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The world badly wants Barack Obama to be president, but either way American clout will still decline

By Matthew Fisher, Postmedia News, November 5, 2012 3:53 PM, Source


U.S. President Barack Obama and rocker Bruce Springsteen wave to a crowd of 18,000 people during a rally on the last day of campaigning in the general election Monday in Madison, Wisc. Obama and his opponent, Republican presidential nominee and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney are stumping from one 'swing state' to the next in a last-minute rush to persuade undecided voters.

Photograph by: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images , Postmedia News


“The world would have voted for Obama out of hope in 2008,” Dominique Moisi, the highly regarded French historian and political scientist said the other day on a CNN talk show. “They would vote for Obama in 2012 out of fear.”


That is a pithy summation of world opinion on the eve of the presidential election, which is regarded as a cliffhanger in the United States but would not be close if the world, which is so affected by who wins the White House, had its say.


A sample of public opinion in 21 countries for the BBC published two weeks ago found that if the planet was a giant electoral college, U.S. President Barack Obama would win an unprecedented landslide on Tuesday. Thumping majorities in many countries, Canada included, supported Obama’s re-election.


Pakistan, which has more than its share of Islamic extremists, was the only country polled where people favoured Republican challenger Mitt Romney, although they did so by a margin of only 15 per cent to 11 per cent. The high number of abstentions came about because the vast majority of Pakistanis refused to specify which candidate they detested more.


Proving yet again that politics can make for strange bedfellows, Israel is the only country other than Pakistan that will probably favour a Romney presidency. However, the Jewish state, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his centre-right coalition have made it plain that they much prefer Romney, was not part of the BBC poll.


There are many reasons why the world heavily favours Obama and is aghast that Americans might pick Romney. The incumbent is a known quantity. He got U.S. troops out of Iraq and is getting them out of Afghanistan. A multilateralist with some experience of other cultures and ways, Obama does not raise the hackles of China, Russia or anyone else with any bellicose rhetoric. Albeit only with regard to the U.S. context, foreigners view Obama as a moderate on domestic policies because he favours retaining a limited safety net while making some modest improvements in public health care.


The international antipathy to Romney was encapsulated in a recent caption in Time magazine which read, “Mitt and the bomber boys.” Romney seems keen to take Iran on, but there is little international appetite for an attack on Iran. Even in Israel, public opinion is seriously divided about what to do about Iran’s nuclear ambitions.


Romney still speaks as if the U.S. can stand astride the globe threatening military action and be heeded. But Iraq, Afghanistan and terrorist attacks on American targets in half a dozen countries have proven the limits of American power.


So, too, have the Arab Spring and Europe’s deepening economic crisis. Washington has had little influence over or involvement in either of these seminal events. Furthermore, it clearly has no idea about what to do about the tragedy in Syria.


As was noted in Canada and India, neither Obama nor Romney mentioned either country during their foreign policy debate. It was mostly about Israel, Iran and China, although the U.S. badly wants more Canadian energy from its closest trading partner and for geo-strategic reasons mostly related to China needs to improve ties with India.


To hear Romney talk, the clock would miraculously be turned back if were elected president. By shouting or clenching its fist, the U.S. would be heard and obeyed. Or else. Yet Russia and China bashing – which appear to be two of Romney’s strongest foreign policy positions – do not work anymore.


The U.S. has fewer options than in the past because it is nearly bankrupt while its old rival and its new one can draw on large financial reserves.  The American military machine remains formidable but it is tired. To cite one example, it is an open question whether the U.S. Air Force can afford the many upgrades to its bomber, fighter and in-air refuelling fleets that are needed at a time when the military has made buying more attack drones and preparing for cyber warfare top priorities.


Curiously, the alleged differences between Obama and Romney are not as great as might be imagined. Despite the U.S. debt crunch, both candidates intend to give the Pentagon more money. Both also seek to check China’s ambitions in Asia. And each man competes with the other in expressing his devotion to Israel. Despite global fears over a Romney presidency, what ultimately separates Obama and Romney on foreign policy is more a matter of tone than substance.


Does it really matter? While many still look to the U.S. for leadership, the reality is that in an increasingly multi-polar world, Old Glory holds less sway than it did a decade ago. That will be as true or more true a decade from now than it is today, no matter whether Obama or Romney wins the White House on Tuesday.

Obama ending 2012 campaign in Iowa, the state where it all began


By Jim Kuhnhenn, Julie Pace, The Associated Press, November 5, 2012 4:03 PM, Source


FILE - In this Jan. 3, 2008 file photo, then-Democratic presidential hopeful Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill. talks with a supporter as he works the rope line at an after caucus rally at the Hy-Vee Center in Des Moines, Iowa, after winning the Iowa Democratic Presidential Caucus. For President Barack Obama, it’s ending where it all began. Obama will close his 2012 campaign with a nighttime rally in Iowa, where his 2008 caucus victory jumpstarted his road to the White House. The president is expected to reflect back on the state’s pivotal role in his political rise during remarks delivered at the site of his first Iowa campaign headquarters. (AP Photo/M. Spencer Green, File)


DES MOINES, Iowa - For President Barack Obama, it's ending where it all began.


Obama will close his 2012 campaign with a nighttime rally Monday in Iowa, where his 2008 caucus victory jumpstarted his road to the White House. The president is expected to reflect on the state's pivotal role in his political rise during remarks delivered at the site of his first Iowa campaign headquarters.


But it's more than just nostalgia that is bringing Obama back to Iowa one more time. The president's team is seeking to hold off Republican challenger Mitt Romney by sweeping the Midwest, including Iowa's relatively small prize of six Electoral College votes.


Obama will be joined by his wife, Michelle, rocker Bruce Springsteen and a cadre of longtime advisers and friends who have been with him for the final stretch of his final campaign.


"I think tonight is going to be a fairly profoundly emotional night, to be there where it all started and nobody really saw how we could put it all together," said David Plouffe, Obama's senior adviser.


Obama's 2008 win in Iowa has taken on almost mythical proportions among aides who spent months here with the then-unknown U.S. senator from Illinois, urging voters in the largely white state to put a black man on the path to the presidency.


They recalled on Monday how much has changed since then, reminiscing about the president calling to introduce himself to everyone from Iowa's church leaders to high school students.


Obama campaign strategist David Axelrod said Obama, after having been told by one young woman that she was in yearbook class and needed the candidate to call her back, told his aides: 'You know, running for president can be a humbling experience," Axelrod said.


Axelrod and Plouffe wore matching "Obama '08" fleece pullovers Monday. Two other fixtures from the 2008 campaign also made special appearances: Robert Gibbs, a longtime Obama aide who was Obama's first White House press secretary, and Reggie Love, Obama's former personal assistant.


"It's like the end of a long-running series and all the characters are coming back to be here," Axelrod said. He and Plouffe spoke to reporters during Obama's first rally earlier in the day in Madison, Wis.


Obama's team is projecting confidence, but the outcome of Tuesday's election is far from certain. Polls show Obama and Romney locked in a tight race nationally, though the president appears to have an edge in key battleground states.


Iowa plays a key role in the campaign's Midwestern firewall strategy. Victories in Iowa, Wisconsin and Ohio would put Obama over the required 270 Electoral College votes.


Not surprisingly, Obama also stopped Monday in Wisconsin and Ohio.


While their focus was clearly on the Midwest heading into Election Day, the president's team insisted he was poised for a sweeping victory.


"I don't want to put a precise number on it, but I think we have a good chance to break 300," Axelrod said in an interview with CBS Radio.


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