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Former Member

An election with fewer voters than ballots is fraudulent and manipulated



Dear Editor,


I am going to make this simple for Vishnu Bisram: how in heaven’s name is an election with1,097 voters and 1,599 ballots democratic and electorally fair and just? How is this a free and fair election? How is creating a voter list moments before an election with 1097 voters and 1599 ballots a free and fair election?


When the PNC did exactly this from 1964 to 1992, Vishnu Bisram fought them. When, as he claims, regimes did this in Zimbabwe, Haiti, Trinidad, Central America, Philippines, etc., he fought them. Yet, when the PPP’s 2013 congress election Presiding Officer himself announced to Demerara Waves there were 1097 voters and 1599 ballots at its 2013 internal party congress, Vishnu Bisram adamantly maintains “I have no evidence that there was fraud at the PPP August 2013 Congress…”


1599 ballots for 1097 voters is universally accepted as electoral fraud, because it assaults the fundamental democratic principle of one voter one ballot. No law, rule or policy could counter this fundamental truth.

Creating a voter list just before an election where there are more ballots than voters strongly suggests electoral manipulation. Bisram’s hypocrisy on this issue convinces me that he was never fighting for democracy in Guyana but for the PPP to return to power.


Bisram tells us that “Evidence of fraud at PNC Congress was public knowledge” yet there was no fraud or manipulation with 1097 voters and 1599 ballots in the PPP congress elections. For Bisram’s information, I did acknowledge the democratic failures of the PNC and AFC when I said this “Bisram would not admit to the very evident shenanigans of the PPP 2013 congress elections, but readily tarred and feathered the AFC and PNC for their democratic failures.” (see my letter titled “The PPP continues to fall since 2011”, KN, Sept 16, 2013).
Bisram most deceitfully states about me “He is okay with rigging in the PNC and manipulation of voting within the AFC but is against manipulation of voting at PPP Congress.” This is a callous lie and ludicrous falsity against me. So is his accusation that I suggest it is fine for the AFC to wait a few years before opening its election to the full membership.

I recommend Bisram reads this letter I wrote in Stabroek News “Elites control Guyana’s two major parties” (SN, August 28, 2012). I said this in that letter “The AFC will head down that same road if it does not change its ways.”
Bisram should also read my letter titled “These budget cuts will likely be reversed and we’ll be back to square one” (KN, May 3, 2012) in which I stated “Frankly, Guyanese people are wasting their time voting for the PPP, PNC/APNU and the AFC. They are all the same…. APNU is one of the laziest political parties ever constituted. The AFC tried, but its leadership is a liability.”


I refer Bisram to yet another letter I wrote titled “Institutional building must start from the bottom up” (SN, March 2, 2011) in which I said the following “Dr Khemraj waxes supreme on the institutional building capacity of the AFC and I don’t doubt him, but why is it that the PNC conducted the nation’s first partially open primary process to elect its presidential candidate while the AFC used a milder version of the PPP’s draconian process? Wasn’t the AFC supposed to be the PNC in this regard? Doesn’t institutional building start with the institution that wants to commit the institutional building?


Frankly, if an open primary (partial even) was conducted, the AFC would have gained a large number of fence-sitting votes. I can’t trust men who talk a good talk, because it is men who talk a good talk who talked us into this corner. Is talking of true democracy enough when actions can speak much louder? The AFC will have its congress to ratify Mr Ramjattan and Ms Holder. Why not call a congress in the first place and let Ramjattan and Holder get picked by the wider membership rather than by a small committee which may be stacked with those who are uncritical?


Until significant institutional reform commences at the stage of political parties and how power is obtained at that level, I cannot trust those entities. Even the PNC which made history with its presidential selection process had flaws in its process, namely it was not wide enough and Mr Corbin remains a thorn in terms of the issue of who becomes the Opposition Leader.”
I called for open primaries in March 2011, Bisram is calling for them now. Clearly, in his mind and based on his twisted logic, Bisram has more democratic credentials than Maxwell.


M. Maxwell

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Kaieteur News has corrupted the practice of journalism in Guyana - with its unfair, unbalanced, inaccurate and biased reporting and headlining of the news to satisfy the political agenda of its publisherPDFPrintE-mail
Written by KIT NASCIMENTO, Public Relations Consultant   
Friday, 20 September 2013 22:31


KAIETEUR News today (20th September, 2013) reports on a comprehensive 30- minute power point presentation updating the country on the progress of the Marriott Hotel development at a Press Conference held yesterday (Thursday 19th September, 2013) by Mr. Winston Brassington.
The Kaieteur News claimed in its headline “Moderator limits media on



KIT NASCIMENTO, Public Relations Consultant

a total distortion of what occurred.  It then reports that “moderator Kit Nascimento earlier attempted to limit the number of persons that could represent a media house. When this failed, Nascimento then limited each reporter to two questions”.


What the Kaieteur News deliberately omitted to report is that it has become the practice of the Kaieteur News, led on this occasion by its Editor-in-Chief, Adam Harris, to pack into a press conference or press briefing as many reporters as it can, on this occasion 7, counting Harris, 8, he claimed to be reporting for Prime News. This practice is a wholly unprofessional attempt to monopolize the press conference to the exclusion of other media. It’s a practice which would not be tolerated in any other country respecting the practice of a free press. Any newspaper attempting it would be pilloried by the press association of the country, but apparently not here.

It was my determination not to allow it. Mr. Harris then threatened “to break up the press conference” which is, of course, exactly what he would have liked to have done.

I, therefore, determined to limit each reporter, in the first instance, to one question and a follow-up, before moving to the next reporter, to ensure that Kaieteur News did not monopolise the press conference.

In fact, the first reporter I recognised was from Kaieteur News who asked three questions at one time , each quite different from the other.  He was not, therefore, allowed a follow-up. The second reporter I recognised was Mr. Harris who asked one question and was allowed a follow-up.

Altogether, if I remember correctly, somewhere in the region of 10 questions were asked, five of which were asked between three Kaieteur News reporters, counting Mr. Harris as one of them.

Kaieteur News claims to take pride in unearthing and challenging corruption in our society, but the Kaieteur News, far from doing so, has become part of the problem, in that its unfair, unbalanced, more often than not, inaccurate and, almost always, biased reporting and headlining of the news to satisfy the political agenda of its publisher, has, in fact, corrupted the practice of journalism in our country.

It pains me that its Editor-in-Chief, Adam Harris, long a professional colleague of mine and certainly one of the most experienced journalists in our country, has permitted himself to descend to this level. He knows much better. It pains me too that Mr. Harris, hiding behind the thinly disguised pseudo name of “Dem boys seh”, thinks it’s fine to almost every day libel someone or some organisation, knowing the libel laws of our country to be so inadequately prosecuted, that he can get away with it

As for the Kaieteur News report on Mr. Brassington’s press conference, a casual visitor to Guyana, listening to the full, unedited, broadcast of the press conference, or reading the reports of the three other newspapers and other TV stations present, would wonder whether the Kaieteur News attended the same press conference.

As  has now become the norm, the Kaieteur News went to the press conference, not to present to its readers a fair and balanced report of what was presented, but, instead, to report only  in the context of its own agenda.

I urge the readers of my letter to take the time off to listen to the full broadcast providing the facts on this very critical and, in my view, absolutely essential development of a highly respected and internationally recognised first-class hotel for our country. I understand that the press conference will be broadcast on:

** Channel 6(CNS)
Sunday Sept 22 from 8:30-9:30 PM
Friday Sept 27th from 9:00- 10:00 PM

** Channel 28(TV G)
Sunday Sept 22 from: 9:00-10:00PM
Tuesday Sept 24 from 6:00-7:00 PM

** Channel 65(MTV)
Sunday Sept 22 from 6:30-7:30 PM
Monday Sept 23 from 9:30-10:30PM

** Little Rock Television Station
Sunday Sept 22 from 9:30-10:30PM
Monday Sept 23 from 9:00PM to 10:00PM

** Channel 69 (NTN)
Saturday Sept 21th from 4:30-5:30 PM
Tuesday Sept 24th from 7:00-8:00 PM

** Bartica, Tarzi TV
Sunday Sept 22, from 8:00-9:00PM
Monday Sept 23 from 7:00-8:00 PM

** Channel 9 (HBTV)
Sept 22 from 8-9PM
Sept 24 from 9:15 to 10:15

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Kaieteur News has corrupted the practice of journalism in Guyana - with its unfair, unbalanced, inaccurate and biased reporting and headlining of the news to satisfy the political agenda of its publisherPDFPrintE-mail
Written by KIT NASCIMENTO, Public Relations Consultant   
Friday, 20 September 2013 22:31


KAIETEUR News today (20th September, 2013) reports on a comprehensive 30- minute power point presentation updating the country on the progress of the Marriott Hotel development at a Press Conference held yesterday (Thursday 19th September, 2013) by Mr. Winston Brassington.
The Kaieteur News claimed in its headline “Moderator limits media on



KIT NASCIMENTO, Public Relations Consultant

a total distortion of what occurred.  It then reports that “moderator Kit Nascimento earlier attempted to limit the number of persons that could represent a media house. When this failed, Nascimento then limited each reporter to two questions”.


What the Kaieteur News deliberately omitted to report is that it has become the practice of the Kaieteur News, led on this occasion by its Editor-in-Chief, Adam Harris, to pack into a press conference or press briefing as many reporters as it can, on this occasion 7, counting Harris, 8, he claimed to be reporting for Prime News. This practice is a wholly unprofessional attempt to monopolize the press conference to the exclusion of other media. It’s a practice which would not be tolerated in any other country respecting the practice of a free press. Any newspaper attempting it would be pilloried by the press association of the country, but apparently not here.

It was my determination not to allow it. Mr. Harris then threatened “to break up the press conference” which is, of course, exactly what he would have liked to have done.

I, therefore, determined to limit each reporter, in the first instance, to one question and a follow-up, before moving to the next reporter, to ensure that Kaieteur News did not monopolise the press conference.

In fact, the first reporter I recognised was from Kaieteur News who asked three questions at one time , each quite different from the other.  He was not, therefore, allowed a follow-up. The second reporter I recognised was Mr. Harris who asked one question and was allowed a follow-up.

Altogether, if I remember correctly, somewhere in the region of 10 questions were asked, five of which were asked between three Kaieteur News reporters, counting Mr. Harris as one of them.

Kaieteur News claims to take pride in unearthing and challenging corruption in our society, but the Kaieteur News, far from doing so, has become part of the problem, in that its unfair, unbalanced, more often than not, inaccurate and, almost always, biased reporting and headlining of the news to satisfy the political agenda of its publisher, has, in fact, corrupted the practice of journalism in our country.

It pains me that its Editor-in-Chief, Adam Harris, long a professional colleague of mine and certainly one of the most experienced journalists in our country, has permitted himself to descend to this level. He knows much better. It pains me too that Mr. Harris, hiding behind the thinly disguised pseudo name of “Dem boys seh”, thinks it’s fine to almost every day libel someone or some organisation, knowing the libel laws of our country to be so inadequately prosecuted, that he can get away with it

As for the Kaieteur News report on Mr. Brassington’s press conference, a casual visitor to Guyana, listening to the full, unedited, broadcast of the press conference, or reading the reports of the three other newspapers and other TV stations present, would wonder whether the Kaieteur News attended the same press conference.

As  has now become the norm, the Kaieteur News went to the press conference, not to present to its readers a fair and balanced report of what was presented, but, instead, to report only  in the context of its own agenda.

I urge the readers of my letter to take the time off to listen to the full broadcast providing the facts on this very critical and, in my view, absolutely essential development of a highly respected and internationally recognised first-class hotel for our country. I understand that the press conference will be broadcast on:

** Channel 6(CNS)
Sunday Sept 22 from 8:30-9:30 PM
Friday Sept 27th from 9:00- 10:00 PM

** Channel 28(TV G)
Sunday Sept 22 from: 9:00-10:00PM
Tuesday Sept 24 from 6:00-7:00 PM

** Channel 65(MTV)
Sunday Sept 22 from 6:30-7:30 PM
Monday Sept 23 from 9:30-10:30PM

** Little Rock Television Station
Sunday Sept 22 from 9:30-10:30PM
Monday Sept 23 from 9:00PM to 10:00PM

** Channel 69 (NTN)
Saturday Sept 21th from 4:30-5:30 PM
Tuesday Sept 24th from 7:00-8:00 PM

** Bartica, Tarzi TV
Sunday Sept 22, from 8:00-9:00PM
Monday Sept 23 from 7:00-8:00 PM

** Channel 9 (HBTV)
Sept 22 from 8-9PM
Sept 24 from 9:15 to 10:15

ASS WIPE FUH KEEP GUYANESE BATTY CLEAN. Lall and Harris does also wipe dem Batty with KS.


Kaieteur News has corrupted the practice of journalism in Guyana - with its unfair, unbalanced, inaccurate and biased reporting and headlining of the news to satisfy the political agenda of its publisher. (NOTE: Nah me said this).


How can KN ever report the facts of the 2013 PPP congress when they have a different agenda other than to provide accurate journalism? This newspaper made more apologies for propaganda and misleading reporting. Is JB still seeking an answer? (Go and see there is another apology in today KN).

Cobra & Nehru..Who is this Funny Fella? Let us Hear it from the Boys...

 Cobra and Nehru...Let us hear it.....

Was Kit Nascimento a PNC thiefman & Spin Doctor?

Was Kit Nascimento a PNC Minister?

Did Kit Nascimento help Burnham rig elections?

Did Kit Nascimento hate Cheddi Jagan?

Why Burnham had to get rid of the Cobra called Kit Nascimento?


Last edited by Former Member

Kaieteur News has corrupted the practice of journalism in Guyana - with its unfair, unbalanced, inaccurate and biased reporting and headlining of the news to satisfy the political agenda of its publisher. (NOTE: Nah me said this).


How can KN ever report the facts of the 2013 PPP congress when they have a different agenda other than to provide accurate journalism? This newspaper made more apologies for propaganda and misleading reporting. Is JB still seeking an answer? (Go and see there is another apology in today KN).


Answer the bloody question! That man is somebody mumma man.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Cobra & Nehru..Who is this Funny Fella? Let us Hear it from the Boys...

 Cobra and Nehru...Let us hear it.....

Was Kit Nascimento a PNC thiefman & Spin Doctor?

Was Kit Nascimento a PNC Minister?

Did Kit Nascimento help Burnham rig elections?

Did Kit Nascimento hate Cheddi Jagan?

Why Burnham had to get rid of the Cobra called Kit Nascimento?


And Uncle Ramo gave him a brand new 4X4.


When the delegates leave the PPP Congress nothing will have changed


Posted By Staff Writer On August 1, 2013 @ 5:04 am In Letters | No Comments


Dear Editor,


As the PPP congress comes to a close on Sunday in Port Mourant, the whole assembly will sing  in unison the words, “To keep the red flag flying,” which will be repeated more times than the words, “Oh, beautiful Guyana.” This sums up the mind-set of those who control the PPP today ‒  Keep the red flag flying. Editor, the only red flags flying in Guyana are in front of Hindu residences, because communism and its red flag are dead and gone forever and ever, and the leaders of the PPP do not see it. In political terms, red flags are not what one wants to wave because, as in bullfighting, it only angers the opposition and results in exactly what is happening in Guyana, gridlock and anger in Parliament and no relief for our citizens from the political chaos.


So, Editor, what we are faced with is no change in attitude with their inflexible approach like demoting and severing Ralph Ramkarran who would bring votes to the PPP, while promoting and pushing to the forefront Mr Mustapha, a man who lost votes for the PPP in Berbice.


There is no change when we see Mr Anil Nandilall, our Attorney General, picketing Parliament (of course, wearing a red tie) and sending a message to us which has its own meaning and which only we, the citizens, can understand;  there is no change in the political dissections of the important economic and social matters which face this nation. These are just mantras of promises and more promises while the PPP’s own supporters continue to migrate out of this country ‒ go look at the passport office and the US embassy.


There is no change in guiding the PPP back to the tenets of President Cheddi’s vision of lean, clean and open governance, just mantras about how great Jagan was and what he accomplished and that his guidance and principles still exist, when the citizens, even those who voted for them in the last election, know differently, since they experience the daily truths of life under this regime and understand that many principles of Jagan have been pushed aside.


Editor, the PPP Congress is not a convention with a democratic purpose; instead, it has become a rubber stamp for unilateral power at the apex of the PPP’s triangle, a direct slap in the face of Jagan’s legacy, because Jagan believed that the PPP’s triangle should have power at the base and not at the apex.

The delegates have become rubber stamps for those at the helm and that in itself, is the main factor why the PPP is losing support among the masses ‒ the regular folks always trusted and loved Jagan because he always involved the base of the party. But Congress will close with the mantra of “To keep the red flag flying,” and as the delegates and observers depart, nothing will have changed.


Yours faithfully,

Cheddi (Joey) Jagan (Jr)


Nandlall not on PPP Exco because of campaign against him – Ramkarran


Posted By Stabroek editor On September 8, 2013 @ 3:23 pm In Local News | No Comments

A surprising outcome from last month’s PPP Congress was the failure of Attorney-General Anil Nandlall to secure a seat on the Executive Committee after doing very well at elections for the Central Committee, says former PPP stalwart Ralph Ramkarran who posited that Nandlall lost because a negative campaign was mounted against him.

“Mr. Nandlall is a rising star, was first elected to the Central Committee in 2006, has paid his dues and is popular. The only reason he lost was because a negative campaign was mounted against him. He was surpassed by new entrants to the Central Committee who were elected to the Executive Committee, which has been hitherto unheard of and the promotion of returning figures. This was obviously engineered to keep him out,” Ramkarran wrote in a column published in the Sunday Stabroek today.

Ramkarran who quit the party in his 50th year of membership in a row over what he said was serious corruption in the country, said that it is ironic that President Donald Ramotar cautioned against campaigning against former President Bharrat Jagdeo “when negative campaigning against me at the 2008 Congress was defended after it was raised by Mrs (Janet) Jagan at the first Central Committee meeting after the 2008 Congress.”

He said that Ramotar, forgetting the contrived defence of negative campaigning in 2008, sought to protect Jagdeo. “But he omitted to come to the aid of the most active and articulate defender of himself and his government even though he would have known that some members of the leadership were gunning for his friend,” he observed.

“It would be very difficult if not impossible in the near future for Mr. Nandlall to overcome his powerful opponents, if at all, without backing from influential leaders, such as President Ramotar and General Secretary Rohee having regard to those arrayed against him. Since they do not appear willing to offer support, and step on the toes of the emerging, or already entrenched, factional leader, Mr. Nandlall may opt for the long haul and hope for the best.  He has youth on his side,” Ramkarran added.


Ramotar came out slightly ahead of Jagdeo in voting for a new 35-member Central Committee of the PPP at its congress. Nandlall had come in fourth with 690 votes. Minister of Culture, Youth and Sport, Dr. Frank Anthony had come in third with 724 votes.


The Central Committee then selected the new Executive Committee and the full candidate members and their secretariat responsibilities are; Clement Rohee, membership;  Ramotar,  Jagdeo, Roger Luncheon, Zulficar Mustapha, executive and organising secretary; Gail Teixeira, international; Ali Baksh,   Bheri Ramsaran, Irfaan Ali, finance; Navin Chandarpal, Komal Chand, trade union; Robert Persaud, Frank Anthony, Clinton Collymore, Pauline Sukhai and Kellawan Lall in charge of party propaganda. Lall was also elected editor of the party’s organ the Thunder.

Originally Posted by JB:

Imagine the PPP now turns to the election rigger Mr Nascimento for their guidance. This man rigged elections for Mr Burnham. What a sad pathetic bunch. 

You gat to be STUPID. Nascimento writes an Article and that to you translate to giving guidance to the PPPP. I will be nice and leave it at that.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Imagine the PPP now turns to the election rigger Mr Nascimento for their guidance. This man rigged elections for Mr Burnham. What a sad pathetic bunch. 

You gat to be STUPID. Nascimento writes an Article and that to you translate to giving guidance to the PPPP. I will be nice and leave it at that.


My mamoo said he helped Mr Burnham to rig elections. He now works for the PPP and we know PPP likes to rig its own elections. Mr Vincent Alexander of the PNC prevented the manipulation and perversion of the last election. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

How can the election be rigged when they didn't run against anybody.


How many names were on the ballot?


Why was Mr Nandalall denied a place on the ExCo? 

Originally Posted by JB:

And these people have the audacity to talk about rigged elections in 1973 before most of us were born. 

Let the PPP deal with their internal shyte and alyuh deal with alyuh own....and alyuh gatt so nuff nuff shyte that no amount of "ass-wipe" gon clean alyuh up.

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by JB:

Imagine the PPP now turns to the election rigger Mr Nascimento for their guidance. This man rigged elections for Mr Burnham. What a sad pathetic bunch. 

You gat to be STUPID. Nascimento writes an Article and that to you translate to giving guidance to the PPPP. I will be nice and leave it at that.


My mamoo said he helped Mr Burnham to rig elections. He now works for the PPP and we know PPP likes to rig its own elections. Mr Vincent Alexander of the PNC prevented the manipulation and perversion of the last election. 

And TK you went and join up with Burnham party. What is that saying about you?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:

And these people have the audacity to talk about rigged elections in 1973 before most of us were born. 

Let the PPP deal with their internal shyte and alyuh deal with alyuh own....and alyuh gatt so nuff nuff shyte that no amount of "ass-wipe" gon clean alyuh up.


You are a very ignorant person like Mr Nehru. 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:

And these people have the audacity to talk about rigged elections in 1973 before most of us were born. 

Let the PPP deal with their internal shyte and alyuh deal with alyuh own....and alyuh gatt so nuff nuff shyte that no amount of "ass-wipe" gon clean alyuh up.


You are a very ignorant person like Mr Nehru. 

Yes "smart man" alyuh outsmart katahars and think you are not genius.  An internal selection issue within the PPP is not the same as stealing/hijacking the national election.  Very different, take long minute to contemplate.


If Guyanese has to deal only with internal electoral disputes ith the PNC from 1964 - 1992, no one would have really cared.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by JB:

And these people have the audacity to talk about rigged elections in 1973 before most of us were born. 

Let the PPP deal with their internal shyte and alyuh deal with alyuh own....and alyuh gatt so nuff nuff shyte that no amount of "ass-wipe" gon clean alyuh up.


You are a very ignorant person like Mr Nehru. 

Yes "smart man" alyuh outsmart katahars and think you are not genius.  An internal selection issue within the PPP is not the same as stealing/hijacking the national election.  Very different, take long minute to contemplate.


If Guyanese has to deal only with internal electoral disputes ith the PNC from 1964 - 1992, no one would have really cared.


Who? Who smartman? 


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