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Former Member

Don’t be fooled by the so called ‘peaceful protest’


THEY stood there with placards silent, imperceptibly quiet in protest, trying to force the Government’s hand to call Local Government elections. The main political Opposition party APNU has been holding these protests in the major municipalities across Guyana. Their objective, at least so it seems, is that the Government would be pressured to the point where it will have to call Local Government Elections.

Some writers call this a clear sign of lunacy on the main Opposition: Why stand there and waste time in a protest that is not going anywhere? Judging from past activities of the party when on the agitation path, they are asking the question: Where is the action? They expect the usual violent display of burning, looting and shooting, but none of the above is forthcoming, so they are forced to conclude that this is very idiotic and very strange development. But there is nothing strange about the PNC/APNU’s protest, because this is just a precursor as to what will eventually happen. Violence and mayhem like we have never seen is about to be unleashed on this nation come next election. This latest display of calm is just a facade or a veiled display of the real event that will come after. I will close by saying a detailed account of what is about to happen will be communicated to you shortly.


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The AFC stands 100 percent behind the PNC and is waving the loot and burn flag towards Guyanese. We are into very dangerous times.


Let us not forget who the main targets are.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

More PNC “slow fiah! Mo’ fiah!”


Let us be reminded that the AFC supports the PNC 100 percent.

Yawl really got to mek up your mind you and your cohorts a few months ago were supporting Granger when he said they dont want no confidence.


Then you were praising PNC when de chranic claimed talks broke down between these 2 entities.


Now you are claiming the AFC is supporting the PNC? which is it? You are flip flopping all over the damn place.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

The AFC stands 100 percent behind the PNC and is waving the loot and burn flag towards Guyanese. We are into very dangerous times.

PPP crooks and yuji22 are into very dangerous times.


Let us not forget who the main targets are.

PPP crooks and thieves and yuji22.



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