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Former Member


August 28, 2014, By Filed Under Features/Columnists, Peeping Tom, Source - Kaieteur News


This charade that is taking place at City Hall should be brought to an end. It is turning out to be a Naipaulian farce.

How can the City Council pass a no-confidence motion against the Town Clerk whom it had previously passed a no-confidence motion against? What is the point that it is making?

How can it pass a no-confidence motion against a Town Clerk whom it does not recognize? How can it pass a motion sending the Town Clerk on administrative leave when it has no powers to do so?

The Court has ruled on a challenge to the appointment of the Town Clerk. It has held that it is the Local Government Commission that is empowered to appoint the Town Clerk. That Commission is not in place and therefore the Town Clerk has been allowed to continue until such time as her appointment is confirmed or rejected by the competent authority.

This is the gravamen of the court’s decision. This decision has been challenged. This challenge has not yet been determined.

Until such time as that challenge is determined, the men and women sitting around the horseshoe table have to live with the implications of the Court’s original ruling. This is what a commitment to the rule of law entails.

As such, all wars, both overt and covert, need to be called off. It is making a mockery and laughing stock of the Council. There are good men and women on the Council and it is time for some civility and patience to be exercised. If there has to be a final hurrah for those who do not anticipate returning or being returned to City Hall whenever local government elections are called, this hurrah should be one of reconciliation, not confrontation.

If the charade at City Hall does not end, the government should intervene and dissolve the Council. The public has long lost confidence in that body.

It is testing the patience of the people to ask them to continue to read about the weekly infighting that is taking place, when Council should instead be out there trying to find solutions to the serious drainage and garbage problems affecting the city. If the Council fails to stop these almost weekly hostilities against each other, it is for the government to intercede and put an end to the life of this Council.

The opposition is firmly opposed to such an intervention. The opposition is calling for local government elections. But it is not supportive of a recall of this ineffective Council. At the same time, however, it is moving a no-confidence motion for a recall of the government. Why recall a government outside of elections and not recall a Council which was elected way back in 1994 and which has long lost its way?

How about a no-confidence motion against City Hall? Is it not time for the opposition to join Desmond Hoyte in calling for the existing Council to be disbanded. Desmond Hoyte was in favour of this!

All the municipal councils in Guyana are cash-strapped. All of them need more revenue. But none of them have experienced the sort of infighting that takes place at City Hall. And to what end? To prove who is right and who is wrong or is it to prove who is wrong and strong?

The entire Council should resign. Let a non-political body be appointed to administer the Council until such time as democratic renewal can take place. Is that asking too much for these good men and women around the horse table? It has happened before. The Council in Linden was dissolved and an IMC put in place. So what happen to Georgetown? Goat bite it?

And what is this nonsense about padlocking the offices of the Town Clerk. This is a descent into lawlessness. It should be halted. The police should be called in and action taken against those found responsible for this action.

If this is not done, the situation is likely to get worse. We are setting a terrible example to the younger generation. If this sort of pulling and tugging, hemming and hawing is what they will see as representing politics, they will become indifferent to politics and want to keep as far away from it as possible.

Do you know that politics is no longer a degree programme at the University of Guyana? And do you know why? When students saw what politics was like under Burnham, they shied away from that field. They wanted nothing to do with politics and thus they stayed away from it as an academic discipline. They became indifferent to politics.

You want to know another secret? The vast majority of those who did not vote in the last elections were young people. Want to know why? Just take a look at what is taking place at City Hall!


Source -- http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....ed-web-at-city-hall/

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City Hall informs bank of Council’s decision to change signatories

- asks that Minister’s correspondence be ignored


By Zena Henry, August 28, 2014, By Filed Under News, Source - Kaieteur News


The Georgetown Mayor and City Council (M&CC) yesterday dispatched a letter to the main branch of Republic Bank instructing that the Council has decided upon a change of signatories to its bank account. The body more than a week ago, by way of a majority vote, decided that the acting Town Clerk Carol Sooba is to no longer sign financial documents on the Council’s behalf. They elected that another Council official, Public Relations Officer, Mr. Royston King, be a signatory.


Town Clerk [Ag) Carol Sooba

Town Clerk (Ag)
Carol Sooba


In the letter dispatched to the Manager of Republic Bank, Mayor Hamilton Green asked that a previous letter which was sent to the bank by Local Government Minister Norman Whittaker be ignored. Whittaker, on August 26, wrote to the bank stating that the removal of Sooba’s signature from the account and the recent decision to send the Council’s Treasurer Ron Mc Calman on administrative leave, are unlawful acts.

The Minister pointed the bank to Sections 116-119 of the Municipal and Districts Council Act 28:01, in conjunction with Section 326 (4, 5, 6), to identify the course of action to be taken in the absence of the Local Government Commission which deals with the hiring and disciplining of local government officers. The Minister said that the Council may make recommendations to the Ministry on disciplining an officer, but only the Minister can make the final decision. The Minister reminded that Sooba remains the de facto Town Clerk and suggested that the bank should seek legal advice on the matter.
However, in Mayor Green’s letter, he stated that under the sections cited by the Minister, he (Whittaker) has no power to appoint any Officer making more than $18,000 per annum. The Mayor further pointed out that Sooba remains the de facto Town Clerk, but the Minister’s appointment was quashed by the Chief Justice (Ag) Ian Chang when the appointment was challenged in April.

The Mayor continued that Sections 72-78 of the Act are clear on the Council’s authority in relation to employees and reminded that a request to the Appeal Court for a stay against Council decisions against Sooba was refused. He stated further that the Council has the “right and responsibility to ensure the integrity of its internal administrative arrangements.”As such, “Ms. Carol Ryan Sooba and Mr. Ron Mc Calman remain on administrative leave as per decision of the Council….”

Mayor Green provided the bank with certain sections of the law, which he says the Minister “deliberately” omitted.  Section 149 of the Act speaks to Council’s payment procedure. The Mayor emphasized that the Council’s account belongs to the Council and “unless the Minister can state the specific law which gives him authority over our accounts, the Council’s decision remains in force.”

The missive was copied to the Local Government Minister, the Opposition Leader David Granger, and Attorney General Anil Nandlall among other Government officials. Lawyers for the Council have already requested action from the bank on the decision to remove Sooba’s signature with immediate effect.

A week ago, the Council voted to remove Sooba’s signature from their account, but that information was not recorded in the Council’s minutes as the acting Town Clerk told the executives that the action was not implementable.

Last Monday, Sooba and Mc Calman were sent on administrative leave to facilitate investigations into the handling of Council’s account. The waiver of more than $27M for a popular businessman, who the Council said did not deserve an exemption of rates and taxes, sparked the vote against the Officers. The Council made a formal police complaint against Minister Whittaker for “illegally” instructing Sooba, who later instructed the Treasurer, to make the waiver.


Source -- http://www.kaieteurnewsonline....-change-signatories/


The PPP is responsible for the freedom and democracy Guyanese across the country enjoys today. How can they trample on democracy when you never had it prior to 1992?


Take in consideration that a snap election is imminent.


A simple answer will do...

Originally Posted by Cobra:

The PPP is responsible for the freedom and democracy Guyanese across the country enjoys today. How can they trample on democracy when you never had it prior to 1992?


Take in consideration that a snap election is imminent.


A simple answer will do...

The PPP has not held Local Government Elections since 1997 which is in breach of the constitution of Guyana. Withholding constitutionally required elections is trampling on democracy.


Who knows to read and interpret the constitution?


Even the Speaker breached the constitution when he denied Rohee the right to speak in Parliament and had to reverse his own ruling by reinstated Rohee's full rights in parliament. You wish to comment on that?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who knows to read and interpret the constitution?


Even the Speaker breached the constitution when he denied Rohee the right to speak in Parliament and had to reverse his own ruling by reinstated Rohee's full rights in parliament. You wish to comment on that?

You talking sheer piss now.


The constitution is very clear on the when local government elections are required to be held and they are long overdue. 

Last edited by Mars
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who knows to read and interpret the constitution?


Even the Speaker breached the constitution when he denied Rohee the right to speak in Parliament and had to reverse his own ruling by reinstated Rohee's full rights in parliament. You wish to comment on that?

You talking sheer piss now.


The constitution is very clear on the when local government elections are required to be held and they are long overdue. 

If I am talking piss then there is no need to go further. It seem that you want me to entertain your belief and ignore my question. Keep on trucking!

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who knows to read and interpret the constitution?


Even the Speaker breached the constitution when he denied Rohee the right to speak in Parliament and had to reverse his own ruling by reinstated Rohee's full rights in parliament. You wish to comment on that?

You talking sheer piss now.


The constitution is very clear on the when local government elections are required to be held and they are long overdue. 

If I am talking piss then there is no need to go further. It seem that you want me to entertain your belief and ignore my question. Keep on trucking!

This has nothing to do with my belief stupid man.


There is a requirement in the constitution of Guyana to hold local government elections. This is not my belief but a fact which is documented.


The PPP should just hold the bloody local government elections and stop the stalling tactics. Let democracy reign. What are they afraid of?

Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who knows to read and interpret the constitution?


Even the Speaker breached the constitution when he denied Rohee the right to speak in Parliament and had to reverse his own ruling by reinstated Rohee's full rights in parliament. You wish to comment on that?

You talking sheer piss now.


The constitution is very clear on the when local government elections are required to be held and they are long overdue. 

If I am talking piss then there is no need to go further. It seem that you want me to entertain your belief and ignore my question. Keep on trucking!

This has nothing to do with my belief stupid man.


There is a requirement in the constitution of Guyana to hold local government elections. This is not my belief but a fact which is documented.


The PPP should just hold the bloody local government elections and stop the stalling tactics. Let democracy reign. What are they afraid of?

The Constitution ALSO says THe EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT IS THE COMMANDER AND CHIEF AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE COOPERATIVE OF GUYANA.. Do you need me to explain dat????   I know I do but will not.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Who knows to read and interpret the constitution?


Even the Speaker breached the constitution when he denied Rohee the right to speak in Parliament and had to reverse his own ruling by reinstated Rohee's full rights in parliament. You wish to comment on that?

You talking sheer piss now.


The constitution is very clear on the when local government elections are required to be held and they are long overdue. 

If I am talking piss then there is no need to go further. It seem that you want me to entertain your belief and ignore my question. Keep on trucking!

This has nothing to do with my belief stupid man.


There is a requirement in the constitution of Guyana to hold local government elections. This is not my belief but a fact which is documented.


The PPP should just hold the bloody local government elections and stop the stalling tactics. Let democracy reign. What are they afraid of?

The Constitution ALSO says THe EXECUTIVE PRESIDENT IS THE COMMANDER AND CHIEF AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OF THE COOPERATIVE OF GUYANA.. Do you need me to explain dat????   I know I do but will not.

He is still required to hold the local government elections. His position does not give him the right to delay elections past the required time.


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