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Former Member

Opposition Leader, Bharrat Jagdeo engaged residents in a series of whilstle stop meetings at Lesbeholden, Mibicuri, Johanna and Yakusari in the Black Bush Polder area. Meetings were also held at Number 47, Number 53-54, Number 56 and Number 72 Villages. In addition, meetings were held at Number 66 Village Fishery, Number 76 and Number 77 Housing Schemes, Little Africa, Rampoor and Crabwood Creek.

Image may contain: 14 people, crowd

Image may contain: one or more people, people standing, stripes and outdoor


Image may contain: 2 people, people standing and outdoor

Image may contain: 18 people, people sitting

Replies sorted oldest to newest

ksazma posted:

Bharat, Jai Hind. 

Django posted:

Labba when you go tell TK ,to append Dr. to his name ,some folks tek honorary phds and put am in front their names to fool the Indo-Guyanese. Some ah them live in first world country and are also fooled .

May the forces help the Indo-Guyanese ,fakester and fraudster are their leaders.

Most of them using the Dr. title in Guyana are fake.  Jagdeo has a first degree from a Russian university and they call him economist.  As Django correctly pointed out,  people with honorary degrees don't use the Dr. title.  As for Irfaan Ali all his diplomas are not worth the paper on which they are printed.  That so called Ph.D. from UWI is under investigation.  Where did Peter Ramsaroop get a Ph.D.?  Oh, and to round things off, they even have a fake bishop. The PPP  has  gone from the integrity of Cheddi Jagan to a party of deceit.  


Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:

Bharat, Jai Hind. 

Django posted:

Labba when you go tell TK ,to append Dr. to his name ,some folks tek honorary phds and put am in front their names to fool the Indo-Guyanese. Some ah them live in first world country and are also fooled .

May the forces help the Indo-Guyanese ,fakester and fraudster are their leaders.

Most of them using the Dr. title in Guyana are fake.  Jagdeo has a first degree from a Russian university and they call him economist.  As Django correctly pointed out,  people with honorary degrees don't use the Dr. title.  As for Irfaan Ali all his diplomas are not worth the paper on which they are printed.  That so called Ph.D. from UWI is under investigation.  Where did Peter Ramsaroop get a Ph.D.?  Oh, and to round things off, they even have a fake bishop. The PPP  has  gone from the integrity of Cheddi Jagan to a party of deceit.  


Tola relax yuh self. In Europe and other places, people are referred/addressed as Dr with an Honorary designation. Peter got his PHD from Green Leaf. It’s fuh real.😁

You people need to stop denigrating PPP folks. 

Baseman posted:
Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:

Bharat, Jai Hind. 

Django posted:

Labba when you go tell TK ,to append Dr. to his name ,some folks tek honorary phds and put am in front their names to fool the Indo-Guyanese. Some ah them live in first world country and are also fooled .

May the forces help the Indo-Guyanese ,fakester and fraudster are their leaders.

Most of them using the Dr. title in Guyana are fake.  Jagdeo has a first degree from a Russian university and they call him economist.  As Django correctly pointed out,  people with honorary degrees don't use the Dr. title.  As for Irfaan Ali all his diplomas are not worth the paper on which they are printed.  That so called Ph.D. from UWI is under investigation.  Where did Peter Ramsaroop get a Ph.D.?  Oh, and to round things off, they even have a fake bishop. The PPP  has  gone from the integrity of Cheddi Jagan to a party of deceit.  


Tola relax yuh self. In Europe and other places, people are referred/addressed as Dr with an Honorary designation. Peter got his PHD from Green Leaf. It’s fuh real.😁

You people need to stop denigrating PPP folks. 

Who is Tola?   Green Leaf is a diploma mill.  No online Ph.D. is worth much.  

Totaram posted:
Baseman posted:
Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:

Bharat, Jai Hind. 

Django posted:

Labba when you go tell TK ,to append Dr. to his name ,some folks tek honorary phds and put am in front their names to fool the Indo-Guyanese. Some ah them live in first world country and are also fooled .

May the forces help the Indo-Guyanese ,fakester and fraudster are their leaders.

Most of them using the Dr. title in Guyana are fake.  Jagdeo has a first degree from a Russian university and they call him economist.  As Django correctly pointed out,  people with honorary degrees don't use the Dr. title.  As for Irfaan Ali all his diplomas are not worth the paper on which they are printed.  That so called Ph.D. from UWI is under investigation.  Where did Peter Ramsaroop get a Ph.D.?  Oh, and to round things off, they even have a fake bishop. The PPP  has  gone from the integrity of Cheddi Jagan to a party of deceit.  


Tola relax yuh self. In Europe and other places, people are referred/addressed as Dr with an Honorary designation. Peter got his PHD from Green Leaf. It’s fuh real.😁

You people need to stop denigrating PPP folks. 

Who is Tola?   Green Leaf is a diploma mill.  No online Ph.D. is worth much.  

You out of touch.

Tola = Short for Totaram. He used to hang out on GNI before he became Japanese. 

Ray posted:
Dave posted:
ksazma posted:

Bharat, Jai Hind. 

Dr Bharrat Jai Hind 

Dr Irfaan Ali Zindabaad.

ayuh only care about brown people in wonder Granger and his peeps will rig and this election...I agree for him to rig it because of this behaviour

                                         JAI HIND. 

Image result for bharrat jagdeo and irfaan ali

Ray posted:
Dave posted:
ksazma posted:

Bharat, Jai Hind. 

Dr Bharrat Jai Hind 

Dr Irfaan Ali Zindabaad.

ayuh only care about brown people in wonder Granger and his peeps will rig and this election...

I agree for him to rig it because of this behaviour

Ray, you going back to Guyana to vote about six to eight times like in the past. 

Baseman posted:
Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:

Bharat, Jai Hind. 

Django posted:

Labba when you go tell TK ,to append Dr. to his name ,some folks tek honorary phds and put am in front their names to fool the Indo-Guyanese. Some ah them live in first world country and are also fooled .

May the forces help the Indo-Guyanese ,fakester and fraudster are their leaders.

Most of them using the Dr. title in Guyana are fake.  Jagdeo has a first degree from a Russian university and they call him economist.  As Django correctly pointed out,  people with honorary degrees don't use the Dr. title.  As for Irfaan Ali all his diplomas are not worth the paper on which they are printed.  That so called Ph.D. from UWI is under investigation.  Where did Peter Ramsaroop get a Ph.D.?  Oh, and to round things off, they even have a fake bishop. The PPP  has  gone from the integrity of Cheddi Jagan to a party of deceit. 

Tola relax yuh self.

In Europe and other places, people are referred/addressed as Dr with an Honorary designation.

Peter got his PHD from Green Leaf. It’s fuh real.😁

You people need to stop denigrating PPP folks. 

Correct Baseman -- also in the US_of_A.

Demerara_Guy posted:
Baseman posted:
Totaram posted:
ksazma posted:

Bharat, Jai Hind. 

Django posted:

Labba when you go tell TK ,to append Dr. to his name ,some folks tek honorary phds and put am in front their names to fool the Indo-Guyanese. Some ah them live in first world country and are also fooled .

May the forces help the Indo-Guyanese ,fakester and fraudster are their leaders.

Most of them using the Dr. title in Guyana are fake.  Jagdeo has a first degree from a Russian university and they call him economist.  As Django correctly pointed out,  people with honorary degrees don't use the Dr. title.  As for Irfaan Ali all his diplomas are not worth the paper on which they are printed.  That so called Ph.D. from UWI is under investigation.  Where did Peter Ramsaroop get a Ph.D.?  Oh, and to round things off, they even have a fake bishop. The PPP  has  gone from the integrity of Cheddi Jagan to a party of deceit. 

Tola relax yuh self.

In Europe and other places, people are referred/addressed as Dr with an Honorary designation.

Peter got his PHD from Green Leaf. It’s fuh real.😁

You people need to stop denigrating PPP folks. 

Correct Baseman -- also in the US_of_A.

Hey hey hey...yuh mean in abie roti and curry paradise richmon hill? Dat part of Merika? De labba doan know any part out side roti/curry/loud music paradise wheh dem merika peopkle does call mattie dacta for honour dacta..hey hey hey. 


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