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The thing you can do to make the PPP lose the next election

September 18, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, Freddie Kissoon 

We begin with a word on the Rachel Maddow Show. Ms. Maddow made a penetrating point last week. She said that the publication of the beheading of American citizens by the Islamic State was to goad the Americans into going to war so that the Americans can look bad around the world. But the bait didn’t work. Obviously it didn’t because the Americans knew it was a bait.
If the PPP had the commonsense like the Obama Administration, it probably would have won a landslide victory in 2011. It is because of this commonsensical vacuity that the PPP lost and will continue to lose. The PPP administers Guyana as a reaction to three clusters of criticism – the opposition political parties, the two independent dailies and anti-government critics among whom I include myself.
It doesn’t matter how monstrous an act a high-ranking PPP apparatchik commits, once the opposition points to the infamy or the Kaieteur News or Stabroek News reports it or an activist like me writes about it, then the monster is elevated, his monstrosity is whitewashed and he lives another day to commit another rape.
This is essentially the nature of the PPP. Cheddi Jagan participated in this kind of depravity but his wife, Janet Jagan, was the shameless operative who invented the leniency method. The difference with the Jagans and the present PPP cabal led by Bharrat Jagdeo is that both Jagans would reprimand the sinners and make them know that they were displeased.
Dr. Jagan was severe on the then head of the Rice Producers’ Association, Fazal Ally, for monies he owed Dr. Hughley Hanoman and refused to pay. Mrs. Jagan was furious when she saw the interior of a house in Pradoville One. She knew corrupt money was involved and never went back to that home. The money came from corrupt transactions of both man and wife.  But both Cheddi Jagan destroyed their image and credibility completely by not sacking Minister Reepu Daman Persaud after the suicide of his secretary. The whole of Guyana knew why she died.
The pinnacle of this evil was reached under Jagdeo and now Ramotar is his copy cat. Once the opposition and the media highlighted the debaucheries of Jagdeo’s sycophants, Jagdeo encouraged them with the advice to them and his party that the critics were out to get the government. What Jagdeo did with this method was to create nasty little gods in the government and the country that were above the law and had not one ounce of moral decency.
This is the state of affairs with the PPP. I can get Robeson Benn tomorrow before this edition of KN hits the road, to raid those roadside vendors all over Guyana if I was to publish a condemnation of the Ministry’s action against just one such vendor.
It is easy to imagine the emotion; “Who said that, Freddie Kissoon, well I gun show him; ya’ll go and bruk up all dem stands.”
You want to see Rohee or Luncheon demonstrate their power? Just let the independent press expose any recent notoriety of any PPP leader, and there will be immediate and automatic protection with encouragement. This sickness in the PPP has virtually killed or obliterated the respect and support Guyanese had for the PPP because for the average human, the umbrella of protection and encouragement makes no sense.
A PPP king walks into NCN and stops a calypso from playing; another slaughters goats in the compound of the Sports Hall for his son birthday; another gets into an ugly brawl at an international boxing match right next to where the President was sitting. “Killaman” is always on the rampage. This is not the tip of the iceberg but a tiny piece of the tip.
The PPP leaders are not your normal humans so they cannot see the madness in their method. Why would you order cleaners to miss one yard out of ten just because an anti-government critic lives there? You are bound to bring out rage in citizens because they will see how stupid and petty-minded you are. But the PPP has done exactly this and will continue to engage in such stupidities and imbecilities.
There was only one reason why Clement Rohee insisted that passport applicants have a recent birth certificate; it was criticized on the front page of this newspaper. This insanity in the use of power will go on right into the 2015 elections and the opposition can milk it. All the opposition has to do to win the election is to get the PPP hierarchy mad by criticizing cruel policies. The next day, more cruel policies will follow.

Quote "Just let the independent press expose any recent notoriety of any PPP leader, and there will be immediate and automatic protection with encouragement. This sickness in the PPP has virtually killed or obliterated the respect and support Guyanese had for the PPP because for the average human, the umbrella of protection and encouragement makes no sense.unquote


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