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The road accident involving the President’s son and my nephew

November 2, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
I received a number of e-mails from foreign based Guyanese on what I wrote in my column yesterday about the traffic incident involving my nephew (pedestrian) and the son of Donald Ramotar, Alexei. All of then wanted to know about it because they haven’t read about it.
When the accident occurred, I contacted Denis Chabrol of Demerara Waves. He didn’t carry the item. Stabroek News refused to do so also. Only my Kaieteur News column carried a description of the accident. And Mark Benschop on his web page,
What follows is my account. It doesn’t mean that Alexei Ramotar was in the wrong. I believe he was. And should have been charged. This is my opinion and I should be allowed to express it. Here now are all the circumstances of the accident including the subsequent behaviour of the Ramotar family including the President and his wife, the police and Alexei himself. I repeat; this is my take. Mr. Ramotar, seeing that his father the President was involved in publicly defending his soon, should give his side of the story.
My nephew was on the parapet next to his bridge, when Alexei Ramotar drove his SUV into him on Pike Street in Kitty. This was early afternoon. Despite repeated request to the Kitty station late into the evening, to identify the driver, they refused. I even asked Chris Ram as a lawyer to intervene to get the driver’s name since they refused that request from Mark Benschop.
It was a party of Black Clothes policemen who rescued Ramotar from the crowd’s anger that gave us his name.  For all the time we spent at the station, I never saw Alexei Ramotar being interviewed by the police. The next day, my nephew, his entire right limb in plaster of Paris, Alexei Ramotar, Mark Benschop and I turned up for measurements.
In full view of Mark Benschop Alexei Ramotar was rude to the traffic cop, Ms. Webster and non-cooperative. This was the second day and after that, my nephew and I never heard anything else about this accident. My nephew spent thirteen months in plaster of Paris and another year on crutches because the leg was badly damaged. Because of his age, the healing process takes longer. He was out of income as a gas station pump attendant for over one year.
After this, Mark Benschop put the entire episode on his web page and there were angry responses from people who felt it was a grave injustice. Donald Ramotar called Benschop who taped him. In the conversation, Ramotar was recorded as telling Benschop that he, Benschop by posting the comments on his page could endanger his son’s life. In the background, Mrs. Ramotar could be heard denouncing Benschop.
I can recall Benschop telling Donald Ramotar that Kwame McKoy also endangers his son’s life (Benschop’s) by the nasty things McKoy posts. At that point Ramotar is recorded as saying he doesn’t read anything McKoy writes because he, Ramotar, believes in moral politics. I would assume Benschop still has that tape. Readers would know that since he made that statement about McKoy, President Ramotar has retained McKoy as his communications assistant. So much for the moral politics of Ramotar.
Adam Harris promised to intervene with Donald Ramotar for some kind of compensation for my nephew but Ramotar refused. Neither Ramotar nor his son ever spoke to my nephew since the day of the accident.
Here now is the sordid part. Without informing me, my nephew and his son went to Freedom House to meet with Ramotar on financial assistance. Mr Ramotar ordered the security detail to escort them out of Freedom House. My nephew told me that Ramotar was yelling about Freddie Kissoon and told my nephew he should go to Freddie Kissoon for assistance. Ramotar didn’t know that for the two years my nephew was incapacitated I helped with his income. I don’t have to tell readers how angry I was when my nephew told me he went to see Donald Ramotar.
Since that accident Alexi Ramotar became an Office of the President employee earning over half a million dollars on the Government’s e-governance cable project. I met Ms. Webster two years ago and she was apologetic saying God will judge every wrong-doer.
This then are the dimensions of the event involving the son of Donald Ramotar and my nephew. This event has taught me more of the man Donald Ramotar. It should come as to surprise to the Guyanese people the way he feels about the revelations in the Nandlall tape. For Ramotar, life has no value.
Frederick Kissoon     

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