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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Chief Justice decision is final, the budget can only approve or disapprove.

Not so fast, comrade. Appeals are forthcoming. The court battle is not finished.

Until the appeals are made and the current result of the Chief Justice is put on hold, the decision remains valid.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Chief Justice decision is final, the budget can only approve or disapprove.

Bull, the constitution is not inviolate. It was fabricated by a dictator and violently protested against by the PPP as illegal and tyrannical. Their embrace of it is hypocrisy.

Esteemed, Learned and Distinguish Danyael, the current constitution and pertinent rules stand until, at least, sixty-six percent of the MPs can vote in agreement on the amendments.


Individuals, however, can have varied opinions of the constitution.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Chief Justice decision is final, the budget can only approve or disapprove.

Not so fast, comrade. Appeals are forthcoming. The court battle is not finished.

Until the appeals are made and the current result of the Chief Justice is put on hold, the decision remains valid.

I know that, sir. The decision remains valid for a short time.

You know what short time is, not so?

Well, during that short time the PPP/C will have to live with the cuts it sustained in 2012 and 2013.

As soon as the appeal is filed, the decision goes into purgatory and waits for Judgement Day.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Chief Justice decision is final, the budget can only approve or disapprove.

Not so fast, comrade. Appeals are forthcoming. The court battle is not finished.

Until the appeals are made and the current result of the Chief Justice is put on hold, the decision remains valid.

I know that, sir. The decision remains valid for a short time.

You know what short time is, not so?

Well, during that short time the PPP/C will have to live with the cuts it sustained in 2012 and 2013.

As soon as the appeal is filed, the decision goes into purgatory and waits for Judgement Day.

Probably .. and while indeed and rightfully so; others may have differing views; it is my belief that the results of any appeal(s) would substantiate the Chief Justice's decision.


[] â€“ In light of the High Court ruling that the Opposition cannot ‘cut’ the country’s budget, Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman has announced that a sub – committee will be established to consider the proposed amendments to the 2014 National Budget.

According to Trotman, a sub-committee of the Committee of Supply will be constituted and will have no less than seven Members comprising, four members from the Opposition and three Members from the Government.

This sub – committee will be chaired by the Speaker. The Speaker explained to the National Assembly that the aim of the sub – committee is to examine proposals for amendments and to find agreement wherever possible.

He explained that it will be up to the government to accept or reject the amendments to the estimates.......



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Chief Justice decision is final, the budget can only approve or disapprove.

Bull, the constitution is not inviolate. It was fabricated by a dictator and violently protested against by the PPP as illegal and tyrannical. Their embrace of it is hypocrisy.

Esteemed, Learned and Distinguish Danyael, the current constitution and pertinent rules stand until, at least, sixty-six percent of the MPs can vote in agreement on the amendments.


Individuals, however, can have varied opinions of the constitution.

not unless guyana have a coup,they hang you from the nearest tree and burn that curse constitution 

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The Chief Justice decision is final, the budget can only approve or disapprove.

The Chief Justice decision is an interpretation not the end all. It governs the behavior of the assembly at this point but is is not the end all to disagreement here.  Even Constitutions are not written in stone. They are interpretations of the wishes of the people ( or in this case a dictator) and not holy writ.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The 1980 constitution was reform twice, first in the year 2000, then in the year 2003, Presidential term limits were introduced among a list of other reforms.

We need a new constitution not a "reformulated" one. We need representative government so we can have a real republic and not a fake one. We need a legislature made of people elected on their own merit not implanted to be a creature of some dunce in office. What is the presidency much less term limits if the president is implanted by less than 15 people?

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The legal minds in parliament, even those sitting on the opposite benches are cognizant of the contents of the constitution, which clearly states, that the joint opposition cannot amend (CUT) government estimates.

Again, that is interpretation that ca]ould be over turned. Indeed they must be observant of the courts but only the PPP asses and their need to keep the nations assets as their leech source think this is a good thing. It is a rube goldberg interpretation in a democracy

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The joint opposition AFC/APNU open their book of excuses last year and refuse when the gov't extended the olive branch as it relates to budget consultations.

One does not make friends with the Mafia. Come some balm evening they will make sure one sleeps with the fishes. The only necessity is to dissemble said criminal org. It is not about branches be they palm fronds or olive branches. That much we have increasingly come to understand.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

The 2014 national budget has something for every Guyanese citizen to benefit from, its an extremely difficult task for the joint opposition to find fault of it.

The concern is not about what benefits Guyanese. It is about the proliferation of options for graft of the kind that enriches the friends and family cartel that is the PPP.


Despite a ruling of the court which says that it cannot the combined APNU and AFC is expected to effect cuts to the following budgetary allocations:

1. Amerindian Development Fund
2. Money earmarked for the funding of Community policing groups
3. Funds for the construction of the Specialty Hospital
4. Funds earmarked for institutional strengthening

Originally Posted by Conscience:

Despite a ruling of the court which says that it cannot the combined APNU and AFC is expected to effect cuts to the following budgetary allocations:

1. Amerindian Development Fund
2. Money earmarked for the funding of Community policing groups
3. Funds for the construction of the Specialty Hospital
4. Funds earmarked for institutional strengthening

Why is there a need for a community policing group?

Why is there need for a specialty hospital when the new Berbice Hospital needs to be upgraded and developed and stop being a warehouse and staging for the morgue.


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