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We're learning more about the chilling moves by China against Uighur people. It's been happening in the Xinjiang region in northwestern China. Uighurs are a Muslim minority. China has rounded up a million and imprisoned them in camps. Now the Uighur Human Rights Project reports that the Chinese government has destroyed more than 100 mosques. Bahram Sintash is the author of that report and joins us now from Fairfax, Virginia.


On 16 November 2019, The New York Times released an extensive leak of 400 documents, sourced from a member of the Chinese government who sought that Xi Jinping would be held accountable for his actions. The New York Times stated the leak suggests discontent inside the Communist Party relating to the crackdown in Xinjiang. The anonymous government official that leaked the documents did so with the intent that the disclosure "would prevent party leaders, including Mr. Xi, from escaping culpability for the mass detentions".[13]

We must be as harsh as them, and show absolutely no mercy. — Xi Jinping on the terror attacks in 2014,(translated from Mandarin Chinese)[13]

The New York Times highlighted documents that were aimed at communicating messages to Uygur students who were returning home and would ask about their missing friends relatives who had been interned at the camps. The documents acknowledged that the internees had not committed a crime and that government staff should acknowledge that no crime had been committed and that "It is just that their thinking has been infected by unhealthy thoughts."[13] The times stated that speeches obtained demonstrated how Xi views risks to the party in a manner similar with that to the collapse of the Soviet Union, in which The New York Times stated Xi "blamed on ideological laxity and spineless leadership."[13] Concerned that violence in the Xinjiang region could damage social stability in the rest of China, Xi stated "social stability will suffer shocks, the general unity of people of every ethnicity will be damaged, and the broad outlook for reform, development and stability will be affected."[13]

The China Daily reported in 2018 that communist party official Wang Yongzhi was removed for "serious disciplinary violations."[13][122] The New York Times obtained a copy of Wang's confession (which the report noted was likely signed under duress) and stated that The New York Times believed he was sacked for being too lenient on Uyghur's including his release of 7000 detainees. Wang had told his superiors that he was concerned that the actions against the Uygur's would breed discontent and thus result in greater violence in the future. The leaked documents stated, "he ignored the party central leadership's strategy for Xinjiang, and he went as far as brazen defiance...He refused, to round up everyone who should be rounded up".[13] The article was discreetly shared on the Chinese platform Sina Weibo, where some netizens expressed sympathy for him.[123][124] In 2017, there were also more than 12,000 investigations into party members at Xinjiang for infractions or resistance in the "fight against separatism", which was more than 20 times the figure in the previous year.[13]

Ray posted:


We're learning more about the chilling moves by China against Uighur people. It's been happening in the Xinjiang region in northwestern China. Uighurs are a Muslim minority. China has rounded up a million and imprisoned them in camps. Now the Uighur Human Rights Project reports that the Chinese government has destroyed more than 100 mosques. Bahram Sintash is the author of that report and joins us now from Fairfax, Virginia.

The Khan Dynasty did horrible things to the Chinese, it is time for pay back. Modi on the same track. Dey sey the public has a short memory. However, history leaves its scars on human souls-it awakes after dormant centuries. 


I still remember my parents prohibited us from eating any wild meat in Guyana due to diseases!

Wild meat in Africa brought us AIDS, Ebola, etc. Much of the viruses out of China are due to eating wild shit.

When will people change their habits, what will it take?  Another Black Plague?

People need to look to India.  You never hear of such diseases.


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