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Dear Editor,

The debate on President David Granger’s rejection of the two lists of nominees for Gecom chairman is focusing almost exclusively on legal interpretations of the Constitution. In all of this, the basis for the introduction of this system for the selection of the chairman of Gecom seems to have been lost. The method of selection of Gecom`s Chairman as articulated by the Carter Formula has its genesis in the need to have a Chairman of Gecom who enjoys the confidence of the President and the Leader of the Opposition.

However, as opined by the Sunday Stabroek in its editorial of January 15, 2017, “… this is not a debate about legal interpretation of the constitution; it is about politics.” And indeed, there has been a lot of political manoeuvering associated with all of the lists submitted so far and a lot of it has to do with race.

In 1995, Opposition Leader, Mr Desmond Hoyte submitted the names of five Afro-Guyanese and that of one Indo-Guyanese, Mr Doodnauth Singh. President Cheddi Jagan selected Mr Doodnauth Singh. In 2000, Mr Hoyte submitted the names of five Afro-Guyanese and that of one Indo-Guyanese, Maj Gen. (ret’d) Joe Singh. President Bharrat Jagdeo selected Maj Gen (ret’d) Singh. In 2001, Mr Hoyte resubmitted the names the five Afro-Guyanese from the 2000 list along with Indo-Guyanese Dr Steve Surujbally. President Jagdeo selected Dr Steve Surujbally.

This pattern suggests that the PPP prefers an Indo-Guyanese as the chairman of Gecom. This perception is reinforced when one considers that Mr Doodnauth Singh, a known associate of the WPA, was selected although a number of the Afro-Guyanese on the list were not politically aligned. However, on all three occasions the Indo-Guyanese submitted by Mr Hoyte were credible professionals who commanded the respect of their peers at the time of their nomination.

So far in 2017 Opposition Leader Bharrat Jagdeo has submitted two lists. His first list contained the names of four Indo-Guyanese and two Afro-Guyanese in Dr James Rose, a former PPP Candidate and Maj Gen (ret’d) Norman McLean, a former member of the infamous Gajraj Commission. Politically both Dr Rose and Maj Gen (ret’d) McLean were straw candidates, since Mr Jagdeo must have known that politically President Granger would not select either one unless he wanted to commit political harakiri. Two other persons on the list, in Ramesh Dookhoo and Ryhaan Shah, could also be considered straw candidates given their known political alignment.

It is apparent that Mr Jagdeo deliberately gave President Granger the limited option of choosing Chris Ram or Lawrence Lachmansingh, both of whom are men of integrity and eligible to be appointed. The point to note here is that Mr Jagdeo manoeuvered his list to give Presi-dent Granger the option of appointing one of two Indo-Guyanese.

Mr Jagdeo’s second list included one Afro-Guyanese in attorney-at-law Oneidge Walrond-Allicock, who is the wife of one of the lawyers who filed the action challenging term limits. This court action appeared to be a politically motivated effort aimed at opening the door for Mr Jagdeo to be eligible to be a presidential candidate once again. So here we go again, the one Afro-Guyanese on the list is a straw candidate and President Granger is left with the option of making his selection from a list of five Indo-Guyanese.

It is apparent that the PPP has extended the Indo-Guyanese only policy that they adopted while in government to the benches of the opposition. This brings to mind Dr Roger Luncheon’s comment that there were no Afro-Guyanese qualified to be appointed as ambassadors. Or is the PPP suggesting that there are no apolitical Afro-Guyanese who have the integrity to serve as the chairman of Gecom? I find this PPP policy to be utterly repugnant and call on all fair-minded Guyanese to condemn it.

The Sunday Stabroek launched an attack on President Granger in its editorial on June 4, 2017 because he rejected Mr Jagdeo’s second list. Their argument is that the President is obliged to select a name from the list submitted by Mr Jagdeo ignoring the constitutional provision that the names must be “acceptable to the President.” The Sunday Stabroek is also ignoring the genesis and basis of this method of selection; both the President and the Leader of the Opposition must have confidence in the person appointed Chairman of Gecom. The Sunday Stabroek is suggesting that it is in the Leader of the Opposition the constitution reposes the authority to appoint and to determine if the nominee is acceptable to him or not. The Sunday Stabroek is suggesting that the President should choose a name, hold his breath and hope for the best. Surely, this is not how the framers envisaged the process should work, and there is a provision for the President to make a unilateral appointment in the event the Leader of the Opposition refuses to provide a list acceptable to him and allows him to exercise his constitutionally derived authority to make a choice.

To be clear, this is not an argument for an African Guyanese to be named chairman of Gecom. In fact, it is recognized that there are many apolitical Indo-Guyanese who are technically and morally qualified. However, for us to proceed with a process where Mr Jagdeo deliberately orchestrates the exclusion of Afro-Guyanese from serious consideration would mean we are falling for, and perpetuating, Mr Jagdeo`s scheme of disrespect for the Afro-Guyanese community.

Yours faithfully,

James McAllister

Replies sorted oldest to newest

James McAlister, a typical PNC niggro, wants GECOM to be all niggroes so they can continue to rig the elections and frig the Guyanese people as they have done before...Burnhamism.


According to the writer, a Black man should now be gcom chairman, fair enough given that the PPP selected only Indians in the past. However the PNC/AFC got into the pockets of Surajbally causing him to look the other way while rigging of the 2015 elections took place. 

Django posted:


Dear Editor,


It is apparent that the PPP has extended the Indo-Guyanese only policy that they adopted while in government to the benches of the opposition. This brings to mind Dr Roger Luncheon’s comment that there were no Afro-Guyanese qualified to be appointed as ambassadors. constitution reposes the authority to appoint and to determine if the nominee is 

Yours faithfully,

James McAllister

And why the shock. The PPP itself screams that its the "coolie people party" because its support base are Indians (Jagdeo said rural Indians) and that its run by Indians.  Luncheon being the only black in that party with clout.


If race/ethnicity is generally regarded as a determining factor in selecting a GECOM Chairperson, it is high time we cast our net wider to include Portuguese or Amerindian nominees. Dis coolie-black see-saw formula is disgusting.

skeldon_man posted:

James McAlister, a typical PNC niggro, wants GECOM to be all niggroes so they can continue to rig the elections and frig the Guyanese people as they have done before...Burnhamism.

And you wish it to be all Indians, so why your rant?  I have never seen you advocate for the inclusion of blacks in anything?

Drugb posted:

 However the PNC/AFC got into the pockets of Surajbally causing him to look the other way while rigging of the 2015 elections took place. 

And yet all the international observers noted that the elections were conducted exactly as was the 2011 and other elections held under the PPP.

You see the PPP planned to include fake ballots and these were spotted and removed.  Also they didn't anticipate the heavy G/T, Linden, and Bartica vote.  That is why on election day they had the Uncle Tom Goon, Jagdeo's fellow butt boy, running around G/T trying to start riots. He eventually being rescued by Granger and then beaten up by Jagdeo for failing to instigate violence.


Guyana should broaden it scope on the matter of selecting GECOM's chairman by looking for qualified Douglas, Chinese or Portuguese. After all, Guyana is a land of six races of people. If the hunch of Surujbally is true, then Jagdeo gets blindsided by his own kind to say the least. So Indian and Afro can be brought if the price is right. 

The same money talk was floating around when AFC brought up the no confidence idea against Ramotar's government, where the pound of silver was in for the money hungry from the other side.


caribny posted:
Drugb posted:

 However the PNC/AFC got into the pockets of Surajbally causing him to look the other way while rigging of the 2015 elections took place. 

And yet all the international observers noted that the elections were conducted exactly as was the 2011 and other elections held under the PPP.

international observers did not observer the counting at the various polling stations. They only observed the voting. The following were indicate the crookery of the Pnc

General and Regional Elections took place in Guyana on Monday, May 11th, 2015. Influenced by fairly extensive Reports of Irregularities by PPP/C Polling Agents, the PPP/C made formal requests for recounts.
At the GECOM Commissioners’ meeting held on Wednesday, May 13th, 2015, the Chief Elections Officer, Mr. Keith Lowenfield, made a startling disclosure about his findings about the Statement of Polls (SOPs).
It would seem that fake Statement of Polls (SOPs) had been submitted to the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) from the Electoral Districts.
It was disclosed that these fake SOPs had layouts and formats different from the authentic one earlier distributed by GECOM intended for use by Polling Agents.
Additionally, these fake SOPs did not carry the GECOM endorsement which had been applied to all the SPOs purchased from Canada.
It was also observed that SOPs submitted to GECOM from the Electoral Districts had aggregate numbers of voters exceeding the voting population allocated to the Polling Stations.
Further, it was disclosed that the ballots cast by the Disciplined Forces on May 2nd, 2015, and that were to be deposited and counted at Polling Stations with low allocation of voters, had mysteriously been sent to Polling Stations with large number of voters.
The APNU-AFC coalition had registered their rejection of the PPP/C requests for recounts and had insisted that GECOM could not allow the requests.
The APNU-AFC had also served a 24hr ultimatum to GECOM calling for the declaration of the results and a rapid swearing in of the winner.
The PPP/C is making the following demands to GECOM:-
1) Suspend the declaration until the following is done.
2) Establish the genuine nature of each Statement of Polls submitted to GECOM from the Electoral Districts.
3) A total recount of all ballots cast in all ten (10) Electoral Divisions.
4) An explanation by GECOM of all irregularities uncovered.
5) Remedies, acceptable to all stakeholders be presented by GECOM.

caribny posted:
skeldon_man posted:

James McAlister, a typical PNC niggro, wants GECOM to be all niggroes so they can continue to rig the elections and frig the Guyanese people as they have done before...Burnhamism.

And you wish it to be all Indians, so why your rant?  I have never seen you advocate for the inclusion of blacks in anything?

I never advocate for laziness and criminality.

Drugb posted:

General and Regional Elections took place in Guyana on Monday, May 11th, 2015. Influenced by fairly extensive Reports of Irregularities by PPP/C Polling Agents, the PPP/C made formal requests for recounts.


The PPP is hardly a credible source druggie.  Try harder.

Druggie by 10PM of the night that elections are held in Jamaica and T&T  initial results are known.  Take note of the fact that they use the constituency system so it isn't one national vote that determines the result.  Each constituency must be counted before it is known who the winners are. By day break the following day it is OFFICIAL.

In the case of Guyana the final results aren't available until DAYS later.  Note that it isn't the interior results that hold up the election either.  Its the constant counting, recounting, and screaming of the more numerous coastal votes.  The election was held on May 11th and the final results weren't released until May 16th. This is a typical Guyanese election.

caribny posted:


The PPP is hardly a credible source druggie.  Try harder.

Druggie by 10PM of the night that elections are held in Jamaica and T&T  initial results are known.  Take note of the fact that they use the constituency system so it isn't one national vote that determines the result.  Each constituency must be counted before it is known who the winners are. By day break the following day it is OFFICIAL.

In the case of Guyana the final results aren't available until DAYS later.  Note that it isn't the interior results that hold up the election either.  Its the constant counting, recounting, and screaming of the more numerous coastal votes.  The election was held on May 11th and the final results weren't released until May 16th. This is a typical Guyanese election.

What do you expect? PNC operatives doing the counting need time to cook the books with their nefarious activities. 

Drugb posted:

What do you expect? PNC operatives doing the counting need time to cook the books with their nefarious activities. 

They could have rigged the 1997 election. So how come they didn't? Also 2001, 2006 and also 2011. None of them.

So why 2015?

caribny posted:

They could have rigged the 1997 election. So how come they didn't? Also 2001, 2006 and also 2011. None of them.

So why 2015?

They did previously but they were still short. In 2015 they honed their skills to 100% accuracy. 

Drugb posted:
caribny posted:

They could have rigged the 1997 election. So how come they didn't? Also 2001, 2006 and also 2011. None of them.

So why 2015?

They did previously but they were still short. In 2015 they honed their skills to 100% accuracy. 

And you of course have proof that the PNC is so incompetent that it took them 5 attempts in order to get it right.

Face it. Tired of the "slow holocaust" and seeing Jagdeo breathing fire about "black man" Africans and mixed people turned out in record numbers.  Many G/T Indos are also simply tired of the PPP. 

You last wail was that even your own family are among these.  Apparently they live in Guyana so knew that the PPP needed to go.  You can hide in North America.


The administration showed bias in the appointment of permanent secretaries

By Staff Writer On June 7, 2017 @ 2:02 am In Letters

Dear Editor,

I have noticed an increased assault against the Guyanese people by the Granger administration.  Do they really think they can develop all of Guyana by cutting out 70% of the people from the decision-making process and get away with it?  Socially, economically and politically, if they are not aware, Guyana has retrogressed, and have they not observed that a collective fight back using all the tools at the people’s disposal has begun?  This fight back does not need guns; it needs leadership, mobilization, and consciousness.  It has now gotten that, and slowly but surely at the village level the collective fight back has started to gain traction.  It is only a matter of time that the masses in a peaceful way coalesce against these forces of oppression led by the Granger administration.  The collective voice of the people is more powerful than all the armies in the world.

What happens to that tradition from 1966 to create one nation with one destiny?  These people in the Granger Team speak of Burnham morning, noon and night, but they are not committed to anything that Burnham represented.  Burnham wanted to mould a nation and what is happening in 2017 is certainly not how you mould a nation.  From my reading of history, all the presidents of Guyana before President Granger were committed to moulding the nation, even the incompetent Donald Ramotar.  Today the evidence is there to prove that we have a real situation of ethnic bias under the Granger administration.

As an example, look at the 16 permanent secretaries in the government.  Fifteen of the sixteen  are from one race (see below).

Where is the balance?  Where is the fairness?  Where is the justice for the entire nation?

To compound this mess, we find a rapid invasion of the leadership of the rest of the Public Service with ex-GDF officers.  If one reads the Auditor General Report, the army officers are not superior at the public management of the assets put at their disposal.  The reality is that they are far from the best at the public management of state assets.

The social cohesion damage to this nation has to be repaired.  Or is this really what the PNC wants: a split nation?

Let the records show that for all of our 51 years as a politically independent nation, these last 12 months have been the worst in terms of fostering national unity and social cohesion.  Is this what President Granger wants to be remembered for?

Finally, where is the voice of the AFC ministers, the so-called liberal democrats?  Has ambition replaced moral conviction?

Yours faithfully,

Sase Singh

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Govt not serious about national unity – commentators


… say social cohesion talk “pure propaganda”

In light of Guyana’s state of affairs with respect to the appointment of former Guyana Defence Force officers and predominantly one ethnicity of Permanent Secretaries, social commentators are of the belief that the Administration is not serious or genuine about its national unity and social cohesion agenda.
This position was taken by former Alliance For Change (AFC) Executive Member, Sase Singh, who last week had highlighted that 16 of the 17 Permanent Secretaries within the public service are Afro-Guyanese. Singh had accused the coalition Government of creating a “situation of ethnic bias”.
However, Minister of State Joseph Harmon, who has responsibilities of the public service, refuted the situation was a deliberate one, saying that the economist was being “factious”. Harmon had justified the situation, explaining that his Administration did not bring any one to take up the Permanent Secretary positions but merely promoted public servants that were already within the system.
“There is nobody that we brought into the system and put them as PSs. Many of them were PSs before in the previous Administration and we took them over… All we’ve done is move some of the PS from one Ministry to the next. So to say we have deliberately gone around looking for one race group to put them there, Mr Singh is being very factious,” the State Minister had said.
But in rebuttal, Singh pointed out that the Minister is not making any sense with his explanation, questioning if whether public servants of other ethnicities were not qualified to be promoted.
“So there are no Indians or no Chinese or no Amerindians in the Public Service that are promotable? Is that what he’s saying, that there is no Amerindians, no Chinese, no Portuguese that are promotable in the public service,” asked the economist.
According to the former AFC Executive, back on the 2015 campaign trail, the coalition had painted a picture of a new Guyana for young people; one with social cohesion and national unity.
“Now how will you promote social cohesion and national unity if you impose an executive leadership on the nation that is so stacked with people from one race. What happened to the other people of the country? Don’t they deserve an opportunity to climb, don’t they deserve an opportunity to be able to serve at the highest level?” he further questioned.
Singh went on to point out that President David Granger preaches about national unity and social cohesion at every occasion he gets but when one looks at the state of affairs in the country, the reality is that this Government seems to be doing everything that is against social cohesion and national unity.
“There’s a grave inconsistency in the Granger Administration at the highest level, between their words and their actions. And this needs to be addressed because the inconsistency is causing great harm to the moral fibre of the nation,” the economist said.
Moreover, Singh challenges Minister Harmon to prove that he is being “factious” and provide the correct information to support that majority of the Permanent Secretaries within the Public Sector are not Afro-Guyanese.
The coalition Government has come in for much criticism over its appointments to State positions – whether it is about racism or the apparent militarisation of the country. This latter criticism comes in light of frequent appointments of ex-Army men to high Government posts.
Local commentator, Ramon Gaskin, has since cautioned that Government needs to be careful of this practice.
“It is also clear to me that this Government when they have a vacancy and when they looking for people, they always go to some retired Army officers to put in those positions,” he posited.
Gaskin clarified that he is not saying that any retired Army officer should be denied a job in the public service, especially if he is young and qualified. But at the same time, he added, Government needs to be cautious of the message it is sending the public.
“They have to be very careful of this militarisation of the public service and while we have to make sure that trained and qualified military men should be allowed to continue to serve their country, it has to be done in a proper competitive manner. And they must advertise the positions just like the others and the army officers get the positions on their own merits,” the local commentator asserted.
Furthermore, Gaskin opined that the whole talk of social cohesion coming from Government is nothing but “pure propaganda, it’s all nonsense.” He noted that the coalition Administration has not done, and is not doing, anything to promote social cohesion.
To this end, Gaskin touted that in order to get or improve social cohesion in Guyana, Government first has to determine the factors that are hindering this.
“We have to find out what it is first of all that’s preventing the communities from being cohesive… To get cohesion, you have to do an analysis of the non-cohesion and deal with those problems one at a time and that’s how you get cohesion, not by propaganda and talking nonsense,” he posited.

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:

And you of course have proof that the PNC is so incompetent that it took them 5 attempts in order to get it right.

Face it. Tired of the "slow holocaust" and seeing Jagdeo breathing fire about "black man" Africans and mixed people turned out in record numbers.  Many G/T Indos are also simply tired of the PPP. 

You last wail was that even your own family are among these.  Apparently they live in Guyana so knew that the PPP needed to go.  You can hide in North America.

As usual, you keep playing Jagdeo up as a devil. I never would believe that you would be do afraid of one Indian antiman so bad. 

The family back home thought that the grass was greener on the other side, little did they know of the incompetency of the PNC as they did not grow up under PNC version 1.0. 


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