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I think I have the complete report. If I do I will post it in its entirety here. Sir John give it to me about 15 years ago so I should have it. Note, I am the one who first posted the X13 reports in its complete form on the internet. What would it have done to post each incident on a daily basis?


You and the PPP can remember all you want to milk it for its racist potential but it is that kind of weak retreat into victimization is divisive. I have not seen the report of the chopping up of black people at Tain public road which initiated the racial tit for tat  violence across the country. I wonder if we will see the murder or 31 people on the launch? This partisan race baiting on this board is odious. Shame on Amral and Odeen.


Day 19  The Final Day


CHAIRMAN: The Commission examined the time when there was tension not only at Wismar and Mackenzie but throughout the whole community of British Guiana, and I feel that the Commission was necessary having regard to the many accusations and rumours which were labelled against the police. I have worked with the police in a sense because I see them nearly every day in the course of my duty as a magistrate, and I know how sometimes these accusations are made out of context. And, therefore, I feel that the Commission should help to inquire into these allegations and try to base them in their proper context. We have met here and sometimes we have been in a very awkward position, especially having regard to the fact that our learned counsel of the Commission, Mr. Sugrim Singh, who was with us for three days, and after that I thought probably that this Commission would not have been able to finish. However, subsequently we were able to get the services of another counsel and we have eventually had quite a collection of evidence before us, and our task really begins now at this time to try to arrive at a conclusion to make our report which will be considered valuable to the community as a whole. We thank you all for your cooperation in assisting us in holding this inquiry and the very atmosphere in which it was conducted. Thank you very much.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Crab Dawg's Burnham skeletons are showing up to defend the shameless actions of their PNC hero and his attempts to exterminate Indo Guyanese.


This report must be a reminder that history can repeat itself.

Pot.. kettle..

Why you come here to defend the shameful actions of the PPP over the last 20 years? Major corruption scandals that make the thieving of Burnham look like the loss of a sweet in a sweetshop. Or an explosion of murders, especially with firearms. More people are murdered each year under the PPP with firearms than during the whole time the PNC was in power.

More PPP ministers have amazed questionable wealth than Burnham even managed.


So exactly what excuses are there to make for the PPP?

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
 More people are murdered each year under the PPP with firearms than during the whole time the PNC was in power.


This is not true, people were killed with firearms under the PNC, the difference was that it was never reported via the news outlets since there was no freedom of the press. 

The problem that PNC didn't have to deal with is that Guyana became a transshipment point for drugs after it became more difficult to ship drugs out of Columbia and other nations.  

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
 More people are murdered each year under the PPP with firearms than during the whole time the PNC was in power.


This is not true, people were killed with firearms under the PNC, the difference was that it was never reported via the news outlets since there was no freedom of the press. 

The problem that PNC didn't have to deal with is that Guyana became a transshipment point for drugs after it became more difficult to ship drugs out of Columbia and other nations.  

... and the PPP has done NOTHING to stop it. Instead Jagdeo REFUSED help making him look like head drug dealer.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
 More people are murdered each year under the PPP with firearms than during the whole time the PNC was in power.


Guyana (under the PPP Regime) became a transshipment point for drugs after it became more difficult to ship drugs out of Columbia and other nations.  

This is a serious indictment of PPP/C regime by Drug_B and acknowledging that Guyana has become a Narco State under Jagdeo and the PPP/C administration.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Crab Dawg's Burnham skeletons are showing up to defend the shameless actions of their PNC hero and his attempts to exterminate Indo Guyanese.

 To quote Jalil:

EweG....talking about Lamumba, Kwame, Bynoe, Hamilton....and all dem House of Isreal thugs.... 


It is quite disgusting to see how they defend the thug and his policy to starve and exterminate Indo Guyanese.

What a Shame....all PNC being harboured at Freedumb House.


They can sugarcoat as much as they want but the bitter truth remains. 

They are still De Rabbai Kick-down-door Bandits...taking up residence at the OP


This report must be a reminder that history can repeat itself.



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