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There is no courage left in the PPP
November 21, 2011 | By KNews Letters

Dear Editor,

Some PNC or APNU supporters are of the view that a vote for the AFC is a vote for the PPP, contending that the AFC and the PPP is one and the same entity. Now, I can understand why one can be easily misguided with this perception, given that the AFC is now dominated by former PPP-ites. These former PPP-ites represent the courageous, decent, non-corrupt and righteous-minded of the PPP who could no longer tolerate the disgusting levels of corruption, nepotism, cronyism, incompetence, power drunkenness, wrongdoing and pillaging of the PPP they once served. These were men who fought to change the PPP for the better and were exiled and bulldozed for it. There is no courage left in the PPP. All of its valour is now in the AFC in legendary lions like Nagamootoo.

They are now the lions in the AFC while the sheep bleat in the PPP, a party of sycophants, cronies and yes men. Donald Ramotar’s silence in Jagdeo’s shadows is the latest confirmation of this tragedy. I have stated that the AFC with men like Nagamootoo has the better, brighter, cleaner, younger, more decent and accountable slate of PPP leaders than the PPP itself. The PPP supporters intimately know this truth. PPP supporters and Indians in particular can actually freely vote for a party other than the PPP for the first time in 20 years knowing that they are voting for the best and most principled group of ex-PPP leaders around who happen to be in the AFC. It would be like voting for the PPP but only a better version of the PPP. PPP supporters know that an AFC dominated by former PPP leaders led by a stalwart like Nagamootoo would never form any alliance with APNU/PNC.

All of these facts and realities have caused some APNU/PNC supporters to claim that the AFC and the PPP ‘ah wan’ and that a vote for the AFC is a vote for the PPP. This thinking clearly misses the fundamental differences between the AFC and the PPP. The AFC is not a corrupt and failed party like the PPP has become. It is clean and lean in its philosophy. By any measure, the AFC personnel are bright, non-corrupt, competent, skilled and believe in fairness, justice, economic development and equality. The AFC’s former PPP leaders outmatch the PPP’s current leaders on these measures by a country mile. The AFC has managed to pull the cream of the crop of the PPP’s young thinkers and achievers and its most independent-minded and fearless.

The PPP-ites in the AFC’s leadership left the PPP because they were disgusted and appalled with the corruption and skulduggery in the PPP and were bulldozed for speaking out against it and for speaking up for the small man, the working class people and the poor and the powerless. They were harassed but of their own party because they wanted justice, fairness, integrity, equality and internal democracy within the PPP. The AFC is filled with those who had no allegiance to any political party before joining the AFC. The AFC has no record of destroying this country. The PPP has a proven 19 year record of destruction and the PNC has a 28-year record of ignominy. To claim that the AFC and the PPP is one and the same is to claim that democracy and dictatorship is the same and that robbing the poor and the powerless to give to the rich and powerful is indistinguishable and that filling one’s pocket from the taxes paid by the working class is the same as service to the nation.

It is not only simplistic but foolish to just look at the leadership of two parties and claim that they are the same because of their ethnic makeup. The AFC’s dominant Indian leadership cannot be utilized by some APNU/PNC supporters to claim that the AFC and the PPP are one and the same and that a vote for the AFC is a vote for the PPP. It is not just hare-brained but also engaging in a simplistic racial binary connection. Such a shallow argument brings an unrelenting focus on the race of the individual or of the group rather than to explore and delve into the ethics, values, beliefs, issues and motivations of the individual or the group.
One has to be utterly ignorant and baldly heinous to associate as one and the same, a group of fearless, uncorrupt, valiant, decent-minded, brilliant, highly qualified, moralistic, fair-minded and grounded individuals with a burning zeal of patriotism and a quest for multiracial unity and the erasure of racialized fear from our society in the AFC, with another group of corrupt, disparaging, disrespectful, power-drunk, incompetent and immoral individuals in the PPP who treat wrongdoing as virtue and this nation as personal property.

We know that the former PPP leaders in the AFC will fix Guyana because they wanted to fix the PPP when they were members, knowing that fixing the PPP was necessary to fixing Guyana. They have everything to prove. The current PPP leaders will fix up the rich and the powerful and their friends and cronies while the ordinary Guyanese is crippled by crime, poverty, cost of living, joblessness and corruption. APNU/PNC supporters with this nonsensical thinking of equating the AFC to the PPP must know that many PPP supporters will vote for the AFC not because of Nagamootoo or Ramjattan or Singh or Bissessar but because they want genuine change, they want hope, they want jobs and they want a society free of crime and despair and they recognize the AFC’s ability to deliver it. APNU/PNC supporters must know that APNU/PNC cannot ever win a free and fair election again in Guyana.

No matter how you twist it, turn it, put lipstick on it and dress it up, it cannot and will not happen. That on November 29, the AFC, not APNU/PNC, will hold the balance of power whether APNU/PNC supporters vote for it or not. That PPP voters will decide the chance for a future of hope in this country on November 28, not APNU/PNC traditional supporters. That if this mindset that the AFC and the PPP are one becomes a persistent and damaging one, APNU/PNC will be left out completely in the cold. These are the facts. They are good for PPP supporters and better for the AFC. They aren’t pretty for those APNU/PNC supporters who hold onto this false notion that they cannot vote for the AFC because a vote for the AFC is a vote for the PPP.
M. Maxwell

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Some PNC or APNU supporters are of the view that a vote for the AFC is a vote for the PPP, contending that the AFC and the PPP is one and the same entity. Now, I can understand why one can be easily misguided with this perception, given that the AFC is now dominated by former PPP-ites.

This confirms what I said before. AFC is a Indo party! Big Grin
Originally posted by Tola:
There is no courage left in the PPP
November 21, 2011 | By KNews Letters

Dear Editor,

Now, I can understand why one can be easily misguided with this perception, given that the AFC is now dominated by former PPP-ites.

M. Maxwell

This from Maxwell an ardent AFC supporter.

This fact is costing the AFC working class black votes.

As a result the AFC's growth will be limited to additional Indian, and maybe Amerindian votes. No breakthroughs in the black/mixed vote.
Originally posted by Tola:
There is no courage left in the PPP
November 21, 2011 | By KNews Letters
The AFC’s dominant Indian leadership cannot be M. Maxwell

Yes people are talking about this too. Will one Indo led party be replaced by another, with blacks still remaining out in the cold, they wonder.

This is costing some votes from folks who might otherwise consider them.
Originally posted by TI:
Some PNC or APNU supporters are of the view that a vote for the AFC is a vote for the PPP, contending that the AFC and the PPP is one and the same entity. Now, I can understand why one can be easily misguided with this perception, given that the AFC is now dominated by former PPP-ites.

This confirms what I said before. AFC is a Indo party! Big Grin

You can read it any way you want...
The bottom line is...ex-ppp members in the AFC left because they dont want to be part of the PPP corruption and pocket filling, with no accountability about how money is spent...contacts bypassing the bidding process, etc.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Tola:
There is no courage left in the PPP
November 21, 2011 | By KNews Letters
The AFC’s dominant Indian leadership cannot be M. Maxwell

Yes people are talking about this too. Will one Indo led party be replaced by another, with blacks still remaining out in the cold, they wonder.

This is costing some votes from folks who might otherwise consider them.
FROM VIEWING remarks on this site,the AFC is the only party that is not racist.check out the posting,and look at the AFC press conference and meetings.nigel is free to make statments,our sister sheilder pass away,trotman is one of the key person and the list goes on and on.only the AFC can unite the guyanese the ppp rally all you see is collie at the APNU party all you see is black.after 50 yrs nothing have change.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Tola:
There is no courage left in the PPP
November 21, 2011 | By KNews Letters

Dear Editor,

Now, I can understand why one can be easily misguided with this perception, given that the AFC is now dominated by former PPP-ites.

M. Maxwell

This from Maxwell an ardent AFC supporter.

This fact is costing the AFC working class black votes.

As a result the AFC's growth will be limited to additional Indian, and maybe Amerindian votes. No breakthroughs in the black/mixed vote.

AFC is being sandbagged with ethnic fears by both PPP and PNC. I suspect PPP will play the race card more openly during this last lap, but it does not look as if the party would win more than 48%. With this kind of tactic, I doubt whether AFC would muster more than 10%.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Tola:
There is no courage left in the PPP
November 21, 2011 | By KNews Letters

Dear Editor,

Now, I can understand why one can be easily misguided with this perception, given that the AFC is now dominated by former PPP-ites.

M. Maxwell

This from Maxwell an ardent AFC supporter.

This fact is costing the AFC working class black votes.

As a result the AFC's growth will be limited to additional Indian, and maybe Amerindian votes. No breakthroughs in the black/mixed vote.

Dey dropped ball when they became the harlot, taking on any and who onboard. They will win the elections. Their problem will be the mixed crowd they have to entertain.
Originally posted by Tola:
Originally posted by TI:
This confirms what I said before. AFC is a Indo party! Big Grin

You can read it any way you want...
The bottom line is...ex-ppp members in the AFC left.

They left one Indo party and have now created another. I look forward to the post election bacchanal when the Gtwn black/mixed AFC elites try to put them in their place, or get sidelined.
Originally posted by warrior:
FROM VIEWING remarks on this site,the AFC is the only party that is not racist..

Hmmm. PPP folks leave the PPP which is quite racist. NONE of the folks ever addressed PPP racism over the apst 50+ years.

You think they will change?

Oh yes they might mouth certain things but post election watch the drama. Hughes and company will either have to fight to keep their party, or leave having been sidelined.

Just as how PNC thugs in the PPP dont change, neither do PPP folks who were quite happy to live in a racist party.
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
[AFC is being sandbagged with ethnic fears by both PPP and PNC. .

Maxwell is no PPP nor is he a PNC. He is doing a good job in scaring away blacks who thought it was a multiracial party, but now fear that PPP Indos have taken over.

He obviously knows something. Maybe that the AFc cares little for non Indo voters and that its whole focus is on Indos.

I wa stold this by some one who came back. He said many were listening to the AFC but had become worried at this sudden "Indianization" as PPP refugees seem to be the main spokespersons, with the exception of Hughes.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by Spice Girl:
[AFC is being sandbagged with ethnic fears by both PPP and PNC. .

Maxwell is no PPP nor is he a PNC. He is doing a good job in scaring away blacks who thought it was a multiracial party, but now fear that PPP Indos have taken over.

He obviously knows something. Maybe that the AFc cares little for non Indo voters and that its whole focus is on Indos.

I wa stold this by some one who came back. He said many were listening to the AFC but had become worried at this sudden "Indianization" as PPP refugees seem to be the main spokespersons, with the exception of Hughes.
the only reason i can see for your comment,is because moses come on board and is a big hit amount the guyanese .with a man like moses he respect by the indians and blacks alike.i can see why the APNU and the ppp should be worried.every person that the AFC put on their platform,there have the respect of the guyanese people.the AFC will be the silence vote in this election.
Originally posted by warrior:
the only reason i can see for your comment,is because moses come on board and is a big hit amount the guyanese .with a man like moses he respect by the indians and blacks alike.i can see why the APNU and the ppp should be worried.every person that the AFC put on their platform,there have the respect of the guyanese people.the AFC will be the silence vote in this election.

Check my posts. Long before Moses came I was warning about the increasing Indo face of teh AFC, their neglect of the black vote, and their over emphasis of the Corentyne.

Now Maxwell says the same thing and he is a compulsive AFC letter writer.

APNU ha snothing to be worried about, unless they really think they will win. Their huge crowds show they have their black/mixed working class base, who show little interest in the AFC.

These are folks who feel oppressed by Indo domination, and the increasingly Indo domination of the AFC, in the haste to get Indo votes, is backfiring. They like Hughes but they dont see others who they can relate to.

Every time teh AFc boasts about breakthroughs and shows evidence it is in PPP areas. Folks like you clearly know little of the mindset of teh working class black so you dont know that neglecting them has cost the AFc potential votes.

The AFC made a tactical mistake. They thought they had teh working class black vote...but they never had it...they never really went after it, so now they dont have it.

I predict the AFC at 20%. Yes the only party who will improve their position....this as it will get more Indo votes (if they arent scared back to the PPP). Also maybe the TUF confusion might earn them some Amerindian votes, even though they have done nothing to get their support.

But it looks like the APNU is keeping its working class black votes and that more might vote this time.
Originally posted by caribj:
Originally posted by warrior:
the only reason i can see for your comment,is because moses come on board and is a big hit amount the guyanese .with a man like moses he respect by the indians and blacks alike.i can see why the APNU and the ppp should be worried.every person that the AFC put on their platform,there have the respect of the guyanese people.the AFC will be the silence vote in this election.

Check my posts. Long before Moses came I was warning about the increasing Indo face of teh AFC, their neglect of the black vote, and their over emphasis of the Corentyne.

Now Maxwell says the same thing and he is a compulsive AFC letter writer.

APNU ha snothing to be worried about, unless they really think they will win. Their huge crowds show they have their black/mixed working class base, who show little interest in the AFC.

These are folks who feel oppressed by Indo domination, and the increasingly Indo domination of the AFC, in the haste to get Indo votes, is backfiring. They like Hughes but they dont see others who they can relate to.
the indians and blacks are they worse enemy.both race is policially take a strong man with lots of moral values to change they way of thinking along these lines.the people in the AFC have show they courage to do so.some blacks have join the ppp,for what purpose.they personal gains or country you make the judement.some indians have join the APNU,i think its for country.but this just a few.after 50 yrs the voting is still along the racist line.all except the AFC.maybe more blacks,can and i hope will take the high road and follow the AFC,then you will not have to critize the AFC for being racist,maybe we can start from you, and we can work to really unite the guyanese people,not from lip service but real action.remember every day guyana stay devide by these two party,guyana lose

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