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Originally Posted by Cobra:
A coalition between APNU and AFC will give the PPP a land slide victory. Should we take him seriously?


He's absolutely right! The only question now is how big of a majority the PPP will enjoy in the new Parliament.


I would not be shocked if 54% by an accident of history turns out to be the number.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
A coalition between APNU and AFC will give the PPP a land slide victory. Should we take him seriously?


He's absolutely right! The only question now is how big of a majority the PPP will enjoy in the new Parliament.


I would not be shocked if 54% by an accident of history turns out to be the number.

I am not as pessimistic as you are. Change cannot come from the PPP and this idea of your mangy dog vs our mangy dog politics is dead and buried and we should not disinter their bones for the sake of appeasing racists.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
A coalition between APNU and AFC will give the PPP a land slide victory. Should we take him seriously?


He's absolutely right! The only question now is how big of a majority the PPP will enjoy in the new Parliament.


I would not be shocked if 54% by an accident of history turns out to be the number.

My sources in Guyana sometime ago told me that the win be much higher, something like 64%. I thought that was too high but who knows. The numbers would have been much lower they said, if the AFC had remained independent and voted with the government on progressive pieces of legislation. They did not mind mind if the AFC had voted against the government against bad legislation. What they wanted to see was some form of neutrality. They did not provide this nor did they appear to provide this. The AFC as far as they see it is DEAD MEAT. Forget about them showing up for meetings. What does count is them showing up and vote.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I am not as pessimistic as you are. Change cannot come from the PPP and this idea of your mangy dog vs our mangy dog politics is dead and buried and we should not disinter their bones for the sake of appeasing racists.

So tell us why rural Indians will vote for Granger.


Remember that these aren't highly educated people with a sophisticated analysis of life.  All they know was that after the 1997 and 2001 elections PNC supporters were beating up Indians, and they saw this on TV.



Furthermore many link the PNC to Fineman and the Lusignan murders and endorsed Gajraj's use of mercenaries.


While it was entirely possible to woo many of them away from a PPP, which they have lost faith in, to vote for a man who they trust, telling them to vote PNC is a stretch.


Whether this works or not will depend on what Nagamootoo does.  He will have to have face to face townhall meetings in PPP strongholds where he sells his spin that he will have outsized powers to blunt any attempt by the PNC to be vindictive.  Maybe people might grudgingly buy that argument and support him, or at least not vote PPP.


Maybe Granger can also generate enough excitement within PNC strongholds among people who have given up on the political process.  So maybe some combination of higher turn out in PNC strongholds (and in Amerindian areas) combined with depressed turn out in PPP areas, might result in a 51% win for APNU/AFC.


But this isn't assured. Note that the PPP only barely lost parliament last time, so it isn't such a big shift that will give them back control. As the incumbent party the PPP will be able to buy votes outside its strongholds, as they definitely have been able to do, even as the Indian population has declined.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
A coalition between APNU and AFC will give the PPP a land slide victory. Should we take him seriously?


He's absolutely right! The only question now is how big of a majority the PPP will enjoy in the new Parliament.


I would not be shocked if 54% by an accident of history turns out to be the number.

I am not as pessimistic as you are. Change cannot come from the PPP and this idea of your mangy dog vs our mangy dog politics is dead and buried and we should not disinter their bones for the sake of appeasing racists.


I hope you're right and I am indeed too bloody pessimistic. I sincerely do. I am 100% in agreement that change will never come from the PPP.


I just understand (a little) the dilemma of the ordinary Indian voter In Guyana who has to live with his choices on May 11th. The PNC has a track record in Government. It's not that pretty. The PPP/C are everything in the Big Book of Cretins. However, he will "reasonably" vote against the PNC. And this year that means vote PPP. I'm not convinced my fellow countrymen of any race engage in deep thought when it comes to politics.


Even worse, if the AFC fails, there will not be a viable non-PPP option for the Indians for a long time (if ever) until they are demographically destroyed politically. It takes time and great effort and care to plant a third party anywhere especially in Guyana. And by the time those seeds are ready to sprout, the farmer may be dead.

Originally Posted by Dondadda:

My sources in Guyana sometime ago told me that the win be much higher, something like 64%. I thought that was too high but who knows. The numbers would have been much lower they said, if the AFC had remained independent and voted with the government on progressive pieces of legislation. They did not mind mind if the AFC had voted against the government against bad legislation. What they wanted to see was some form of neutrality. They did not provide this nor did they appear to provide this. The AFC as far as they see it is DEAD MEAT. Forget about them showing up for meetings. What does count is them showing up and vote.

Tell your people to stop smoking weed.


1.  Don't exaggerate the numbers of votes that Nagamootoo won. Yes it was enough to deprive the PPP of majority rule, but it wasn't enough to give them a landslide, should SOME of those voters go back.  Note that some of the AFC votes in Region 5 and 6 might just simply refuse to vote.  No loss to APNU as they weren't going to get those votes any way.


2. Granger will sell this and succeed at selling this in PNC strongholds as the best prospect for beating the PPP that the PNC as ever had.  PNC supporters will exaggerate the Indian support for this coalition, so will vote in high droves, which might be just enough.


3.  Many urban Indians aren't threatened by Granger. Race card tactics will scare the poorly educated rural Indian.  They might drive the better educated to the coalition.


So while I am less willing to bet against a PPP majority win than I was before, the notion that the PPP will do better than it has ever done (54%) is ridiculous. Be grateful if you get 51%.

Originally Posted by Shaitaan:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
A coalition between APNU and AFC will give the PPP a land slide victory. Should we take him seriously?


He's absolutely right! The only question now is how big of a majority the PPP will enjoy in the new Parliament.


I would not be shocked if 54% by an accident of history turns out to be the number.


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