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This Pitcha lika pitcha is not for discussion Forum ,it will be gone .

who vex ,vex.

It's getting painful to monitor some of the post. This is the same poster who says the forum is hijacked.

Last edited by Django

Holy fk Dave are you for real? You are running out of pictures already so now going into archives to pull out shit and post it? Buddy you must have obsessive compulsive disorder.

Last edited by cain

Dave, we are well aware of what happened during Burnhàm's time, there is absolutely no need to bring that back just to make a point, dammit man. Same shit you did in the thread for that PPP guy who passed away, you just had to post something negative, stop the bullshit it is becoming intolerable..

I just noticed your post Django, I agree, this shit has to stop.

Last edited by cain

@Django ... these pictures were never posted. You  need to allow freedom of speech. Its your attitude that cause members to leave this forum. 

Last edited by Former Member

@Former Member why dont you go post all those pictcha like a pictcha on a PPP board I bet even they will be fed up with you littering the place. After you people leave it's possible the decent posters will return

Last edited by cain

@Django ... these pictures were never posted. You are need to allow freedom of speech. Its your attitude that cause members to leave this forum. 

There are numerous threads discussing the Burnham era , and it wasn't picture like a picture.

Your last sentence is your take.

Thread will be be deleted , these types of post derails the intent of the Discussion Forum.


This is the first time seeing most of these pictures.  I saw the one with GDFs stealing ballot boxes.  Django is out to scrub out PNC dirt at all costs.  Truth will prevail. Granger will fall.


Looks like you are spring chicken ,

quit the nonsense of my affiliation to PNC.


I ain't gonna quit because what I'm saying is certainly not nonsense.  I am speaking of your incessant attempts to thwart the voice of those fighting to count the votes of region 4. Your attacks and counter-attacks tell more about you and where your political loyalties lie.  

Billy Ram Balgobin

Dude quit with the bullshit. You never knew any of what Dave posted up there right?

What Django is doing is clearing the board of dam clutter. Too long Dave has been doing this shit and getting away with it. This is one of the reasons people stay away from here, the friken childish and drunken behaviour of posters.

Last edited by cain

I ain't gonna quit because what I'm saying is certainly not nonsense.  I am speaking of your incessant attempts to thwart the voice of those fighting to count the votes of region 4. Your attacks and counter-attacks tell more about you and where your political loyalties lie.  


Why only Region 4 ,all the Regions will be counted. I have never said anything about the Recount of votes.

Where do i attack anyone, read my posts again for the number of years on the forum.



At this critical time in our nation's history where the possibility of war and division looms level headed posters like Dave ought not be stifled regardless if their posts become a bit of clutter. All these years there were no complaints about clutter, but since the Django assume some power we are hearing a whole lot baloney..  This dude is biased!  Don't you agree?

Billy Ram Balgobin

BRB, No. The clutter was never at the extent as it is now. I have no problem with pictures or videos but when they come by the dozen it gets other board will put up with this.

I sometimes question some of Django's posts, he sees things his way I see things my way, we all see things differently and that I can understand.  What Dave is doing is dam ridiculous and petty and I blame Django for putting up with his bullshit by arguing with him which makes the thread lose its flavour.

Do you really think if a war is looming in Guyana any of us here will make a difference? No.


Last edited by cain

When a dangerous situation as such looms, it is imperative that it is reported in the media and not suppressed. GNI has been a source of information for what is happening in Guyana for over two decades.  We may not be able to stop a war in Guyana, but we can help the situation by getting our people to become more aware of what's happening.  

Billy Ram Balgobin

I do not see what is wrong with what Dave has posted. People expose their limited ability to understand his intent. For me, these pictures are important. It shows what occured under the PNC dictatorship and why it is important that they be not allowed to steal this election and create another dictatorship and disaster for tge Guyanese people. That is the message. Also, some posters are mistaken in assuming that everyone on this site have had access to this info or some of the pictures. Furthermore, if someone does not like what is posted on the thread he has started, then they have a choice to not go on or start their own thread. If you do not like it, then do not go on to read it. Posting lots or pictures is nothing new  I have seen worse on this site over the year and some who complain here now were part of that.

i think that the criticism that is leveled against Dave is more about those who criticize him than Dave. It is more about being ashamed of what you supported in the past and or what you currently support and cannot or unable to defendThere is no give in Dave. He is passionate about what is happening in Guyana and he feels an obligation to do something about it. Any of you that claim to be spiritual or follow the religious teachings know or should know that they al, teach that if you see wrong, you have an obligation to fight against it.

For those of you that have power to shut down threads, remember that there are also unintended consequences of your actions, that stifling comments because you disagree with them, no matter how you try to rationalize your action  help to eventually create a society that helps to create misery, oppression and suffering.


I don’t care for the pics one way or the other cause I am here in Guyana and could see first hand the blatant attempt of rigging. I could hear race hate talks from both sides - blacks are more openly in your face. I use to post thousands of pictures in support of the collation in 2015 elections ... none was never deleted. The world sees and condem the electoral fraud but Django doesn’t - but wants to denied he is not part of the ‘ dark forces’... 


Dark forces have overcome Guyana. It’s like The return of the Menacing Black Plague.

Some are buried and hidden from sunlight like cockroaches. Some surface in the sunlight and pretend they ain’t what they are, but fool no one, a cockroach always a cockroach!


Blacks are some of the most racists people you find in Guyana and right here in America. Only stupid coolies allow themselves to be fooled running behind them. All those Black politicians in NY supporting the Darky forces in Guyana!

Last edited by Former Member

I do not condone the way the election counting was done and the impasse that has resulted. Democratic rules must be observed and the will of the people respected. What the poster is doing is spamming the board to create cyber hysteria and mayhem which does not serve anyone’s interests.

That is dangerous. The situation calls for calm.


Just listen to these shameless hypocritical cockroaches!  Remain calm!  Yes, that’s what they hoping for, a return to what the pictures above depict.  Who creating mayhem?  The election was calm and peaceful until sunlight shone then the dark forces took over.

Jagdeo needs to move up the ante. The return of PNC apartheid can never be accepted.  


@Sheik101 Banna, I wouldn't invite a politician I doan care for in my home for garlic poke, first, I doan eat it and second I ain't a shameless hypocritical cackaroach.

Last edited by cain

I agree. We are not going to allow the PNC to rig another election. The PNC is trying to manufacture votes in some PPP strongholds. Here is one example: in Enterprise a Predominantly Indian area, one ballot box showed the APNU/AFC got 146 votes and the PPP/C  0.  Moses and Khemraj were abandoned by the one time supporters because of their hatred for the PPP.The Dougla people also abandoned the PNC because they have seen light. They have recognised the glory of the PPP reign  when President Jagdeo rebuilt the country  which the PNC bankrupted.

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