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“As we overcome the threat to public health posed by COVID-19, the peoples of the Americas and the Caribbean face other challenges, such as the full restoration of democracy in Nicaragua and Vene-zuela; adherence to free, fair and credible electoral processes in Guyana; and holding the Cuban regime accountable for its malign activities,” Pompeo said in a statement released yesterday.

Pompeo is not talking transition anymore.  He must now know that the declaration is being held up by a court injunction.

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"…sanctions include removal of visa privileges, seizure of assets, bank accounts

Any announced result by the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) that does not reflect the will of the Guyanese people will damage the Government’s standing in the international community.

The stark warning is the latest salvo fired against Guyana by the US Government, this time by Assistant Secretary for the US Department of State’s Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, Michael Kozak.
According to Kozak, GECOM “has the responsibility to ensure that all votes are counted.”
The statement by the US Diplomat continues a thread of international threats against the Guyana Government over the current brouhaha surrounding the tabulation of results for the recently held General and Regional Elections.
Kozak had recently intimated that Guyanese deserve a “credible election” and transfer of power that reflects their will.
He had also said that “Democratic nations can’t ignore this blatant disregard for rule of law.”
He warned those who are impeding elections resolution in Guyana that the “world is watching.”
Kozak was adamant that “de facto regimes do not receive the same treatment from us as democratically elected Governments.”
US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo had also earlier this week cautioned that “individuals who seek to benefit from electoral fraud and form illegitimate Government, [or] regimes will be subject to a variety of serious consequences from the United States.”

Totaram posted:

What you are overlooking is that the Coalition also has supporters in the US, Canada etc.  They too can lobby their politicians.  

You seem to know about events even before they happen. Can you explain how you happen to be a teller of future events? Are you related to Nostradamus or Ms. Cleo?
These politicians today in the USA have their own


Last week. She been attending swearing in celebration since before that. I remember she said that she will see we at de celebration or something like that. She neglect to consider we don't attend crabdance. 


@Former Member That's what many of them are.  Their idea of what is clever show how stupid they are.  All they are doing is hardening the positions of the people they so stupidly try to insult.  The most disturbing thing is that they supposedly are fighting for justice while engaging in vile racism.  They are a sick bunch and they have been, will and must be kept out of power in Guyana.


Race consciousness occupies the largest segment of Guyana's political landscape. It is there right now as a black RO along with his other black accomplices acted illegally to install the mostly black Coalition into government. Y'all who pretend y'all aren't racist are also part of or contributors to that reality so you are not fooling anyone.

What you should be combating is why the black RO along with his other black accomplices acted illegally to install the mostly black Coalition into government. The fact that you are not willing to demand remedy there proves that you too are racist. The difference is that you sincerely believe you can get away with your hypocrisy.

Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo, Ali, Granger, Moses, Prakash, Trotman et al are not interested in the people. All that they are interested in, is managing their political careers and pocket books.

Maybe. But in elections there are winners and losers. What needs to be preserved is that the will of the electorate has to be preserved even if we think it is the wrong choice. In a democracy where the results of elections are honored if the electorate made a mistake in picking the PPP this time, they will get an opportunity to change their mind when the other elections come up.


Maybe as the older folks are replaced by the younger generation the political landscape in Guyana will improve. But until then GECOM has to respect the votes that were presented on elections day.


Pretensive MFR,  Why Blacks with low esteem always accuse Indians as racist, they substitute ENVY with  Racist . Their GOD always keep them down at the bottom of the ladder, they can only pull others to get up and never try pushing others to get up.

 Their copout is to criticize others, than to see the racist behaviour perpetuated by the PNC and cabal in Guyana. EVIL supporters as expected!

Mitwah posted:

Guyana is rated as the second poorest Country after Haiti. Look at how the politicians are able to become wealthy "overnight".

That is a different discussion. The current one is about GECOM fraudulent behavior.

Totaram posted:

GECOM is anxious to make a declaration that the the Coalition won but a couple of court matters have to be disposed of first.  Stay tuned and keep on wallowing in your racist miasma.  

So you still support the black RO along with his other black accomplices acting illegally to install the mostly black Coalition into government. The fact that you are still not willing to demand remedy there proves that you are racist. The difference is that you sincerely believe you can get away with your hypocrisy.

Mitwah posted:

Jagdeo, Ali, Granger, Moses, Prakash, Trotman et al are not interested in the people. All that they are interested in, is managing their political careers and pocket books.

The electorate voted for the coalition in 2015 and the PPP gracefully removed it self , 2020 the people spoke and APNU/AFC bluntly refuse to leave, all evidence from all the observers show that the PPP won.


When the PNC loses while being in office they always refuse to leave peacefully. When they lose while being out of office they always send their violent dogs out to destabilize the country and make it ungovernable. Those are undeniable facts.

Totaram posted:

The election results being cited by some people on this forum as evidence of the PPP winning are those provided by the PPP.  The official results from GECOM show the Coalition winning.  

GECOM made a fraudulent declaration that the Coalition won. It was so fraudulent that they refused to display the sources from which they compiled their numbers. In light of GECOM inability to display their sources, the PPP displayed sources are deemed more reliable.

ksazma posted:
Totaram posted:

GECOM is anxious to make a declaration that the the Coalition won but a couple of court matters have to be disposed of first.  Stay tuned and keep on wallowing in your racist miasma.  

So you still support the black RO along with his other black accomplices acting illegally to install the mostly black Coalition into government. The fact that you are still not willing to demand remedy there proves that you are racist. The difference is that you sincerely believe you can get away with your hypocrisy.

What does black this or that have to do with anything? The declaration for Region 4 was disrupted by a bunch of hooligans led by Bharat Jagdeo.  What's there to remedy?  

ksazma posted:
Mitwah posted:

Guyana is rated as the second poorest Country after Haiti. Look at how the politicians are able to become wealthy "overnight".

That is a different discussion. The current one is about GECOM fraudulent behavior.

It's explains the behaviour. Why is the PPP not mobilizing their supporters to come out and show their strength? It's most likely that GECOM will declare the coalition the winner.


The PPP evidence and compilation showing that the PPP won is deemed more reliable by all the local and foreign observers with the exception of the Coalition. No one is able to assess GECOM's evidence because GECOM never displayed all their evidence.


Throughout all the events following the NCV, the PPP has relied heavily on the court to resolve the impasse. It seems that they are still taking that approach. Just following the fraudulent declaration by Mingo, many PPP supporters took to the street but that became ugly and the PPP asked their supporters to go home and wait out the proceedings. In any case, there are a lot of decent people involved in trying to deny GECOM any opportunities to tamper with the votes in the containers so the PPP are getting lots of support in this fight for democracy. Time will tell how it will end. GECOM may still declare the Coalition as the winner and Granger may still be sworn as President. At that point we will see if all the warnings that have been issued will actually be carried out of if Guyana will be allowed to begin that horrible journey into full dictatorship.

Totaram posted:

Perhaps its time that a selection of the racist posts from this and other fora be sent to  Pompeo et al. to guide US policy towards Guyana.

Why don't you do it, Nostradamus? Who gives a rat's ass or a flying F'k what you might want to send to Pompeo? Why don't you send the names of the Russians who interfered in Guyana's election count? Names like Mingo, Lowenfield, Vulga Vulva Lawrence, James Bond, DAVID F... GRANGER, and THE BITCH?

Totaram posted:

What does black this or that have to do with anything? The declaration for Region 4 was disrupted by a bunch of hooligans led by Bharat Jagdeo.  What's there to remedy?  

Only a black racist would make such a statement. Everyone and their uncle who has access to any information coming out of the Ashmin's building saw videos and comments that the SOP verification was going smoothly with minor variations up to when Mingo fake his illness. Then the DRO faked her illness. Then the next person began announcing numbers off a spreadsheet instead of continuing the SOP verification which Mingo was doing before he faked his illness. That deviation from the procedure which was being utilized up to that point coupled by those numbers not agreeing to the SOPs in anyone's possession created many vociferous objections which eventually ended with Mingo like a lil p ussy making a declaration from a balcony and then quickly leaving the building under heave police cover. You being a black racist are unable to accept the truth of what transpired in that building on March 4 & 5.


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