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Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

OK, all Afros involved.  How is this PPP?

They were agents of the former Ministro Wesford.


Now if you know Wesford, she used to live home with a man called BAFFA in Albouystown.  Baffa was jailed by HOYTE for drug dealing and back tracking.


That is when she broke with the PNC.


Odinga hook her up with Jags and then she because his part time lover and after that she could have done no wrong.


Now she is an Central Committee member of the PPP and was caught tiefing these 6 vehicles.


Her man is now a dishonorably discharged GDF officer who is a professional CON man.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

The tiefing continues - when will the PPP stooges stop.

I have been wondering the same thing. Did they have a timeline to ease up  buggering the nation? Was there a dollar amount that would have been enough for them to stop raping the country? When would this criminal level of corruption have ended?

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Kish does have all the dirt on this Doctor Westford.  Looks like they got themselves in trouble now.


Bad company.


I would take what Kishan/Rab Mukraj has to say with a huge grain of salt.


He was here just a few weeks ago regaling us with tales how teenaged Shaitaan used to beg Joe Kanhai for a plate of free food in richmond hill.


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