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@Former Member posted:

... states Kaieteur News. Plain and simple.


The Will of the People must be Respected


CARICOM spoke in the clearest language yesterday, Monday, June 15, 2020.
It said that the results of the recount reflect the will of the people.
That will must now be made to stand by a smooth transition of power as is the norm in democracies.
The reports of the Organization of American States (OAS), the Commonwealth, the European Union (EU), the other foreign and local observers and the local independent media are unanimous in their pronouncements about the results.
It has been more than 3 months since the elections. Now that the last of the observers, the Caribbean Community, has delivered its findings, it is time for the nation to move forward.
The will of the Guyanese people, must be honored without further equivocation.


Carter Center welcomes CARICOM report that recount results acceptable, winner should be declared

ATLANTA (June 16, 2020) — The Carter Center commends the Guyana Elections Commission on the completion of the recount process and welcomes the CARICOM report, which indicates that despite minor flaws in the process, the recount results are acceptable and provide the basis for a declaration of results from the March 2 election.

Although the Center is disappointed that it was not allowed to return to Guyana to directly observe the recount, it is encouraged by CARICOM’s largely positive report on the recount process.

The Carter Center has previously stated that while electoral preparations and voting and counting procedures met international standards, the March tabulation process for Region 4 generated results that were deemed by the Center and other international and domestic observers as not credible.

Going forward, The Carter Center calls on all Guyanese to prioritize efforts to strengthen Guyana’s democratic institutions and advance constitutional reforms to move beyond the winner-takes-all system.


@Rochelle posted:

The will of the people was compromised by GREED and POWER-hungry PPP/C cabals.

PPP/C will not be getting into power.

Rochelle dawling, don't get so uptight and stressed  The PPP cannot do as they wish.  They have to Govern for all.  The world will hold their feet to the fire.  And if the mess up, just like the PNC, they will be voted out.

Guyana is a big country with a small population, no need to fight over crumbs and bones.  There will be enough bread and meat to go around.

There is a 10% swing vote in Guyana, so the PPP will not be guaranteed power on the basis of ethnicity.  Besides there are many "Indians" who are more or less like Django!

@Rochelle posted:

Thank you for your opinions, CARICOM, The Carter Center and other appointed observers.

But you do not determine who will be declared winner. GECOM is the only authorized body to do such under Guyana's Constitution. 

Thank you again, and goodbye.

Ayuh PNC barefaced...ayuh does get yuh begging bowl to these same people

@Former Member posted:

Rochelle dawling, don't get so uptight and stressed  The PPP cannot do as they wish.  They have to Govern for all.  The world will hold their feet to the fire.  And if the mess up, just like the PNC, they will be voted out.

Guyana is a big country with a small population, no need to fight over crumbs and bones.  There will be enough bread and meat to go around.

There is a 10% swing vote in Guyana, so the PPP will not be guaranteed power on the basis of ethnicity.  Besides there are many "Indians" who are more or less like Django!

Rochelle darling, eh? Yuh hard ears. Good luck. 😃

@Sheik101 posted:

I don't know if it's that guy guyanese critic you're talking bout, but if so what did he do.?

I saw this 

ERC probing “Guyanese Critic” hate-filled racist video

The ERC said it is investigating the video in which Rodrigues is heard making racially insensitive remarks against Guyanese of African descent and Christians and even claiming in the video that Indians are known for drinking cow urine.

ERC probing “Guyanese Critic” hate-filled racist video

The Ethnic Relations Commission has announced that it has launched an investigation into racist statements made by well known social media personality, Mikhail Rodrigues aka “Guyanese Critic”.

The ERC said it is investigating the video in which Rodrigues is heard making racially insensitive remarks against Guyanese of African descent and Christians and even claiming in the video that Indians are known for drinking cow urine.

“The matter is currently being pursued by the investigative team of the ERC and its potentially harmful effects to ethnic harmony”.

Under Guyana’s Racial Hostility Act, “a person shall be guilty of an offence if he wilfully excites or attempts to excite hostility or ill-will against any section of the public or against any person on the grounds of their or his race by means of words spoken by him in a public place or spoken by him and transmitted for general reception by wireless telegraphy or telegraph; or by causing words spoken by him or by some other person to be reproduced in a public place from a record”.

In the video which remains on the Guyanese Critic’s Facebook page, he could be heard repeatedly attacking Afro-Guyanese as a group that can’t read and are afraid to open books. He also attacked the Christian community accusing church leaders of having to read for Afro-Guyanese. He also mimicked how indo-Guyanese speak and said they drink cow urine.

The statements by Rodrigues led to widespread condemnation across social media including from some of his followers. His statements have also triggered a boycott call and has led to a petition to “Cancel Guyanese Critic”.

That petition has already pulled in more than 9900 of the 10,000 requested signatures. The petitioner said “we will not allow Guyanese critic to further add salt to the wounds of black Guyanese. If BlackLivesMatter outside of Guyana, those lives are to also matter in Guyana”.

In a statement on his Facebook page last evening, Rodrigues said his statements are being used “out of its intended context by persons seemed bent on creating false narratives at a very sensitive time in our country. Let me say that having seen the clips in isolation, I can understand how insensitive my comments appear and for that I apologise”.



Some protesters were interview by a journalist and they have no idea why they are protesting... but was told to show up. Base on past experience, the ring leaders of these protesters will use these opportunities to pump the blood of the protesters  while waiting for election decision... after which hell break loose and the mayhem will start. 

@Former Member posted:

Some protesters were interview by a journalist and they have no idea why they are protesting... but was told to show up. Base on past experience, the ring leaders of these protesters will use these opportunities to pump the blood of the protesters  while waiting for election decision... after which hell break loose and the mayhem will start.

@Rochelle posted:

The will of the people was compromised by GREED and POWER-hungry PPP/C cabals.

PPP/C will not be getting into power.

You must know something the rest of us do not is what will happen...Claudette will declare the actual results, but make reference to the so-called "irregularities". That will give the coalition time to dilly dally and continue to call for new elections. 

Then the thugs and bullies will take to the streets.

If PPP is allowed to swear in..eventually..."more fyah" will be used to call for power-sharing.  


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