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TK posted:
VVP posted:
Django posted:
TK posted:

 I would actually name the airport the Burnham-Jagan International Airport and name the bridge H. D. Hoyte bridge. And the Berbice bridge B. Jagdeo bridge. Everyone will be happy since these things matter to small minds.

Duh will settle all the jhanjat.

Nah dat won't wuk.  It gat to be Jagan-Burnham international, not Burnham-Jagan...see wha I mean nutin settled LOL.

I was thinking about an academic protocol to list people's name alphabetically. But I guess this would not work in politics. Actually, JB International Airport sounds good. We had a JB and her mamoo here a while aho

JB okay BJ absolutely not; else Jaggi will claim it's named after him LOL.

cain posted:
RiffRaff posted:
Nehru posted:
Django posted:

Well extended time can be requested,if the removal can't be accomplished within the time given


Ok need to call the man names...if you disagree, then do so in a civil manner

This is the Bullshit that makes me upset. I block an idiot and because it is quoted I have to see it's stupid contribution.

What going on FILTH HEAD

TK posted:
. I don't care for it and I am well aware of what happened in the 60s. All I am saying is the masses are more interested in their hero's name plastered on buildings and things more than progress and equity.

Once you understand that Son Chapman was the work of the PPP which then resulted in revenge attacks by PNC supporters.

PPPites, including Jaganites like you, always wish to pretend as if Jagan's hands were clean on this.

Prashad posted:

The only left for the carib to do is walk the streets dressed up as a black Johnny Walker with top hat, white gloves, walking stick and a colonial Englishman mentality.

Now I will leave that for you with your avatar which looks like Alexander the Great.  That face is definitely one to be found in Greek artwork.

You need to cease projecting your love for whites on me.  The selection of your avatar shows what you really wished that you were.

Mitwah posted:

KP, where is Robenson Benn these days? Remember how he use to walk around with a hammer?

Django posted:
kp posted:
Django posted:
Zed posted:
Django posted:

Well extended time can be requested,if the removal can't be accomplished within the time given

Now you seem to be talking for the government!

It's my own opinion,good for the communist crew trying to benefit from state property.

The hammer will fall soon for the other stolen lands,

brace alyuh selves.

You are speaking with authority , an insider, You are definitely a paid mouth piece for the PNC. Luckily the majority of PPP are Indians or if that had happened to PNC there would be RIOT in Georgetown.


I am definitely not paid,take my word,i am content with dhall,rice and eddoe leaf bhagee.

It's is my instincts that says the hammer will fall.

Then ask for a RAISE.You are working too hard on GNI defending the PNC.

kp posted:

You are speaking with authority , an insider, You are definitely a paid mouth piece for the PNC. Luckily the majority of PPP are Indians or if that had happened to PNC there would be RIOT in Georgetown.


I am definitely not paid,take my word,i am content with dhall,rice and eddoe leaf bhagee.

It's is my instincts that says the hammer will fall.

Then ask for a RAISE.You are working too hard on GNI defending the PNC.

If all of us stay on the same page,this forum will be boring,

some one have to oppose.

Django posted:
kp posted:

You are speaking with authority , an insider, You are definitely a paid mouth piece for the PNC. Luckily the majority of PPP are Indians or if that had happened to PNC there would be RIOT in Georgetown.


I am definitely not paid,take my word,i am content with dhall,rice and eddoe leaf bhagee.

It's is my instincts that says the hammer will fall.

Then ask for a RAISE.You are working too hard on GNI defending the PNC.

If all of us stay on the same page,this forum will be boring,

some one have to oppose.

At the risk  of telling and supporting lies.

ball posted:

There is an art of debating which is lost on GNI sad to say.

cain posted:

Trude dat banna, all the intellects are disappearing Iman startin ti feel all alone.

The reason for that is some posters are allowed to be abusive,

the administrators need to take some action,

maybe due to volunteering standards are neglected.

Pretty soon this forum will be a waste land,some good folks are leaving and there are not many newcomers.

caribny posted:
TK posted:
. I don't care for it and I am well aware of what happened in the 60s. All I am saying is the masses are more interested in their hero's name plastered on buildings and things more than progress and equity.

Once you understand that Son Chapman was the work of the PPP which then resulted in revenge attacks by PNC supporters.

PPPites, including Jaganites like you, always wish to pretend as if Jagan's hands were clean on this. are right. The most plausible situation was the communist-trained guys in the PPP blew up the Son Chapman. Not because I support Cheddi's research center means I'm a Jaganite. You don't know me if you think I'm a Jaganite.

TK posted:
caribny posted:
TK posted:
. I don't care for it and I am well aware of what happened in the 60s. All I am saying is the masses are more interested in their hero's name plastered on buildings and things more than progress and equity.

Once you understand that Son Chapman was the work of the PPP which then resulted in revenge attacks by PNC supporters.

PPPites, including Jaganites like you, always wish to pretend as if Jagan's hands were clean on this. are right. The most plausible situation was the communist-trained guys in the PPP blew up the Son Chapman. Not because I support Cheddi's research center means I'm a Jaganite. You don't know me if you think I'm a Jaganite.

The dynamite was in the engine room.  How could the PYO bais get there?  The investigation was not conclusive.

VVP posted:

The dynamite was in the engine room.  How could the PYO bais get there?  The investigation was not conclusive.

How could any one have gotten there?  You cannot wail that Indians were harassed in Wismar and then pretend as if an Indian on the boat would have been unusual.

PYO blew up the Son Chapman and you can pretend that this wasn't the case.

The British colonial authorities stifled full investigation of the case as they feared that the obvious results would have led to further reprisals.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

. He is a bloody dictator.


So no different from Jagdeo.  When the bauxite workers were dismissed with almost no notice you think that Jagdeo cared?  That event was way more relevant than some rusty documents filled with PPP lies.

Is that your justification for his authoritative and tyrannical behaviour? So two wrongs make a right.

Mitwah posted:

Is that your justification for his authoritative and tyrannical behaviour? So two wrongs make a right.

The notion of the PPP screaming that APNU is a dictatorship when they were no better undermines their claim.

I have already stated that the Guyanese population, through civic society, need to comment on the actions of the coalition gov't.

And sorry I don't care the slightest of dusty papers with PPP lies are destroyed. NOT a priority, given the larger concerns. This being a distraction.

You are already an Indo KKK so you can go back home to the PPP for all I care.

caribny posted:
VVP posted:

The dynamite was in the engine room.  How could the PYO bais get there?  The investigation was not conclusive.

How could any one have gotten there? 

It was your stupid black goon bruddas with no common sense who put it there, next to boiler/engine. Karma is a bytch. It blew them up.

We must never forget how your black bruddas rape and used bottles and other foreign objects to insert into our Indian female vaginas. Some of these women are still alive. I was involved in the rescue and housing of some the victims.

caribny posted:
Mitwah posted:

Is that your justification for his authoritative and tyrannical behaviour? So two wrongs make a right.

The notion of the PPP screaming that APNU is a dictatorship when they were no better undermines their claim.

I have already stated that the Guyanese population, through civic society, need to comment on the actions of the coalition gov't.

And sorry I don't care the slightest of dusty papers with PPP lies are destroyed. NOT a priority, given the larger concerns. This being a distraction.

You are already an Indo KKK so you can go back home to the PPP for all I care.

You are an idiot. Go crawl under a rock.

Last edited by Mitwah

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