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August 13,2021


Dear Editor,

I wish to commend the police force for the very fast progress they made and are making in solving the big Kitty gold and cash heist recently. This is really good police work and demonstrates that our police have the capacity to deal with the crimes. The question is why therefore the many small and medium businesses that were robbed are not getting the same results? Why many poor people who are also victims of crimes often never get their issues solved? Why is it that farmers and gardeners right across this coast who are victims of theft from their farms and from the markets are not given any attention and are often chased away from police stations? Cleary it is the power of money. The rich can commit crimes and are never arrested nor prosecuted. However, when they are the victims of crimes their matters are handled with great dispatch and solved in record time. When will the working people and the poor get the same attention and justice? When will we, the less fortunate have the same services and protection from the public institutions as those with money?

However, I wish to re-iterate my congratulations for the swift way that the robbery that took place in Kitty was solved. Good work!


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@Django posted:

August 13,2021


Dear Editor,

I wish to commend the police force for the very fast progress they made and are making in solving the big Kitty gold and cash heist recently. This is really good police work and demonstrates that our police have the capacity to deal with the crimes. The question is why therefore the many small and medium businesses that were robbed are not getting the same results? Why many poor people who are also victims of crimes often never get their issues solved? Why is it that farmers and gardeners right across this coast who are victims of theft from their farms and from the markets are not given any attention and are often chased away from police stations? Cleary it is the power of money. The rich can commit crimes and are never arrested nor prosecuted. However, when they are the victims of crimes their matters are handled with great dispatch and solved in record time. When will the working people and the poor get the same attention and justice? When will we, the less fortunate have the same services and protection from the public institutions as those with money?

However, I wish to re-iterate my congratulations for the swift way that the robbery that took place in Kitty was solved. Good work!


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When will the working people and the poor get the same attention and justice? When will we, the less fortunate have the same services and protection from the public institutions as those with money?

Where this idiot were all these years, Mars? He has to be from another planet to only now realize the justice in Guyana you received depends on how much fried rice you can give dem hungry belly policeman... hahahahaha [maniacal laughter]

Last edited by sachin_05

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