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In 2008, chartered accountants Mr. Christopher Ram and Mr. Ramesh Seebarran confided with the latter's former client Salim Juman Azeez about ways in which Salim would stash the laundered proceeds by purchasing Hotel Tower (under receivership by Scotiabank).


During the tender process, Cara Suites offered the highest bid, a bid that exceeded Salim Juman Azeez's on Hotel Tower price. Ramesh Seebarran, being the overseer of the bidding process, quickly informed Christopher Ram who later informed Salim Juman's attorney Nicola Pierre about the issue.

Christopher Ram, in his opportunity, decided to ask for an extra raise from Salim Azeez so the sale of Hotel Tower would go in Salim's favor.


It was later found out that Christopher Ram collected over $2.5 million Guyana dollars from Salim Azeez in the form of bribes.


Bribery is against the ACCA accounting rulebook. Mr. Ramesh Seebarran who is a relative of Freddie Kissoon and the in-law of PNC activist Malcolm Harripaul is also liable for colluding with unethical accounting practises.


The sale of Woodbine Hotel (which houses the current School of Nations) was purchased by Dr. Brian O'Toole for a sum of $280M Guyana dollars paid from Scotiabank and Citizen Bank accounts. The highest bidder for Woodbine Hotel was an American-based businessman who offered $340M for the Hotel.


If people like Christopher Ram and Ramesh Seebarran, who masquerade as social activists) continue to allow drug lords and money launderers to set shop in Guyana, so the Guyana drug trade flourishes.


Is there any hint of PPP/C or nut butter Jagdeo or Kwame found in the above paragraphs? The answer is no. The ACCA should monitor these accountants who support the drug lords and money launderers so that these accountants can get paid.


The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Guyana is a corrupt organisation. ACCA members named Harry Parmesar and Chintamani are tied to tax cheating and treasury fraud for the organisations they are hired under.


The main problem of the organised crime syndicate in Guyana is not solely casted on the PPP/C government, but all parties involved.


Take note that Frederick Kissoon was caught evading Property Tax returns for over 9 years before he consulted Ramesh Seebarran and Christopher Ram to get his tax returns submitted.


Christopher Ram is the owner of Ram & Mc Rae Chartered Accountants and Ramesh Seebarran is the owner of Bisheswar, Seebarran & Co. Chartered Accountants.

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