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I recalled in the dark period from the sixties to the nineties,there was a special unit created by the govt to spy on citizens,i experienced that while with a team of politicians in the eighties on a campaign in Berbice noticeably there was this individual who trailed us from Georgetown.I am a Electronics Technician and was a target there was a visit to my home by one of these individual a stranger whom i notice walking thru our street a few times, little do they know i was aware of this unit my best friend brother was a part of it and he was Indian."Smarter the Government wiser the population".

Recently an incident where lives are lost,it is assumed one of the individual was on surveillance mission spying on a citizen.Look's like this unit is a live.

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Django posted:

I recalled in the dark period from the sixties to the nineties,there was a special unit created by the govt to spy on citizens,i experienced that while with a team of politicians in the eighties on a campaign in Berbice noticeably there was this individual who trailed us from Georgetown.I am a Electronics Technician and was a target there was a visit to my home by one of these individual a stranger whom i notice walking thru our street a few times, little do they know i was aware of this unit my best friend brother was a part of it and he was Indian."Smarter the Government wiser the population".

Recently an incident where lives are lost,it is assumed one of the individual was on surveillance mission spying on a citizen.Look's like this unit is a live.

The PPP had their own surveillance unit too while they were in power. It did not stop in the nineties. They also had the Phantom Death Squad which was used to execute citizens among them a Government Minister and a prominent journalist. 

Mars posted:
The PPP had their own surveillance unit too while they were in power. It did not stop in the nineties. They also had the Phantom Death Squad which was used to execute citizens among them a Government Minister [Sash Sawh] and a prominent journalist [Ronald Waddell]

Also, President Cheddi Jagan had employed Laurie Lewis as his consultant on internal security. Laurie was the PNC regime's chief intelligence officer.

Having said the above, IMO the tragic incident involving army sergeant Pyle was a clumsy operation fraught with human error. Pyle's wife should not have been with him there. The SOCU team in front Brassington's house should have made sure of the identities of suspects before they chased that car from the neighbour's house.

Now, is the government wrong in 'watching' Brassington? I don't think so. The government is under pressure from its own supporters to mete out justice to alleged corrupt people in the former PPP regime. The government needs hard evidence to prepare its court cases. Brassington, Irfaan Ali, Ashni Singh, Khurshid Sattaur and others will not willingly surrender their files to the government. Hence the searches by the Special Organized Crime Unit.

SOCU in the first place was established by the PPP regime after facing pressure from the ABC countries but the PPP was reluctant to enforce it for obvious reasons.

The coalition recognized that SOCU and the Police don't have the necessary intelligence gathering capability to take on the mammoth task of prosecuting cases of alleged corruption and white-collar crimes by the past regime. As an interim measure, pending more substantive assistance from the FBI and Scotland Yard, the government has reinforced SOCU with army intelligence officers. I suspect that the British and Americans have no objections.

It must be stressed that only a small number of persons from the PPP regime are being investigated and will probably face charges. So, only those persons have something to fear. Understandably, the opposition will raise a hue and cry, but the coalition made an election promise to jail alleged PPP crooks and it has been lagging in fulfilling that promise to its supporters.

Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:
The PPP had their own surveillance unit too while they were in power. It did not stop in the nineties. They also had the Phantom Death Squad which was used to execute citizens among them a Government Minister [Sash Sawh] and a prominent journalist [Ronald Waddell]

Also, President Cheddi Jagan had employed Laurie Lewis as his consultant on internal security. Laurie was the PNC regime's chief intelligence officer.

Having said the above, IMO the tragic incident involving army sergeant Pyle was a clumsy operation fraught with human error. Pyle's wife should not have been with him there. The SOCU team in front Brassington's house should have made sure of the identities of suspects before they chased that car from the neighbour's house.

Now, is the government wrong in 'watching' Brassington? I don't think so. The government is under pressure from its own supporters to mete out justice to alleged corrupt people in the former PPP regime. The government needs hard evidence to prepare its court cases. Brassington, Irfaan Ali, Ashni Singh, Khurshid Sattaur and others will not willingly surrender their files to the government. Hence the searches by the Special Organized Crime Unit.

SOCU in the first place was established by the PPP regime after facing pressure from the ABC countries but the PPP was reluctant to enforce it for obvious reasons.

The coalition recognized that SOCU and the Police don't have the necessary intelligence gathering capability to take on the mammoth task of prosecuting cases of alleged corruption and white-collar crimes by the past regime. As an interim measure, pending more substantive assistance from the FBI and Scotland Yard, the government has reinforced SOCU with army intelligence officers. I suspect that the British and Americans have no objections.

It must be stressed that only a small number of persons from the PPP regime are being investigated and will probably face charges. So, only those persons have something to fear. Understandably, the opposition will raise a hue and cry, but the coalition made an election promise to jail alleged PPP crooks and it has been lagging in fulfilling that promise to its supporters.

Well said.  These PPP bottom feeders don't get it. It is clearly within the government purview to conduct surveillance.


Lest we forget.


The world of the spy and the disclosure


The world of the local media has expanded to the point where the powers that be now say that the media publisher has breached national security. Earlier this week, Kaieteur News published what appeared to be an anomaly in the public service structure. It noted that payments were being made to people who were de facto policemen and soldiers outside of the usual sources.
Generally, if people are seconded to an entity then that entity is responsible for their payment. If however, their expertise is shared by two or more entities, then the payment is made to the entity that actually employs them. Any other payment or stipend is made to the employer for inclusion in the salary.
But it has turned out that the publication is not about ordinary people. Indeed, they are substantive employees of the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force. However, Cabinet Secretary Dr Roger Luncheon now says that these are intelligence officers on special assignment. As intelligence officers, they are supposed to be exclusively under the ambit of Office of the President.
However, as Dr Luncheon put it, the intelligence arrangement has not yet been fully put in place. There are still aspects that have to be negotiated. Further, all the equipment is not in place; neither is the intelligence team. The result is that while the officers report for duty at their place of employment but they are in effect, employees of Office of the President.
It is here that we come to the harsh reality that Guyana has no law to prevent the disclosure of information that may be considered sensitive. People would take it upon themselves to keep quiet about certain things and would be the first to suggest that they are nationalistic and would do everything to protect the security of the country.
However, there is nothing to stop people from disclosing what they know.
There have been numerous cases of people speaking in whispers about a unit in the Guyana Police Force called the Special Branch. More recently, they began speaking about the intelligence unit in the Guyana Defence Force. To the public, this is the only intelligence unit in the army and goes by the name Military Intelligence.
But the administration has created a new unit and it is this unit that must spy on the people of this country. These must be the people who would record conversations clandestinely, listen in on telephone conversations and in general, perform surreptitious duties.
Britain has its MI5 and MI6; the United States would have its Central Intelligence Agency and its other spy networks, including its Federal Bureau of Investigation; Israel has its Mossad. Guyana now has its’ own equivalent. We are not sure that newspapers would not name people in those organizations. Indeed, there is some measure of secrecy given that these agents operate in foreign countries. The nationalism kicks in because the people recognize the agents are at risk in the foreign country.
But in the case of Guyana these are local spies who have been linked in the past to torture and other cruel acts against the people of this country. Further, they, in fact, are still policemen and soldiers who have not been incorporated into the security system being fashioned by the state.
We are amazed at the reaction to the disclosure of the names of these individuals. They are doing nothing more than what the detectives have been doing for more than a century. In fact, in our book, the detectives who must investigate murders and hunt killers are at greater risk than those who must now snoop on the wider society.
And what is there for them to snoop on. For as long as Guyana has existed people have been muttering their discontent. None has ever attempted to topple the government by force. Are the new spies going to target the drug dealers? In our book, they have been around enough to crack at least one drug ring. They have not done this.
Have they been responsible for some of the drug busts? Then they have done something and should be protected. However, the evidence does not suggest any interest in the drug dealers.

skeldon_man posted:

mete out justice to alleged corrupt people in the former PPP regime

I hope you would sing the same tune when this govt is out of office and the PPP does the same. But then again, GT would become a pile of charcoal.

Skelly, as I promised Bibi yesterday, I have a big surprise/shock for you PPP guys but I shall lay it on the table after LGE. Patience.

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

mete out justice to alleged corrupt people in the former PPP regime

I hope you would sing the same tune when this govt is out of office and the PPP does the same. But then again, GT would become a pile of charcoal.

Skelly, as I promised Bibi yesterday, I have a big surprise/shock for you PPP guys but I shall lay it on the table after LGE. Patience.

I will be waiting for that piece Gilly.

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

mete out justice to alleged corrupt people in the former PPP regime

I hope you would sing the same tune when this govt is out of office and the PPP does the same. But then again, GT would become a pile of charcoal.

Skelly, as I promised Bibi yesterday, I have a big surprise/shock for you PPP guys but I shall lay it on the table after LGE. Patience.

I will be waiting for that piece Gilly.

P A T I E N C E. rass.

Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

mete out justice to alleged corrupt people in the former PPP regime

I hope you would sing the same tune when this govt is out of office and the PPP does the same. But then again, GT would become a pile of charcoal.

Skelly, as I promised Bibi yesterday, I have a big surprise/shock for you PPP guys but I shall lay it on the table after LGE. Patience.

Leh we pretend,yesterday was LGE.

cain posted:
Gilbakka posted:
skeldon_man posted:

mete out justice to alleged corrupt people in the former PPP regime

I hope you would sing the same tune when this govt is out of office and the PPP does the same. But then again, GT would become a pile of charcoal.

Skelly, as I promised Bibi yesterday, I have a big surprise/shock for you PPP guys but I shall lay it on the table after LGE. Patience.

Leh we pretend,yesterday was LGE.

Yea right..not tha bhai he got good memory.

Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:
The PPP had their own surveillance unit too while they were in power. It did not stop in the nineties. They also had the Phantom Death Squad which was used to execute citizens among them a Government Minister [Sash Sawh] and a prominent journalist [Ronald Waddell]

Also, President Cheddi Jagan had employed Laurie Lewis as his consultant on internal security. Laurie was the PNC regime's chief intelligence officer.

Having said the above, IMO the tragic incident involving army sergeant Pyle was a clumsy operation fraught with human error. Pyle's wife should not have been with him there. The SOCU team in front Brassington's house should have made sure of the identities of suspects before they chased that car from the neighbour's house.

Now, is the government wrong in 'watching' Brassington? I don't think so. The government is under pressure from its own supporters to mete out justice to alleged corrupt people in the former PPP regime. The government needs hard evidence to prepare its court cases. Brassington, Irfaan Ali, Ashni Singh, Khurshid Sattaur and others will not willingly surrender their files to the government. Hence the searches by the Special Organized Crime Unit.

SOCU in the first place was established by the PPP regime after facing pressure from the ABC countries but the PPP was reluctant to enforce it for obvious reasons.

The coalition recognized that SOCU and the Police don't have the necessary intelligence gathering capability to take on the mammoth task of prosecuting cases of alleged corruption and white-collar crimes by the past regime. As an interim measure, pending more substantive assistance from the FBI and Scotland Yard, the government has reinforced SOCU with army intelligence officers. I suspect that the British and Americans have no objections.

It must be stressed that only a small number of persons from the PPP regime are being investigated and will probably face charges. So, only those persons have something to fear. Understandably, the opposition will raise a hue and cry, but the coalition made an election promise to jail alleged PPP crooks and it has been lagging in fulfilling that promise to its supporters.


Did Moses provide that piece to you because it is sheer nonsense.  While most of us non-pppites support an investigation of all the PPP crooks, last I know these people are not terrorists.  If the government thinks they have files then they could get search warrants to get them.  What this government is doing is nothing less that Nazism.  This is exactly how the Jews were treated by Hitler.  It did not start with the concentration camps and gas chambers.

The army has NO business conducting surveillance of citizens suspected of corruption.  And by the way, since this army person was supposed to have superior "intelligence capability" than SOCU what the hell was his wife doing in the car and he ended up chasing the wrong people.  Where was his "intelligence?"

Django posted:

I recalled in the dark period from the sixties to the nineties,there was a special unit created by the govt to spy on citizens,i experienced that while with a team of politicians in the eighties on a campaign in Berbice noticeably there was this individual who trailed us from Georgetown.I am a Electronics Technician and was a target there was a visit to my home by one of these individual a stranger whom i notice walking thru our street a few times, little do they know i was aware of this unit my best friend brother was a part of it and he was Indian."Smarter the Government wiser the population".

Recently an incident where lives are lost,it is assumed one of the individual was on surveillance mission spying on a citizen.Look's like this unit is a live.

People better watch out it looks like it is back to Burnham days full blast.  

My brother was Special Political Assistant to Burnham and it looks like they spied on the entire family.  They knew of me being a WPA sympathizer.  They even knew that I attended a picket of the Ministry of Education to protest the transfer of a QC teacher (I believe it was a headteacher).  

How do I know?  They told me one day when I had to go meet a Minister about my application to UG.

VVP posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Mars posted:
The PPP had their own surveillance unit too while they were in power. It did not stop in the nineties. They also had the Phantom Death Squad which was used to execute citizens among them a Government Minister [Sash Sawh] and a prominent journalist [Ronald Waddell]

Also, President Cheddi Jagan had employed Laurie Lewis as his consultant on internal security. Laurie was the PNC regime's chief intelligence officer.

Having said the above, IMO the tragic incident involving army sergeant Pyle was a clumsy operation fraught with human error. Pyle's wife should not have been with him there. The SOCU team in front Brassington's house should have made sure of the identities of suspects before they chased that car from the neighbour's house.

Now, is the government wrong in 'watching' Brassington? I don't think so. The government is under pressure from its own supporters to mete out justice to alleged corrupt people in the former PPP regime. The government needs hard evidence to prepare its court cases. Brassington, Irfaan Ali, Ashni Singh, Khurshid Sattaur and others will not willingly surrender their files to the government. Hence the searches by the Special Organized Crime Unit.

SOCU in the first place was established by the PPP regime after facing pressure from the ABC countries but the PPP was reluctant to enforce it for obvious reasons.

The coalition recognized that SOCU and the Police don't have the necessary intelligence gathering capability to take on the mammoth task of prosecuting cases of alleged corruption and white-collar crimes by the past regime. As an interim measure, pending more substantive assistance from the FBI and Scotland Yard, the government has reinforced SOCU with army intelligence officers. I suspect that the British and Americans have no objections.

It must be stressed that only a small number of persons from the PPP regime are being investigated and will probably face charges. So, only those persons have something to fear. Understandably, the opposition will raise a hue and cry, but the coalition made an election promise to jail alleged PPP crooks and it has been lagging in fulfilling that promise to its supporters.


Did Moses provide that piece to you because it is sheer nonsense.  

No, sir. I bear full responsibility for every word. And I appreciate your point of view.

FC posted:
Gilbakka posted:

It must be stressed that only a small number of persons from the PPP regime are being investigated and will probably face charges. So, only those persons have something to fear. Understandably, the opposition will raise a hue and cry, but the coalition made an election promise to jail alleged PPP crooks and it has been lagging in fulfilling that promise to its supporters.

Well said.  These PPP bottom feeders don't get it. It is clearly within the government purview to conduct surveillance.

And to brutalize it's own population like you did pre 1992, I guess Mr "cow dung"!  It's the purview of the Govt to do as it wishes to its own citizens.  You will meet the same fate as you did before, only this time much faster.


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