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Dear Editor,

Joe Harmon’s attack on former Prime Minister Bruce Golding is unfounded and unjustified with the entire world condemning electoral fraud. Wasn’t it Harmon who on several occasions stated that the President would be sworn even when the election count was in dispute before the court? Didn’t he want Granger to swear in from Mingo’s fraudulent count of the ballots? Didn’t he also say that Lowenfield had prepared a report from the Mingo fraud and that it should be approved by Gecom Chair to facilitate the swearing in of Mr Granger? Isn’t there serious conflict between the President and Harmon over swearing in? Why is Harmon disputing fraud? If he so believes that the coalition won the election, why did our party engage in court cases to block the recount? Why is our party opposed to releasing the SOPs to back the claim of victory? Why is Harmon opposed to the Carter Center coming to monitor the process?
Former Jamaica PM Bruce Golding, on behalf of the OAS, documented the cases of fraud and cited evidence. The fact that counting fraud was publicly displayed and videoed for the world to see makes Harmon’s attack on the character of the PM incredulous. The former PM gave an account of what he observed. His account is substantiated by that of former PM of Barbados, Owen Arthur, on behalf of the Commonwealth. PM Arthur also condemned the rigging as did the observers from other international bodies.
The former PM of Senegal, on behalf of the Carter Center mission, assailed Gecom and the government for the rigging. The Caricom observers also said the counting was a fraud. Every international body has condemned the rigging. No international body or observer has sided with the government’s narrative that there was fraud by the opposition on voting. Does Harmon really think our party’s supporters are fools? Are all the former PMs and observers lying? As observers said, the voting itself was not rigged. The counting of Mingo was rigged and allowed to happen by the chair and accepted by Lowenfield. I hope no attempt would be made to rig the recounting and the process would be brought to a quick conclusion.
I am very embarrassed by the behavior of Mr. Harmon and other leaders of my party. I can’t quite understand why my President, Mr. Granger, a good Christian, leader of my party, and the person I voted for, is silent allowing Harmon to peddle nonsense. Why isn’t the President stopping this foolishness?
Mr. Granger, a veteran army man, should know when to concede. Don’t fight a war that you have no chance of victory. The whole world is against you, condemning fraud. The whole world said there was fraud in the count of SOPs. The President as a military strategist and tactician, would know that barefaced electoral banditry can’t work in today’s world. The President should recognize that the fraud that obtained under Burnham and Hoyte is not doable today.
The nature of the world’s response to electoral fraud has changed. Fraud was not easily documented during the 1960s thru 1992 and one got away with it. Today, it is a different kind of war fought on social media. International observers are aggressive and won’t close their eyes to it; they won’t compromise their integrity. And no loyal army or police can defend fraud when the world watches and when they threaten serious consequences. Even the army and police would fall into the sanctions net.
Mr. Granger please display respect for the intelligence of our party’s supporters. We are not imbeciles. Don’t show total disregard to our supporters. Harmon and others are telling supporters that the PPP was involved in fraud, yet Harmon and our party claimed victory. Are Harmon and our party saying PPP engaged in fraud for our party to win? Is that what the President is also endorsing? Does the President, like Harmon, think we are idiots? We lost the election. Let’s move on. Concede defeat and let’s start the healing and rebuilding process!
Yours truly,
Bro Joshua Emmanuel

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Moses Nagamootoo should be ashamed of failures of coalition government

Dear Editor,

Please permit me to respond to an article published in the Guyana Chronicle under the caption “Guyana shining on all fronts”.
In the article, the Prime Minister boasts of the developments made by the Granger Government. This article, Mr. Editor, is a complete falsehood sparked by someone who appears to be delusional.
Over the course of the past five years, the APNU+AFC Government has completely mismanaged the economy by spending lavishly on brand new Toyota Land Cruisers, extravagant parties, renting of homes for government officials and super salaries for the elderly now employed by the government, among others. All major sectors, with the exception of oil, have seen a dramatic downturn during the past five years.
In fact, if it wasn’t for the discovery of oil, Guyana, would be completely broke. The mismanagement of the economy has led to hundreds of businesses closing up shop. Additionally, the closure of the sugar estates led to thousands of persons being unable to afford basic necessities.
The truth of the matter is that APNU+AFC came to power with goodwill from a large portion of Guyanese, irrespective of race and they were, therefore, held to a higher standard than` the PPP Government. What we have seen from APNU+AFC is the most incompetent government Guyana has ever seen. The Prime Minister, himself, was a mere figurehead with Joe Harmon holding the actual power of Prime Minister.
It is for these reasons among others that the electorate rejected them at the 2020 polls. Moses Nagamootoo’s and David Granger’s legacies will forever be remembered for the following:
1. The only government in the history of Guyana to fall to a no-confidence motion;
2. Instead of complying with the law and holding elections within three months, Moses Nagamootoo and David Granger challenged the legality of the no-confidence vote by arguing that 33 is not a majority of 65; an argument filled with asininities; the legal precedent on which they relied on for the rounding up formula being described by the CCJ as “irrelevant”;
3. Illegally appointing Patterson as Chairman of Gecom;
4. Losing the 2020 elections and then attempting to rig the elections;
5. Spreading false narratives among their supporters so that when the true results of the elections are declared, their supporters will feel cheated and will take to the streets;
6. Being dishonourable and failing to do the right thing by conceding defeat so that the country can move on, peacefully and harmoniously so that we can battle COVID;
7. Further fracturing our precarious race relations by their false narratives on the elections.
Moses Nagamootoo, you ought to be ashamed.

Yours truly,
Krishnanandat Arjune

Last edited by Django

This is exactly what I was saying all along.    The Coalition did nothing for the development of Guyana.  We are still to find out how much is missing from the Development fund that the PPP left them. In 1992, Desmond Hoyte couldn't account for $2.5 Billion.  It is a shame that PNC supporters cannot see pass their noses.


These letter writers, all of them must know that things have changed in Guyana. Elections can be replaced with armed conflict, on both sides. And the citizens will all be defeated.

The Mingo fiasco has given the country an ideal opportunity to recognize what the future holds. 

To hand over to Jagdeo is to hand over Guyana's progress to a group of narrow minded indians representing the PPP. This party in its 23 years of governance did absolutely nothing for race relations, all their infra-structure work keeps tumbling down, never had plans for sustainable employment, power generation is a mess, judicial system is a tragedy for the poor man, no justice for those without PPP connections.

As for the Police and Army, the PPP NEVER demanded for non-Afroes to join. And put in place policies to ensure discriminations were not a hinderance to that policy. Now, they are concerned about the ethnic structure of the police and army. Any nation on the face of the earth will want intergration of the citizen defensive forces.

The PPP is not an originator of nation building ideas, dey juss flow wid what unfolds. The PNC neither is an originator of sound policies.

David A. Granger has been considered to be a God-fearing man, a  military strategist and tactician. Perhaps, with those attributes he intends to mold Guyana a new destiny. I am certain he knows the Almighty and how powerful He is, even though invisible to him. Is that his strategy?

I am hoping he has the wisdom of Solomon, for it was King Solomon who united the twelve tribes of Israel. Guyana has only six tribes to deal with, we call Six Peoples of Guyana. 


@seignet posted:

These letter writers, all of them must know that things have changed in Guyana. Elections can be replaced with armed conflict, on both sides. And the citizens will all be defeated.

The Mingo fiasco has given the country an ideal opportunity to recognize what the future holds. 

To hand over to Jagdeo is to hand over Guyana's progress to a group of narrow minded indians representing the PPP. This party in its 23 years of governance did absolutely nothing for race relations, all their infra-structure work keeps tumbling down, never had plans for sustainable employment, power generation is a mess, judicial system is a tragedy for the poor man, no justice for those without PPP connections.

As for the Police and Army, the PPP NEVER demanded for non-Afroes to join. And put in place policies to ensure discriminations were not a hinderance to that policy. Now, they are concerned about the ethnic structure of the police and army. Any nation on the face of the earth will want intergration of the citizen defensive forces.

The PPP is not an originator of nation building ideas, dey juss flow wid what unfolds. The PNC neither is an originator of sound policies.

David A. Granger has been considered to be a God-fearing man, a  military strategist and tactician. Perhaps, with those attributes he intends to mold Guyana a new destiny. I am certain he knows the Almighty and how powerful He is, even though invisible to him. Is that his strategy?

I am hoping he has the wisdom of Solomon, for it was King Solomon who united the twelve tribes of Israel. Guyana has only six tribes to deal with, we call Six Peoples of Guyana. 


Are you saying Solomon become king by fraud or rig elections?

@sachin_05 posted:

Are you saying Solomon become king by fraud or rig elections?

well, david tek he mudda from uriah. de first chile die, suh solomon took he place. dem other chileren of david lost dem place fuh succession. dat not tiefing.

Anyway, David Arthur Granger is not you regular Guyanese. This man born in colonial times, he naturally harbored national pride when a descendant of slave became head of state, burnham. That was full proudness.

I would venture to say no Indian will ever have that sense of pride. Granger sings the national anthem at attention and salutes the flag with equal pride. That is what citizenship is all about. I doan tink Jagdeo or Irfaan interested in all of that, only tiefing as per their previous record. Dem doan deserve to be head of any state.

Granger is the guardian of the state. Some may call it thiefing, let them try and remove him. Imagine stupid azz indian ppl do not want to get inviolved in the insitutions of the country but want to govern. Alyuh try deh, Granger ain going to give the country to ppl who is only interested raping the treasury and leave the disciplined forces wid white mouth.

I waiting for an inclusive government minus Jagdeo and irfaan and the PPP but with highly intelligent Indian ppl, we have dem in Guyana. Only the PPP chooses the dummies. i ain considering Nagamootoo and Ramjattan either.


That is a perfect post there Siggy, absolutely perfect.

Yes, what is being done by APNU is wrong but it is Guyana we talking bout here and what you mentioned about pride of the country is right but here is the thing. Beginning with when the PNC with Forbes were in power many Indians were screwed so were other races along with some blacks, especially the intelligent ones. Those who hung  onto Forbes coattails were the ignorant of the lot.

Now, how can we expect any who were trampled on to be proud of a flag, a coat of arms and a motto that never stood up to what it said? Imagine all of Europe being made to honour the Nazi flag had Hitler won.

@seignet posted:

well, david tek he mudda from uriah. de first chile die, suh solomon took he place. dem other chileren of david lost dem place fuh succession. dat not tiefing.

Anyway, David Arthur Granger is not you regular Guyanese. This man born in colonial times, he naturally harbored national pride when a descendant of slave became head of state, burnham. That was full proudness.

I would venture to say no Indian will ever have that sense of pride. Granger sings the national anthem at attention and salutes the flag with equal pride. That is what citizenship is all about. I doan tink Jagdeo or Irfaan interested in all of that, only tiefing as per their previous record. Dem doan deserve to be head of any state.

Granger is the guardian of the state. Some may call it thiefing, let them try and remove him. Imagine stupid azz indian ppl do not want to get inviolved in the insitutions of the country but want to govern. Alyuh try deh, Granger ain going to give the country to ppl who is only interested raping the treasury and leave the disciplined forces wid white mouth.

I waiting for an inclusive government minus Jagdeo and irfaan and the PPP but with highly intelligent Indian ppl, we have dem in Guyana. Only the PPP chooses the dummies. i ain considering Nagamootoo and Ramjattan either.

Burnham had good intention when perform the “guardian of state” thingy..the problem is his 28 years guardianship cause Guyana to become the poorest nation in the western hemisphere. Under his guardian an exodus of not only coolies but his own brother slave descendants to all corner of the planet..are you saying Guyanese are ready for another exodus?


The issue is handing over the government. 

And no one can make him give up his power. In some countries, the army possibly could be a threat. In the case of Guyana, the army is on his side with no threats from any factions of the army. It boils down to Afroes keeping their inheiritance-Guyana.

Please do not think I am for what is going on with the PNC and Granger. The reality is no one can challenge him, the PPP left too many issues that can be used as an argument to prevent them forming a new government.


it will never stick, Guyanese under the first 28 years of PNC found ways to personal survival. 

The International community will have doubts about a PPP alternative, they have done too many wrongs to them. If Granger ignores them so also did Jagdeo with some buise down from Manichand and Gail.

Guyana is in a dilemma. 

Once again, the PPP gives the PNC the opportunity to do wrong.


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