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OK. This is a discussion from 2012, and the lead post is mostly bull, lots of bull.


While the PPP is guilty of multitudinous sins too many to name, you cannot say it has practiced racial discrimination as done under Burnham as a matter of state policy. The facts negate such a notion.  Today, the PPP is in power but not in office.


It's every race punishing, and I would say the rural Indians suffer the most. There had been no special outreaches to them from the PPP to address their problems and issues.


The PPP Jagdeoite  is not an Indian party.  It may want Indians to think that.  The PPP today is a party of the PPP leadership aligned with the new parasitic, contractor/business class who flaunt their conspicuous consumption.  There is very little trickle down to the working poor.


I like the way the Indian canecutters in Berbice went on strike to support the black brother canecutter who slapped the drunkard PPP Skeldon Manager, Dave Kumar.  That is working class solidarity, and I think the working poor understand the PPP bosses care for themselves not the poor Black and Indian people. You cannot lose your Marxist framework of analysis, and substitute it with race theories.


So let's support the Coalition.  I have sent an initial donation of $100,000 in honor of Bro. Moses and Bro. David. The Coalition is one small step for politics and a giant step for Guyana.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:
While the PPP is guilty of multitudinous sins too many to name, you cannot say it has practiced racial discrimination as done under Burnham as a matter of state policy. The facts negate such a notion.  Today, the PPP is in power but not in office . . .

worthy of discussion . . .


now, what "facts" are u talking about?


and, what does "the PPP is in power but not in office" mean?

Originally Posted by Mars:



The sickeningly racist Guyana Chronicle editorial has been thankfully, if not resoundingly, condemned


July 9, 2012

(By: Imran Khan)

The ago, my wife, who is Afro-Guyanese, joined me in Antigua........... Then she made an observation, biting as it was poignant. I was left anguished and ashamed for my country.


She liked Antigua because β€œit’s ok to be black here”.


I believe that I have always been acutely aware of the challenges of the Afro-Guyanese man and woman in Guyana, never before though, had it been framed with such distressing and intense profundity in my mind.



I suggest that people like Mitwah, Jalil, HM-Redux, Shaitaan, Kzarma, Hay Bharrat, and others who deny the racism against blacks in Guyana in 2015 read this.  Why does this woman feel this way.


Furthermore when Jagdeo visited Antigua the Guyanese there told him exactly that. They told him that they feel discriminated against in Antigua because they are Guyanese, and in Guyana because they were black, so he was chatting nonsense when he pretending that he wanted them to return to Guyana.


Note that the Guyanese in Antigua consist heavily of the types of people that are in short supply in Guyana.  Teachers and nurses.


The person who reported this in the Guyanese papers was fired, because any discussion of anti black racism in Guyana is taboo. 


You see the only narrative of racism allowed in Guyana is of the 'PNC and black savages brutalizing saintly Indians, who of course are so open to their African "brothers and sisters", and confused by this'.


The we have the fake kumba ya expressed by hypocrites like Jay Bharrat.  When Hay suggests that Indians had equal access to opportunity to Africans under the Burnham regime, then I will listen to him.  Because the PNC was no different in how it treated Indians than is the PPP in how it treats blacks. 


And this extended to the ruling elites as well.  Indian business elites have no more respect for blacks than does the PPP, and exclude them from the upper echelons, just as did the African elites  in the state corporations exclude Indians in the 70s.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

the Coalition.  I have sent an initial donation of $100,000 in honor of Bro. Moses and Bro. David. The Coalition is one small step for politics and a giant step for Guyana.



Jay you know you are  a class hypocrite.  How can you support the coalition when the vast majority who do share exactly the SAME opinion of PPP run Guyana as does this woman?


The coalition will be very short lived in people like you call Afro Guyanese stupid for expressing THEIR REALITY of life in PPP run Guyana.  I very much doubt that you would have appreciated blacks telling you that life in Guyana in the 70s was no worse for Indians than it was for blacks, and it is only a "coincidence" that, aside from a small number of Indians, Guyana was African led.

caribny posted:
Originally Posted by baseman:

The issue is that in Guyana (unlike Trinidad) many blacks are educating themselves.  Then they graduate and racists like those who commented in the Chronicle display contempt for them.


No wonder, and with all its current problems and hostile attitude to Guyanese a black Guyanese women opined that "at least its OK to be black here".


This after AfroGUyanese told Jagdeo that being Guyanese in Antigua (where they are foreigners) is as bad as being black in Guyana (where they are NOT foreigners.


All the apologists can continue to deny that the Indo elite is trying their best to make AfroGuyanese 3rd class citizens...and then they get caught and pretend otherwise.


Well gentlemen and ladies, Chronicle has spoken and its quite ugly in the open bigotry that was displayed.

Just to revive comments from way back when the PPP felt perfectly free to publish an editorial damning blacks to be violent, lazy, criminal and of no use to Guyana.

And the pressure that Afro Guyanese were under at that time.

Mars posted:



The sickeningly racist Guyana Chronicle editorial has been thankfully, if not resoundingly, condemned


July 9, 2012

(By: Imran Khan)


She liked Antigua because β€œit’s ok to be black here”.


I believe that I have always been acutely aware of the challenges of the Afro-Guyanese man and woman in Guyana, never before though, had it been framed with such distressing and intense profundity in my mind.


Those who wish to know are not in doubt that Afro-Guyanese, under this government, have been systematically marginalised and discriminated against. Reference the historic King Kong case for your evidence. There is now a growing sense that there is an intensification of the racial onslaught and that the infancy of an outright attack is being engineered to be waged against our Afro-Guyanese brothers and sisters to incite them.



The observation of independent minded former Guyanese magistrate Yohhanseh Cave, who now lives and works in the British Virgin Islands strikes at the heart of the persecutors.β€œThis (the Guyana Chronicle editorial) is just another reason why so many Afro-Guyanese feel disrespected, delegitimised and marginalised in the country of our birth.”


On the one hand Indo-Guyanese are being conditioned to believe that Afro-Guyanese are of no social value and worthy of nothing good. On the other there is a campaign to debase and psychologically repress Afro-Guyanese into third class citizenry and for which they must show content, not contempt.


Both are equally revolting in conception and practice.



1. Until recently adjusted none of Guyana’s ambassadors were Afro-Guyanese.


2. Until recently none of the heads of state agencies were Afro-Guyanese.


3. The Berbice Bridge was deliberately located away from New Amsterdam, an area where Afro-Guyanese live. It has been argued that this being to purposefully spite the Afro-Guyanese community, disallowing them from being economic benefactors of this investment.


4. Afro-Guyanese are allocated lots mostly in the decidedly low-income housing schemes such as Parfait Harmonie on the West Bank of Demerara (and far removed from their places of employment).


5. .mic slavery.


β€œThe revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall.” β€“ Ernesto β€˜Che’ Guevara




Last edited by Former Member


Roger Luncheon said that there were no AfroGuyanese qualified to get an Ambassadorial posting.

.Luncheon was unable to answer questions that formed the basis of Jagdeo being called an institutional racist. Included was the paucity of Africans in leadership slots on state corporations, commissions and boards.

 I will challenge Bibi to question the credentials of the heads of mission that have now been appointed. High caliber people. While one can argue that Indians are under represented at least 3 have good slots to Canada, Wash DC  and China.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

Bibi remains in terror, refusing to see how bad life was for blacks under Jagdeo.

More blacks gained economic growth under BJ more than any other leader in Guyana's history.  Go to Golden Grove and see dem Nice house and fancy SUVs park up in the driveway.

He even build Dr CC Nicholson Memorial Hospital for the residents of Golden Grove, Nabaclis, and Buxton.  They have brand new gas station, supermarket, and church.  Burnham left a dump for them.

Go check it out before you pi$$ you pants again!!

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa

I remember reports of remittances being over US$100 million. I wonder how much of the physical improvements to properties are attributed to this source of income or due to government raising the income levels of Guyanese. SUVs and nice houses in places like Golden Grove are because of an economic boom, the PPP's largesse in handing out goodies to its citizens or remittances?

Bibi Haniffa posted:
caribny posted:

Bibi remains in terror, refusing to see how bad life was for blacks under Jagdeo.

More blacks gained economic growth under BJ more than any other leader in Guyana's history.  Go to Golden Grove and see dem Nice house and fancy SUVs park up in the driveway.

He even build Dr CC Nicholson Memorial Hospital for the residents of Golden Grove, Nabaclis, and Buxton.  They have brand new gas station, supermarket, and church.  Burnham left a dump for them.

Go check it out before you pi$$ you pants again!!

So some Indians amassed wealth under Burnham.  All praises to him right.  

Supposed some people find ways to survive even in a system which is designed to make them fail.

If blacks did so well under the PPP because of PPP policies then why did they feel so glad to see the end of the PPP last year.  The streets were packed with celebrating blacks yelling "we free" just as they did on August 1 1834 when slavery ended.

You sound like that Republican who said that slaves were well fed and housed.  Black people tell you that they were humiliated, you scream "you ungrateful negroes, look how much we did for you".

As to PPP projects.  Well Buxtonians complained loudly that when the PPP put projects in those black villages that they used PPP contractors who refused to hire local blacks, except to bring water.

And the SUVs.  Well thank God for Barbados and Brooklyn because THAT is what funded what ever those people had.  NOT the PPP.

As to Buxton.  I have relatives in that village. Its USA and Barbados $$$ that built those homes as large numbers of people who actually live there are unemployed.

Now go back to posting pics with Jagdeo hunting for black men.  Like many racists he admires black brawn, not black brain, because he certainly squeezed them out of the highest echelons of leadership, except in the GDF and GPF where few Indians were available.  Cheddi was bad enough but Jagdeo was HORRENDOUS!

You would have looked less ridiculous if you read that Imran Khan article and the one where Luncheon boasts that there were no blacks qualified to be ambassadors and that almost none were fit to lead government agencies.  But you wouldn't dare get into that, while you scream that Granger hasn't maintained a 90% Indo leadership that the PPP had.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why is our new PM, M. Nagamotoo refusing to take questions from the audience in NY??? What is he afraid of?? He has the secret service protecting him.  No one is going to hurt him.

Why are you and Bibi afraid to read exactly about the racism that blacks faced under the PPP.

Blowing things out of proportion and making charges of racism without facts is a full-time occupation for you. Do you get paid for doing this????

Billy Ram Balgobin
Last edited by Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:
caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Why is our new PM, M. Nagamotoo refusing to take questions from the audience in NY??? What is he afraid of?? He has the secret service protecting him.  No one is going to hurt him.

Why are you and Bibi afraid to read exactly about the racism that blacks faced under the PPP.

Blowing things out of proportion and making charges of racism without facts is a full-time occupation for you. Do you get paid for doing this????

BillyB bai, guh drink some senna pod. It will cleanse your system.

Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Blowing things out of proportion and making charges of racism without facts is a full-time occupation for you. Do you get paid for doing this????

Funny you scream all day about racist PNC!

Don't respond to me. 

Respond to Imran Khan.  He cited many blacks who had loads to say. 

Respond to Nigel Hughes, who queried the almost complete absence of blacks from top leadership spots aside from the armed forces.

Help out Luncheon, who couldn't name too many blacks heading state owned corporations, committees and commissions and who was forced to admit that the PPP didn't think that blacks weren't qualified to be appointed as ambassador.

Also tell us the thinking behind the racist Chronicle where they screamed much as the lot of you do about violent, lazy and criminal blacks (even as almost daily Indians are being arrested for violent criminal behavior).

I can also claim that YOU are blowing things out of proportion.

So let is look at the facts. In 2011 there were no APPOINTED black Ambassadors.  Now there are 4 Indians out of 10.  Canada, USA, China, and Cuba.  NONE of these being shabby postings.  In fact THREE out of the 5 most important postings (USA, Canada, UK, EU, and China) are posts occupied by INDIANS.

Yet you all want to run to the UN screaming Indo Holocaust.  They will run you just like Canada ran those Indians screaming Holocaust when they wanted refugee status for Canada in the late 80s.

redux posted:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

A group of people who controls the military, police, judiciary, now legislative power in the parliament does not pass the test of being marginalized. I did not even mention the mayorships in various towns and the vast outrageous number of Afros employed by the gov't.

The CYNICISM is awesome . . .; but, more to the point, your CONTEMPT for Black people is downright dangerous!

BRB  has been exposed.

caribny posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Blowing things out of proportion and making charges of racism without facts is a full-time occupation for you. Do you get paid for doing this????

Funny you scream all day about racist PNC!

Don't respond to me. 

Respond to Imran Khan.  He cited many blacks who had loads to say. 

Respond to Nigel Hughes, who queried the almost complete absence of blacks from top leadership spots aside from the armed forces.

Help out Luncheon, who couldn't name too many blacks heading state owned corporations, committees and commissions and who was forced to admit that the PPP didn't think that blacks weren't qualified to be appointed as ambassador.

Also tell us the thinking behind the racist Chronicle where they screamed much as the lot of you do about violent, lazy and criminal blacks (even as almost daily Indians are being arrested for violent criminal behavior).

I can also claim that YOU are blowing things out of proportion.

So let is look at the facts. In 2011 there were no APPOINTED black Ambassadors.  Now there are 4 Indians out of 10.  Canada, USA, China, and Cuba.  NONE of these being shabby postings.  In fact THREE out of the 5 most important postings (USA, Canada, UK, EU, and China) are posts occupied by INDIANS.

Yet you all want to run to the UN screaming Indo Holocaust.  They will run you just like Canada ran those Indians screaming Holocaust when they wanted refugee status for Canada in the late 80s.

The PPP screams racism and call any discussion of their own racism to be a racist attack.


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