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Former Member
The evidence shall set you free form corruption when there is non to indict the Honorable Dr. Jagdeo.

This past week on the government 2015 budget debates, Dr. Jagdeo has schooled the govt ministers, humiliated them and exposed them on wasteful spending and corruption. He made the government side caved in and admit to thievery in the honorable house of parliament.

Guyanese will finally get to know who are the real crooks. Just 100 days in office, the entire country was shocked to know that the coalition government aimed was to get into power by lying to the Guyanese people.

When a government failed to delivered as promised to the people and give themselves (A) grade is quite embarrassing.

Would you put your neck on the chopping block for this government?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Cobra Bhai,


This government is less than four months old and we have seen Fat Pigs like Moses driving around with $ 22 Million vehicles.


Ministers are cussing down ordinary hard working Guyanese and threatening to jail them. Moses adds insult by using racist terms in parliament.


Crimes ARE escalating and the PNC is clueless. The government is over bloated and overpaid.


Pensioner were given $ 1 US increase, Berbicains with $ 1 US reduction in Tolls.


Auditors hired are not in accordance to Guyana's laws, friends of the PNC are hired and paid millions.


PNC removed independent reporters from the national newspapers and replaced them with their own friends while campaigning that the National Newspapers must be independent.



The economy is stagnant and businessmen are murdered and are afraid to invest.


Berbicians are protesting against the PNC's inability to control the escalation of crime and murders in Berbice.


Guyana is quickly becoming a dictatorship. 


Welcome to change, PNC style.


Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
You summarise the PNC in a nutshell deh bhai.


I did a small summary. The list is longer including alleged PNC's ethnic cleansing.


If poster Gil and other PNC members get their way, we will not be allowed post these facts. They are busy drafting legislation to suppress our voices.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Tola:

You seem to be feeling good about yourself, while Jagdeo and the PPP continue to take Guyana  into their own shit hole.  

It is the PNC which is governing and taking Guyana into the filth, including Fat Pig Moses driving in his $ 22 million SUV and clueless Rumjhaat as crime escalates in Guyana.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Tola is definitely not in his right frame of mind. He like Freddy Kissoon has a personal hatred for Jagdeo.


Looks that way.


These are the chaps who are claiming to champion the fight for the poor but are quite at $ 1 US increase for pensioners, $ 1 US for reduction for Berbice Toll and endorsing the escalation of crime against helpless Berbicians while Fat Pig Moses drives around in a$ 22 million SUV.


His motto should now read: Profit before People, Let Fat Pigs like Moses ride on the poor.



Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Tola is definitely not in his right frame of mind. He like Freddy Kissoon has a personal hatred for Jagdeo.


Looks that way.


These are the chaps who are claiming to champion the fight for the poor but are quite at $ 1 US increase for pensioners, $ 1 US for reduction for Berbice Toll and endorsing the escalation of crime against helpless Berbicians while Fat Pig Moses drives around in a$ 22 million SUV.


His motto should now read: Profit before People, Let Fat Pigs like Moses ride on the poor.



Shameless eh...get of your ass and come see what the PPP did to the people in Berbice.

Regional officers raped virgin women looking for jobs, whose life is devastated with suicidal feelings.


You get gyal pickey  Yuji, send them to Berbcie to do volunteer work under the PPP and see how dem come back.     

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Tola is definitely not in his right frame of mind. He like Freddy Kissoon has a personal hatred for Jagdeo.


Looks that way.


These are the chaps who are claiming to champion the fight for the poor but are quite at $ 1 US increase for pensioners, $ 1 US for reduction for Berbice Toll and endorsing the escalation of crime against helpless Berbicians while Fat Pig Moses drives around in a$ 22 million SUV.


His motto should now read: Profit before People, Let Fat Pigs like Moses ride on the poor.



yuji22, what kinda cockman figures yuh posting?

You post the pensioners' increase in US dollars and calculated the exchange wrong.

You post the Berbice bridge toll reduction in US dollars and calculate the exchange wrong too.

After those two wrongs, you quote the budgetary allocation for the PM's SUV in Guyana dollars. Why didn't you quote the price in US dollars too?

Better yet, why didn't you quote all the numbers in Guyana dollars?

Dat is cockish argumentation, yuji22.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Tola is definitely not in his right frame of mind. He like Freddy Kissoon has a personal hatred for Jagdeo.


Looks that way.


These are the chaps who are claiming to champion the fight for the poor but are quite at $ 1 US increase for pensioners, $ 1 US for reduction for Berbice Toll and endorsing the escalation of crime against helpless Berbicians while Fat Pig Moses drives around in a$ 22 million SUV.


His motto should now read: Profit before People, Let Fat Pigs like Moses ride on the poor.



yuji22, what kinda cockman figures yuh posting?

You post the pensioners' increase in US dollars and calculated the exchange wrong.

You post the Berbice bridge toll reduction in US dollars and calculate the exchange wrong too.

After those two wrongs, you quote the budgetary allocation for the PM's SUV in Guyana dollars. Why didn't you quote the price in US dollars too?

Better yet, why didn't you quote all the numbers in Guyana dollars?

Dat is cockish argumentation, yuji22.

Yuji kackish like Jagdeo leading the PPP in neva neva land for his own greedy purpose.   

Last edited by Tola

I stand by what I say. The pensioner increase = one loaf of bread. That's it.


It is quite disgraceful to watch as the so called champion of the poor remain silent at the poor gets poorer under the PNC and Fat Pigs like Moses ride in their $ 22 million SUV.


Berbicians have to take to the streets in massive protests to seek security from criminals and murderers.


Shame on them, their motto should read: Profit before People, Let Moses ride on the backs of the poor with his $ 22 Million SUV and his $ 18 million residence upgrade.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I stand by what I say. The pensioner increase = one loaf of bread. That's it.


It is quite disgraceful to watch as the so called champion of the poor remain silent at the poor gets poorer under the PNC and Fat Pigs like Moses ride in their $ 22 million SUV.


Berbicians have to take to the streets in massive protests to seek security from criminals and murderers.


Shame on them, their motto should read: Profit before People, Let Moses ride on the backs of the poor with his $ 22 Million SUV and his $ 18 million residence upgrade.



You were challenged before, to get your ass from behind your computer and come see what PPP officials did to Berbicians.


Wha happen, you rass chicken or cold blood like a snake.

Shameless indeed...all talk with no substance.   

Originally Posted by Tola:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

I stand by what I say. The pensioner increase = one loaf of bread. That's it.


It is quite disgraceful to watch as the so called champion of the poor remain silent at the poor gets poorer under the PNC and Fat Pigs like Moses ride in their $ 22 million SUV.


Berbicians have to take to the streets in massive protests to seek security from criminals and murderers.


Shame on them, their motto should read: Profit before People, Let Moses ride on the backs of the poor with his $ 22 Million SUV and his $ 18 million residence upgrade.



You were challenged before, to get your ass from behind your computer and come see what PPP officials did to Berbicians.


Wha happen, you rass chicken or cold blood like a snake.

Shameless indeed...all talk with no substance.   

I will NEVER set foot in Guyana as long as the PNC rules Guyana, never.


Berbice Bridge, CLICO investments were “criminal” – Finance Minister


– NIS lost US$9M as a result; Consolidated Fund may have to rescue scheme from drowning in losses


By Kiana Wilburg

The business of the National Assembly was wrapped up yesterday afternoon, with Finance Minister Winston Jordan reading the Income Tax (Amendment) Bill for the second time and it was passed.

But since he was on the issue of tax, Jordan felt it necessary to speak about the state of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS), with particular reference to the investments made by the company into CLICO and the Berbice River Bridge during the rule of the People’s Progressive Party Civic.

The Finance Minister said that the billion-dollar investments into those two entities have “hurt us all”. He described them as being rather “reckless” investments, but said that it is even beyond this. His colleagues on the eastern side of the House suggested to him, a more fitting term. They told him, “It’s not reckless, it’s criminal.”

To this Jordan retorted, “Yes I like that word, criminal. It was indeed criminal.”

The Finance Minister said that when Guyanese make their contributions to NIS, it is expected that during times of difficulty and old age, that money would be there to assist. He said that it is expected that NIS would be prudent with its investments, especially with taxpayers’ resources which are faithfully contributed every month.

“So Mr. Speaker, all of us were hurt at the reckless investment by NIS into CLICO resulting in the impairment of over $5.6B. Between 2009 to now, NIS has lost $1.8B and if this was not criminal enough, NIS again made another suspect investment into the Berbice Bridge of nearly $1B to which they are still to collect income on,” Jordan said.

He added, “So essentially, NIS is now in the position where it is eating into its capital to make even the minimal benefits to its contributors. This cannot continueâ€ĶWe will have to move swiftly and come up with a strategy, and it won’t be easy. That approach includes entrenching in NIS, mechanisms to ensure it can never again do anything as reckless as this. ”

Members on the Government’s side slammed their desks in approval.

The Finance Minister continued, “We don’t want the scenario that when we are ready for our benefits we can’t get it, and actually that is the situation now because it continues to lose. It can’t give full benefits and I believe that the Consolidated Fund at the end of the day may be asked to make good on this loss”.

But Jordan’s statements apparently incensed Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo. Jagdeo could not resist the temptation of taking the floor to defend the investments made into the two companies under the PPP.

He accused the Finance Minister of using the time allotted to read a Bill to score political points. The Opposition Leader then attacked the contents of the 2015 budget which was passed on Friday last, and even sought to bring the integrity of the Finance Minister into question with various accusations.

Jagdeo then called for a debate on the matter after what seemed to be his budget debate presentation—Part two. But Jordan refused to respond to Jagdeo and his allegations.

“I said what I had to, but I did enjoy the honourable opposition leader,” the Finance Minister uttered while ending his statement with a hearty laugh.

Jordan told Kaieteur News that he has no time to enter into any debate with the Opposition Leader. He emphasized that Jagdeo cannot escape the fact that the investments were criminal and that NIS suffered as a result of it.

“I have no desire to give Jagdeo any more prominence than he gets in this honourable House,” Jordan concluded.

As for the Income Tax Bill which seeks to remove the tax levied directly on personal income, the Minister said that this is part of the quest by the coalition government to give a good life to the Guyanese people by “putting back money in their pockets so to speak.”

In explaining how this measure will work, Jordan said, “Let us assume that a person is working for $60,000 at the moment. They will be given a take home of $50,000 a month which leaves chargeable income of $10,000 a month. Now they are asked to pay 30 percent of that chargeable income which is $3000 plus, they will also be asked to pay $3360 a month in NIS contributions. So in essence their take-home pay will be $53,640. When this Bill is passed and the measure goes into effect, the chargeable income of $10,000 will have the NIS contribution deducted and that will leave $6640 and 30 percent of that is $1192, giving this person a take home pay of $54,648.

He said that this means that this person will have a saving or will have extra money in his pocket of $1008 a month or $12,096 a year. This earned him loud applause from members of the House.

He emphasised that this measure takes place this year.

The House then examined the Bill clause by clause and it was subsequently passed.

Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo thanked House Speaker, Dr. Barton Scotland for his calm demeanour during the “stormy” budget debate and deliberations.

Quoting Shakespeare, the First Vice President said, “You ‘sat like patience on a monument, smiling at grief.”

Nagamootoo also extended thanks to the staff of the Parliament and the media and finally moved the motion for the Parliament to enter a period of recess for one month.

The House is expected to meet on October 11.


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