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The right to rule
By Stabroek editor Political Analysis.
Friday, November 11, 2011

Donald Ramotar has been saying at Bartica that the leaders of the political opposition have “no moral right” to hold public office in Guyana. Now hold it right there, Mr. Ramotar! You may not have been saying very much for yourself up to a few days ago but you appear to have started of on the wrong footing. Whatever do you mean by “no moral right?” The men who, along with yourself, a vying for the presidency, have no criminal charges pending nor, as far as we know, they have no criminal records. None of them, as far as we know are part of corrupt cabals, have enriched themselves at the state’s expense, exist cheek by jowl with drug dealers or have good friends who are facing a slew of criminal charges.

As for Trotman and Ramotar being only interested in Power, Mr. Ramotar, pray, tell us, aren’t you interested in power too? Or are you going to tell us that you are doing all this for love of country.

Then there is this matter of Moses Nagamootoo never having done anything for the PPP; you don’t really expect us to swallow that one, Mr. Ramotar, do you?

After fifty years in the PPP and many of those in the leadership of the Party? Come again Mr. Presidential candidate!

And as for this business of tying prominent professional and political figures to criminal activity, you really need to be careful Mr. Ramotar. That is Mr. Jagdeo’s campaign strategy, not yours. We have grown accustomed to Mr. Jagdeo’s rantings and after all he is the President, Sir. He enjoys all kinds of immunities which you do not.

So if it is that you are now ready to say your piece at the hustings, Mr. Ramotar do so with dignity and decorum. At your age, Sir, stooping low might cost you both your back to say nothing about your electoral chances.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

How can an attorney like Nigel Hughes have moral authority when he blatantly or flagrantly violated the law by removing the CCTV tape at the Buxton Gas station following the execution the Owner (Hamilton) by the so-called Freedom Fighters???

Trotman never condemned violence against Indo-Guyanese on the East Coast when he was with the PNC> How can he have moral authority??

I don't have to tell you about Granger
Billy Ram Balgobin
These guys miss the wonderful days when they ruled the roost. It's amazing that the party of change is recruiting dinosaurs incapable of change. I suspect down the road there will be some serious infighting within the AFC.
Originally posted by TI:
These guys miss the wonderful days when they ruled the roost. It's amazing that the party of change is recruiting dinosaurs incapable of change. I suspect down the road there will be some serious infighting within the AFC.

what if a fight to control the hood break out between Joe Hamilton and Bynoe...yuh think the duck would be able to part them... Big Grin

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