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Africans brought to these lands a slaves came way before most whites and built this country more than those whites. The Germanic whites, the Italian whites, the Irish whites, the Jewish whites, the East European whites - they all came after the Africans.

The native Indians were pushed out and ended up in reservations after wars and starvation methods of killing the buffaloes of the Plains.

I'm not sure of references to Indians in the Constitution, but Africans were deemed 3/5th of a human.

After the Civil war and Reconstruction started the South was given effective home rule in an Election Inauguration-Eve Agreement that made Hayes the President over Tilden. That started decades of segregation, the KKK and the impoverishment - more impoverishment as they started in a hole - of Black Americans, until the 60s Civil Rights legislation.

Vietnam and the oil shortage 70s gave way to Regan's America that pushed Blacks further into ghetto life. Bill Clinton's Crime Bill deal with Newt Gingrich began the dissolution of most Black homes with fathers being incarcerated.

With Barack Obama being elected, you began to see the distorted history that confined Blacks to an America devoid of proper education, economic opportunities and a felon population that could not effectively contribute to their livelihoods. (I saw a slogan in Brooklyn today - the lower the wage the bigger the gauge. Gauge is gun gauge.) The police violence that bred Black Live Matter is only part of the boots on the necks of African-Americans. Black Lives is meant to highlight the chewap manner in which Black lives are seen relative to other races' lives, and they are right. Black Lives Matter is right.

Obama has had to do for Blacks in a manner that makes him walk a tightrope. He has to appear to not favor Blacks. He can't even be bombastic like the leeway given to Trump. That in itself tells you about the state of racism in America today.

This is systemic and embedded. We see it here on GNI in some Indians' views of Blacks too. Black neighborhoods are not trashy because they want it that way or its in their DNA. Start thinking that and you will disrespect an entire race.

I don't know if Hillary will be up to that task but her talk with Black Lives Matter is encouraging. I  will be saddened that Obama is nearing the end of his terms in office as I believe he can make a difference. He has made a difference in many ways, but Ghandi did not change systemic attitudes, MLK couldn't nor could Mandela. Barack has not been able to do the equivalent between the Israelis and Palestinians or between Shiites and Sunnis, though he tried like hell. Similarly he could not bridge that gap between Republicans and Democrats and between white America and Black America as much as he would like. But on the big systemic void he's worked in some ways to changer attitudes. He was successful in the gender gap and sexual orientation gap, but this one is a big challenge. It must bedevil him.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Kari posted:

Africans brought to these lands a slaves came way before most whites and built this country more than those whites. The Germanic whites, the Italian whites, the Irish whites, the Jewish whites, the East European whites - they all came after the Africans.

The native Indians were pushed out and ended up in reservations after wars and starvation methods of killing the buffaloes of the Plains.

I'm not sure of references to Indians in the Constitution, but Africans were deemed 3/5th of a human.

After the Civil war and Reconstruction started the South was given effective home rule in an Election Inauguration-Eve Agreement that made Hayes the President over Tilden. That started decades of segregation, the KKK and the impoverishment - more impoverishment as they started in a hole - of Black Americans, until the 60s Civil Rights legislation.

Vietnam and the oil shortage 70s gave way to Regan's America that pushed Blacks further into ghetto life. Bill Clinton's Crime Bill deal with Newt Gingrich began the dissolution of most Black homes with fathers being incarcerated.

With Barack Obama being elected, you began to see the distorted history that confined Blacks to an America devoid of proper education, economic opportunities and a felon population that could not effectively contribute to their livelihoods. (I saw a slogan in Brooklyn today - the lower the wage the bigger the gauge. Gauge is gun gauge.) The police violence that bred Black Live Matter is only part of the boots on the necks of African-Americans. Black Lives is meant to highlight the chewap manner in which Black lives are seen relative to other races' lives, and they are right. Black Lives Matter is right.

Obama has had to do for Blacks in a manner that makes him walk a tightrope. He has to appear to not favor Blacks. He can't even be bombastic like the leeway given to Trump. That in itself tells you about the state of racism in America today.

This is systemic and embedded. We see it here on GNI in some Indians' views of Blacks too. Black neighborhoods are not trashy because they want it that way or its in their DNA. Start thinking that and you will disrespect an entire race.

I don't know if Hillary will be up to that task but her talk with Black Lives Matter is encouraging. I  will be saddened that Obama is nearing the end of his terms in office as I believe he can make a difference. He has made a difference in many ways, but Ghandi did not change systemic attitudes, MLK couldn't nor could Mandela. Barack has not been able to do the equivalent between the Israelis and Palestinians or between Shiites and Sunnis, though he tried like hell. Similarly he could not bridge that gap between Republicans and Democrats and between white America and Black America as much as he would like. But on the big systemic void he's worked in some ways to changer attitudes. He was successful in the gender gap and sexual orientation gap, but this one is a big challenge. It must bedevil him.

You talk sheer crap because you now live in a White man country who gives you the freedom to talk, even when it's pure crap.  Your mead and mind is stuck where there is no sunlight!

Tell us why the situation for Blacks in Guyana so shitty and I mean going back to the Burnham days.  The bloody PNC was more bombastic and aggressive in ensuring Black supremacy than what we see here and yet their neighborhoods remain trashy.

I agree there is injustice and there are rogue cops, but this pales in comparison to what happens in Guyana against Indians!  Kari, you are too full of yourself in thinking you are clever, you, like D2, just talk a whole lot!


The idea to live in the past offers no guarantees. White people wherever they invade or domiciled develops a society that provides work and leisure for themselves. Those who come to celebrate with them enjoys their efforts at no costs. They may have used cheap and slave labour to achieve their endeavours. But that was a long time ago. Today, everybody is catching dey azz.

Black people are not entitled. Nobody does. We live only for a while, watching and guarding those who will be replacing us as leaders, doctors, lawyers and all those who will be in the future society-good and bad. That is the way humans are.

People needs to be tribal, looking after their own kind. In the the greatest country on earth with a Black president and its black contingent of Blacks in the armed forces, black people still doan have equal rights after 400 years in America.

Something is definitely wrong. You think their leaders would recognize it by now, after 400 years.

Those who want to SHAME White-people in the hope that they will more tolerant is just naive.


ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

Africans brought to these lands a slaves came way before most whites and built this country more than those whites. The Germanic whites, the Italian whites, the Irish whites, the Jewish whites, the East European whites - they all came after the Africans.

The native Indians were pushed out and ended up in reservations after wars and starvation methods of killing the buffaloes of the Plains.

I'm not sure of references to Indians in the Constitution, but Africans were deemed 3/5th of a human.

After the Civil war and Reconstruction started the South was given effective home rule in an Election Inauguration-Eve Agreement that made Hayes the President over Tilden. That started decades of segregation, the KKK and the impoverishment - more impoverishment as they started in a hole - of Black Americans, until the 60s Civil Rights legislation.

Vietnam and the oil shortage 70s gave way to Regan's America that pushed Blacks further into ghetto life. Bill Clinton's Crime Bill deal with Newt Gingrich began the dissolution of most Black homes with fathers being incarcerated.

With Barack Obama being elected, you began to see the distorted history that confined Blacks to an America devoid of proper education, economic opportunities and a felon population that could not effectively contribute to their livelihoods. (I saw a slogan in Brooklyn today - the lower the wage the bigger the gauge. Gauge is gun gauge.) The police violence that bred Black Live Matter is only part of the boots on the necks of African-Americans. Black Lives is meant to highlight the chewap manner in which Black lives are seen relative to other races' lives, and they are right. Black Lives Matter is right.

Obama has had to do for Blacks in a manner that makes him walk a tightrope. He has to appear to not favor Blacks. He can't even be bombastic like the leeway given to Trump. That in itself tells you about the state of racism in America today.

This is systemic and embedded. We see it here on GNI in some Indians' views of Blacks too. Black neighborhoods are not trashy because they want it that way or its in their DNA. Start thinking that and you will disrespect an entire race.

I don't know if Hillary will be up to that task but her talk with Black Lives Matter is encouraging. I  will be saddened that Obama is nearing the end of his terms in office as I believe he can make a difference. He has made a difference in many ways, but Ghandi did not change systemic attitudes, MLK couldn't nor could Mandela. Barack has not been able to do the equivalent between the Israelis and Palestinians or between Shiites and Sunnis, though he tried like hell. Similarly he could not bridge that gap between Republicans and Democrats and between white America and Black America as much as he would like. But on the big systemic void he's worked in some ways to changer attitudes. He was successful in the gender gap and sexual orientation gap, but this one is a big challenge. It must bedevil him.

You talk sheer crap because you now live in a White man country who gives you the freedom to talk, even when it's pure crap.  Your mead and mind is stuck where there is no sunlight!

Tell us why the situation for Blacks in Guyana so shitty and I mean going back to the Burnham days.  The bloody PNC was more bombastic and aggressive in ensuring Black supremacy than what we see here and yet their neighborhoods remain trashy.

I agree there is injustice and there are rogue cops, but this pales in comparison to what happens in Guyana against Indians!  Kari, you are too full of yourself in thinking you are clever, you, like D2, just talk a whole lot!

Bhai, America allows every FOOL to have their say. He is just plain naive or STUPID!!!

seignet posted:

The idea to live in the past offers no guarantees. White people wherever they invade or domiciled develops a society that provides work and leisure for themselves. Those who come to celebrate with them enjoys their efforts at no costs. They may have used cheap and slave labour to achieve their endeavours. But that was a long time ago. Today, everybody is catching dey azz.

Black people are not entitled. Nobody does. We live only for a while, watching and guarding those who will be replacing us as leaders, doctors, lawyers and all those who will be in the future society-good and bad. That is the way humans are.

People needs to be tribal, looking after their own kind. In the the greatest country on earth with a Black president and its black contingent of Blacks in the armed forces, black people still doan have equal rights after 400 years in America.

Something is definitely wrong. You think their leaders would recognize it by now, after 400 years.

Those who want to SHAME White-people in the hope that they will more tolerant is just naive.


seig.....that's the problem with America today - too many people think like you just wrote.

Let me be clear, looking back does explain the racist infrastructure that exists today and if we all start to dismantle that infrastructure today it will take generations to get us an equal society. It is not long ago that Whites did this evil deed. the evil deed is what is going on today but in a different manifestation. It is the product of that long-ago act that you wish to think does not matter. 

No one is talking about black entitlement. We are all taking about Black dis-entitlement (I just created a word). That's what needs to be worked on.

ba$eman posted:

You talk sheer crap because you now live in a White man country who gives you the freedom to talk, even when it's pure crap.  Your mead and mind is stuck where there is no sunlight!

Tell us why the situation for Blacks in Guyana so shitty and I mean going back to the Burnham days.  The bloody PNC was more bombastic and aggressive in ensuring Black supremacy than what we see here and yet their neighborhoods remain trashy.

I agree there is injustice and there are rogue cops, but this pales in comparison to what happens in Guyana against Indians!  Kari, you are too full of yourself in thinking you are clever, you, like D2, just talk a whole lot!

Having Nehru as a cheerleader should make you an icon of intellectual excellence. 

He said "Bhai, America allows every FOOL to have their say. He is just plain naive or STUPID!!!" and I rolled over in laughter.  

This dude is good therapy for depressed people. hehehehe.....I laff like when I hear Stupidy Bill and sensible Bill stories. Oh Nehru, you are such a likable rascal - dumb, but hilarious!. And to think Ba$e wants to be considered seriously..... 


Charles Blow, a respected Black Op-Ed writer for the New York Times wrote this today (excerpt)

I also fear that time is a requirement for remedy. We didn’t arrive at this place overnight and we won’t move on from it overnight.

Centuries of American policy, culture and tribalism are simply being revealed as the frothy tide of hagiographic history recedes.

Our American “ghettos” were created by policy and design. These areas of concentrated poverty became fertile ground for crime and violence. Municipalities used heavy police forces to try to cap that violence. Too often, aggressive policing began to feel like oppressive policing. Relationships between communities and cops became strained. A small number of criminals poisoned police beliefs about whole communities, and a small number of dishonorable officers poisoned communities’ beliefs about entire police forces. And then, too often the unimaginable happened and someone ended up dead at the hands of the police.

Kari posted:
seignet posted:

The idea to live in the past offers no guarantees. White people wherever they invade or domiciled develops a society that provides work and leisure for themselves. Those who come to celebrate with them enjoys their efforts at no costs. They may have used cheap and slave labour to achieve their endeavours. But that was a long time ago. Today, everybody is catching dey azz.

Black people are not entitled. Nobody does. We live only for a while, watching and guarding those who will be replacing us as leaders, doctors, lawyers and all those who will be in the future society-good and bad. That is the way humans are.

People needs to be tribal, looking after their own kind. In the the greatest country on earth with a Black president and its black contingent of Blacks in the armed forces, black people still doan have equal rights after 400 years in America.

Something is definitely wrong. You think their leaders would recognize it by now, after 400 years.

Those who want to SHAME White-people in the hope that they will more tolerant is just naive.


seig.....that's the problem with America today - too many people think like you just wrote.

Let me be clear, looking back does explain the racist infrastructure that exists today and if we all start to dismantle that infrastructure today it will take generations to get us an equal society. It is not long ago that Whites did this evil deed. the evil deed is what is going on today but in a different manifestation. It is the product of that long-ago act that you wish to think does not matter. 

No one is talking about black entitlement. We are all taking about Black dis-entitlement (I just created a word). That's what needs to be worked on.

People are inherently racist. 

Kari posted:


Obama has had to do for Blacks in a manner that makes him walk a tightrope. He has to appear to not favor Blacks.

Clinton had more blacks in visible positions in his administration than did Obama.  And at a time when the pool of suitable non white candidates was smaller.

Before people began to complain Obama's administration consisted of a bunch of Ivy white men, and even white women had to complain.

The less said about Obama and how blacks benefited the better. Even he doesn't like to talk about this because he has little to talk about.

Kari posted:

I will do a thread on Obama's contributions to Blacks separately.  But I do wish Clinton had an AG like Eric Holder. Clinton had no Valerie Jarret, Susan Rice, Michell Obama, etc. as counsel.

Sorry Eric Holder and Susan Rice were all people vetted by Clinton.  They were in his administration, and Obama only selected them on that basis.  Its as if he asked Clinton which blacks to pick.

The sad thing is that Obama's administration wasnt more diverse in terms of blacks than was Bush!

His second term is marginally better but he had to be dragged kicking and screaming.

Michelle is his wife, and NOT a gov't official.

Jarrett is a family friend, and in fact she might have been quite a damaging influence in terms of how Obama treats blacks.  She screamed that blacks must support him because he is black, but then when blacks asked why, then she screamed that he cannot do blacks favors. 

Well Obama speaks out on issues concerning (white) gays, and (white) women, and also Hispanics.  No fear of a backlash. He has to be dragged kicking and screaming to speak out on issues concerning blacks. 

The man sounds silly with his "there is no white America nor black America" when any one who spends one second in this country knows that there is! 

Even now with the murder of innocent black men by cops he has to come with some equivocating nonsense not any better than what Trump came out with!

skeldon_man posted:
caribny posted:
seignet posted:


People needs to be tribal, looking after their own kind.

Yes after the close of business those white people need to fire every Guyanese Indian on their payroll.

Only from the mouth of a Guyanese black KKK.

Your buddy says that people should be tribal and only take care of their own.

Well Guyanese Indians aren't white, even though some of you think that they are, so should be fired immediately and replaced by whites if that is true.

This is what brown bai KKK rants creates.

Kari posted:
ba$eman posted:

You talk sheer crap because you now live in a White man country who gives you the freedom to talk, even when it's pure crap.  Your mead and mind is stuck where there is no sunlight!

Tell us why the situation for Blacks in Guyana so shitty and I mean going back to the Burnham days.  The bloody PNC was more bombastic and aggressive in ensuring Black supremacy than what we see here and yet their neighborhoods remain trashy.

I agree there is injustice and there are rogue cops, but this pales in comparison to what happens in Guyana against Indians!  Kari, you are too full of yourself in thinking you are clever, you, like D2, just talk a whole lot!

Having Nehru as a cheerleader should make you an icon of intellectual excellence. 

He said "Bhai, America allows every FOOL to have their say. He is just plain naive or STUPID!!!" and I rolled over in laughter.  

This dude is good therapy for depressed people. hehehehe.....I laff like when I hear Stupidy Bill and sensible Bill stories. Oh Nehru, you are such a likable rascal - dumb, but hilarious!. And to think Ba$e wants to be considered seriously..... 

You are not only a fool, but a liar and hypocrite.  As I said, I agree that there is some historical injustice and residual effects today, however you are a shameless and hypocritical liar to pretend it's the only issue causing the Black predicament.  Guyana is your control experiment, so run under a  rock and hide from the sunlight!!

I don't look for a pat on the backs from clowns like you!!

caribny posted:
Kari posted:

I will do a thread on Obama's contributions to Blacks separately.  But I do wish Clinton had an AG like Eric Holder. Clinton had no Valerie Jarret, Susan Rice, Michell Obama, etc. as counsel.

Sorry Eric Holder and Susan Rice were all people vetted by Clinton.  They were in his administration, and Obama only selected them on that basis.  Its as if he asked Clinton which blacks to pick.

The sad thing is that Obama's administration wasnt more diverse in terms of blacks than was Bush!

His second term is marginally better but he had to be dragged kicking and screaming.

Michelle is his wife, and NOT a gov't official.

Jarrett is a family friend, and in fact she might have been quite a damaging influence in terms of how Obama treats blacks.  She screamed that blacks must support him because he is black, but then when blacks asked why, then she screamed that he cannot do blacks favors. 

Well Obama speaks out on issues concerning (white) gays, and (white) women, and also Hispanics.  No fear of a backlash. He has to be dragged kicking and screaming to speak out on issues concerning blacks. 

The man sounds silly with his "there is no white America nor black America" when any one who spends one second in this country knows that there is! 

Even now with the murder of innocent black men by cops he has to come with some equivocating nonsense not any better than what Trump came out with!

The above is consistent with your extreme dislike for Jagdeo and his PPP cabal and for those who support him. Man, you're a sicko. Can't reason with you at all. You do Black people a dishonor. You may be a closet Trump supporter. Ba$eboy would love to have a beer with you.

Kari posted:
caribny posted:
Kari posted:

I will do a thread on Obama's contributions to Blacks separately.  But I do wish Clinton had an AG like Eric Holder. Clinton had no Valerie Jarret, Susan Rice, Michell Obama, etc. as counsel.

Sorry Eric Holder and Susan Rice were all people vetted by Clinton.  They were in his administration, and Obama only selected them on that basis.  Its as if he asked Clinton which blacks to pick.

The sad thing is that Obama's administration wasnt more diverse in terms of blacks than was Bush!

His second term is marginally better but he had to be dragged kicking and screaming.

Michelle is his wife, and NOT a gov't official.

Jarrett is a family friend, and in fact she might have been quite a damaging influence in terms of how Obama treats blacks.  She screamed that blacks must support him because he is black, but then when blacks asked why, then she screamed that he cannot do blacks favors. 

Well Obama speaks out on issues concerning (white) gays, and (white) women, and also Hispanics.  No fear of a backlash. He has to be dragged kicking and screaming to speak out on issues concerning blacks. 

The man sounds silly with his "there is no white America nor black America" when any one who spends one second in this country knows that there is! 

Even now with the murder of innocent black men by cops he has to come with some equivocating nonsense not any better than what Trump came out with!

The above is consistent with your extreme dislike for Jagdeo and his PPP cabal and for those who support him. Man, you're a sicko. Can't reason with you at all. You do Black people a dishonor. You may be a closet Trump supporter. Ba$eboy would love to have a beer with you.

Caribj is correct.  But Obama found himself in a predicament which he helped to create.  He was just too arrogant and lost corn in the first mid-term, he was left with husk!  He played his entire hand with Obamacare which blunted his ability to work with the Reps on compromise initiatives to help the Black constituency.  He was just too clever for his own good and he [unwittingly] screwed everyone over.

ba$eman posted:
Kari posted:

Africans brought to these lands a slaves came way before most whites and built this country more than those whites. The Germanic whites, the Italian whites, the Irish whites, the Jewish whites, the East European whites - they all came after the Africans.

The native Indians were pushed out and ended up in reservations after wars and starvation methods of killing the buffaloes of the Plains.

I'm not sure of references to Indians in the Constitution, but Africans were deemed 3/5th of a human.

After the Civil war and Reconstruction started the South was given effective home rule in an Election Inauguration-Eve Agreement that made Hayes the President over Tilden. That started decades of segregation, the KKK and the impoverishment - more impoverishment as they started in a hole - of Black Americans, until the 60s Civil Rights legislation.

Vietnam and the oil shortage 70s gave way to Regan's America that pushed Blacks further into ghetto life. Bill Clinton's Crime Bill deal with Newt Gingrich began the dissolution of most Black homes with fathers being incarcerated.

With Barack Obama being elected, you began to see the distorted history that confined Blacks to an America devoid of proper education, economic opportunities and a felon population that could not effectively contribute to their livelihoods. (I saw a slogan in Brooklyn today - the lower the wage the bigger the gauge. Gauge is gun gauge.) The police violence that bred Black Live Matter is only part of the boots on the necks of African-Americans. Black Lives is meant to highlight the chewap manner in which Black lives are seen relative to other races' lives, and they are right. Black Lives Matter is right.

Obama has had to do for Blacks in a manner that makes him walk a tightrope. He has to appear to not favor Blacks. He can't even be bombastic like the leeway given to Trump. That in itself tells you about the state of racism in America today.

This is systemic and embedded. We see it here on GNI in some Indians' views of Blacks too. Black neighborhoods are not trashy because they want it that way or its in their DNA. Start thinking that and you will disrespect an entire race.

I don't know if Hillary will be up to that task but her talk with Black Lives Matter is encouraging. I  will be saddened that Obama is nearing the end of his terms in office as I believe he can make a difference. He has made a difference in many ways, but Ghandi did not change systemic attitudes, MLK couldn't nor could Mandela. Barack has not been able to do the equivalent between the Israelis and Palestinians or between Shiites and Sunnis, though he tried like hell. Similarly he could not bridge that gap between Republicans and Democrats and between white America and Black America as much as he would like. But on the big systemic void he's worked in some ways to changer attitudes. He was successful in the gender gap and sexual orientation gap, but this one is a big challenge. It must bedevil him.

You talk sheer crap because you now live in a White man country who gives you the freedom to talk, even when it's pure crap.  Your mead and mind is stuck where there is no sunlight!

Tell us why the situation for Blacks in Guyana so shitty and I mean going back to the Burnham days.  The bloody PNC was more bombastic and aggressive in ensuring Black supremacy than what we see here and yet their neighborhoods remain trashy.

I agree there is injustice and there are rogue cops, but this pales in comparison to what happens in Guyana against Indians!  Kari, you are too full of yourself in thinking you are clever, you, like D2, just talk a whole lot!

I do not agree with his entire line of reasoning and not because there are glaring errors. You on the other hand are plainly wrong. This is not a white man's country. That may be white presumption in cases but that is all it is. It never was. It has now become a multicultural enclave that fosters diversity over classism or ethnicity. 

Entrenched pockets of racism does exist and it stands in the face of your stupid comment that freedom is given. Freedom derives its substance from rights and rights are not hierarchical. Being born into the community of men confers on the individual the essence of personhood that is supported by the idea of equal dispensation of tights in the society.

White folks did not invent the enlightenment creed whole cloth. Even when they subscribed to it they framed it such that it was a raciial contract ( read Charles wright mills). It is black and Chinese and the "others" who created the social ethos that demanded the acknowledgement  to expand the scope of the enlightenment precepts to include all of humanity.  In so doing they coerced out of a reluctant culture an acknowledgement that all are one. Indeed some still resist.

Last edited by Former Member
Kari posted:

The above is consistent with your extreme dislike for Jagdeo and his PPP cabal and for those who support him. Man, you're a sicko.

Oh I see you now rush to the defense of the brown bai KKK.

Given that they hate blacks, why are you pretending to like us, given that you now defend them.

Curious to see you show that blacks are better off under Obama.


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