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“The struggle continues” – Former President

May 16, 2015 3:55 pm Category: latest news A+ / A-



Former President, Donald Ramotar. [iNews' Photo]

Former President, Donald Ramotar. [iNews’ Photo]

Former President Donald Ramotar says he is disappointed, hurt and aggrieved in the face of the swearing in of Guyana’s 8th executive President David Granger, following the declaration of the elections results by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) on Saturday.


A media release from the Government Information Agency (GINA) stated that the People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C) remains convinced that a recount would have proven that the electoral processes had been compromised and the PPP/C would have won.

See full statement below:

The results of the 2015 general and regional elections have been declared by the Guyana elections commission. Unfortunately these results have been shrouded in controversy.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the members and supporters of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic for your unwavering commitment and support and for the confidence which you reposed in us. I want to acknowledge all the hard work and sacrifices made by you in the campaign, particularly those supporters who toiled, sometimes unnoticed, to keep our machinery going.

While we are disappointed, hurt and aggrieved, I urge you to remain calm in the face of widespread provocation associated with triumphalism.

We should be proud of our unstinting commitment and ceaseless efforts to preserve our country’s democracy. We should also be justifiably proud of our record of success in restoring our economy and dramatically transforming our country over these difficult years of struggle.

Let us not be daunted but redouble our efforts to keep our party strong and resilient. As we look to the future we will stand with our people to continue the struggle for freedom and democracy as we did decades before.

As you are aware, the people’s progressive party/civic had requested the commission to conduct a recount of the ballots cast in view of the several irregularities and discrepancies found during and after the day of the elections. We believe that the electoral processes were severely compromised. That is why we requested a recount of the ballots. Regrettably, our repeated requests were denied by GECOM.

The right to universal adult suffrage and its exercise of “one person, one vote” which the PPP won for the Guyanese people in 1953 is again under threat.

GECOM by its constitutional mandate and the observer missions have made their pronouncements on the elections without taking into account the real concerns that have been brought to their attention by our party.

My party remains convinced that a recount would have proven beyond any shadow of doubt that the electoral processes had been compromised and the PPP/C would have won.

We have agreed to pursue options for redress under the constitution and the law including an elections petition.

Once again we are being removed from office, not through the will of our people, but by electoral manipulations. Yet we will remain steadfast in our commitment to the principles of freedom and democracy.

My fellow Guyanese, it has been my humble honour to serve you as president of our dear land over these past three years. I have upheld my sworn duty to carry out my mandate without fear or favour.

My party is proud of our record in nurturing and building a free and democratic country. Clearly these elections demonstrate that the freedom we have can still be compromised but we have always acted in the interests of all of our people. We will continue to do so and will remain steadfast in our commitment to serve all Guyanese and to work for the unity, stability and progress of our country.

I am urging the new president and the APNU-AFC leadership to take urgent responsibility for the preservation of peace, the respect for all our citizens regardless of race, colour or creed and the protection of all Guyanese irrespective of political affiliation.

As we enter into a new phase of our country’s political life, the PPP/C will continue to strive for a strong democracy, a cohesive society and a better Guyana.


The struggle continues.

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Quote "PPP you have come to the end of your road.. While you were governing  you should have thought of a day like this. You do not  disrespect the powers of the world and expect to win. In addition you have  walked all over your own people and trampled upon their integrity. Next time bring some competence and brains to the table instead of incompetence and arrogance. Sit back and reflect. You did not think people were paying attention, huh?


He, BJ and the whole inner circle should resign/retire and let the rebuilding begin.  The PPP should support Nagamootoo to help bring about the change which will benefit all Guyanese.  I'm sure even the strongest PNC suporters don't want to see an run-away PNC that is not accountable.


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