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There Bisram goes again!

Dear Editor,

Vishnu Bisram, that pollster with roots in the PPP was at it again
explaining away the wrong doing of his political party and trying
unsuccessfully to paste the blame for Agricola on the AFC.  Bisram
must be exposed on this missive of his in the Stabroek News dated Oct.
15, 2012. When will this pollster who makes the results up on his
journey from Brooklyn to Queens, free his mind from his mental
slavery?  Was he on the ground in Agricola to ascertain the facts?  If
not, whom did he gather his facts from; Anil Nandalall who was hiding
out in Prashad Nagar, miles away from the real street action in

This man got some brass to call himself an independent pollster and
still want to have the transport to write such partisan pro-PPP
political trite.

1.      At 1:38 PM on October 11, 2012, the Demerara Waves issued a public
news release quoting Dr Roger Luncheon in his diatribe “We shall not
be moved – Luncheon…”  Here is the public evidence of that
disrespectful “let’s rumble” declaration from Luncheon.

2.      By 4 PM on the said date, Agricola was in turmoil as a reaction to
the Luncheon declaration.

3.      At 5:17 PM, Shonette Grant, the mother of the young man cut down in
the prime of his life with bullets from Agents of the PPP regime,
issued a statement that said “Mr. Luncheon need to apologize….”  She
further stated “Since he ready to rumble, we will rumble…..”

4.      At about 6 PM, residents of Agricola stated that they observed
foreigners to their village robbing people especially Indo-Guyanese
but they were too busy running from Police tear gas to carry out
citizen’s arrest of these thugs.  Did Mr. Bisram check with his
sources at Office of the President to find out about the meeting
earlier in the day between a famous PPP thug and about 15 known
Afro-Guyanese felons who were each paid $50,000 with clear
instructions to insert themselves into Agricola and rob Indo-Guyanese?

5.      If Bisram has the capability to analyze political situations in
Guyana then he can answer this question – “Which political party has
the most to gain when Indo-Guyanese are robbed and beaten in street
demonstrations?  Certainly not the AFC!

Therefore, why would the AFC want to throw away the 12,000 plus votes
it got in Berbice?

So how on earth can this so-called pollster arrive at the conclusion
that the “opposition should be held accountable for the violence.”
What was the empirical basis of his conclusion? Is this how he arrives
at his poll results?  On hearsay or on the figment of Luncheon’s

It is easy for us to conclude that Bisram hears what he wants to hear
and believes what he wants to believe which in both cases is not the
truth. This so-called pollster has willfully chosen not to accept what
the Mother of 17 year old Shaquille Grant has said and instead has
joined with the mouth pieces of the Jagdeo/Ramotar cabal as they
spread their propaganda, distortions and untruths on all the PPP
aligned media houses.

But to expose the immoral intents of Bisram; in the same letter he did
a Romney flip-flop on the citizens of Guyana and claimed “While I have
no evidence suggesting that the opposition AFC and APNU, (PNC)
directed and managed the violence, as claimed by the government, both
opposition parties must be held liable and accountable for the
violence and robberies arising out of the protest, and the victims
should go after them for justice as well as compensation.”

In addition to being verbally wicked, this statement also exposes a
level of intellectual bankruptcy only associated with the PPP.

While on the one hand he claimed that he has no evidence to suggest
the opposition AFC and APNU (PNC) directed and manage the violence;
yet on the other hand he said the opposition must be held accountable.

Well if Bisram is speaking the truth, we just purchased all of
Manhattan.  We rest out case.

Yours faithfully,

Dr. Asquith Rose and Harish S. Singh.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

The videos are there for all to see how the bandits at agricola were rioting. No decent person would condone these actions of beating of innocent citizens, unless you fools believe that Indians deserve to be beaten by virtue of their Indianness. Guilt by association.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The videos are there for all to see how the bandits at agricola were rioting. No decent person would condone these actions of beating of innocent citizens, unless you fools believe that Indians deserve to be beaten by virtue of their Indianness. Guilt by association.



Oie Bugrd:




That said, who has the most to gain from street violence?


1.  The PPP?


2.  The PNC?


or 3.  the AFC?


This question will expose the wicked plot by the PPP to recover lost votes with FEAR.

Originally Posted by SabitaRamjeet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The videos are there for all to see how the bandits at agricola were rioting. No decent person would condone these actions of beating of innocent citizens, unless you fools believe that Indians deserve to be beaten by virtue of their Indianness. Guilt by association.



Oie Bugrd:




That said, who has the most to gain from street violence?


1.  The PPP?


2.  The PNC?


or 3.  the AFC?


This question will expose the wicked plot by the PPP to recover lost votes with FEAR.

It is all a game to you idiots, you condemn after you get bad publicity. Your boy Nigel made a threat that massive protest will happen if Rhoee did not resign by a given hour. And hey presto, the next thing we know Indians are being beaten and robbed, true to patterns over the decades that AFc/PNC have been perpetrating.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by SabitaRamjeet:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

The videos are there for all to see how the bandits at agricola were rioting. No decent person would condone these actions of beating of innocent citizens, unless you fools believe that Indians deserve to be beaten by virtue of their Indianness. Guilt by association.



Oie Bugrd:




That said, who has the most to gain from street violence?


1.  The PPP?


2.  The PNC?


or 3.  the AFC?


This question will expose the wicked plot by the PPP to recover lost votes with FEAR.

It is all a game to you idiots, you condemn after you get bad publicity. Your boy Nigel made a threat that massive protest will happen if Rhoee did not resign by a given hour. And hey presto, the next thing we know Indians are being beaten and robbed, true to patterns over the decades that AFc/PNC have been perpetrating.

Me nah know about now PNC and no PPP or no AFC but what me know is that I read all three of the political parties condemn the violence.


Ramotar cry fuh the people; granger cry fuh the people and ramjattan cry fuh the people.



The mother of the dead boy seh she people did not do no violence, she had them under control.


So who really carried out the violence?


Why did that Black boy from Durban Street cover his face on TV and then afterwards tell social activist Mark Bencock that the PPP paid him $50,000 to rob East Indians?


He said to Mark Bencock that he along with some 20 other thugs from South GT were invited to a meeting and were Kwamised and Ramsammized and then given 10,000, sent on their way and then collected the 40,000 the next day for a job well done.


all on bencock website.


When me share this information with me fada, he say, same old PPP, bun the cane and then complain how the sugar industry doing bad.  Beat the people and then complain how opposition bad.


Same story, different decade. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


It is all a game to you idiots, you condemn after you get bad publicity. Your boy Nigel made a threat that massive protest will happen if Rhoee did not resign by a given hour.

Guyanese have the right to protest.  There were no riots where the protests were occurring.  The videos showedd a few fools with burning tires and many others watching.


You need to see when Jamaicans and Trinis burn tires.  Compared to what they have Agricola was a barbeque.


The Agricola riot, the gov't is in office to provide peace and order in a country.The AFC and APNU/pnc have the most to gain in any disruption and even with the use of voilence, they want to be the Gov't and cannot wait for another election, but the damage has already done, an election will be called 2013, and this will enable the PPP to get a resounding victory. In true sense, the opposition parties should be building bridges with the communities, show that they care through peaceful means. What they are doing is primitive, using force will only attract the uneducated fools and allow no development in a poor country. Next year , OIL will be an asset to Guyana's economy, money will flow and all will be happy, the opposition parties knows that, that's why they can't wait.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:


It is all a game to you idiots, you condemn after you get bad publicity. Your boy Nigel made a threat that massive protest will happen if Rhoee did not resign by a given hour.

Guyanese have the right to protest.  There were no riots where the protests were occurring.  The videos showedd a few fools with burning tires and many others watching.


You need to see when Jamaicans and Trinis burn tires.  Compared to what they have Agricola was a barbeque.

Like when Rawan bun Lanka and yuh head get like dat, EMPTy!!!!


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