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The truth about Walter Rodney is being distorted

June 1, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, My Column 

History is often not what is really recorded. What is often recorded is a story told by someone or a group of people as seen through their eyes. Sometimes there has to be a modification because someone recalled the same incident and provided verification of what he recalled. In Guyana another chapter of history is being recorded and the records will be based on the perception of a few. It is an indisputable fact that Walter Rodney died in a blast in the vicinity of the Georgetown Prisons. This cannot be disputed because everyone who was there saw the wrecked car, Rodney’s body, and saw his brother running from the scene. Later, people saw the brother, Donald, with scars from the blast. They heard his story. Those who first saw him heard the story he had to tell. Then there were those who knew what Walter Rodney was doing in the period leading up to his death. They knew about his confrontation with the then President Forbes Burnham. Many heard his speeches at the political meetings he held. They saw the attacks by members of the House of Israel, saw the police trying their best to arrest Rodney at these meetings and they saw Rodney run. In fact, during Mashramani 1980, there was the steel band competition and the Police steel band played a tune, ‘Run Rodney Run’ much to the disgust of some of those who attended the competition. These are indisputable facts and when the history of Rodney would be told, these would be facts that students would encounter. However, the history would be clouded by the perception of some who were extremely close to Rodney; it would be clouded by the facts that some people would refuse to disclose, choosing instead to paint a different picture. A commission of inquiry is underway, and when it is all over, what comes out of the commission would form a significant part of the history. Distortions would be contained in that report, and if left unchallenged, then the account as published by the commission of inquiry would go down in history as the facts surrounding Walter Rodney’s death. I knew Walter Rodney; I heard him speak at the political meetings. I remember him being arrested and tried for arson. He was accused of burning down the headquarters of the then ruling People’s National Congress. So here I am following the happenings of the commission of inquiry and reading some of the statements that are being made by people testifying before the commission. I am not the only person. There are people who are disputing some of the facts. One man said to me that unless these facts are challenged and corrected then history would be severely distorted. Eusi Kwayana, a man who knew Rodney better than most, testified that Walter Rodney did not have an inherent dislike of Forbes Burnham. This caused raised eyebrows. Then Kwayana said that the armed guards who were placed in the vicinity of the prisons were removed the night Rodney died. He suggested that the removal came through the orders of the Burnham administration. That comment was published and immediately I got a call from someone in Brooklyn. The caller said that he was calling because he did not want history to be distorted. He told me that there seems to be a concerted effort to tarnish the People’s National Congress and that he would not sit down and see the untruths going unchallenged. I asked him whether he was prepared to come to Guyana to testify, but there are those who do not want to attract undue attention. However, he told me that there were armed guards outside the prisons and that he was one. He gave me his name. He was a member of the Tactical Services Unit that was assigned to guard the outer perimeter of the prisons. He said that on February 20, 1980, the day Mass Games were held that year, a known criminal, Lloyd Kerr, jumped the prisons fence and escaped. Of course he was caught some time later and from then, the Guyana Police Force stationed armed guards outside the prisons. This former policeman told me that some time later another criminal called ‘Texy’ or ‘Sexy’ jumped the prisons walls and into Bent Street. This former policeman described the criminal as a ‘fair-complexioned Black man’. He was shot and killed by the very armed guards stationed outside the prisons. On the night Rodney was blown up, this policeman said that he and another whom he identified as ‘Lawrence’ were standing at the corner of D’Urban and John Streets. He said that when they heard the explosion, they ran to the scene. They were the first to reach. The scene that he described to me was described by so many others some time later. This policeman also could not say for sure that the person was a man who had died in the blast. Kwayana was wrong. There were armed guards and this could be verified from the police and prison records.  The policeman said that he is prepared to face Kwayana on this issue. Then I got a call from a person who was close to Rodney. This man said that Rodney often visited his house. He too is challenging some of the statements that are being made at the commission of inquiry. He told me that Rodney knew what he had in his possession. Immediately I asked him about coming to testify before the commission and to my relief, he said that he would. I am not going to say too much about this individual except to say that he has spoken with the people conducting the commission. He has made arrangements to come and he is going to be accommodated. And there are others. All I can do is hope that they will come forward. It would suit some to paint the People’s National Congress as a party of ogres who did bad things to every Guyanese. But then again, there are those who are only interested in accuracy.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

The PNC die hards don't like to hear the truth.


The guy from Brooklyn is not going to sit down and let these untruths go unchallenged but yet he is not able or prepared to go and testify to the commission. So he did not give his name but took liberty in giving another's name. They wasted their ink in printing this useless article.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

The PNC die hards don't like to hear the truth.

A man in his 20s killed a couple and two officers and 50+ years later when he was no a 'respectable' member of his community and had grandkids and businesses, they still arrested him and brought him to justice. A life was lost and someone has to be held accountable for it. 

Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

I knew many PNC supporters of the time who received the same treatment as anyone else. As a matter of fact, I can't really recall any PNC supporter in Wismar or Christianburgh who were better off trough their PNC support.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

The PNC die hards don't like to hear the truth.

why is the *article "useless"? . . . if we are involved in the search for TRUTH, that is


the business about the guards being removed points to a much wider conspiracy . . . it is quite germane


bearing in mind the PPP strategy at its 'COI' (distraction pappy show really) is to wine down pan de nasty history of the PNC and embroider with as much fabricated shyte as the facts can bear . . . to fevered applause from the tribal commissariat on GNI, of course


*this particular "peeping tom," i understand, is Adam Harris, editor of KN

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

I knew many PNC supporters of the time who received the same treatment as anyone else. As a matter of fact, I can't really recall any PNC supporter in Wismar or Christianburgh who were better off trough their PNC support.

Ordinary supporters also suffered. Not so the ones affiliated with the party. Folks with YSM cards were suddenly getting free cars even though they immediately didn't have a proper property to park them.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

I knew many PNC supporters of the time who received the same treatment as anyone else. As a matter of fact, I can't really recall any PNC supporter in Wismar or Christianburgh who were better off trough their PNC support.

Ordinary supporters also suffered. Not so the ones affiliated with the party. Folks with YSM cards were suddenly getting free cars even though they immediately didn't have a proper property to park them.

And that is the System Caribj and TK are fighting to bring back. sweet, Sweet Guyana will turn sour again if these FOOLS have their way!!!!!!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

The PNC die hards don't like to hear the truth.

why is the *article "useless"? . . . if we are involved in the search for TRUTH, that is


the business about the guards being removed points to a much wider conspiracy . . . it is quite germane


bearing in mind the PPP strategy at its 'COI' (distraction pappy show really) is to wine down pan de nasty history of the PNC and embroider with as much fabricated shyte as the facts can bear . . . to fevered applause from the tribal commissariat on GNI, of course


*this particular "peeping tom," i understand, is Adam Harris, editor of KN

The article is useless because it does not provide any admissible information to the COI. It is attempting to create a record in the public arena instead of through the panel currently in session. Anyone who "cannot sit and let something go unchallenged" but doesn't want to or can't testify to the panel (where his statements will receive due challenges) should just sit down. Someone is responsible for Rodney's death. If it is his brother, then lets deal with that. If it is Gregory Smith, lets deal with that. Rodney was well known in the Caribbean and deserves justice. I just mentioned his name to a woman from Jamaica the other day and she was able to remember who he was.  

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

I knew many PNC supporters of the time who received the same treatment as anyone else. As a matter of fact, I can't really recall any PNC supporter in Wismar or Christianburgh who were better off trough their PNC support.

Ordinary supporters also suffered. Not so the ones affiliated with the party. Folks with YSM cards were suddenly getting free cars even though they immediately didn't have a proper property to park them.

And that is the System Caribj and TK are fighting to bring back. sweet, Sweet Guyana will turn sour again if these FOOLS have their way!!!!!!!!!!!!

The line chart of the important things during the PNC rule was a constant downward slope. Imagine having your dollar go from about $5. Vs. the USD to about $90. Imagine having your dollar suddenly worth only five cents. Now there have been ugly acts by the PPP especially of recent times. But prior to that they still managed to stabilize that chart line and push it upward instead or having it continue the constant downward trend it was in especially during the whole 80's decade.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

I knew many PNC supporters of the time who received the same treatment as anyone else. As a matter of fact, I can't really recall any PNC supporter in Wismar or Christianburgh who were better off trough their PNC support.

Ordinary supporters also suffered. Not so the ones affiliated with the party. Folks with YSM cards were suddenly getting free cars even though they immediately didn't have a proper property to park them.

And that is the System Caribj and TK are fighting to bring back. sweet, Sweet Guyana will turn sour again if these FOOLS have their way!!!!!!!!!!!!

The line chart of the important things during the PNC rule was a constant downward slope. Imagine having your dollar go from about $5. Vs. the USD to about $90. Imagine having your dollar suddenly worth only five cents. Now there have been ugly acts by the PPP especially of recent times. But prior to that they still managed to stabilize that chart line and push it upward instead or having it continue the constant downward trend it was in especially during the whole 80's decade.


Burnham Regime received 135 MILLION TAX levy  from Guysuco in 1973 It was wasted and stolen, dat is the kind of Govt Caribj and TK wish for.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

The PNC die hards don't like to hear the truth.

why is the article "useless"? . . . if we are involved in the search for TRUTH, that is


the business about the guards being removed points to a much wider conspiracy . . . it is quite germane


bearing in mind the PPP strategy at its 'COI' (distraction pappy show really) is to wine down pan de nasty history of the PNC and embroider with as much fabricated shyte as the facts can bear . . . to fevered applause from the tribal commissariat on GNI, of course

The article is useless because it does not provide any admissible information to the COI. It is attempting to create a record in the public arena instead of through the panel currently in session. Anyone who "cannot sit and let something go unchallenged" but doesn't want to or can't testify to the panel (where his statements will receive due challenges) should just sit down. Someone is responsible for Rodney's death. If it is his brother, then lets deal with that. If it is Gregory Smith, lets deal with that. Rodney was well known in the Caribbean and deserves justice. I just mentioned his name to a woman from Jamaica the other day and she was able to remember who he was.  

you're a joker


to comment here about the writer "attempting to create a record in the public arena" reminds me of the 'documents' accepted into evidence, and the damning testimony based on these fabrications creating a "public record"


oh wait . . . de PPP 'commission,' exposed & embarrassed, now vex and want the paymaster to provide authentication and "originals" after the fact




oh, what are your final 2 sentences 'responding' to again?


joker and tool, smh

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Nehru:


Burnham Regime received 135 MILLION TAX levy  from Guysuco in 1973 It was wasted and stolen, dat is the kind of Govt Caribj and TK wish for.

TK understands Economics much more than I do so I would need to defer that field to him. However, I also know that even though people may me very proficient in some field they can still slip up when they let personal goals compromise their better judgment. A case in point is with this Fort Lauderdale lawyer, Rothstein who allowed his greed to compromise his understanding of the law and is now hanging out in jail.


caribny is a different case. He just want things for the black folks in Guyana at whatever means necessary. That in itself is no problem except that he did not feel the same pity for the Indians when they were in the same situation. That makes him a racist.

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

The PNC die hards don't like to hear the truth.

why is the article "useless"? . . . if we are involved in the search for TRUTH, that is


the business about the guards being removed points to a much wider conspiracy . . . it is quite germane


bearing in mind the PPP strategy at its 'COI' (distraction pappy show really) is to wine down pan de nasty history of the PNC and embroider with as much fabricated shyte as the facts can bear . . . to fevered applause from the tribal commissariat on GNI, of course

The article is useless because it does not provide any admissible information to the COI. It is attempting to create a record in the public arena instead of through the panel currently in session. Anyone who "cannot sit and let something go unchallenged" but doesn't want to or can't testify to the panel (where his statements will receive due challenges) should just sit down. Someone is responsible for Rodney's death. If it is his brother, then lets deal with that. If it is Gregory Smith, lets deal with that. Rodney was well known in the Caribbean and deserves justice. I just mentioned his name to a woman from Jamaica the other day and she was able to remember who he was.  

you're a joker


to comment here about the writer "attempting to create a record in the public arena" reminds me of the 'documents' accepted into evidence, and the damning testimony based on these fabrications creating a "public record"


oh wait . . . de PPP 'commission,' exposed & embarrassed, now vex and want the paymaster to provide authentication and "originals" after the fact




oh, what are your final 2 sentences 'responding' to again?


joker and tool, smh

For the sake of your health, you really should stay away from discussions that are too much for your emotions. You go over the cliff very easily. Let me write a bit slower that perchance you will understand better.

In a legal proceeding, statements made by one side gets to be challenged by the other side. Scope is taken into consideration as well discovery. If these are met, the other side gets to challenge it. One cannot do that in the Stabroek News. The allegedly forged documents can be challenged. This man in Brooklyn cannot until he gets on the stand. The person who wrote the article has to get on the stand to make his claims valid.


My last comment was to emphasize that Rodney was also well known outside of Guyana.


Now do yourself a favor and take your medication so you don't continue to fly off the handle. No one takes emotionally unstable people seriously on a discussion board. 

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

The PNC die hards don't like to hear the truth.

why is the article "useless"? . . . if we are involved in the search for TRUTH, that is


the business about the guards being removed points to a much wider conspiracy . . . it is quite germane


bearing in mind the PPP strategy at its 'COI' (distraction pappy show really) is to wine down pan de nasty history of the PNC and embroider with as much fabricated shyte as the facts can bear . . . to fevered applause from the tribal commissariat on GNI, of course

The article is useless because it does not provide any admissible information to the COI. It is attempting to create a record in the public arena instead of through the panel currently in session. Anyone who "cannot sit and let something go unchallenged" but doesn't want to or can't testify to the panel (where his statements will receive due challenges) should just sit down. Someone is responsible for Rodney's death. If it is his brother, then lets deal with that. If it is Gregory Smith, lets deal with that. Rodney was well known in the Caribbean and deserves justice. I just mentioned his name to a woman from Jamaica the other day and she was able to remember who he was.  

you're a joker


to comment here about the writer "attempting to create a record in the public arena" reminds me of the 'documents' accepted into evidence, and the damning testimony based on these fabrications creating a "public record"


oh wait . . . de PPP 'commission,' exposed & embarrassed, now vex and want the paymaster to provide authentication and "originals" after the fact




oh, what are your final 2 sentences 'responding' to again?


joker and tool, smh

For the sake of your health, you really should stay away from discussions that are too much for your emotions. You go over the cliff very easily. Let me write a bit slower that perchance you will understand better.

[overmatched much?]


In a legal proceeding, statements made by one side gets to be challenged by the other side. Scope is taken into consideration as well discovery. If these are met, the other side gets to challenge it. One cannot do that in the Stabroek News. The allegedly forged documents can be challenged. This man in Brooklyn cannot until he gets on the stand. The person who wrote the article has to get on the stand to make his claims valid.

[an ignorant, tribal klown giving me 'lessons' in the law . . . risible]


My last comment was to emphasize that Rodney was also well known outside of Guyana.

[WHY? who doesn't know this?]


Now do yourself a favor and take your medication so you don't continue to fly off the handle. No one takes emotionally unstable people seriously on a discussion board.

[overmatched much?]

at the risk of dignifying the red herring 'wisdom' of the stupid, see my thoughts (in bold/red) on your nonsense above

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

The PNC die hards don't like to hear the truth.

why is the article "useless"? . . . if we are involved in the search for TRUTH, that is


the business about the guards being removed points to a much wider conspiracy . . . it is quite germane


bearing in mind the PPP strategy at its 'COI' (distraction pappy show really) is to wine down pan de nasty history of the PNC and embroider with as much fabricated shyte as the facts can bear . . . to fevered applause from the tribal commissariat on GNI, of course

The article is useless because it does not provide any admissible information to the COI. It is attempting to create a record in the public arena instead of through the panel currently in session. Anyone who "cannot sit and let something go unchallenged" but doesn't want to or can't testify to the panel (where his statements will receive due challenges) should just sit down. Someone is responsible for Rodney's death. If it is his brother, then lets deal with that. If it is Gregory Smith, lets deal with that. Rodney was well known in the Caribbean and deserves justice. I just mentioned his name to a woman from Jamaica the other day and she was able to remember who he was.  

you're a joker


to comment here about the writer "attempting to create a record in the public arena" reminds me of the 'documents' accepted into evidence, and the damning testimony based on these fabrications creating a "public record"


oh wait . . . de PPP 'commission,' exposed & embarrassed, now vex and want the paymaster to provide authentication and "originals" after the fact




oh, what are your final 2 sentences 'responding' to again?


joker and tool, smh

For the sake of your health, you really should stay away from discussions that are too much for your emotions. You go over the cliff very easily. Let me write a bit slower that perchance you will understand better.

[overmatched much?]


In a legal proceeding, statements made by one side gets to be challenged by the other side. Scope is taken into consideration as well discovery. If these are met, the other side gets to challenge it. One cannot do that in the Stabroek News. The allegedly forged documents can be challenged. This man in Brooklyn cannot until he gets on the stand. The person who wrote the article has to get on the stand to make his claims valid.

[an ignorant, tribal klown giving me 'lessons' in the law . . . risible]


My last comment was to emphasize that Rodney was also well known outside of Guyana.

[WHY? who doesn't know this?]


Now do yourself a favor and take your medication so you don't continue to fly off the handle. No one takes emotionally unstable people seriously on a discussion board.

[overmatched much?]

at the risk of dignifying the red herring 'wisdom' of the stupid, see my thoughts (in bold/red) on your nonsense above

Like I mentioned to you before, don't hurt yourself trying to pat your own back.


Nothing discussed here is groundbreaking. They are all information rehashed by each person trough their perspective. If you think you are a genius, you are foolish to be wasting your time on a two cents message board. The two cents comments is not a slant on GNI. All message boards are two cents. So the ball is in your court if you wish to squander your ingenuity here or not. Now gwan suh.  

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

This article is useless. It does not address anything but rather attempts to cast a smoke screen. Who is this person kidding? The PNC was bad and had Burnham lived longer we would have experienced worse than we did. The line chart for peoples' lives, livelihoods and prospects were constantly dropping. There was never an upside for anyone who was not affiliated with the PNC. 

The PNC die hards don't like to hear the truth.

why is the article "useless"? . . . if we are involved in the search for TRUTH, that is


the business about the guards being removed points to a much wider conspiracy . . . it is quite germane


bearing in mind the PPP strategy at its 'COI' (distraction pappy show really) is to wine down pan de nasty history of the PNC and embroider with as much fabricated shyte as the facts can bear . . . to fevered applause from the tribal commissariat on GNI, of course

The article is useless because it does not provide any admissible information to the COI. It is attempting to create a record in the public arena instead of through the panel currently in session. Anyone who "cannot sit and let something go unchallenged" but doesn't want to or can't testify to the panel (where his statements will receive due challenges) should just sit down. Someone is responsible for Rodney's death. If it is his brother, then lets deal with that. If it is Gregory Smith, lets deal with that. Rodney was well known in the Caribbean and deserves justice. I just mentioned his name to a woman from Jamaica the other day and she was able to remember who he was.  

you're a joker


to comment here about the writer "attempting to create a record in the public arena" reminds me of the 'documents' accepted into evidence, and the damning testimony based on these fabrications creating a "public record"


oh wait . . . de PPP 'commission,' exposed & embarrassed, now vex and want the paymaster to provide authentication and "originals" after the fact




oh, what are your final 2 sentences 'responding' to again?


joker and tool, smh

For the sake of your health, you really should stay away from discussions that are too much for your emotions. You go over the cliff very easily. Let me write a bit slower that perchance you will understand better.

[overmatched much?]


In a legal proceeding, statements made by one side gets to be challenged by the other side. Scope is taken into consideration as well discovery. If these are met, the other side gets to challenge it. One cannot do that in the Stabroek News. The allegedly forged documents can be challenged. This man in Brooklyn cannot until he gets on the stand. The person who wrote the article has to get on the stand to make his claims valid.

[an ignorant, tribal klown giving me 'lessons' in the law . . . risible]


My last comment was to emphasize that Rodney was also well known outside of Guyana.

[WHY? who doesn't know this?]


Now do yourself a favor and take your medication so you don't continue to fly off the handle. No one takes emotionally unstable people seriously on a discussion board.

[overmatched much?]

at the risk of dignifying the red herring 'wisdom' of the stupid, see my thoughts (in bold/red) on your nonsense above

Like I mentioned to you before, don't hurt yourself trying to pat your own back.


Nothing discussed here is groundbreaking. They are all information rehashed by each person trough their perspective. If you think you are a genius, you are foolish to be wasting your time on a two cents message board. The two cents comments is not a slant on GNI. All message boards are two cents. So the ball is in your court if you wish to squander your ingenuity here or not. Now gwan suh.  

nah . . . i gon stay rite hay, strip alyuh tribals naked and den apply de lash

Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Like I mentioned to you before, don't hurt yourself trying to pat your own back.


Nothing discussed here is groundbreaking. They are all information rehashed by each person trough their perspective. If you think you are a genius, you are foolish to be wasting your time on a two cents message board. The two cents comments is not a slant on GNI. All message boards are two cents. So the ball is in your court if you wish to squander your ingenuity here or not. Now gwan suh.  

nah . . . i gon stay rite hay, strip alyuh tribals naked and den apply de lash

Fell free to live in your own dementia.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Like I mentioned to you before, don't hurt yourself trying to pat your own back.


Nothing discussed here is groundbreaking. They are all information rehashed by each person trough their perspective. If you think you are a genius, you are foolish to be wasting your time on a two cents message board. The two cents comments is not a slant on GNI. All message boards are two cents. So the ball is in your court if you wish to squander your ingenuity here or not. Now gwan suh.  

nah . . . i gon stay rite hay, strip alyuh tribals naked and den apply de lash

Fell free to live in your own dementia.

and feel free to share with your colleagues and close friends that it was some guy suffering from "dementia" who is responsible for u being out in the open with skid marks on your scaly hide . . . naked!

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Like I mentioned to you before, don't hurt yourself trying to pat your own back.


Nothing discussed here is groundbreaking. They are all information rehashed by each person trough their perspective. If you think you are a genius, you are foolish to be wasting your time on a two cents message board. The two cents comments is not a slant on GNI. All message boards are two cents. So the ball is in your court if you wish to squander your ingenuity here or not. Now gwan suh.  

nah . . . i gon stay rite hay, strip alyuh tribals naked and den apply de lash

Fell free to live in your own dementia.

and feel free to share with your colleagues and close friends that it was some guy suffering from "dementia" who is responsible for u being out in the open with marks on your scaly hide . . . naked!

Like I stated, feel free to live in your own dementia.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

Like I mentioned to you before, don't hurt yourself trying to pat your own back.


Nothing discussed here is groundbreaking. They are all information rehashed by each person trough their perspective. If you think you are a genius, you are foolish to be wasting your time on a two cents message board. The two cents comments is not a slant on GNI. All message boards are two cents. So the ball is in your court if you wish to squander your ingenuity here or not. Now gwan suh.  

nah . . . i gon stay rite hay, strip alyuh tribals naked and den apply de lash

Fell free to live in your own dementia.

and feel free to share with your colleagues and close friends that it was some guy suffering from "dementia" who is responsible for u being out in the open with skid marks on your scaly hide . . . naked!

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

The truth about Walter Rodney is being distorted

June 1, 2014 | By | Filed Under Features / Columnists, My Column 

History is often not what is really recorded. What is often recorded is a story told by someone or a group of people as seen through their eyes. Sometimes there has to be a modification because someone recalled the same incident and provided verification of what he recalled. In Guyana another chapter of history is being recorded and the records will be based on the perception of a few. It is an indisputable fact that Walter Rodney died in a blast in the vicinity of the Georgetown Prisons. This cannot be disputed because everyone who was there saw the wrecked car, Rodney’s body, and saw his brother running from the scene. Later, people saw the brother, Donald, with scars from the blast. They heard his story. Those who first saw him heard the story he had to tell. Then there were those who knew what Walter Rodney was doing in the period leading up to his death. They knew about his confrontation with the then President Forbes Burnham. Many heard his speeches at the political meetings he held. They saw the attacks by members of the House of Israel, saw the police trying their best to arrest Rodney at these meetings and they saw Rodney run. In fact, during Mashramani 1980, there was the steel band competition and the Police steel band played a tune, ‘Run Rodney Run’ much to the disgust of some of those who attended the competition. These are indisputable facts and when the history of Rodney would be told, these would be facts that students would encounter. However, the history would be clouded by the perception of some who were extremely close to Rodney; it would be clouded by the facts that some people would refuse to disclose, choosing instead to paint a different picture. A commission of inquiry is underway, and when it is all over, what comes out of the commission would form a significant part of the history. Distortions would be contained in that report, and if left unchallenged, then the account as published by the commission of inquiry would go down in history as the facts surrounding Walter Rodney’s death. I knew Walter Rodney; I heard him speak at the political meetings. I remember him being arrested and tried for arson. He was accused of burning down the headquarters of the then ruling People’s National Congress. So here I am following the happenings of the commission of inquiry and reading some of the statements that are being made by people testifying before the commission. I am not the only person. There are people who are disputing some of the facts. One man said to me that unless these facts are challenged and corrected then history would be severely distorted. Eusi Kwayana, a man who knew Rodney better than most, testified that Walter Rodney did not have an inherent dislike of Forbes Burnham. This caused raised eyebrows. Then Kwayana said that the armed guards who were placed in the vicinity of the prisons were removed the night Rodney died. He suggested that the removal came through the orders of the Burnham administration. That comment was published and immediately I got a call from someone in Brooklyn. The caller said that he was calling because he did not want history to be distorted. He told me that there seems to be a concerted effort to tarnish the People’s National Congress and that he would not sit down and see the untruths going unchallenged. I asked him whether he was prepared to come to Guyana to testify, but there are those who do not want to attract undue attention. However, he told me that there were armed guards outside the prisons and that he was one. He gave me his name. He was a member of the Tactical Services Unit that was assigned to guard the outer perimeter of the prisons. He said that on February 20, 1980, the day Mass Games were held that year, a known criminal, Lloyd Kerr, jumped the prisons fence and escaped. Of course he was caught some time later and from then, the Guyana Police Force stationed armed guards outside the prisons. This former policeman told me that some time later another criminal called ‘Texy’ or ‘Sexy’ jumped the prisons walls and into Bent Street. This former policeman described the criminal as a ‘fair-complexioned Black man’. He was shot and killed by the very armed guards stationed outside the prisons. On the night Rodney was blown up, this policeman said that he and another whom he identified as ‘Lawrence’ were standing at the corner of D’Urban and John Streets. He said that when they heard the explosion, they ran to the scene. They were the first to reach. The scene that he described to me was described by so many others some time later. This policeman also could not say for sure that the person was a man who had died in the blast. Kwayana was wrong. There were armed guards and this could be verified from the police and prison records.  The policeman said that he is prepared to face Kwayana on this issue. Then I got a call from a person who was close to Rodney. This man said that Rodney often visited his house. He too is challenging some of the statements that are being made at the commission of inquiry. He told me that Rodney knew what he had in his possession. Immediately I asked him about coming to testify before the commission and to my relief, he said that he would. I am not going to say too much about this individual except to say that he has spoken with the people conducting the commission. He has made arrangements to come and he is going to be accommodated. And there are others. All I can do is hope that they will come forward. It would suit some to paint the People’s National Congress as a party of ogres who did bad things to every Guyanese. But then again, there are those who are only interested in accuracy.

Tyrone Kemraj and his five jumbies distorting the truth.  They writing about PNC No. 1 and PNC No. 2 to twist the facts.




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