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This article was written by a young PPP supporter, Mahendra Hariraj.  He is 27 years old and is an Adjunct Professor at York College, City University of New York.


Dear Editor,

[] – Guyanese are noticeably baffled about the steep pay increases for the just five months old APNU-AFC Government. How can a conscious and responsible Government rationalize personal pay increases, while the nation is in economic mayhem?

How can a minister of government find this justifiable? The said minister also atrociously support this justification by saying, the pay increase is necessary to avoid them from stealing. Is this the parliamentarians we want to manage our nation, our children’s future and livelihoods?

In just over five months, we have witnessed, economic downturn in the agricultural sector, stagnation in the private sector, threat to our border sovereignty and grave uncertainties in the solvency of many industries. To add to this worrying economic lookout, the investing world was also given the impression Guyana was bankrupted by this Government.

The results of such reckless disclosures and inability to develop strong and tactical diplomacies have pushed our economy in deeper turmoil and volatility. Despite all the alarming issues, this Administration is focused on pay increase, affluent accommodations, time-offs and benefits. These are dark signs for the welfare of Guyana and the livelihood of Guyanese.

We must be reminded it was same the APNU/ AFC coalition which campaigned on the notions of transparency, accountability, inclusionary governance and offered the Utopian idea of a good life. However, to date, their actions and policies have been contrary to these promises. As many of their programs, and plans are made behind closed doors. For example, their pay hikes were not disclosed to the public but rather gazette in secrecy. Another example of the lack of transparency is the forensic audits had no public tender rather millions were giving to particular individuals with obvious conflicts of interest.

How is this transparent? From the beginning, the agenda of this coalition was clear to usurp power at all means. Guyanese were basically used and lured by empty words and hopeless promises for their votes. Today, Guyanese across the length and breathe of our nation is regretting their decision to vote for this Government. They had promised the public sector a 20% salary increase but reneged on their words.

What have they done to help the ordinary Guyanese? They have discriminatory fired about 1900 Amerindians. They discontinued the $10,000 school voucher, stop the one laptop for family program, ruined the rice markets, and jeopardized the sugar industry’s future. Meanwhile, crime has amplified, businesses has seized and people are bemoaning the rising cost of living. Is this the change and idea of a good life? Yet, it is just for this five infant government to give themselves undeserving exorbitant pay increases.

If the budget and finances were insufficient for a 20% increases to public servants how can it facilitate millions in pay hikes for them. Editor, it must also be recounted the ANPU-AFC government claimed the PPP had bankrupted Guyana so where are they getting all this money now? The Coalition Government alleged the PPP of mismanaging public funds what are they doing now? In such far, the forensic audit has proved futile in showing how the PPP mismanaged funds.

Also under the PPP tenure there was little or no interest on pay increases. Editor, my views remain firm, why should the working class people of our country labor for pennies while their elected officials use the treasury as a personal penny bank? Guyanese must unite and stand strong against this blatant abuse and mismanagement of taxpayers’ monies.

Thank You,

Mahendra Hariraj – New York Diaspora

Replies sorted oldest to newest

It would be worth responding to if he was not playing to the crowd and missing the salient facts. It is a terrible thing that he is a professor. He is they to develop the habit of telling the truth and not what is passed off as the truth.

Originally Posted by Tola:

Whether he vote in GY or not, he has a right to an opinion about GY and his letter is valid.  

I didn't say he does not have a right to an opinion...hey, who knows, maybe he can run for election next time


Is this guy really a professor? His writing skills are atrocious. He needs to take a few classes in grammar and sentence structure. He should also stick to telling the truth if he wants anyone to take him seriously.

Originally Posted by RiffRaff:
Originally Posted by Tola:

Whether he vote in GY or not, he has a right to an opinion about GY and his letter is valid.  

I didn't say he does not have a right to an opinion...hey, who knows, maybe he can run for election next time

He has a poor chance of leading the PPP.

Jaggo got it covered.

Last edited by Tola

The young man is echoing the opinion of a broad cross-section of the Guyanese community and diaspora. Even former PNC Foreign Minister Rashleigh Jackson said the coalition made a mistake in hiking MP salaries at this time. So, the young man is flowing with the flow. Dat is eezee to do, mon.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

This article was written by a young PPP supporter, Mahendra Hariraj.  He is 27 years old and is an Adjunct Professor at York College, City University of New York.


Dear Editor,

[] –  To add to this worrying economic lookout, the investing world was also given the impression Guyana was bankrupted by this Government.


Thank You,

Mahendra Hariraj – New York Diaspora

If foreign investors blame any gov't for bankrupting Guyana it will be the PPP with their waste, ineptness and rampant corruption.  They have full access to comments made by TRansparency Int'l and others to support this.  In fact even the UN and the IDB have made note of the fact that the new gov't is much easier to deal with, than was the PPP.


NO ONE is crying that the PPP is gone, except for that Mad Bull who ru(i)ns Venezuela.  He can no longer beat up Guyana, and get away with it.


If this gov't will be blamed for anything it will be an incompetent way of communicating its plans, and a complete lack of ideas for cleaning up the PPP mess.


While the pay increase is reprehensible, and immoral it does not represent a huge drain.  In addition Granger was forced to be aggressive to raise Maduro's thuggery to the world, and to ensure that CARICOM (aside from T&T and Bdos, which firmly support Guyana) do not completely let themselves become Judas's for a small amount of silver.


The PPP has YET to disclose how they would have reacted to Maduro differently. All that we have heard was their plea to go beg Maduro for forgiveness for not allowing Venezuela to toss out EXXON. 


No wonder 23 years of PPP rule allowed Venezuela to play bully, and has brought Gyana no closer to resolving this problem.


If the PPP claims that their Chavez ties were so close, why didnt they extract from him a promise to drop Venezuela's border claim,s and to recognize the 1899 Agreement?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Mars:

Is this guy really a professor? His writing skills are atrocious. He needs to take a few classes in grammar and sentence structure. He should also stick to telling the truth if he wants anyone to take him seriously.

He is a grad student who is struggling to complete his thesis.  His poor writing suggests why he is taking so long.


He organizes his thoughts like a mediocre high school kid.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Storm - I believe he teaches Accounting/Finance so little chance of him coercing his views on his students.  Hopefully!!

I hope that his Accounting is better than his Finance, or I am sorry for those kids.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

This article was written by a young PPP supporter, Mahendra Hariraj.  He is 27 years old and is an Adjunct Professor at York College, City University of New York.


Dear Editor,

[] –  To add to this worrying economic lookout, the investing world was also given the impression Guyana was bankrupted by this Government.


Thank You,

Mahendra Hariraj – New York Diaspora

If foreign investors blame any gov't for bankrupting Guyana it will be the PPP with their waste, ineptness and rampant corruption.  They have full access to comments made by TRansparency Int'l and others to support this.  In fact even the UN and the IDB have made note of the fact that the new gov't is much easier to deal with, than was the PPP.


NO ONE is crying that the PPP is gone, except for that Mad Bull who ru(i)ns Venezuela.  He can no longer beat up Guyana, and get away with it.


If this gov't will be blamed for anything it will be an incompetent way of communicating its plans, and a complete lack of ideas for cleaning up the PPP mess.


While the pay increase is reprehensible, and immoral it does not represent a huge drain.  In addition Granger was forced to be aggressive to raise Maduro's thuggery to the world, and to ensure that CARICOM (aside from T&T and Bdos, which firmly support Guyana) do not completely let themselves become Judas's for a small amount of silver.


The PPP has YET to disclose how they would have reacted to Maduro differently. All that we have heard was their plea to go beg Maduro for forgiveness for not allowing Venezuela to toss out EXXON. 


No wonder 23 years of PPP rule allowed Venezuela to play bully, and has brought Gyana no closer to resolving this problem.


If the PPP claims that their Chavez ties were so close, why didnt they extract from him a promise to drop Venezuela's border claim,s and to recognize the 1899 Agreement?

Carib..damn that's a good point.

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Django - you are aware that Chavez respected the Guyana border under PPP rule right?

From Caracas newspaper EL UNIVERSAL:

"2000, August 24 - Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez affirms that Guyana and Venezuela should 'endeavor to peacefully settle the issue' of Essequibo."

That does not mean Chavez dropped Venezuela's claim to Essequibo. There would have been big uprising in Venezuela if he did. Not dropping the claim means not respecting the Guyana border.

Chavez was a Fidelista leftist and he was friendly to fellow Freedom House Fidelistas. Just that.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Cutting and pasting a portion of an article doesn't impress me.  What is your point?

the point is self evident. If  he thinks we nee do settle it then there is only one way, affirm the original deal. There is no other way. Of course he can back track to the original claims and give us back the 4000 square miles and take us to the mouth of the Orinoco!



Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Cutting and pasting a portion of an article doesn't impress me.  What is your point?

I can see you don't want to have a respectful, decent discussion.

I made my point below the newspaper piece I cut and paste.

I am repeating it here:

That does not mean Chavez dropped Venezuela's claim to Essequibo. There would have been big uprising in Venezuela if he did. Not dropping the claim means not respecting the Guyana border.

Chavez was a Fidelista leftist and he was friendly to fellow Freedom House Fidelistas. Just that.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

This article was written by a young PPP supporter, Mahendra Hariraj.  He is 27 years old and is an Adjunct Professor at York College, City University of New York.


Dear Editor,

[] –  To add to this worrying economic lookout, the investing world was also given the impression Guyana was bankrupted by this Government.


Thank You,

Mahendra Hariraj – New York Diaspora

If foreign investors blame any gov't for bankrupting Guyana it will be the PPP with their waste, ineptness and rampant corruption.  They have full access to comments made by TRansparency Int'l and others to support this.  In fact even the UN and the IDB have made note of the fact that the new gov't is much easier to deal with, than was the PPP.


NO ONE is crying that the PPP is gone, except for that Mad Bull who ru(i)ns Venezuela.  He can no longer beat up Guyana, and get away with it.


If this gov't will be blamed for anything it will be an incompetent way of communicating its plans, and a complete lack of ideas for cleaning up the PPP mess.


While the pay increase is reprehensible, and immoral it does not represent a huge drain.  In addition Granger was forced to be aggressive to raise Maduro's thuggery to the world, and to ensure that CARICOM (aside from T&T and Bdos, which firmly support Guyana) do not completely let themselves become Judas's for a small amount of silver.


The PPP has YET to disclose how they would have reacted to Maduro differently. All that we have heard was their plea to go beg Maduro for forgiveness for not allowing Venezuela to toss out EXXON. 


No wonder 23 years of PPP rule allowed Venezuela to play bully, and has brought Gyana no closer to resolving this problem.


If the PPP claims that their Chavez ties were so close, why didnt they extract from him a promise to drop Venezuela's border claim,s and to recognize the 1899 Agreement?

I think Forbes signed the Essequibo over to Venezuela. Why he would sign such a document heaven knows. Is like CBJ signing a blank agreement with Britain for the PNC to rig election in Guyana for 28 years. Stupid. Is no wonder after 50 years Guyana never departed from colonialism. 

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mars:

Is this guy really a professor? His writing skills are atrocious. He needs to take a few classes in grammar and sentence structure. He should also stick to telling the truth if he wants anyone to take him seriously.

He is a grad student who is struggling to complete his thesis.  His poor writing suggests why he is taking so long.


He organizes his thoughts like a mediocre high school kid.

Poor educational system in Guyana.

Originally Posted by seignet:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

This article was written by a young PPP supporter, Mahendra Hariraj.  He is 27 years old and is an Adjunct Professor at York College, City University of New York.


Dear Editor,

[] –  To add to this worrying economic lookout, the investing world was also given the impression Guyana was bankrupted by this Government.


Thank You,

Mahendra Hariraj – New York Diaspora

If foreign investors blame any gov't for bankrupting Guyana it will be the PPP with their waste, ineptness and rampant corruption.  They have full access to comments made by TRansparency Int'l and others to support this.  In fact even the UN and the IDB have made note of the fact that the new gov't is much easier to deal with, than was the PPP.


NO ONE is crying that the PPP is gone, except for that Mad Bull who ru(i)ns Venezuela.  He can no longer beat up Guyana, and get away with it.


If this gov't will be blamed for anything it will be an incompetent way of communicating its plans, and a complete lack of ideas for cleaning up the PPP mess.


While the pay increase is reprehensible, and immoral it does not represent a huge drain.  In addition Granger was forced to be aggressive to raise Maduro's thuggery to the world, and to ensure that CARICOM (aside from T&T and Bdos, which firmly support Guyana) do not completely let themselves become Judas's for a small amount of silver.


The PPP has YET to disclose how they would have reacted to Maduro differently. All that we have heard was their plea to go beg Maduro for forgiveness for not allowing Venezuela to toss out EXXON. 


No wonder 23 years of PPP rule allowed Venezuela to play bully, and has brought Gyana no closer to resolving this problem.


If the PPP claims that their Chavez ties were so close, why didnt they extract from him a promise to drop Venezuela's border claim,s and to recognize the 1899 Agreement?

I think Forbes signed the Essequibo over to Venezuela. Why he would sign such a document heaven knows. Is like CBJ signing a blank agreement with Britain for the PNC to rig election in Guyana for 28 years. Stupid.

Siggy, I'm assuming you're referring to the blank cheque CBJ gave Duncan Sandys in 1963.




Can u imagine Forbes signing to an agreement to revisit the 1899 issue. Wah de razz he expected after signing. Did he really think that the Venezuelan President at time was going give him Essequibo on a platter. Soon after Forbes signed, the Venezuelans intensified their educational efforts to claim Essequibo in the hearts and souls of their students. Chavez and Maduro are graduates. Try telling dem to give up their claims.   


Sure we have broken many of our elections promises. Sure we have not done anything material as yet but still find the justification for our pay increases. Sure we have to have those pay increases otherwise we may just end up thiefing all over the place. Sure the economy was already in a downturn when we were elected but it seem to accelerate after we were elected. Sure while we have grown the government we have not accomplished anything or completed any projects. Sure we have gone against our many cries of closed door agreements by the PPP by our non-tender audit assignments to friends. Sure we said that we would be different although we have not been.


But don't hold any of that against us because the PPP were corrupted.

Originally Posted by seignet:



Can u imagine Forbes signing to an agreement to revisit the 1899 issue. Wah de razz he expected after signing. Did he really think that the Venezuelan President at time was going give him Essequibo on a platter. Soon after Forbes signed, the Venezuelans intensified their educational efforts to claim Essequibo in the hearts and souls of their students. Chavez and Maduro are graduates. Try telling dem to give up their claims.   

Forbes sign so we can get independence, he is the one

who goofed up,now watch what happen currently his party

along with the coalition have to clean up the mess, which

occurred close to 50 yrs.

Last edited by Django
Originally Posted by Django:
Originally Posted by seignet:



Can u imagine Forbes signing to an agreement to revisit the 1899 issue. Wah de razz he expected after signing. Did he really think that the Venezuelan President at time was going give him Essequibo on a platter. Soon after Forbes signed, the Venezuelans intensified their educational efforts to claim Essequibo in the hearts and souls of their students. Chavez and Maduro are graduates. Try telling dem to give up their claims.   

Forbes sign so we can get independence, he is the one

who goofed up,now watch happen currently his party

along with the coalition have to clean up the mess, which

occurred close to 50 yrs.

Granger's hero also introduced racial politic. Sure, the argument is going to be made he had Indians in his cabinet. He having them there served his purpose. Just like the PPP having Afroes. Forbes used wealthy Indians, cared shit about the majority of Indoes and as for the Afroes, he was their Kabaka. The Afroes entrenchment into subservient attitudes. I remembered, how they laughed at his attempt to entertain with the bleeding of the Queen's English with creole.    

Originally Posted by Bibi Haniffa:

Django - you are aware that Chavez respected the Guyana border under PPP rule right?

So why are we still talking about the border issue if Chavez "solved" it.


In 2013 the Venezuelans seized an oil rig, as they claimed that it was in waters claimed by them.


Why if Chavez recognized the border?  If he recognized it, his protégé Maduro, would also have respected this.


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