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Recorded threat against Kaieteur News…Legal fraternity calls for immediate sacking of Nandlall

 . . . any other result would be an endorsement of the AG’s conduct

Nov 01, 2014 | News


 “Even in private conversation the comments are deeply troubling and inappropriate and their candid nature, unbridled by the conventions of public discourse, calls his character and professionalism into question.”

 In what has clearly been the most influential and strongly worded response to date, the Guyana Bar Association

 and the Guyana Women Lawyers Association, yesterday roundly condemned the recent actions put on display by Minster of Legal Affairs and Attorney General, Anil Nandlall, which was exposed via publicized audio recording.

By way of a public statement yesterday the two leading bodies, representative of the local legal fraternity, said that it wishes to “express their concern and consternation at the recorded conversation between the Attorney-General and a member of the media.”

According to the two bodies, “everything done and said by the Attorney-General since the disclosure of the conversation invites us to draw every and all reasonable inferences therefrom.”

The Guyana Bar Association is headed by Attorney-at-Law, Ronald Burch-Smith, while its female counterpart is headed by Simone Morris-Ramlall.

Both bodies contend that the statements made by the Attorney-General point to serious legal and moral infractions on his part having regard to his standing as one of the highest legal officers in the country.

The two bodies have observed that in the recording, the Attorney-General offered in vulgar and obscene language, knowledge of actual and planned illegal activities.

“Even in private conversation the comments are deeply troubling and inappropriate and their candid nature, unbridled by the conventions of public discourse, calls his character and professionalism into question.”

According to the joint statement issued, “we are most concerned that the Attorney-General appeared to be acknowledging that the use of deadly violence against the media was an acceptable reaction to frustration where public officials and other citizens are offended by what is reported about them.”

It did not escape the legal fraternity too that Nandlall in his tirade, also referred to making restitution of funds used by him for some purpose which he did not want the press to report about.

“The President of Guyana is said to have participated in conversations with a defendant in extant criminal prosecution to have same discontinued in return for less critical reporting by her co-defendant…

Equally disturbing is his persistent objectification of the unidentified woman, which conduct flies in the face of the Government’s obligations and commitments regarding respect for women.”

According to the two legal bodies, freedom of the press and freedom of speech are essential to the rule of law and political democracy.

“These freedoms result frequently in the publication of true information which may be offensive or embarrassing to some persons…But the Attorney-General needs no lecture on such matters…His Government is well acquainted with the perils of a society where the media must be ‘well-behaved’ or otherwise risk being killed or intimidated.”

According to the two umbrella bodies for Lawyers in Guyana, public officials are given wide powers and great responsibility to make thousands of important decisions, many of which never see the light of day.

“We expect in return for the privilege of office, that they demonstrate good character and judgment…Where they demonstrably fail to do so either by public action or by private conduct which bears on their fitness for office, as the Attorney-General has done, such public officials should be removed from office.”

The Guyana Bar Association and the Women lawyers Association categorically denounced the actions of the Minister and said that as leader of the Bar, the Attorney General, mindful of the honour, dignity and integrity of his office should resignimmediately.

“If he does not resign he should be removed…Any other result would be an endorsement of the Attorney-General’s conduct and an admission by the Executive that the highest moral and legal standards are not applicable to the State.”

In the now infamous recording Nandlall could be overheard advising a senior reporter of the Kaieteur newspaper to get out of the Saffon Street office, which he described as a “dangerous place”.

He hinted at an intended hit on Lall and the establishment.

“No, hear nah, you know how it gun stop? Somebody gun go into Kaieteur…You see everybody nah gat, as I told Adam (Harris) today …I said Adam, everybody don’t just…everybody, wait hold on…everybody doesn’t have a newspaper to use as a weapon. I told Adam, I said ‘Adam people got weapons, right?

“Is not newspaper they gonna use as a weapon;  they got weapons and when you continue attack people like that and they have no way of responding they gun just walk with their weapon into that same f***ing Saffon Street office and wha come suh do, and innocent… Peter gun gah pay fuh f***ing Paul in deh one day.

“Me ah tell you innocent, me ah tell you honestly, man to man, that will happen soon. So the quicker you get out of deh the better.”

Describing himself as a “thoroughbred” and as a “Kshatriya” (pronounced Chatree), a reference to an upper social class in India, known to be united by their claims to rulership, the pursuit of war, or the possession of land,Nandlall hurled a string of expletives in his almost 19-minute harangue on the intended plan against Lall.

He portrayed himself as a “bad-man” who “running things” in Guyana. He boasted that the former President, Bharrat Jagdeo, his best friend Bobby Ramroop and Winston Brassington, are no match for him.

The Government has since come out in defence of Nandlall saying that it was a loose private conversation which was illegally recorded and further manipulated.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

According to the joint statement issued, “we are most concerned that the Attorney-General appeared to be acknowledging that the use of deadly violence against the media was an acceptable reaction to frustration where public officials and other citizens are offended by what is reported about them.”



alyuh jagdeo-era crime cheerleaders have always been extremely PROUD of gangsta PPP leaders and affiliated murderers/drug traffickers

why y'all so coy now?

watch how skeldon_man bawling for censorship

Last edited by Former Member
ronan posted:

alyuh jagdeo-era crime cheerleaders have always been extremely PROUD of gangsta PPP leaders and affiliated murderers/drug traffickers

why y'all so coy now?

watch how skeldon_man bawling for censorship

At least I am not bawling to hire people who look like us. Drug traffickers?

Look who's getting caught for the PNC election fundraising.



  Gangsta leaders? Here is one for you:PNC_Orderly


Images (2)
  • PNC_Orderly
  • Drugs
skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:

alyuh jagdeo-era crime cheerleaders have always been extremely PROUD of gangsta PPP leaders and affiliated murderers/drug traffickers

why y'all so coy now?

watch how skeldon_man bawling for censorship

At least I am not bawling to hire people who look like us. Drug traffickers?

Look who's getting caught for the PNC election fundraising.

nice pics . . . not-so-interesting diversion attempt

ronan posted:
skeldon_man posted:
ronan posted:

alyuh jagdeo-era crime cheerleaders have always been extremely PROUD of gangsta PPP leaders and affiliated murderers/drug traffickers

why y'all so coy now?

watch how skeldon_man bawling for censorship

At least I am not bawling to hire people who look like us. Drug traffickers?

Look who's getting caught for the PNC election fundraising.

nice pics . . . not-so-interesting diversion attempt

Not interesting? Nice boys? Any relationship there?


Rawan batty ah bite, anticipating that Anil will be elected as the PPP presidential candidate . If the rumor mill changes to Dr. Frank, you will see the dirt Rawan will manufacture, forgive him, that's his job as a Black PNC slop carrier.

 Show these guys a better life, they will not accept. They feed being criminals, choke and rob, murder the Indian families. Lazy bunch, don't want to work, known for kicking down doors and stealing. For three and half years this PNC government ONLY industry was SOCU, they recently settle for some money with the Prado ville land owners, nobody knows the amount, that went straight into their pockets.

 Rawan should worry, who will be the PNC presidential candidate? Granger has one foot in the grave, he is old and weak, Not fit and Proper to perform his duties.

kp posted:

Rawan batty ah bite, anticipating that Anil will be elected as the PPP presidential candidate . If the rumor mill changes to Dr. Frank, you will see the dirt Rawan will manufacture, forgive him, that's his job as a Black PNC slop carrier.

 Show these guys a better life, they will not accept. They feed being criminals, choke and rob, murder the Indian families. Lazy bunch, don't want to work, known for kicking down doors and stealing. For three and half years this PNC government ONLY industry was SOCU, they recently settle for some money with the Prado ville land owners, nobody knows the amount, that went straight into their pockets.

 Rawan should worry, who will be the PNC presidential candidate? Granger has one foot in the grave, he is old and weak, Not fit and Proper to perform his duties.

duh is wuh alyuh get instruct to call it now . . . "manufacture[d]"?


Last edited by Former Member
skeldon_man posted:

OLD NEWS. Archive it.

You scream about Burnham and think that news from 4 years ago is old.

This is the type of criminal you all want, or the thief called Irfaan.

kp posted:


 Show these guys a better life, they will not accept. They feed being criminals, choke and rob, murder the Indian families. Lazy bunch, don't want to work, known for kicking down doors and stealing. 

Indo KKK screams in full effect then you want to know why blacks hate you all.


President Granger told blacks that they are lazy and that they should go and sell Plantain chips and Cook up rice at Stabroek Market after they graduate.

Do blacks still love him for that ?

yuji22 posted:

President Granger told blacks that they are lazy and that they should go and sell Plantain chips and Cook up rice at Stabroek Market after they graduate.

Do blacks still love him for that ?

No they dont but they hate the PPP even more!

yuji22 posted:

So they love Granger even more for telling that the are lazy ?

Bai, you ain't mekkin sense. Did you take your meds this morning ?

The ENTIRE PPP tells them that they are lazy.

ONLY Granger tells them that they are lazy. Volda does not.  Half a loaf is better than none at all.  In addition it turns out that Granger was already ill when he said that so maybe its the cancer chatting.

The PPP also tells blacks that they are slaves.

Last edited by Former Member

“I am not Burnham” – Granger tells overseas Guyanese in Queens
March 23, 2015

By Tracey Khan – Drakes

Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidate for the APNU+AFC Coalition, David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo. [News Source Photo]
Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidate for the APNU+AFC Coalition, David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo. [News Source Photo]
[] – Responding to concerns by Guyanese in the Diaspora at the weekend, Presidential Candidate of the APNU+AFC Coalition David Granger made it clear that he has no intention of reverting to systems of the late President Forbes Burnham, but will instead take the country forward, with Moses Nagamootoo by his side.
Granger and Nagamootoo are both in Queens, New York raising funds as they continue to intensify their elections campaign ahead of the May 11, 2015 general and regional elections.

I am not Burnham, I am David Granger, Burnham died 30 years ago in 1985, I am the President of the future, I am leading Guyana into the future, I am not leading Guyana back into the past, I have by my side Moses Nagamottoo and both of us are looking to the future not to the past. The PNC is a part of a coalition; I am not a lone ranger, I am not going to be able to dictate the policy of a six Party coalition, we sit down at the table and we agree on policies in a consensual manner, we’re moving forward we’re not moving backwards,” Granger told a meeting in Queens, New York.

He also added that constitutional reform is another area that is high on their agenda should they win the upcoming elections and outlined a number of areas where reform will take place.

“Can a President prevent the holding of local government elections for 21 years? The answer is no, Obama cannot do it and Ramotar must not do it and we must ensure that the constitution is strengthen not by cherry picking of few issues but by having a holistic approach to the issues which we have discovered,” Granger stressed.

Meanwhile, the Coalition’s Prime Ministerial Candidate, Moses Nagamootoo, told concerned supporters that the AFC has taken all measures needed to protect itself.

Moses Nagamootoo delivering remarks at the Queens, New York meeting. [News Source Photo]
Moses Nagamootoo delivering remarks at the Queens, New York meeting. [News Source Photo]
“We’re not saying this as a threat but we’re saying that we hold a guarantee that if things don’t go well, David and you and I have to file legal proceedings for a divorce. I am taking my property with me, 12 seats and when he end up in a minority, I go over to the other side and you’re getting the no confidence motion all over again.”
Meanwhile, a few persons protested the meeting which was held on Sunday March 22. They identified themselves as supporters of the People’s Progressive Party Civic, (PPP/C).

According to reports coming out of Queens, the PPP supporters stood outside the meeting for almost two hours with placards as they shouted, “Granger is danger’ and also called Nagamootoo ‘ungrateful’.

One man who identified himself to protesters as the late Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s cousin, told the PPP supporters that Dr. Jagan would never approve of what is taking place in Guyana since the PPP has strayed from the ideologies of the founder of the Party.


Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
yuji22 posted:

So they love Granger even more for telling that the are lazy ?

Bai, you ain't mekkin sense. Did you take your meds this morning ?

The ENTIRE PPP tells them that they are lazy.

ONLY Granger tells them that they are lazy. Volda does not.  Half a loaf is better than none at all.  In addition it turns out that Granger was already ill when he said that so maybe its the cancer chatting.

The PPP also tells blacks that they are slaves.

Blacks, as a class, are not lazy.  I think they are attracted to different things than Indians.  Let the Blacks do what they like to do and Indians do what they like and everyone guh be happy under a new PPP administration! 

Ayuh relax and live and let live!


the soi-disant "independent" GT press are DISGUSTINGLY silent about this Anil 'who-would-be-president' character who as Attorney General had knowledge of a planned death squad attack on an out-of favor media house and was OK with that . . . in fact, this sitting Chief Law Enforcement Officer in the land 'justified' this particular type of terrorism ON TAPE!

shockingly, that same media house previously had staff members slaughtered by a death squad . . . the threat was not idle

we ah watch dem

skeldon_man posted:

OLD NEWS. Archive it.

Yet you still scream of Burnham.

The actions of a potential presidential candidate a mere 5 years ago is highly relevant and when you all engage in your "me nah care who is president, once is a Indian" just know that this is a thug and his target was a fellow Indian.

ronan posted:

the soi-

shockingly, that same media house previously had staff members slaughtered by a death squad . . . the threat was not idle

we ah watch dem

And I bet that they haven't received any death threats from the Coalition gov't, or they would have revealed it.  Freddie K cannot keep a secret, except for his buddy Charran.


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