party. They must be full time and not part-time leaders. Dr Jagan was full time. Mr Burnham was full time. The second factor making the logic of the third force less logical is the changing demographic structure of the population. We can have regular democratic turnover similar to Trinidad as we simultaneously try to change this constitution. There must be leadership certainty at the top. The party must operate with structures that convince people that it can not only win an election, but also govern."


Guyana's courts are racially biased. Afros charged for murdering Indos always go free on some flimsy excuse.  The magistrates and judges are mostly PNC hawks who allow criminals to go free. This only encourages crime and harms the economy.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Guyana's courts are racially biased. Afros charged for murdering Indos always go free on some flimsy excuse.  The magistrates and judges are mostly PNC hawks who allow criminals to go free. This only encourages crime and harms the economy.

you need help


Regardless, after all, the concept of the third force is paramount. People who believe in the third force ‒ wake up. Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Do not fall prey to those are excited about the failure of the third force. Remain focused. The recent lapse of the AFC is actually some really small potatoes.

Yours faithfully, F Skinner

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Regardless, after all, the concept of the third force is paramount. People who believe in the third force ‒ wake up. Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Do not fall prey to those are excited about the failure of the third force. Remain focused. The recent lapse of the AFC is actually some really small potatoes.

Yours faithfully, F Skinner

So this means that you aint jumping ship to follow your guru TK?


Without the third force what would we have today? We will technically have PPP 1 and PPP 2 in eternal competition and in-fighting, which stretches back to the 1950s. What we will basically have is the two main political parties having the population just where they want us ‒ it is either we or them. And if we should look back at our history we will realize that one came out of the other. They are basically part one and two.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Without the third force what would we have today? We will technically have PPP 1 and PPP 2 in eternal competition and in-fighting, which stretches back to the 1950s. What we will basically have is the two main political parties having the population just where they want us ‒ it is either we or them. And if we should look back at our history we will realize that one came out of the other. They are basically part one and two.

I dont think people arguing with that. I think people want to know why TK, the patriot went backwards to the old order PNC?  

If the man had gone back to the PPP, he would have been crucified and have to change his name to JC.


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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Quack Warrior,


Hopes is fading fast for the AFC as its lifeline is being cut. No amount of help can save this party from going the way of the do-do bird.

Don't get hopeful. Mr Nagamootoo will guarantee the AFC 5 seats. APNU will win the election. 

Originally Posted by Observer:

Mitwala is staying with the AFC to the bitter end.    

Mitwala is one of the insider nepos responsible for the demise of the AFC, so he feel obliged to keep playing as the ship goes down.

Originally Posted by TI:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Without the third force what would we have today? We will technically have PPP 1 and PPP 2 in eternal competition and in-fighting, which stretches back to the 1950s. What we will basically have is the two main political parties having the population just where they want us ‒ it is either we or them. And if we should look back at our history we will realize that one came out of the other. They are basically part one and two.

I dont think people arguing with that. I think people want to know why TK, the patriot went backwards to the old order PNC?  

If the man had gone back to the PPP, he would have been crucified and have to change his name to JC.


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Anyone who traverse from Ravi Dev to the PNC says a lot about their moral conviction and compass.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Mitwala is staying with the AFC to the bitter end.    

Mitwala is one of the insider nepos responsible for the demise of the AFC, so he feel obliged to keep playing as the ship goes down.

This could be a trick.  As he's playing to maintain calmness, and frantic passengers are scrambling to get on lifeboats, he finally wises up and jumps ship to be with his god, TK.  

Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Mitwala is staying with the AFC to the bitter end.    

Mitwala is one of the insider nepos responsible for the demise of the AFC, so he feel obliged to keep playing as the ship goes down.

This could be a trick.  As he's playing to maintain calmness, and frantic passengers are scrambling to get on lifeboats, he finally wises up and jumps ship to be with his god, TK.  

Mitwah is still reeling from the TK shock. He never expected this from TK. If Mitwah jump ship and joins TK then he will have to pooja Burnham on orders from Granger. Mitwah and TK can't speak of the PNC rigging the elections because the PNC and Granger won't allow it. They would have to toe the line. So come on Mitwah make up your mind, son.  

Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Mitwala is staying with the AFC to the bitter end.    

Mitwala is one of the insider nepos responsible for the demise of the AFC, so he feel obliged to keep playing as the ship goes down.

This could be a trick.  As he's playing to maintain calmness, and frantic passengers are scrambling to get on lifeboats, he finally wises up and jumps ship to be with his god, TK.  

Mitwah is still reeling from the TK shock. He never expected this from TK. If Mitwah jump ship and joins TK then he will have to pooja Burnham on orders from Granger. Mitwah and TK can't speak of the PNC rigging the elections because the PNC and Granger won't allow it. They would have to toe the line. So come on Mitwah make up your mind, son.  


Why should Mitwah be reeling? His party is guaranteed 5 seats. APNU will win the next election. The PPP is the biggest election riggers since  Mr Balram Singh Rai.   

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Ronald Sugrim:
Originally Posted by Observer:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Observer:

Mitwala is staying with the AFC to the bitter end.    

Mitwala is one of the insider nepos responsible for the demise of the AFC, so he feel obliged to keep playing as the ship goes down.

This could be a trick.  As he's playing to maintain calmness, and frantic passengers are scrambling to get on lifeboats, he finally wises up and jumps ship to be with his god, TK.  

Mitwah is still reeling from the TK shock. He never expected this from TK. If Mitwah jump ship and joins TK then he will have to pooja Burnham on orders from Granger. Mitwah and TK can't speak of the PNC rigging the elections because the PNC and Granger won't allow it. They would have to toe the line. So come on Mitwah make up your mind, son.  


Why should Mitwah be reeling? His party is guaranteed 5 seats. APNU will win the next election. The PPP is the biggest election riggers since  Mr Balram Singh Rai.   

The PPP is the 'biggest election riggers?' You probably never heard of Burnham or Hoyte. You might try but you can't rewrite the rigging of the PNC. Go back and look at those documentaries on the 'making of a Prime Minister' by Granada Television.


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