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An Israeli paper removes an article from its website, which urged 'genocide' in Gaza, a report says.

An Israeli paper has removed an article from its website, which urged “genocide” in the besieged Gaza Strip, a report says. 

The article titled “When Genocide Is Permissible” was published by The Times of Israel on Friday, but was removed hours later, the Moon of Alabama website reported.

Written by Yochanan Gordon, who defended the move on his Twitter page, the article called for committing genocide against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza who have been under a massive Israeli assault in the last 25 days.

Israel’s “hands are being tied by world leaders who over the past six years have insisted they are such good friends with” the regime, Gordon claimed, adding that “nothing, then, can be considered disproportionate” in fight against Gazans.

Closing his eyes on the widespread reports of civilian casualties inflicted by the Israeli attacks on Gaza, the author stated that according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the purpose of the raid is to “restore a sustainable quiet for the citizens of Israel.”


“If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide is it then permissible to achieve those responsible goals?”

The call for genocide comes as US Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas on Friday for "capturing an Israeli soldier" and urged the group to release him.

“Hamas, which has security control over the Gaza Strip, must immediately and unconditionally release the missing Israeli soldier, and I call on those with influence over Hamas to reinforce this message,” Kerry said.
This is while Hamas says it has no information regarding the missing Israeli soldier, named as Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin.

Israel has been pounding the Gaza Strip since July 8. The air, sea and land strikes by Israel have so far killed more than 1,600 people and injured nearly 9,000 of others in the coastal sliver.

The Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, has been launching retaliatory attacks against Israel.

The Israeli military says it has lost more than 60 of its troops in clashes with Palestinian resistance fighters during the 25 days of fighting, but Hamas puts the number at over 145


Neither HAMAS, nor Israel are interested in how many Palestinians are killed in the fighting. The Hamas fighters are looking forward to all those virgins in heaven when they die. The quicker the Palestinians in the West Bank stand up to Hamas and throw those fighters out of the West Bank, the quicker the Palestinians can start pushing the Israeli settlers back using international support. Whilst Hamas is in power, the rest of the world won't raise a finger in support of the West Bank.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Neither HAMAS, nor Israel are interested in how many Palestinians are killed in the fighting. The Hamas fighters are looking forward to all those virgins in heaven when they die. The quicker the Palestinians in the West Bank stand up to Hamas and throw those fighters out of the West Bank, the quicker the Palestinians can start pushing the Israeli settlers back using international support. Whilst Hamas is in power, the rest of the world won't raise a finger in support of the West Bank.

Is this the new excuse machine? Hamas came to power in 2006. What help was the besieged Palestinians given before that? Harry Truman's remarks after the declaration of the State of Israel by Ben Gurion; "At a subsequent Press Conference a newspaperman asked Truman about his inordinate haste in recognizing the Jewish State. The reporter continued - "We could have recognised Israel in due time.  What was all the hurry for? Do you not know that there are more than a hundred million Arabs there, who would be offended by us? Truman, true to tradition replied "There are no Arabs in my constituency!"

That is how American along with some other politicians around the world operate. It has nothing to do with what is right but rather what helps them get elected. Fortunately, most of the inhabitants of the world are not enslaved to this machinery and we see their voices displayed at the UN General Assembly where the overwhelming majority oppose the illegal and oppressive occupation and genocide of the Palestinian people by Israel. Unfortunately their voices while very loud is powerless because of the suppression by the powerful but wrongly guided machinery. Unfortunately you appear to be on the side of the wrongly guided. Wake up and smell the coffee bro. The Jews don't care about you no more than they cared about your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. No doubt they will ride your religious belief that you are helping them in Jesus' name because it allows them to be oppressive today as they were when they slung your Lord and Savior on a cross with only a lap cloth to his dignity.

Originally Posted by asj:



An Israeli paper removes an article from its website, which urged 'genocide' in Gaza, a report says.

An Israeli paper has removed an article from its website, which urged “genocide” in the besieged Gaza Strip, a report says. 

The article titled “When Genocide Is Permissible” was published by The Times of Israel on Friday, but was removed hours later, the Moon of Alabama website reported.

Written by Yochanan Gordon, who defended the move on his Twitter page, the article called for committing genocide against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza who have been under a massive Israeli assault in the last 25 days.

Israel’s “hands are being tied by world leaders who over the past six years have insisted they are such good friends with” the regime, Gordon claimed, adding that “nothing, then, can be considered disproportionate” in fight against Gazans.

Closing his eyes on the widespread reports of civilian casualties inflicted by the Israeli attacks on Gaza, the author stated that according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the purpose of the raid is to “restore a sustainable quiet for the citizens of Israel.”


“If political leaders and military experts determine that the only way to achieve its goal of sustaining quiet is through genocide is it then permissible to achieve those responsible goals?”

The call for genocide comes as US Secretary of State John Kerry condemned the Palestinian resistance movement Hamas on Friday for "capturing an Israeli soldier" and urged the group to release him.

“Hamas, which has security control over the Gaza Strip, must immediately and unconditionally release the missing Israeli soldier, and I call on those with influence over Hamas to reinforce this message,” Kerry said.
This is while Hamas says it has no information regarding the missing Israeli soldier, named as Second Lieutenant Hadar Goldin.

Israel has been pounding the Gaza Strip since July 8. The air, sea and land strikes by Israel have so far killed more than 1,600 people and injured nearly 9,000 of others in the coastal sliver.

The Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, has been launching retaliatory attacks against Israel.

The Israeli military says it has lost more than 60 of its troops in clashes with Palestinian resistance fighters during the 25 days of fighting, but Hamas puts the number at over 145


Are we then getting to the point where some Israelis will see Hitler's actions as acceptable? After all they are similar to what is happening today in Palestine. 

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Neither HAMAS, nor Israel are interested in how many Palestinians are killed in the fighting. The Hamas fighters are looking forward to all those virgins in heaven when they die. The quicker the Palestinians in the West Bank stand up to Hamas and throw those fighters out of the West Bank, the quicker the Palestinians can start pushing the Israeli settlers back using international support. Whilst Hamas is in power, the rest of the world won't raise a finger in support of the West Bank.

This is one of the smartest responses to the cut-n-paste routine one sees here. Kzazz will totally ignore it and Base will keep echoing Obama this, Obama that. We'll keep trying to educate these dunces here on the nuances of the Middle East.

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Neither HAMAS, nor Israel are interested in how many Palestinians are killed in the fighting. The Hamas fighters are looking forward to all those virgins in heaven when they die. The quicker the Palestinians in the West Bank stand up to Hamas and throw those fighters out of the West Bank, the quicker the Palestinians can start pushing the Israeli settlers back using international support. Whilst Hamas is in power, the rest of the world won't raise a finger in support of the West Bank.

This is one of the smartest responses to the cut-n-paste routine one sees here. Kzazz will totally ignore it and Base will keep echoing Obama this, Obama that. We'll keep trying to educate these dunces here on the nuances of the Middle East.

I didn't ignore it bai. I actually responded to it. Hamas is no more than the latest excuse for Israel. Israel's aggression began long before Hamas.

Originally Posted by ksazma:

I didn't ignore it bai. I actually responded to it. Hamas is no more than the latest excuse for Israel. Israel's aggression began long before Hamas.

All that is true. But what is also true that before Hamas it was the PLO that Israel used as an excuse. But this now goes beyond terrorism. It is an attempt to annex the West Bank. But first there is a problem of extermination the Palestinians with the aid of Western made weapons, before the Israelis can occupy the land. It's like Crimea, but this time with Western approval.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I didn't ignore it bai. I actually responded to it. Hamas is no more than the latest excuse for Israel. Israel's aggression began long before Hamas.

All that is true. But what is also true that before Hamas it was the PLO that Israel used as an excuse. But this now goes beyond terrorism. It is an attempt to annex the West Bank. But first there is a problem of extermination the Palestinians with the aid of Western made weapons, before the Israelis can occupy the land. It's like Crimea, but this time with Western approval.

I am not seeing how any of what you are saying is going to help the Palestinians and liberate them from the Israeli occupation.

Here is my position on the Israeli/Palestinian issue. While I am against any act of violence especially terrorist acts, I cannot get past the fact that Israel is illegally occupying Palestine and has employed genocidal acts in their quest to fulfill their Biblical aspirations. It is difficult for me to vilify the victims.

Originally Posted by asj:
Hamas fighters rain retaliatory rockets onto Israel


Sat Aug 2, 2014 7:1AM GMT

Palestinian resistance fighters have rained retaliatory rockets onto several areas in Israel, including Tel Aviv, in response to  the Israeli regime’s relentless onslaught on the Gaza Strip.

According to reports, the sound of warning sirens was heard in several cities and towns in Israel as Hamas military wing al-Qassam Brigades targeted Tel Aviv and Be'er Sheva.

Several Israelis have reportedly been injured in Tel Aviv.

Palestinian fighters of the al-Quds Brigades on Friday fired a rocket at the port city of Ashdod. Gazan rockets also made sirens go off in Eshkol and Sha'ar HaNegev in the northwestern part of the Negev desert.

Earlier on Friday, the Israeli military confirmed that two of its soldiers have been killed in an operation by Hamas fighters in southern Gaza. Hamas, however, said 15 Israeli forces were killed there.

According to Tel Aviv, the Israeli death toll currently stands at 66, including 63 soldiers and three civilians. However, Hamas puts the figure at about 150.

The Palestinian death toll from Israel’s 26 days of onslaught on Gaza has now reached nearly 1,650, with 9,000 people injured. Most of the casualties have been civilians, including a large number of women and children

Now, I hope the PPP take a leaf out of the Israeli book and get US armament.


Mr Ban ki-moon Stop Genocide in Gaza

Palestinians carry the body of two-month-old Noor al-Saidy, killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, during her funeral in Rafah, August 2, 2014.

Palestinians carry the body of two-month-old Noor al-Saidy, killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, during her funeral  in Rafah, August 2, 2014.

Sat Aug 2, 2014 5:31PM

In a sternly-worded statement, the University of Tehran blasts the genocide going on in Gaza by the Zionist regime and urges UN chief Ban Ki-moon to put an end to it.


Following is the text of the statement:


It has now been nearly four weeks that the small blockaded and helpless land of Gaza is being destroyed through the vicious and inhumane forces of an occupying regime.

This devastating attack from the air, from the sea by naval ships relentlessly firing bombs and rockets, and from land by artillery and armored vehicles, has resulted in an enormous number of innocent men, women, and especially children, being critically wounded and killed.

Mr. Ban Ki-moon, due to your important responsibility, you are held accountable to end these events.

Do you not see the obvious violation of international conventions and treaties?


Do you not see this wild and barbaric attack as a clear example of genocide?

Do you not believe that the long lasting blockade of a nation under such harsh conditions is an inhumane act?

Do you not believe that issuing useless or inadequate Security Council statements along with your biased remarks enable the prolonging of this crime?


You must bear responsibility for the position that you occupy. Nations find your actions to be unacceptable. It is essential that this genocide be stopped in any way possible and the captive Palestinian nation be returned its principal rights.


We expect action. We demand action. What, sir, are you prepared to do?

Academics, personnel, and students at the University of Tehran


Originally Posted by asj:

Palestinians carry the body of two-month-old Noor al-Saidy, killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, during her funeral in Rafah, August 2, 2014.


Where are all those outspoken voices of Muslim human rights. Where are those who covered Malala's ordeal? Why are they not interested in the rights of Palestinians?

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by asj:

Palestinians carry the body of two-month-old Noor al-Saidy, killed in Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip, during her funeral in Rafah, August 2, 2014.


Where are all those outspoken voices of Muslim human rights. Where are those who covered Malala's ordeal? Why are they not interested in the rights of Palestinians?

That's a do-little Obama question.


Palestinian Hamas  supporters shout slogans against Israel during a protest to support Hamas and  against the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip in the West Bank city Nablus,  July 31, 2014.  (photo by REUTERS/Abed Omar Qusini)

Will Turkey and Qatar persuade Hamas to hand Gaza to the PA?

Author: Radikal (Turkey)Posted July 31, 2014

Is there a way to end the bloodshed? Yes, there is: a  concession that will encourage Israel to stop its aggression with a formula that  will provide handing over the control of Gaza from Hamas to the Palestinian  Authority (PA). This will require persuading Israel through serious  pressure from the United States and the international community to accept the  PA’s rule over Gaza where Hamas will be a shareholder. But, to achieve this,  Turkey and Qatar will have to persuade Hamas to play a "secondary role" in the  Palestinian scene.


It is not appropriate and useful to make qualitative comparisons of agonies,  but one has to admit that international reactions to loss of innocent lives in  the Malaysian airline cannot be compared with meager reactions to deaths of  hundreds of innocent Gazans.

No matter how hard Israel tries to put up a shield of legitimacy to its Gaza  attacks, the number of Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants in Gaza's death toll is  minimal. Instead, Gazan casualties have a high ratio of women and children.

In Turkey, people and news media were more concerned with trying to beat the  gargantuan traffic pileups on their way to Eid al-Fitr holiday  destinations. Gaza protests that had become a major feature of Recep Tayyip  Erdogan’s electoral campaign were put on hold for the holidays,  clearly showing that what we really care for is not what is happening in Gaza  but its implications in our domestic politics.

Worst and most bitter losses for the people of Gaza started with the Eid  holiday on Monday [July 28]. Casualty figures are about to exceed that of  Israel’s 2008-2009 Gaza attacks that ruined relations between Turkey and Israel.  That operation lasted 22 days. This one will surely be longer.

Palestinians announced 1,417 deaths in 2008-2009 war. 5,300 Palestinians were  wounded. On the Israeli side, a total of 13 were killed, only three of whom were  civilians. Four of the 10 soldiers killed were victims of friendly fire.

By the end of the first day of Eid, Israel was hit with 2,319 rockets  while Israel hit 3,289 targets in Gaza.

Independent writer Robert Fisk wrote in his 26 July article: “What would  have been our reaction if 800 Israelis had been killed against only 35  Palestinians? I think I know the answer.” We too know what Israel’s response is  to the 56 deaths of mostly military Israelis against more than 1,400 Palestinians.

A Security Council statement calling for a cease-fire on the first day of Eid  was ignored. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reacted to the  Security Council statement by saying it didn’t take into account Israel’s  security needs, while showing concern for the needs of the murderous  terrorist organization that is attacking Israeli citizens. He said, “Demilitarization of Gaza has to be part of a solution.” Israel thus appears  determined to continue with its attacks unless there is an initiative that  signals disarming of Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

It is not really possible for Israel to achieve a firm military success under  today’s conditions and their prevailing mindsets. This is why its attacks will  continue unchecked and a cease-fire will not be in the cards until the loss of  Palestinian lives reaches the limits of the world’s tolerance.

The United States, which is seen as holding the most effective cards for a  cease-fire, did try hard through the mediation of Secretary of State John Kerry.  But Kerry’s credibility, especially with Israel, is almost non-existent.  Whatever he had, he seems to have used that up with his latest effort.

Actually Kerry tried very hard first to secure a “temporary cease-fire” before lasting one by basing his efforts on the Egyptian proposal that foresaw  enhancing the role of the Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas. That is why  Kerry said, “A lasting and meaningful solution of the Gaza crisis must lead the  way to disarming of Hamas and all terrorist groups.’

But when Kerry saw that his path was blocked, he turned to Turkey and Qatar,  which fund Hamas and are therefore presumably influential. But  that didn’t work either. Israelis accused Kerry of favoring Hamas and betraying Israel. On  Sunday [July 27] US President Barack Obama had to call Netanyahu and complain  about the injustice made to Kerry.

Influential US commentator David Ignatius said in The Washington  Post that Kerry, with his drive for a cease-fire, had narrowed down  his options and actually empowered Turkey and Qatar in regional power games by  trying to bring them in.

Ignatius added that this initiative by Kerry “had run contrary to interests  and desires of Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the moderate Palestinian camp led  by Abbas.”

As a result a barrier was erected in front of Turkey and Qatar’s “regional  aspirations,” Kerry’s cease-fire initiative was blown to smithereens, and  innocent Palestinian blood continues to flow.

Is there a way to end the bloodshed? Yes, there is.

Will they do it? Doubtful.

What is not doubtful is the continuing agony of the Palestinian people.



Palestinian unity part of solving Gaza's crises

Author: Daoud KuttabPosted July 31, 2014

Two contradictory arguments are being discussed at various  levels concerning postwar Gaza. One suggests that the war has brought an end to  the Israeli-induced artificial separation between Gaza and the West Bank. The  other suggests that Israel’s war, and more specifically the tunnels and the  general Hamas-led resistance to Israel, has made the possibility of Israeli  withdrawal from the West Bank that much more difficult.


Israel’s leading political columnist, Nahum Barnea, launched the first  salvo when he publicly exposed the failure of Israel's strategy to divorce  the West Bank from Gaza. Tucked in a 4,000-plus-word column was an insightful  thought rarely stated so clearly in public and certainly not by a leading  Israeli analyst: “The Israeli government must aim for a fundamental change in the reality in Gaza, and perhaps,  finally, even change the very nature of Israel's relations with the Palestinians  as a whole,” Barnea argued. “Israel's attempt to separate the West Bank  from Gaza, to divide and conquer, has failed. Vision is needed. Hope is needed.  Not only for Israelis, but Gazans too.”

The veteran Israeli commentator also addressed Israeli relations  with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, writing, “Netanyahu has started to  talk about Abu Mazen [Abbas] not as a problem, but rather as a  solution.” The public discussion of Netanyahu’s warming to Abbas will not  be welcomed in Ramallah, where some will worry that it furthers the  image of the Palestinian leader as a kind of quisling for the Israelis. The  Palestinian government and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) have not  fared well during the Gaza conflict, with Abbas appearing powerless and with numerous cease-fire announcements by Ramallah backfiring  as Hamas militants in Gaza rejected them.

What will be welcome in Ramallah and Gaza, however, is that the unity  government has survived and will be the main instrument of support for Gaza. The  reconciliation agreement between the PLO and Hamas, publicly trashed by Netanyahu and arguably one of the reasons for the war on Gaza, has now become acceptable for  practical reasons: Israel wants Gazans to be able to receive money, including  salaries, the day after the war ends. Earlier, the United States, with  encouragement from Israel, denied an attempt by Qatar to transfer money directly to Hamas to pay  public servants.

While Palestinians and international experts have known for some time that  the justification for the Gaza blockade and internal restrictions of movement was  political, the issue gains importance when it is supported by a leading Israeli  pundit. Barnea admits that the extreme restrictions on the movement of  Palestinians between Gaza and the West Bank was a strategic decision based on  the colonial theory of “divide and rule” and unrelated to any security issue, as  is often alleged.

The schism between Gaza and the West Bank might increase even more, according  to some Israelis. Zvi Bar’el sarcastically wrote, “We love you Gaza,” in arguing that with every rocket coming  out of Gaza, Israel’s hold on the West Bank is strengthened. Bar’el  observed, “If before, it had been possible to fantasize about some sort of  peace, now the fate of the West Bank has been sealed and the settlers can  relax.”

The question that needs to be answered is whether the Israeli establishment  will indeed internalize this issue and move toward finding a solution to  the situation in Gaza that takes into consideration contiguity between the West  Bank and Gaza.

Marwan Muasher, vice president for studies at the Carnegie Endowment for  International Peace, told Al-Monitor that he is skeptical of the Israeli  government’s interest in a viable political settlement. He said, “We have seen  three ground wars into Gaza in the last six years, and this is bound to be  repeated. I don't see any viable chances for a political settlement that  would have Israel withdraw from the West Bank.” Muasher, a former Jordanian  foreign minister, also said a peaceful third intifada might be “the only point  of pressure that would get Israelis to rethink their future.”

The winners and losers of the war on Gaza will become clear in the coming  weeks, but it is certain that the idea that Gaza would somehow disappear into  the sea — a fantasy of former Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin — is no longer valid. Whatever emerges in the cease-fire agreement, Israelis,  Palestinians and the international community cannot simply wish Gaza away. The  need for a serious, long-term solution that incorporates the nearly two million  Gazans with their fellow Palestinians in the West Bank can no longer  be ignored.




Why Islamic State has no sympathy for Hamas

Author: Ali MamouriPosted July 29, 2014

Most of today's Salafist jihadist movements have no interest in  the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, for the time being regarding it as irrelevant.  Instead, their call is to engage in intense, bloody confrontations involving  bombings, executions, and suicide attacks against governments headed by Muslims  and against Muslim civilians.


Al-Qaeda has followed this course for decades, and now the Islamic State (IS)  is following in al-Qaeda's footsteps, fighting a brutal war across swathes of  Iraq and Syria and in an effort to “purify” these areas through killings and  population displacement. Once taking territory, it is not mobilizing the  populations under its control in opposition to the Israeli military operations in Gaza. Why is this?

Some jihadists or pro-jihadist Salafists have issued video clips and tweets  explaining their lack of assistance to the Palestinians. One tweet stated, “The Hamas government is apostate, and what it is doing does not  constitute jihad, but rather a defense of democracy [which Salafists oppose].” Another tweet said, “Khaled Meshaal: Hamas fights for the sake of freedom and independence. The Islamic State: it fights so  that all religion can be for God.” Meshaal is head of Hamas' political  bureau.

On July 22, the Egyptian Salafist sheikh Talaat Zahran declared that it is inappropriate to aid  the people of Gaza because they do not follow a legitimate leadership, and  because they are equivalent to Shiites since they follow them, referring to Hezbollah and Iran, with which the Sunni Hamas movement has been allied.  Thus the jihadists' position is not simply a political stance, but stems from  Salafist theological principles.

Salafists believe that jihad must be performed under legitimate leadership.  This argument is advanced through the “banner and commander” concept, which  holds that whoever undertakes jihad must follow a commander who fulfills the  criteria of religious and political leadership and has raised the banner of  jihad. Given that there is neither a legitimate leader nor a Salafist-approved  declaration of jihad in Palestine, fighting there is forbidden.


In addition, for Salafists, if non-Muslims control Islamic countries and apostates exist in  the Islamic world, the Islamic world must be cleansed of them before all else.  In short, the purification of Islamic society takes priority over combat against  non-Islamic societies. On this basis, Salafists see conflict with an allegedly  illegitimate Hamas government as a first step toward confrontation with Israel.  Should the opportunity for military action present itself in the Palestinian  territories, Salafists would fight Hamas and other factions deemed in need of “cleansing” from the land and engage Israel afterward.

This approach has its roots in Islamic history, which Salafists believe  confirms the validity of their position. Relevant points of historical reference  include the first caliphate of Abu Bakr, which gave priority to fighting  apostates over expanding Islamic conquests, which occurred later, during the  second caliphate, under Umar bin al-Khattab. Likewise, Saladin fought the  Shiites and suppressed them before he engaged the crusaders in the Holy  Land.

Salafists today see that their priority as fighting Shiites, “munafiqin” (dissemblers, or false Muslims) and apostates, whom they call the “close enemy.” During the current war in Gaza, a number of IS fighters have burned the Palestinian flag because they consider it a  symbol of the decline of the Islamic world, which succumbed to national  divisions through the creation of independent political states. In Salafist  doctrine, the entire Islamic world must be united under a single state, an  Islamic caliphate, which IS declared in late June.

Salafist groups active in Gaza have engaged in various rivalries with Hamas  there, but they have not succeeded in establishing a foothold of any  significance. Some groups have posted video clips acknowledging their support for IS following the  group’s recent victories in Iraq and Syria. The main dispute between Hamas and  Salafist groups rests on their disparate principles. Hamas is more realistic and  pragmatic than the jihadist Salafists. The former has political priorities in  liberating Palestinian land, whereas the latter has religious priorities in the  establishment of a totalitarian Islamic caliphate and considers the Israeli  issue secondary to this central goal.


Originally Posted by Wally:

Hamas was started by Israeli intelligence services as a way to fight the PLO.  Israeli intelligence funded the founder of Hamas to fight Arafat and the PLO.

Utter tripe. HAMAS was formed from an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is why it has so little support amongst Arab states.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I didn't ignore it bai. I actually responded to it. Hamas is no more than the latest excuse for Israel. Israel's aggression began long before Hamas.

All that is true. But what is also true that before Hamas it was the PLO that Israel used as an excuse. But this now goes beyond terrorism. It is an attempt to annex the West Bank. But first there is a problem of extermination the Palestinians with the aid of Western made weapons, before the Israelis can occupy the land. It's like Crimea, but this time with Western approval.

I am not seeing how any of what you are saying is going to help the Palestinians and liberate them from the Israeli occupation.

It's dead simple. Nobody wants to talk to HAMAS, since it does not represents the Palestinians. HAMAS has its own agenda, which it enforced through terror in the West Bank. But how can women and children fight armed men. They can't. So they are caught between HAMAS and the Israelis gunfire. Until Hamas has been taken care of, the Palestinians won't have the moral upper hand.


Palestinians are not Arabs, which makes for an even more volatile situation. Some are even Christians. It is not clear if the muslims are Sunnoi or Shia, which is another point of war. I suspect that most are Shia, since they enjoy Iranian support. The Arab world won't back the Shia section.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by Wally:

Hamas was started by Israeli intelligence services as a way to fight the PLO.  Israeli intelligence funded the founder of Hamas to fight Arafat and the PLO.

Utter tripe. HAMAS was formed from an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is why it has so little support amongst Arab states.

Taken from Wikipedia which is not necessarily the Bible;

Early Islamic activism in Gaza[edit]

With its takeover of Gaza after the 1967 war with Egypt, Israel hunted down secular Palestinian Liberation Organization factions, but dropped the previous Egyptian rulers' harsh restrictions against Islamic activists.[19] In fact, Israel for many years tolerated and at times encouraged Islamic activists and groups as a counterweight to the secular nationalists of the PLO and its dominant faction, Fatah.[19][20]

Among the activists benefited was Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in Gaza, who had also formed the Islamic group Mujama al-Islamiya, a charity recognized by Israel in 1979. Israel allowed the organization to build mosques, clubs, schools, and a library in Gaza.[19]

Yitzhak Segev, the acting governor of Gaza in 1979, said he had no illusions about Yassin's intentions, having watched an Islamist movement topple the Shah as Israel's military attache in Iran. However, according to Segev, Yassin and his charity were "100% peaceful" towards Israel during this time, and Segev and other Israeli officials feared being viewed as an enemy of Islam. Segev maintained regular contact with Yassin, met with him around a dozen times, and arranged for Yassin to be taken to Israel for hospital treatment.[19]

Also, Segev said, Fatah was "our main enemy."[19][21] Islamists frequently attacked secular and leftist Palestinian movements, including Fatah, but the Israeli military avoided getting involved in those quarrels.[19] It stood aside, for example, when Mujama al-Islamiya activists stormed the Red Crescent charity's headquarters in Gaza, but Segev did send soldiers to prevent the burning down of the home of the head of the organization.[19]

Originally Posted by Wally:Mr T

Hamas was started by Israeli intelligence services as a way to fight the PLO.  Israeli intelligence funded the founder of Hamas to fight Arafat and the PLO.

Utter tripe. HAMAS was formed from an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, which is why it has so little support amongst Arab states.


Seems like both can be the correct answer, depends on how one look at it:

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I didn't ignore it bai. I actually responded to it. Hamas is no more than the latest excuse for Israel. Israel's aggression began long before Hamas.

All that is true. But what is also true that before Hamas it was the PLO that Israel used as an excuse. But this now goes beyond terrorism. It is an attempt to annex the West Bank. But first there is a problem of extermination the Palestinians with the aid of Western made weapons, before the Israelis can occupy the land. It's like Crimea, but this time with Western approval.

I am not seeing how any of what you are saying is going to help the Palestinians and liberate them from the Israeli occupation.

It's dead simple. Nobody wants to talk to HAMAS, since it does not represents the Palestinians. HAMAS has its own agenda, which it enforced through terror in the West Bank. But how can women and children fight armed men. They can't. So they are caught between HAMAS and the Israelis gunfire. Until Hamas has been taken care of, the Palestinians won't have the moral upper hand.


Palestinians are not Arabs, which makes for an even more volatile situation. Some are even Christians. It is not clear if the muslims are Sunnoi or Shia, which is another point of war. I suspect that most are Shia, since they enjoy Iranian support. The Arab world won't back the Shia section.

Not only are the majority of Palestinians not Arabs but more Semite, they are seen with jealousy throughout the Arab world give their prominent role in industry, commerce and banking. They are also more educated. Hamas wants to take theAlestinians back to the Middle Ages - like the Taliban and ISIs want yo do.


israel has a lot of wrongs to account for, so let's pave the way to get them to answer. The way to do that is take Hamas out. Hamas is Isreal's lifeline. Don't y'all see that?

Originally Posted by Kari:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

I didn't ignore it bai. I actually responded to it. Hamas is no more than the latest excuse for Israel. Israel's aggression began long before Hamas.

All that is true. But what is also true that before Hamas it was the PLO that Israel used as an excuse. But this now goes beyond terrorism. It is an attempt to annex the West Bank. But first there is a problem of extermination the Palestinians with the aid of Western made weapons, before the Israelis can occupy the land. It's like Crimea, but this time with Western approval.

I am not seeing how any of what you are saying is going to help the Palestinians and liberate them from the Israeli occupation.

It's dead simple. Nobody wants to talk to HAMAS, since it does not represents the Palestinians. HAMAS has its own agenda, which it enforced through terror in the West Bank. But how can women and children fight armed men. They can't. So they are caught between HAMAS and the Israelis gunfire. Until Hamas has been taken care of, the Palestinians won't have the moral upper hand.


Palestinians are not Arabs, which makes for an even more volatile situation. Some are even Christians. It is not clear if the muslims are Sunnoi or Shia, which is another point of war. I suspect that most are Shia, since they enjoy Iranian support. The Arab world won't back the Shia section.

Not only are the majority of Palestinians not Arabs but more Semite, they are seen with jealousy throughout the Arab world give their prominent role in industry, commerce and banking. They are also more educated. Hamas wants to take theAlestinians back to the Middle Ages - like the Taliban and ISIs want yo do.


israel has a lot of wrongs to account for, so let's pave the way to get them to answer. The way to do that is take Hamas out. Hamas is Isreal's lifeline. Don't y'all see that?

Oye clown, hen Hamas gone, Israel gon find another life line.  Why did Hamas rise, because the PA as not given much after Arafat dropped his hard-line stance and acknowledge Israel's right to exist.


Hamas and other are not Israel's lifeline, they are the wicked wahab regimes life line as death and destruction there keeps dissent subdued in Whabistan.


What a clown you are, a joker like your hero Obama.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Oye clown, hen Hamas gone, Israel gon find another life line.  Why did Hamas rise, because the PA as not given much after Arafat dropped his hard-line stance and acknowledge Israel's right to exist.


Hamas and other are not Israel's lifeline, they are the wicked wahab regimes life line as death and destruction there keeps dissent subdued in Whabistan.


What a clown you are, a joker like your hero Obama.

Never has so much idiocy reside in one puny excuse for a brain as Baseman's!




Rally held in New York City against Israeli crimes


Thousands of people gathered outside the Israeli mission to the United Nations in New York City on Wednesday to protest Israel’s crimes against Palestinians, Press TV reports.

People from many different communities including a group of anti-Israeli Jews participated in the rally.

New York resident Agi Smith said she was disgusted with Israel’s actions in occupied Palestine.

“I oppose the barbaric assault on the people of Palestine by the Israeli military,” she told Press TV. “Israel does not want peace.”

A large number of NYPD officers were present to disperse the crowd. At one point, officers blocked a man passing the rally on motorcycle, knocking him to the ground and arresting him.

Members of Press TV’s team were repeatedly pushed by NYPD officers while trying to record the event.

The protesters also slammed major media organizations in the US for siding with Israel in their coverage of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

They marched from the Israeli mission to the headquarters of News Corporation, the owner of FOX News in the US and Sky News in Britain.

The mainstream media are “very biased against the people of Palestine and they are not projecting the resistance and the suffering of the Palestinian people,” said Ives Nibunco, who leads a group of Philippine university students in New York City.

Nearly 80 Palestinians have been killed and over 500 others wounded since Israel launched its so-called “Operation Protective Edge” against the Gaza Strip on July 8.

On July 2, a group of ultra-right Israelis tortured and murdered a Palestinian teenager, allegedly in retaliation for three missing Israelis who were found shot dead at the end of June.

There is still no evidence about who killed the three. However, six Israelis have been arrested for the murder of the young Palestinian.

The Israeli government seized on the incident to arrest hundreds of Palestinians, raid thousands of homes, and call up as many as 40,000 reserve troops to prepare for an all-out invasion of the Gaza territory.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Another simple question. Did the Israelis LIED about a captured Soldier in order to murder women and children???

Ask the Obama poodle Kari-Mullah, he know weh di soldja deh.


By supporting these radical islamic organizations such as Hamas what Israeli intelligence was doing was to turn the Israel vs the Palestinian people into a religious confrontation between the Jews and Islam.


In the begining Israel was fighting the PLO and the PFLP which were two secular organizations with large Christian Palestinian support.  The PFLP was headed by George Habash who was a Christian Arab nationalist from Palestine.


Think of this for a few seconds.  How would you feel as a Jew taking weapons from a Christian nation to fight their Christian brothers in the desert. Lots of insecurity there particularly when you are dealing with the Christian American South.

Last edited by Former Member

A demonstrator criticizes the New York mayor for his support for Israelis who committed Genocide for 29 straight days agains't the Gazans (Photo: Christopher Hazou)

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From the Rivers to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free


On Wednesday, July 9, 2014 New York City was one of many cities who held emergency protests in support of Palestine. Two rallies were coordinated: the first, "A Rally Against US funding of Israeli Terror" began outside the Israeli consulate in the city's east side. Merging the rallies together, approximately 4,000 people marched to the News Corporation head quarters in the second rally, "For Accurate Media Coverage." News Corp is home to Rupert Murdoch's NY Post, FOX News, and Wall Street Journal.

Media, including progressive publications, was widely absent in a rally calling for media transparency. CBS local news was present and drummed up a West Side Story-styled duel, reporting pro-Israel and pro-Palestine protesters both calling for a truce. CBS reporter, Jessica Schneider fails to take notice of the size of pro-Israel protesters, 200 people at most, which quickly dispersed. It is unclear whether or not counter-protesters were calling for an end to all conflicts. What appeared to be a young man dressed as a rabbi was seen on the side of the Israel protesters shouting racial slurs. It was apparent that the protest was largely a rally against the settlement of Palestine and murder of its people. The people in New York City had something to say:

Free, free Palestine / End the occupation now / From the rivers to the sea / Palestine will be free!

Last edited by Former Member

Those New York Jews are not stupid.  They know this Netanyahu guy don't want to sit down with the Palestinians and talk true peace because for him peace means giving up some more land or risking the right of return of Palestinians to Israel.  But many New York Jews have realized there would be no peace unless both sides sit down and compromise.


So I would not be suprise if Israeli intelligence had use their assets in Hamas to start this trouble by firing those rockets into Israel there by giving Netanyahu an excuse.

Last edited by Former Member

Airstrike hits UN school in Gaza as Israeli troops start redeploying along border



At least six U.N. facilities, including schools sheltering the displaced, have been struck by Israeli fire since the conflict began, drawing international condemnation.



Gaza's darkest day: 40 die as Israel bombs 'safe haven' UN school
US condemns Israel’s ‘disgraceful’ strike on UN school in Gaza

A Palestinian man carries an injured child following an Israeli airstrike on a UN school in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip on August 3, 2014.

A Palestinian man carries an injured child following an Israeli airstrike on a UN school in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip on August 3, 2014.Palestinian walk past trails of blood following an Israeli military strike on a UN school in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip on August 3, 2014.
A Palestinian man carries an injured child following an Israeli airstrike on a UN school in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip on August 3, 2014.
Sun Aug 3, 2014 8:54PM GMT

The United States has strongly condemned a deadly Israeli airstrike on a United Nations school sheltering about 3,000 displaced Palestinians in southern Gaza, saying it is “appalled” by the “disgraceful” attack.

On Sunday, Israel launched another attack on a UN-run school in the town of Rafah, leaving at least 10 people dead and about 30 others injured. This was the third time in 10 days that a UN school has been targeted by the Zionist forces in their nearly month-long offensive against the besieged Gaza Strip.

The State Department in a statement issued on Sunday denounced the attack, noting that the school had been designated a protected location.

"The United States is appalled by today's disgraceful shelling outside an UNRWA school in Rafah sheltering some 3,000 displaced persons, in which at least 10 more Palestinian civilians were tragically killed," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said.

"The coordinates of the school, like all UN facilities in Gaza, have been repeatedly communicated to the Israeli” forces, Psaki stated.

"We once again stress that Israel must do more to meet its own standards and avoid civilian casualties," she added.

Earlier in the day, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon denounced the shelling of the school as "a moral outrage and a criminal act."

"This madness must stop," Ban said through his spokesman.

He added that the strike was "yet another gross violation of international humanitarian law" by Israel.

"This attack, along with other breaches of international law, must be swiftly investigated and those responsible held accountable. It is a moral outrage and a criminal act," he said.

More than 1,800 Palestinians have been killed, including women and children, and over 9,300 others injured by the Israeli regime’s offensive against the coastal enclave despite pressure from the international community. The United Nations says over 80 percent of the fatalities in Gaza have been civilians.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Another simple question. Did the Israelis LIED about a captured Soldier in order to murder women and children???

Yes. And our President and Secretary of State bought it hook line and sinker calling the 'abduction' a barbaric act without bothering to clarifying it. Even Baghdad Bob was better informed. I thought Obama was smarter.

Originally Posted by ksazma:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Another simple question. Did the Israelis LIED about a captured Soldier in order to murder women and children???

Yes. And our President and Secretary of State bought it hook line and sinker calling the 'abduction' a barbaric act without bothering to clarifying it. Even Baghdad Bob was better informed. I thought Obama was smarter.

Obama, Obama.  Obama smart?  That man got alyuh feeble minded so fooled.  Baseman was never convinced of Obama but gave him the benefit in 2008.  After Yr 1, it was all downhill.  That banna is a waste of eight years.


Any lessons learned, a Black Muslim in the White House, and both Blacks and Muslims are way worse off and he has accomplished nothing.  By contrast, Bush got rid of the Taliban, Saddam (maybe not so good) and ended AIDS in Africa.

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Originally Posted by baseman:
.. . Any lessons learned, a Black Muslim in the White House, and both Blacks and Muslims are way worse off and he has accomplished nothing.  By contrast, Bush got rid of the Taliban, Saddam (maybe not so good) and ended AIDS in Africa.

another poorly educated, prancing PPP fool insists on advertising his ignorance on GNI


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