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Former Member

A replica of what the Hotel will look like.

– A US $54 Million hotel with 163 rooms and Casino will be built at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara by the Indian based company Sun & Sand group of Companies.


Earlier today President Donald Ramotar and the Director of the company Bhushan Chandna officially turned the sod at the proposed site for the new hotel venture.

Chandna told iNews that full scale construction works are expected to begin in August and the project should be completed by the end of 2015. The Director has hopes of making this five star luxury hotel one to compete with locally and internationally.


“It’s going to be one of the best in Guyana and I wish it should be best class in the Caribbean and we are going to manage it so well it is going to be boost for the country as tourism, because as you know in this country the government themselves is investing in tourism and it is very encouraging for any private entrepreneur to invest in tourism,” Chandna said. True!

Director of the company Bhushan Chandna. [iNews' Photo]

Director of the company Bhushan Chandna.


President Donald Ramotar, who attended the event, is not worried that the tourism sector is being crowded with hotels. As a matter of fact, the President believes the demand is greater than the supply in the tourism sector. True!


“I think that the fact that we are having this hotel and accommodation will help to boost and accelerate the development of our tourism sector and will attract much more and more arrivals to our country which is extremely good for our tourism sector,” the President said.

President Donald Ramotar, Minister Irfaan Ali and other officials at the sod turning ceremony. [iNews' Photo]

President Donald Ramotar, Minister Irfaan Ali and other officials at the sod turning ceremony.


Sun & Sand group of Companies is already involved in mining here. The proposed site for the hotel is next to the International Conference Center.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

President Donald Ramotar, Minister Irfaan Ali and other officials at the sod turning ceremony. [iNews' Photo]

President Donald Ramotar,

Minister Irfaan Ali

and other officials at the sod turning ceremony.


LK good who are the other Officials


De Dynamic Team

Last edited by Former Member

I think that the fact that we are having this hotel and accommodation will help to boost and accelerate the development of our tourism sector and will attract much more and more arrivals


I better get them sailing ships ready cause there is no proper airline services

to GY  


guyana is the country to wash your money,which honest company will invest in a hotel where there is no tourist.a population of less than 1 million people and 3 cascino,where the average person work for less than $20 per day    

Originally Posted by ball:

I think that the fact that we are having this hotel and accommodation will help to boost and accelerate the development of our tourism sector and will attract much more and more arrivals


I better get them sailing ships ready cause there is no proper airline services

to GY  

If you can be a little more supportive you may see light at the end of the tunnel. A negative mind will always see darkness. This is true in real live experience and not only in politics.

Originally Posted by Cobra:


– A US $54 Million hotel with 163 rooms and Casino will be built at Liliendaal, East Coast Demerara by the Indian based company Sun & Sand group of Companies.


Earlier today President Donald Ramotar and the Director of the company Bhushan Chandna officially turned the sod at the proposed site for the new hotel venture.

Chandna told iNews that full scale construction works are expected to begin in August and the project should be completed by the end of 2015. The Director has hopes of making this five star luxury hotel one to compete with locally and internationally.


“It’s going to be one of the best in Guyana and I wish it should be best class in the Caribbean and we are going to manage it so well it is going to be boost for the country as tourism, because as you know in this country the government themselves is investing in tourism and it is very encouraging for any private entrepreneur to invest in tourism,” Chandna said. True!

Director of the company Bhushan Chandna.


President Donald Ramotar, who attended the event, is not worried that the tourism sector is being crowded with hotels. As a matter of fact, the President believes the demand is greater than the supply in the tourism sector. True!


“I think that the fact that we are having this hotel and accommodation will help to boost and accelerate the development of our tourism sector and will attract much more and more arrivals to our country which is extremely good for our tourism sector,” the President said.

President Donald Ramotar, Minister Irfaan Ali and other officials at the sod turning ceremony.


Sun & Sand group of Companies is already involved in mining here. The proposed site for the hotel is next to the International Conference Center.

I see crony capitalism gives you a hard on!


Sun and Sand Group of Companies?

Any relation to Surendra Engineering and/or DY Patil Group, donor of Honorary Doctorates?

Danyael is correct; crony capitalism plain and simple.


These devils on GNI have a problem with everything positive the gov't. is doing to help boost growth and create jobs.  Sun & Sand chose to invest in Guyana not because the PPP gov't. said that they should. They are investing in Guyana because they see the potential of a positve return on their investment. Guyana needs better hotels to build tourism. You don't wait for tourists to come then start to build hotels. You must have good hotels among other things to attract tourists.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

These devils on GNI have a problem with everything positive the gov't. is doing to help boost growth and create jobs.  Sun & Sand chose to invest in Guyana not because the PPP gov't. said that they should. They are investing in Guyana because they see the potential of a positve return on their investment. Guyana needs better hotels to build tourism. You don't wait for tourists to come then start to build hotels. You must have good hotels among other things to attract tourists.

Friends and family network in full steam. Guyana is yet to see any positive from any of its give aways? These folks are moving logs by the container loads out of the nation. Who but those crooks above is getting benefits? They manage the national forest for a fee, is building a specialty hospital and rumors are they want to build another university at Turkyen ( why not make the one we have whole?) now a casino! These crooks know how to fill their pockets. One day.... its their ass!


Over-stating the level of corruption will only make the public more suspicious of you.  The PNC's history is a shame when it comes to good governance. Everyone knows they want to get back into office to pillage like they did from the sixties through the end of the eighties.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

The PNC's history is a shame when it comes to good governance. Everyone knows they want to get back into office to pillage like they did from the sixties through the end of the eighties.

Billy, my worthy opponent, everyone also knows the PPP pillaged more than the PNC from the nineties through to the present.

If you have a choice between two plunderers, which would you pick; the one who pillaged more?


Gilly and Stormy,


Under the PNC the gov't. could not even pay the interests on the nation's debt. I don't have to say that the World Bank declared Guyana uncredithworthy and bankrupted. Wages (minimum) was a mere US20 per month and inflation was running high. Inflation rate was 65% in the last year of Hoyte which is considered to be the best of his time in office. Housing ministry did not functioned and miserly amounts were budgeted for education, infra-structure building, health, and other social services.


Under the PPP, the gov't. has no problem meeting the nation's debt obligations. Wages (minimum) is now US$130 per month and inflation is kept under 10%. The GDP is 10 times larges and funds for various areas such as education, health, etc. have increased many folds. With these facts, how can anyone say the corruption is greater under the PPP when the nation is better off economically than before? MOre people are working and living in newly constructed homes. More Guyanese are now borrowing from financial institutions to build a home or start a business. Poverty has decreased and the average Guyanese now enjoys a better quality of life. If we look at the economic indicators we will significant improvements.


May I remind you that the PPP gov't. does not rig elections and encourage attacks on innocent citizens . The issue of corruption will always be there. We can fight and reduce it but I seriously doubt the opposition is in the game for this. They are searching for issues of concerns to the people and pretend to  genuinely care about them. I say they are out to seek political power and all the opportunites that come with it. Gov't. is not and must not be immune to criticism. Our people must have the right to criticize. The media and other independent ought to play an impartial role by informing them about the truth and not the political bull that politicians use to influence votes. Our people need to be educated about how gov't functions and their rights under the constitution. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Gilly and Stormy,


Under the PNC the gov't. could not even pay the interests on the nation's debt. I don't have to say that the World Bank declared Guyana uncredithworthy and bankrupted. Wages (minimum) was a mere US20 per month and inflation was running high. Inflation rate was 65% in the last year of Hoyte which is considered to be the best of his time in office. Housing ministry did not functioned and miserly amounts were budgeted for education, infra-structure building, health, and other social services.


Under the PPP, the gov't. has no problem meeting the nation's debt obligations. Wages (minimum) is now US$130 per month and inflation is kept under 10%. The GDP is 10 times larges and funds for various areas such as education, health, etc. have increased many folds. With these facts, how can anyone say the corruption is greater under the PPP when the nation is better off economically than before? MOre people are working and living in newly constructed homes. More Guyanese are now borrowing from financial institutions to build a home or start a business. Poverty has decreased and the average Guyanese now enjoys a better quality of life. If we look at the economic indicators we will significant improvements.


May I remind you that the PPP gov't. does not rig elections and encourage attacks on innocent citizens . The issue of corruption will always be there. We can fight and reduce it but I seriously doubt the opposition is in the game for this. They are searching for issues of concerns to the people and pretend to  genuinely care about them. I say they are out to seek political power and all the opportunites that come with it. Gov't. is not and must not be immune to criticism. Our people must have the right to criticize. The media and other independent ought to play an impartial role by informing them about the truth and not the political bull that politicians use to influence votes. Our people need to be educated about how gov't functions and their rights under the constitution. 


Nice post BRB.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Gilly and Stormy,


Under the PNC the gov't. could not even pay the interests on the nation's debt. I don't have to say that the World Bank declared Guyana uncredithworthy and bankrupted. Wages (minimum) was a mere US20 per month and inflation was running high. Inflation rate was 65% in the last year of Hoyte which is considered to be the best of his time in office. Housing ministry did not functioned and miserly amounts were budgeted for education, infra-structure building, health, and other social services.


Under the PPP, the gov't. has no problem meeting the nation's debt obligations. Wages (minimum) is now US$130 per month and inflation is kept under 10%. The GDP is 10 times larges and funds for various areas such as education, health, etc. have increased many folds. With these facts, how can anyone say the corruption is greater under the PPP when the nation is better off economically than before? MOre people are working and living in newly constructed homes. More Guyanese are now borrowing from financial institutions to build a home or start a business. Poverty has decreased and the average Guyanese now enjoys a better quality of life. If we look at the economic indicators we will significant improvements.


May I remind you that the PPP gov't. does not rig elections and encourage attacks on innocent citizens . The issue of corruption will always be there. We can fight and reduce it but I seriously doubt the opposition is in the game for this. They are searching for issues of concerns to the people and pretend to  genuinely care about them. I say they are out to seek political power and all the opportunites that come with it. Gov't. is not and must not be immune to criticism. Our people must have the right to criticize. The media and other independent ought to play an impartial role by informing them about the truth and not the political bull that politicians use to influence votes. Our people need to be educated about how gov't functions and their rights under the constitution. 

I do not give a damn what happened then. Citizens let it happen by being acquiescent. The present era cannot tolerate ten times more corrupt practices and let folks like you distract us wit the past. We are dealing with present crooks.


The PPP does not rig elections in the normal ways. They created a patronage system of thousands of civil servants who exist at the behest of party bosses to conserve votes. The treat the Amerinds as serfs by pretending the state assets are their benefaction and they can deny it as they chose least one errant "buck" man does not toe the line.


They do not hold local elections but implant IMCs. They do not concern themselves with serous elections spending laws because they want to use the state assets as they see fit, collect as much money from their cronies and no one gets to see from where it comes or where it goes. They do not rig but are deeply engrossed in trying to buy the elections. Burnham has nothing on these crooks.


BTW. the PPP can hardly meet one half of the nations needs. Not even rice with its high productive capacity is returning much of a profit. Everything else has failed. We are just pimping our the environment to the highest bidder.


They also did not pay anything. The good old USA they hate so much facilitated much of the debt relief and so did other western nations. Now we are up to our nostrils in debt to the Chinese and guess what....they will never forgo any of that ever so prepare to have your great grand children working for the Chinese.


And where has poverty decreased? Get real, we are still around 40 percent in deep poverty despite a stagnated population and the rise of a rich class from drugs and crony capitalism. We have no manufacturing and can hardly fabricate a bloody spoon! Corruption breeds incompetence and stagnation. Good people cannot compete and creative people do not even stand a chance in hell in such an environment.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Daniel is a Burnham PNC dawg.


Barking all day long hoping and longing for his PNC masters to return and rig and frig in Guyana.

That is your smart response! You ere exactly what the PPP order...morons a la carte!

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Daniel is a Burnham PNC dawg.


Barking all day long hoping and longing for his PNC masters to return and rig and frig in Guyana.

That is your smart response! You ere exactly what the PPP order...morons a la carte!

Yuji you are a Parasite, Prostitute and keep exposing yourself as you go along. Yugi Duty Crab Louse Habits are showing again.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Daniel is a Burnham PNC dawg.


Barking all day long hoping and longing for his PNC masters to return and rig and frig in Guyana.

That is your smart response! You ere exactly what the PPP order...morons a la carte!

Yuji you are a Parasite, Prostitute and keep exposing yourself as you go along. Yugi Duty Crab Louse Habits are showing again.


Who the hell are you to tell me what party to support ? Go fly a kite.


Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Daniel is a Burnham PNC dawg.


Barking all day long hoping and longing for his PNC masters to return and rig and frig in Guyana.

That is your smart response! You ere exactly what the PPP order...morons a la carte!

Yuji you are a Parasite, Prostitute and keep exposing yourself as you go along. Yugi Duty Crab Louse Habits are showing again.


Who the hell are you to tell me what party to support ? Go fly a kite.


Yugi De Crab Louse....

Where did I tell you which Party to Support???

Dont let your Duttyness confuse you....

All of us on GNI seeing you and your Love for Kwame & Buggerism....


When yuh Roll over and expose yuh Backside...every one seeing....


Guys, don't forget, another 163 room hotel & casino is in the works. The PPP trademark stamp in on this forthcoming project. Can we all give them our blessings? I can't hear you fellas? 


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