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There are two camps, Indians and Blacks. The other camps not even considered in the selection or elections of a government. Inclusiveness is not possible with this crop of politicians. They should be jailed, all of them. No good will EVER come out by dem being free to roam in Guyana.

The serious problemis how the Black camp is behaving towards the other camps including the Indian camp. And no APNU dare tell dem to behave.

I say, Partition is the only real Alternative, The Indo wants to dominate Black ppl and Black ppl want to do the same to the Others and Indians. 

OR, have a government selcted by the US Department of State, they did that in Afghanistan and Iraq. OR, Invade Guyana as they did in Panama and Grenada. Fetch Granger and Jagdeo off to Amrican jail. OR, have the Cubans broker a deal, the last one they made with Cheddie and Forbes never worked anyway.

Or, Coronavirus attack just like Moses telling Pharoh, "leh me ppl go".


Guyana will descend into chaos and fragment.  I can see an externally instigated rebellion and the PNC cannot hold it together.

Vultures are circling and watching.  It’s too large a territory to hold together with such a small population and the deep divisions.

Its better it be swamped by Latinos and join LATAM.  They are the natural trading partners anyway and the Indians will thrive much better!

Guyana is an odd man out all around, so better it becomes something that fit in somewhere.


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