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Rama, don't you still not know when I'm being sarcastic?

By the way, Rama, I thought of a way Jagde Grate, could get out of his promise to Exxon about buying the gas! The government represents the people, doesn't it? Just have the people start marching and protesting for some reason against the gas-to-shore project, burn down PNC headquarters (claim they got you into this) etc. Think, Rama, think of any good reason! Like they trying to pin the Henry murders on poor 'coolie' men! Jagde Grate could then say e gat fuh listen tuh de vise UV de peepul, cawz dey have spoken lowd an kleer! E Doan waant no sivil waar lyk de PNC dem!

Last edited by Former Member
@Former Member posted:

Rama, don't you still not know when I'm being sarcastic?

By the way, Rama, I thought of a way Jagde Grate, could get out of his promise to Exxon about buying the gas! The government represents the people, doesn't it? Just have the people start marching and protesting for some reason against the gas-to-shore project, burn down PNC headquarters (claim they got you into this) etc. Think, Rama, think of any good reason! Like they trying to pin the Henry murders on poor 'coolie' men! Jagde Grate could then say e gat fuh listen tuh de vise UV de peepul, cawz dey have spoken lowd an kleer! E Doan waant no sivil waar lyk de PNC dem!

De PNC peepul soe wikid, look dem bun dung dem oan hedqwarturs, jus fuh staat trubul!


I am not taking sides in this conflict.  It does not concern me.  From my experience some of these Palestinian Muslims especially some from Jordan have adopted a white supremacist attitude.  I had to point out to three of them from Jordan on three separate occasions that their white-looking skins do not mean white people.  White = Europoid Caucasian.  Some of them will not hesitate to discriminate against dark skin Guyanese East Indians.

@Prashad posted:

I am not taking sides in this conflict.  It does not concern me.  From my experience some of these Palestinian Muslims especially some from Jordan have adopted a white supremacist attitude.  I had to point out to three of them from Jordan on three separate occasions that their white-looking skins do not mean white people.  White = Europoid Caucasian.  Some of them will not hesitate to discriminate against dark skin Guyanese East Indians.

It's a mental disease, Prash! Don't let it affect you! Walk away from them!

Last edited by Former Member

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