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Consolidating criminality

November 5, 2014 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor, The government’s history of corruption, its stance on the unauthorized expenditure of Ashni Singh, its imposition of Carol Sooba in the affairs of Georgetown’s Council, and its support of both Khurshid Sattaur and Anil Nandlall in illegal and unlawful activities, both of which have been sanctioned by the PPP against Guyana’s citizens, strips it of any legitimate claim to governance and government in Guyana.  The current PPP administration is now a quasi-government, criminal organization intent on maintaining power by fooling the Guyanese public that they are the government. The PPP is right now concerned with creating an image of legitimacy for its traditional supporters who still hope in them.  Whether or not these supporters continue to extend same to the PPP does not in any way justify the clearly illegal and unlawful acts perpetrated by the PPP through its government officials on the people of Guyana. The issue of having these criminal acts brought before a court of justice in the present framework of the PPP’s abuse of government’s offices is clearly not possible. The PPP’s claim to legitimate government is now lost.  The PPP is now a criminal organization intent on oppressing the people of Guyana for as long as we allow them.  There is no court or law to which the PPP subscribes, so there is no court or law to which Guyanese can turn for justice. Guyanese are therefore left to execute justice for themselves, without a court or law, except that which they hold in their mind to be fair and just. Craig Sylvester

The PPP criminals are terrified of elections. The country now sees them clearly as a crime syndicate.


The Power elite is made up of Drug Czars, The PPP Elite who are in bed with those Drug Czars and most of the PPP elite and the Drug CZars have shared economic interests.


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