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Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

... has begun.

General Goatman Rohee fired the first salvo.

Let's wait patiently for blitzkrieg response.

 Voters are dying to know what's in MOSES closet.




* Lemme turbocharge your thread.


* Listen! The Guyanese people don't want to hear TRUTH---TRUTH bores them.


* What the Guyanese people crave is GOSSIP and SKELETONS from the closet of Moses Nagamootoo. Curiosity is killing them. They need to know what that short, pudgie, dhall belly, STALE BREAD Moses is hiding.LOL




Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Dhall Belly Moses.



* Check out Prezzy:



* You see how the man looking FIT & TRIM ?


* Stale Bread Moses, on the other hand, hiding his DHALL BELLY in those cheap suit he wears.


* Listen! Guyanese voters want a fit and trim president. They don't want no STALE BREAD and Dhall Belly man like Moses as their leader.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Dhall Belly Moses.


Rev's parrot repeating every phrase Rev utters!

Easy learner!

Gil.....a simple Dhall Belly Coolie-man gon topple their govt.

in 2011 he cut them ass already...

after joining AFC at the Very Last minute before Election.


Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Dhall Belly Moses.



* Check out Prezzy:



* You see how the man looking FIT & TRIM ?


* Stale Bread Moses, on the other hand, hiding his DHALL BELLY in those cheap suit he wears.


* Listen! Guyanese voters want a fit and trim president. They don't want no STALE BREAD and Dhall Belly man like Moses as their leader.






In addition to Stale Bread Moses being unfit, there has been unconfirmed reports of Diabetes and High Blood pressure. 


This calls into question the health of Moses. He looks old and unhealthy. Voters will be concerned about the ability of this man to be the leader of any political party.


Combined that with him admitting that he cussed  down his grandchildren also call into question his mental state. 


Moses is a train wreck.


Looks at our President. The man looks like he is ready for a marathon and he has no unconfirmed diseases like Moses.


Wait until the PPP exposes the skeletons in his closet and the AFC is Baigan Choka.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Rev:



* Listen! Guyanese voters want a fit and trim president. They don't want no STALE BREAD and Dhall Belly man like Moses as their leader.



Rev, you exhaling stink wind. This is the president 48% Guyanese voters chose in 2011. Dat man in de blue shirt had more dan dhall belly. Dat was a Laparkan barrel belly.


Looks like Rammo will take Linden from the PNC.


I might have to increase my prediction if the Boots on the Ground strategy keeps working at the current pace.


We might also see Brother Sam marrying his Indian girlfriend after the election.


Good Job, Sam. You have good taste, no more stale Blackcake have some Indian RedBread.

Originally Posted by yuji22:


 We might also see Brother Sam marrying his Indian girlfriend after the election.




* Sam Hinds getting STALE bhai---it's time for the PPP to retire him.


Next Prime Minister ?


* There will be freshness in the PPP ticket with Ramotar and someone else. The lady above will be a good choice to replace STALE BREAD SAM HINDS.




AFC is a big turn-off for people now in Guyana. They are seen as a group of politicians with a personal vendetta with the PPP. Assisting the PNC in cutting budgets and attempting to pass a vote of no confidence don't impress people. The people of Guyana wants to see progress.They don't want see stalemate in the parliament and daily cussdowns in the newspapers. The AFC is involved in this kind of Low-class politics. People are fed up. Watch how they vote this time around. Ramotar is better-knowned now. He will be more effective this time around. The battle for leadership between him and Moses is over. Moses is a different political animal. 

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Rev:
Originally Posted by yuji22:


 We might also see Brother Sam marrying his Indian girlfriend after the election.




* Sam Hinds getting STALE bhai---it's time for the PPP to retire him.


Next Prime Minister ?


* There will be freshness in the PPP ticket with Ramotar and someone else. The lady above will be a good choice to replace STALE BREAD SAM HINDS.




Rev looks like Sam has to take his Indian Girlfriend and retire after the election and pave way for NEW PM.



Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

AFC is a big turn-off for people now in Guyana. They are seen as a group of politicians with a personal vendetta with the PPP. Assisting the PNC in cutting budgets and attempting to pass a vote of no confidence don't impress people. The people of Guyana wants to see progress.They don't want see stalemate in the parliament and daily cussdowns in the newspapers. The AFC is involved in this kind of Low-class politics. People are fed up. Watch how they vote this time around. Ramotar is better-knowned now. He will be more effective this time around. The battle for leadership between him and Moses is over. Moses is a different political animal. 


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:



Good Job, Sam. You have good taste, no more stale Blackcake have some Indian RedBread.


De arkati yuji22 willing to give Sam Hinds one Indian woman to get Linden votes.

And de same yuji cussing down PNC black people in Linden. He want to cut off dem electricity supply.



Yuji wants all ALL Guyanese to pay the same price for Electricity.


Linden can get free Electricity only if they vote PPP.


That simple.

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

... has begun.

General Goatman Rohee fired the first salvo.

Let's wait patiently for blitzkrieg response.

Nagamootoo, Ramjattan and other former PPP members have a big cache of weapons and ammo to fire back at the Robb Street Hotel California where Rohee is surrounded by a horde of skeletons.

good political times ahead.


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