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Nehru posted:

Totally TRUE. Plenty Crabdaags among us!!!

Just take a look at what he wrote!  The 10's of thousands of Sugar workers and their families may have  thing or two to say to the contrary!  This was some of the attitude I encountered in the AFC which I could not reconcile with!  It's all about envy, hatred and revenge against the few, so they obliterate the many!


 Just as confusing as Baseman.



Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

You are too dumb to know that Canada don't have a president. You keep him, to show your  white hero how to run a country.

ok, PM, same thing!  We went from PM to President in Guyana, what diff!!  But I agree, he had some good points, baseman is a fair person.  Trump will make America Great Again!!

When, after  the Russians invade  America electronically ?

Trump must be sitting on needles tonight, waiting for Comey  to  spill the beans tomorrow. Just like other politicians and individuals, you treat people with respect, you get respect in return.

Forget that, let's get more relevant!  The system will work!

So what's going on with the decade long suicide initiative in Guyana?  How is it going?  How is Granger treating you?  Were you able to get your hotline funding? Or did you start a new career?

Talking about respect, how much did you give to the PPP?  Even today, you still groping BJ and want his head in a stake!  You showed no regret for the "wretched blows" (as Bibi said) you meted out to the Indians of Guyana!


You seems to absorb  only negativism regarding our program in Guyana.

The kids are graduating from UG and HS and are teachers at the school they once dropped out. Thus forming  mentorship programs to new students. As we do with other countries, the youth are now running the program with some resources and training from us.

Unlike you, who seem to leave a storm in your path, we initiate a program, empower the people to take control with some support and move on to other projects.

To be realistic, Jagdeo gang caused us more problems than wanting to help.

Regarding supporting the PPP, Sat Sawh was our friend and I stayed at his house in Toronto many times. We were the PPP rep in Western Canada. Out family was linked with the Jagans at PM  and Cheddi visited us many times, but Jagdeo and his gang destroyed  the party.    

What wretched blows to Indians we melted out ? You still believe all the promises Bibi made and not delivered ?  Bhai, you like to plug in other people names just to make yourself look good.   These officials  pissed off too many Indians in Berbice. After the PPP experience, we decide to stay away from all governments. Granger or anyone else in the present government are no friends of ours.  We tolerate the ministries, because of our work.

I was just writing a long time PPP supporter that the PPP needs new leadership, because the people we work with will not vote for  Jagdeo.Because they are aware  what his officials did to our program and their children. So the PPP better get a new leader if the want to win elections again. The farmers also dislike the officials.

I am very surprised that you don't know about  your charity finances  in GY. This created suspicion as a board member. Your family charity takes  Granger's  money, yet you knock the man  down.

I was going to write a very critical piece  about you tonight. I can still do it, but I first want your honest answer, if there is such a thing. 

Were you ever in Africa on a government agriculture scholarship ?

I knew Dr, Reid and he asked whether I knew your father.

The work we do internationally is coordinated in Montreal and Toronto, with funding  and accountability from/to the Canadian government. Yet yours in Guyana is under suspicion that some people said they will not support it any longer. Why ? 


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