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PPP’s attempt to bring Jagdeo through back door must be rejected – Hinds

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People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) presidential candidate, Irfaan Ali (left) and Leader of the Opposition, Bharrat Jagdeo (PPP photo)

EVEN after the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) struck down the High Court and Court of Appeal rulings for a third term for former President Bharrat Jagdeo, his party’s presidential candidate for the coming elections is still trying to ease the opposition leader in through a back door entrance to power.

Recently, on the radio programme the Political Show, Ali announced that he wants Jagdeo to serve as his vice-president should the party win the 2020 elections.

Days later, questioned about Ali’s desires, Jagdeo said: “I have not given serious thought to where and what role, but I know that I will be in government supporting Irfaan Ali to be the best President this country has ever had.”

However, Director-General at the Ministry of the Presidency, Joseph Harmon, spared no effort in describing Ali’s desire as he saw it.

“They are testing the waters I would say. They are testing the patience of the Guyanese people and their tolerance for lawlessness, because clearly there is a decision of the Caribbean Court of Justice that says that this gentleman cannot be the President or prime minister and so, putting him as vice-president, when the President’s gone, he can act as President. That is really getting it through the back door,” he said.

Just before the May 2015 General and Regional Elections, Georgetown resident Cedric Richardson approached the High Court requesting orders that sought to invalidate the amendments made to the constitution with respect to the presidential term limit.

Richardson claimed that his right to choose whom he desired to be president, by virtue of Articles One and Nine of the Constitution of Guyana was diluted when Article 90 of the Constitution was altered to disqualify a person who had already served two terms as president.

However, the CCJ ultimately declared that Section Two of the Constitution (Amendment) (No 4) Act of 2000 was a constitutional amendment to Article 90 of the Constitution of Guyana.

While Jagdeo told the public amidst the tense battles that he does not wish to run for a third term, the vice-president is a political position in Guyana which acts as the constitutional successor for the President.

For example, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo is Guyana’s first vice-president and stands in place of President David Granger when he is out of the jurisdiction. Minister Khemraj Ramjattan is the country’s second vice-president and has stood in the place of the prime minister while he was out of the jurisdiction.

Jagdeo was President of Guyana from August 11, 1999 to December 3, 2011.
While many of the PPP/C’s supporters have applauded Ali’s desire on the basis that Jagdeo remains “well liked” amongst citizens, Working People’s Alliance (WPA) executive Dr David Hinds had noted a pattern within the opposition party for quite some time.

He was not surprised earlier in the year when the PPP/C’s Central Committee selected Ali as the 2020 presidential candidate.

Dr Hinds had explained: “…Ali’s selection indicates very clearly that should the PPP win the election, it will continue the Jagdeo agenda that was interrupted when the party lost power in 2015… in effect, I see an Ali presidency as a Jagdeo third term. This I think should be cause for concern for all those who would like to see a Guyana that is ethnically inclusive and a state that is untied from the bad influences of the past. Neither Mr Jagdeo, the PPP or Mr Ali has repudiated the Jagdeo agenda or has put forward a new agenda.”

Speaking to the newspaper on Sunday Dr Hinds said that those watching the political playout can see that Ali’s presidency will be a proxy Jagdeo presidency.

He said that any citizen who hopes to avoid a reccurrence of the past, would think carefully before they cast their vote.

“With Jagdeo as vice-president it becomes more than a proxy. Jagdeo would in effect be institutionally positioned to run the government without the title of president. He would be the de facto president. Such an arrangement would not break any law. But it would be a crass manipulation of the system to achieve Jagdeo’s ambition. I think that if it materialises it would be the biggest political con job ever carried out in Guyana. I can’t speak for other PPP leaders, but I am quite surprised that they would allow such a thing to be done in their name. If I were a PPP supporter looking for a post-Jagdeo PPP, I would start looking elsewhere to put my ‘X’,” he said.

Jagdeo has since sought to somewhat distance himself from the Ali’s vice-presidency remarks, while not giving a direct response to Ali’s invitation.

“First of all, it’s not a third term. We never discussed this. I think this is his expression, his desire,” the opposition leader said, adding: “I made it clear, I will be part of the next government. I want to be part of the next government.”

Following the CCJ’s ruling, Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo referred to the decision as a triumph for Guyanese and the constitution.

He stated that the ruling “gives validation of the belief of a large section of Guyanese people, that you should not have an abuse of office by those who feel that they own the seat of government and those who feel that the executive authority belongs to an individual. We cannot personalise authority, we cannot personalise power and governance. The people of Guyana have triumphed today.”

He reminded that the citizens of Guyana had consented to this amendment of only two terms when they participated in the Constitutional Reform Process in 1996.

When the amendment was eventually taken to the National Assembly in 2000, both the PPP and the PNC voted for the change.

According to trade unionist Lincoln Lewis, the CCJ’s ruling “brings hope and a sense of validation that the Constitution sets no one above the law.”

He stated that Guyanese must be vigilant in protecting the Constitution and whether or not one likes it, the Constitution rules without fear or favour.

Lewis stated: “The two-term limit broadens the spectrum for more Guyanese participating at this level of decision-making and said office. It is hoped members of the respective political parties and people of Guyana will see this as a positive sign for our fledgling democracy, and be encouraged to further activities to deepen and strengthen our various rules and laws to give more meaning to our Constitution.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

They ( a few on this site and the pack of clowns in government ) are a bunch of coward and sisy, their focus is only on BJ....

BJ is their living nightmare, good he’s giving ayo  diarrhea..... Heh Heh. 


Dave posted:

They ( a few on this site and the pack of clowns in government ) are a bunch of coward and sisy, their focus is only on BJ....

BJ is their living nightmare, good he’s giving ayo  diarrhea..... Heh Heh. 


Jagdeo doesn't need to slip in tru the backdoor or ant door for that matter. He doesnt need to be a VP either. Should the PPP win, Jagdeo could call the shots from home .


Love him or hate him, Bharrat Jagdeo is here to stay. The most magnetic PPP Leader who will attract well over 200,000+ voters in upcoming elections.

Vote PPP/C, a party that'll not deceive you on its Manifesto promises as APNU+AFC did after the 2015 elections.


Suddenly both Harmon and Hinds insisting on the upholding of the CCJ ruling. Maybe they should both have a discussion with Granger about his violation of the CCJ ruling. Secondly, Hinds lamenting about how other PPP leaders are allowing Jagdeo to destroy the PPP. Maybe he should consider how much he has destroyed the principles that Rodney lost his life fighting for.


The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule. They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.


Love them or hate them, they are here to stay, men of the base, in other words, basemen🤪!!
Who are they?

Dr Bharrat Jagdeo!

Dr Donald Trump!

Suck it up you wussies!😀

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

Those shady PNC folks associate with PPP because they want to turn their lives around,  and PPP is about embracing every race and putting Guyana First .

Long Live PPP 

Vote PPPC Guyana only hopes of survival. 

Dave posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

Those shady PNC folks associate with PPP because they want to turn their lives around,  and PPP is about embracing every race and putting Guyana First .

Long Live PPP 

Vote PPPC Guyana only hopes of survival. 

That have to be taken with a grain of salt !!!

Last sentence full of holes !!! sounds like blind followers !!!

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

Yes. And they got reformed. Became good citizens compared to when they were with the PNC when they were thugs.

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

Yes. And they got reformed. Became good citizens compared to when they were with the PNC when they were thugs.

Reformed to continue the thug work. Who alyuh fooling ???

Last edited by Django
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

They are less than a handful and they're REFORMED. 

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

They are less than a handful and they're REFORMED. 


Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

They are less than a handful and they're REFORMED. 


Don't LOL. PNC is now PNCR(eformed). You seem to have no problem with a reformed PNC but you have a problem with a reformed Pulouri Joe. LOL

Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

They are less than a handful and they're REFORMED. 


Don't LOL. PNC is now PNCR(eformed).

You seem to have no problem with a reformed PNC but you have a problem with a reformed Pulouri Joe.


Only him ? how about the others ?

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

They are less than a handful and they're REFORMED. 


Don't LOL. PNC is now PNCR(eformed).

You seem to have no problem with a reformed PNC but you have a problem with a reformed Pulouri Joe.


Only him ? how about the others ?

Less than a handful, I repeat. Lumumba, Kwame. If you know of others, name them. 

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

They are less than a handful and they're REFORMED. 


Don't LOL. PNC is now PNCR(eformed).

You seem to have no problem with a reformed PNC but you have a problem with a reformed Pulouri Joe.


Only him ? how about the others ?

Less than a handful, I repeat. Lumumba, Kwame. If you know of others, name them. 

True bhai , i can't think of others . One is wan big land owner in Guyana , so i am told.


Granger will decide who will be the coalition parliamentary team after the elections.  I want to know how the WPA and AFC will deal with this.  Sharma has gotten message so he pretended like his party is no longer interested in a seat in parliament nor any minista wuk.  Who dem fooling? Which political party don't want a say in the government?  Go fly a kite.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Granger will decide who will be the coalition parliamentary team after the elections.  I want to know how the WPA and AFC will deal with this.  Sharma has gotten message so he pretended like his party is no longer interested in a seat in parliament nor any minista wuk.  Who dem fooling? Which political party don't want a say in the government?  Go fly a kite.

All dem rass guh guh fly a kite when Dr Irfaan tek power!  Coalition guh tun scyatteration!

Baseman posted:

Django prapa freiken BJ.  Now Dr Bharrat and Dr Irfaan is double trouble and double belly wuk pon ayuh!

Ha..ha..ha..them two fellas have tough times ahead , nuff..nuff..ayuh know that , perhaps disappointed to disclose.

Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Granger will decide who will be the coalition parliamentary team after the elections.  I want to know how the WPA and AFC will deal with this.  Sharma has gotten message so he pretended like his party is no longer interested in a seat in parliament nor any minista wuk.  Who dem fooling? Which political party don't want a say in the government?  Go fly a kite.

All dem rass guh guh fly a kite when Dr Irfaan tek power!  Coalition guh tun scyatteration!

You mean that will happen in Freedom House , trouble in camp after 2020 elections , them bhais in the bad book will revolt.

Django posted:
ksazma posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

Yes. And they got reformed. Became good citizens compared to when they were with the PNC when they were thugs.

Reformed to continue the thug work. Who alyuh fooling ???

Bai, when last yuh see dem bais outside Bourda market beating up protesters? 😀

Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
Gilbakka posted:
Django posted:
ksazma posted:

The biggest reason why the PNC and by extension, their sidekick, WPA don’t want Jagdeo around is because they still remember how many of their criminal associates were eliminated and sent to meet their maker during Jagdeo’s rule.

They have daily nightmares about him but it is because they are wicked.

Quite interesting !!! are you aware of some shady former PNC folks associating with the current PPP.

They are less than a handful and they're REFORMED. 


Don't LOL. PNC is now PNCR(eformed).

You seem to have no problem with a reformed PNC but you have a problem with a reformed Pulouri Joe.


Only him ? how about the others ?

Less than a handful, I repeat. Lumumba, Kwame. If you know of others, name them. 

True bhai , i can't think of others . One is wan big land owner in Guyana , so i am told.

Yuh backside listening tuh too much su su. 😀

Baseman posted:
Billy Ram Balgobin posted:

Granger will decide who will be the coalition parliamentary team after the elections.  I want to know how the WPA and AFC will deal with this.  Sharma has gotten message so he pretended like his party is no longer interested in a seat in parliament nor any minista wuk.  Who dem fooling? Which political party don't want a say in the government?  Go fly a kite.

All dem rass guh guh fly a kite when Dr Irfaan tek power!  Coalition guh tun scyatteration!


PNC stocking up on gasoline In preparation of their election defeat. 


PNC pee pee their pants in fear of the Terminator Jagdeo. It was Dr Jags who pounded them like massala brick in parliament and brought them to their knees. Since then the PNC raped the constitution and is attempting a last ditch effort to rig. It ain’t happening under Terminator Jagdeo’s watch.

Last edited by Former Member
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Django prapa freiken BJ.  Now Dr Bharrat and Dr Irfaan is double trouble and double belly wuk pon ayuh!

Ha..ha..ha..them two fellas have tough times ahead , nuff..nuff..ayuh know that , perhaps disappointed to disclose.

I agree. It nah gun be easy fuh dem when de PPP wins because dem PNC will start dem slo fiah mo fiah again. 😀

ksazma posted:
Django posted:
Baseman posted:

Django prapa freiken BJ.  Now Dr Bharrat and Dr Irfaan is double trouble and double belly wuk pon ayuh!

Ha..ha..ha..them two fellas have tough times ahead , nuff..nuff..ayuh know that , perhaps disappointed to disclose.

I agree. It nah gun be easy fuh dem when de PPP wins because dem PNC will start dem slo fiah mo fiah again. 😀

Tola posted:

If Jagdeo is a terminator, how come Granga is still running things, after a NCM ? 

Who really is posting, is it the under age Chinese boy that uses the real Tola handle.  If not you would know the correct answer.  Granger is a Dictator  with blood on his hand, he is like a cow going to slaughter house doesn’t care where he SHIT. He is a sick man and has nothing to lose, he intends to screw the people and the country.

Tola posted:

If Jagdeo is a terminator, how come Granga is still running things, after a NCM ? 

Another PNC apologist. Listen, Granger raped the constitution. Dr. Jagdeo will jail he rass after the election. Tactician Dr. Jagdeo is allowing him to hang himself with his own rope !

kp posted:
Tola posted:

If Jagdeo is a terminator, how come Granga is still running things, after a NCM ? 

Who really is posting, is it the under age Chinese boy that uses the real Tola handle.  If not you would know the correct answer.  Granger is a Dictator  with blood on his hand, he is like a cow going to slaughter house doesn’t care where he SHIT. He is a sick man and has nothing to lose, he intends to screw the people and the country.

But you fail to see that Granga is smarter than Jagdeo.  Even if the PPP is the next government, Granga will still control the GDF/GPF.

Wha de PPP gun do, run to the US, who they put down at every opportunity. Who will the US support more in this oil find. PPP or PNC  ?   


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