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Former Member

PPP hijacked Red House

August 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– staff being paid from state funds – New Govt.

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre [Red House)

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House)


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) hijacked the originally state-owned historical building previously called Red House.

Disclosure of this development caused a ruckus yesterday in the National Assembly as the government’s side became incensed, while those on the opposition benches sat in total shock.

PPP’s “deceitful” action that sought to rob the nation of its resources was revealed when Minister of State Joseph Harmon took the floor yesterday to add his bit to the 2015 Budget debate. Poised to speak about the issue, Harmon introduced it as one that remains like “a bone stuck across my throat”.

The Minister told the House that the PPP/C administration spent tens of millions of dollars over the years to renovate the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House) which remained state property until 2012.

During that year a company was established named ‘Cheddi Jagan Research Inc.’ and the building was leased by the PPP to that company. The lease agreement has duration of 99 years at a cost of only $1000 monthly.

This will add up to $12,000 per year and $1,188,000 over the 99-year period. This will not be even a quarter of what was spent to build, renovate and maintain the building over the years.

Apart from this, Harmon said that the entity’s staff remained on the job and were still being paid by the State. Harmon told the House that he had the names of those who formed the Cheddi Jagan Research Inc.’s Board of Directors. His colleagues shouted “name them man, name them, shameful thieves.”

Harmon said it is clear the direction of the transaction since the Board involved top executives of the PPP including Geoffrey Da Silva,  the late Janet Jagan, the then President Donald Ramotar, James Rose, Michael Khan, Hydar Ally and Ralph Ramkarran, among others.

This information he said was not made accessible through forensic audit or a Commission of Inquiry, but a mere visit to the Deeds Registry and the Lands and Survey Commission.

As Harmon continued his revelations, the once silenced PPP members did not refute his findings. In fact, former Minister, Irfaan Ali essentially admitted it as he shouted, “tell them who did the transactions, tell them.”
Ali continued, “the PM (Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo) was the one who did the document.” To this Harmon responded “that doesn’t make it right.”


Minister of Social Cohesion, Amna Ally, was perhaps the loudest heckler during this time shouting things like “thief, shame, barefaced thieves and bam bam.”


On the issue of the workers at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre still being paid by the state, opposition member Clement Rohee yelled to the government, “Knock them off.”


To this Harmon responded: “Knock them off? That is the level of contempt for the people I am talking about. This is not all, but I will leave the rest for the state asset recovery unit to deal with…”


The late Dr. Cheddi Jagan is the founder of the Red House, members of the government said yesterday that the PPP’s “theft” of the site is a dishonour to the late President.

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The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre [Red House)

The Red House is a National Heritage site under the protection of the National Trust of Guyana. It was built originally to house British colonial officials. One Speaker of the British Guiana Legislature, Sir Eustace Woolford, lived in this building also. It was named Red House because of the red wallaba shingles on the outer walls. Premier Cheddi Jagan and his family lived there 1961-1964. From 1965 to 1992 the building served as a government office, notably the Public Service Ministry. The government had renamed the building Kamana Court. From 1999 the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre has been housed in this building at the initiative of then President Janet Jagan. Nothing was wrong with that, as Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham are regarded as the architects of Guyana's independence struggle and there is need for a similar facility to house Burnham's archives for research. What is absolutely wrong is for the PPP to engineer the takeover of that State building by a private entity.


PPP hijacked Red House

August 22, 2015 | By | Filed Under News 

– staff being paid from state funds – New Govt.

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre [Red House)

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House)


The People’s Progressive Party (PPP) hijacked the originally state-owned historical building previously called Red House. Disclosure of this development caused a ruckus yesterday in the National Assembly as the government’s side became incensed, while those on the opposition benches sat in total shock. PPP’s “deceitful” action that sought to rob the nation of its resources was revealed when Minister of State Joseph Harmon took the floor yesterday to add his bit to the 2015 Budget debate.


Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

Poised to speak about the issue, Harmon introduced it as one that remains like “a bone stuck across my throat”. The Minister told the House that the PPP/C administration spent tens of millions of dollars over the years to renovate the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House) which remained state property until 2012.

 Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech

During that year a company was established named ‘Cheddi Jagan Research Inc.’ and the building was leased by the PPP to that company. The lease agreement has duration of 99 years at a cost of only $1000 monthly. This will add up to $12,000 per year and $1,188,000 over the 99-year period. This will not be even a quarter of what was spent to build, renovate and maintain the building over the years. Apart from this, Harmon said that the entity’s staff remained on the job and were still being paid by the State. Harmon told the House that he had the names of those who formed the Cheddi Jagan Research Inc.’s Board of Directors. His colleagues shouted “name them man, name them, shameful thieves.”

PPP/C Member of Parliament, Clement Rohee

Harmon said it is clear the direction of the transaction since the Board involved top executives of the PPP including Geoffrey Da Silva,  the late Janet Jagan, the then President Donald Ramotar, James Rose, Michael Khan, Hydar Ally and Ralph Ramkarran, among others.

Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo

This information he said was not made accessible through forensic audit or a Commission of Inquiry, but a mere visit to the Deeds Registry and the Lands and Survey Commission. As Harmon continued his revelations, the once silenced PPP members did not refute his findings.

Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech

In fact, former Minister, Irfaan Ali essentially admitted it as he shouted, “tell them who did the transactions, tell them.” Ali continued, “the PM (Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo) was the one who did the document.”

To this Harmon responded “that doesn’t make it right.”

Moses....left the PPP in 2011

Cheddi Jagan Research Centre (Red House) which remained state property until 2012. 

How could the Honorable Prime Minister

do this Transfer after 2012

when he was in the AFC????

PPP/C Member of Parliament, Clement Rohee

Minister of Social Cohesion, Amna Ally, was perhaps the loudest heckler during this time shouting things like “thief, shame, barefaced thieves and bam bam.” On the issue of the workers at the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre still being paid by the state, opposition member Clement Rohee yelled to the government, “Knock them off.” To this Harmon responded: “Knock them off?

Opposition Leader Bharrat JagdeoThat is the level of contempt for the people I am talking about. This is not all, but I will leave the rest for the state asset recovery unit to deal with…” The late Dr. Cheddi Jagan is the founder of the Red House, members of the government said yesterday that the PPP’s “theft” of the site is a dishonour to the late President.


Opposition Chief Whip Gail Teixeira during her budget speech

Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre [Red House)

The Red House is a National Heritage site under the protection of the National Trust of Guyana. It was built originally to house British colonial officials. One Speaker of the British Guiana Legislature, Sir Eustace Woolford, lived in this building also. It was named Red House because of the red wallaba shingles on the outer walls. Premier Cheddi Jagan and his family lived there 1961-1964. From 1965 to 1992 the building served as a government office, notably the Public Service Ministry. The government had renamed the building Kamana Court. From 1999 the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre has been housed in this building at the initiative of then President Janet Jagan. Nothing was wrong with that, as Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham are regarded as the architects of Guyana's independence struggle and there is need for a similar facility to house Burnham's archives for research. What is absolutely wrong is for the PPP to engineer the takeover of that State building by a private entity.


Gil you are a PNC.


You have no right to comment on what the PPP does. You should now be ashamed of endorsing the PNC's attempt to suppress free speech.


The PNC as always cannot help themselves to the Properties belonging to others.  It's only a matter of time before they send their police to steal again.  They once stole books from Michael Forde's bookshop in order to open their own.   Now they want to steal the "red house'.  


Their pathetic 2015 budget is a disgrace and it shows clearly why the government should resign.   Jagdeo is an Economic genious compared to PNC's Finance minister.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC as always cannot help themselves to the Properties belonging to others.  It's only a matter of time before they send their police to steal again.  They once stole books from Michael Forde's bookshop in order to open their own.   Now they want to steal the "red house'.  


Their pathetic 2015 budget is a disgrace and it shows clearly why the government should resign.   Jagdeo is an Economic genious compared to PNC's Finance minister.

again, there is a limit to drunk and stupid as an excuse


this mindlessness of yours needs to be framed and put on display

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC as always cannot help themselves to the Properties belonging to others.  It's only a matter of time before they send their police to steal again.  They once stole books from Michael Forde's bookshop in order to open their own.   Now they want to steal the "red house'.  


Their pathetic 2015 budget is a disgrace and it shows clearly why the government should resign.   Jagdeo is an Economic genious compared to PNC's Finance minister.

again, there is a limit to drunk and stupid as an excuse


this mindlessness of yours needs to be framed and put on display

I reported the facts as I was an eyewitness to the PNC's atrocities.  You are a supporter of criminals because you are one yourself. Antiman like you should be seen and not heard.   You must be really stupid to think that by calling me names would bother me.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by redux:
Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC as always cannot help themselves to the Properties belonging to others.  It's only a matter of time before they send their police to steal again.  They once stole books from Michael Forde's bookshop in order to open their own.   Now they want to steal the "red house'.  


Their pathetic 2015 budget is a disgrace and it shows clearly why the government should resign.   Jagdeo is an Economic genious compared to PNC's Finance minister.

again, there is a limit to drunk and stupid as an excuse


this mindlessness of yours needs to be framed and put on display

I reported the facts as I was an eyewitness to the PNC's atrocities.  You are a supporter of criminals because you are one yourself. Antiman like you should be seen and not heard.   You must be really stupid to think that by calling me names would bother me.

the thread is about the PPP theft of Red House . . . you obviously don't want to deal


your assignment here to derail threads embarrassing to the PPP with "mindlessness" is noted

Last edited by Former Member

If the staff of this stolen asset is still on the government's payroll, fire them.  What is related here is a travesty and the reason the PPP must not see the inside of a government office as administrators for another couple of decades. It will take that long for them to reconstitute themselves through growth and regeneration not through change. The latter will not happen normally.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:

The Cheddi Jagan Research Centre [Red House)

The Red House is a National Heritage site under the protection of the National Trust of Guyana. It was built originally to house British colonial officials. One Speaker of the British Guiana Legislature, Sir Eustace Woolford, lived in this building also. It was named Red House because of the red wallaba shingles on the outer walls. Premier Cheddi Jagan and his family lived there 1961-1964. From 1965 to 1992 the building served as a government office, notably the Public Service Ministry. The government had renamed the building Kamana Court. From 1999 the Cheddi Jagan Research Centre has been housed in this building at the initiative of then President Janet Jagan. Nothing was wrong with that, as Cheddi Jagan and Forbes Burnham are regarded as the architects of Guyana's independence struggle and there is need for a similar facility to house Burnham's archives for research. What is absolutely wrong is for the PPP to engineer the takeover of that State building by a private entity.


Gil you are a PNC.


You have no right to comment on what the PPP does. You should now be ashamed of endorsing the PNC's attempt to suppress free speech.

Well, sir, let me reciprocate: yuji22 you are a PPP. You have no right to comment on what the 'PNC' does. Sounds foolish, no? Just as yours sounds foolish.

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:

The PNC as always cannot help themselves to the Properties belonging to others.  It's only a matter of time before they send their police to steal again.  They once stole books from Michael Forde's bookshop in order to open their own.   Now they want to steal the "red house'.  


Their pathetic 2015 budget is a disgrace and it shows clearly why the government should resign.   Jagdeo is an Economic genious compared to PNC's Finance minister.





Originally Posted by yuji22:


Gil you are a PNC.


You have no right to comment on what the PPP does. You should now be ashamed of endorsing the PNC's attempt to suppress free speech.

Yuji, you should explain to the readers here:

  1. What does "Gil you are a PNC" have to do with a change of State Property for State purposes to a lease for non-Governmental purposes in 2012, where the lease income is no way near what its upkeep costs?
  2. What any one who "comment(s) on what the PPP does" have to do with a statement of facts culled from the Deeds Registrar that addresses a change of ownership and costs and benefits that are inimical to taxpayers?
  3. Where in the reporting of the Deeds registrar on the change of Red House is there an attempt to "endorsing the PNC's attempt to suppress free speech"?


Simple English; simple logic; simple independent non-partisan inquiry Yuji.


Mouth open story jump out – Jagdeo thief Red House


When de Waterfalls boss man seh that Jagdeo and he kavakamites tek three-quarters of Guyana, people think was joke. Dem already lef sheer breeze in de Treasury…not a cent. Dem did also tek every stretch of land along de Linden to Lethem road, all dem sugar land pun East Coast and West Coast, and all de forest concessions.
Now L’il Joe find out that dem did already tek Red House. In fact, Jagdeo thief Red House right from under de nose of de people. If de government didn’t change nobody woulda know. Further investigation might show that he also thief State House.
This is a man who don’t like to see nutten. Is a sickness called greed. If he coulda do it, he woulda pick up Public Buildings. In fact, dem boys wonder if he didn’t start mekking plans.
Red House is no ordinary building. It deh in de heart of Georgetown and is one of de prime Government properties. That is why de man should go to jail. He bareface and sly at de same time. He sit down right in front of people and give heself a fat pension wid nuff perks. He get GPL to put up three transformer fuh he house alone and he never pay a cent. Anybody else woulda have to pay millions of dollars.
He get special pipe to run water from GWI and he never pay a cent. Now if people back bill him he gun seh that dem vindictive. Well de people advising Soulja Bai to collect every cent that he owe or else people gun mek de same Soulja Bai pay de debt.
He probably don’t know it yet, but he mussy got to pay Jagdeo rent fuh State House. Is just that Jagdeo ain’t send in de bill yet. Of course, if he been in power dem boys woulda end up in court, because all he had to do was tell some judge fuh jail dem fuh talking bout him.
Dem boys wonder wha more dem got to hear bout de things that Jagdeo do. De audit tekking too long and he start getting comfortable, just like when a thief see that de police tek too long to arrest him.
Talk half and press Soulja Bai to move now against Jagdeo.




This is some real serious tiefin goin on here right under everyones noses, dam those PPP guys good.

A movie should be made about them called ( I use an old movie, with a slight twist)

"Jackasses of Diamonds"

Originally Posted by cain:

This is some real serious tiefin goin on here right under everyones noses, dam those PPP guys good.

A movie should be made about them called ( I use an old movie, with a slight twist)

"Jackasses of Diamonds"

Bobby got rich on the same kind of crookedness. Iffart was on the job some 10 years and he moved from being shit poor to filthy rich in that time..Do you think pradoville II was allocated as choice dachas for the PPP elites on account of their astute management of state assets? That is an ongoing rip off as we speak.


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