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President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 15.

President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 15.

[] – President Donald Ramotar is of the view that there is an orchestrated attack on investments in Guyana, as he criticized sections of the media for taking an “opposition stance” as it relates to the recent revelations about the operations of Chinese Company, Bai Shan Lin.

The Chinese Company has been in the spotlight as of recent relating to its logging activities in Guyana.

At a press conference on Friday, August 15, the Head of State made it clear that the Chinese Company is operating within Guyana’s laws and is not logging more than its limit.

“There is no raping of our forest. The export of logs is below the limit…not a single law has been broken,” President Ramotar told reporters at Office of the President.

Meanwhile, the President pointed out that there is a constant attack on Chinese investments in Guyana, which he noted are all aimed at hurting the country’s economy.

“It is a total anti – national position. We need investments to develop our country and Chinese investments are important to Guyana. I am very shocked at this vicious attack by the media,” the President said.

A document provided by the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) shows that the total Log Production for Guyana in 2013 was 304,000m3; total log export in 2013 was 76,600m3.

This represents 25.2% of log production.

According to the GFC, Bai Shan Lin has been awarded two State Forest Exploratory Permit to a total of 344,849ha following a public advertisement process and compliance with the relevant legal requirements.

One of such requirements requires the holders of State Forest Exploratory Permits to engage in limited commercial harvesting to allow for maximum of 25% recoupment of exploratory cost.

The document revealed that to date only 1,778m3 of logs were exported over the period January 2013 to June 2014. It was noted that this is a very small percentage of the 25% allowance given to the company based on the Forest Act.

Additionally, Bai Shan Lin has entered in 4 Joint Venture arrangements with the following local companies:

  • Haimorakabra Logging Company
  • Kwabanna Wood Products Inc.
  • Puruni Wood Products Ltd.
  • Wood Associated Industries Company Ltd (WAICO)

The Laws of Guyana allows for the formation of commercial relationships in the form of Partnerships, Joint Ventures, mergers and acquisitions, etc.

All Export of Logs by Bai Shan Lin are subject to the National Log Export Policy, the GFC noted.

Guyana’s National Log Export Policy does not prevent the exportation of logs but established the framework within logs can be exported from Guyana. The forest sector has in place a graduated scale of export commission computed on the free on board export price for logs.

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Additionally, Bai Shan Lin has entered in 4 Joint Venture arrangements with the following local companies:

  • Haimorakabra Logging Company
  • Kwabanna Wood Products Inc.
  • Puruni Wood Products Ltd.
  • Wood Associated Industries Company Ltd (WAICO)

That's the problem


President Ramotar's pronouncements today will haunt him just as his previous pronouncements on NCN fraud is haunting him.

James Singh of the forestry commission will have a lot to answer for.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

Additionally, Bai Shan Lin has entered in 4 Joint Venture arrangements with the following local companies:

  • Haimorakabra Logging Company
  • Kwabanna Wood Products Inc.
  • Puruni Wood Products Ltd.
  • Wood Associated Industries Company Ltd (WAICO)

That's the problem

Haimorakabra Logging Company is a registered subsidiary of Bai Shan Lin.

Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Ramotar talking about BSL investments in Guyana. So where are they? ALl we see is loads of thieving Chinese coming over to hoard away Guyana. Let's get them before they get us.

Hey T.,

Would you still complain they send some chinese women with Chinese Blush? You can go back to GY and blush all day.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 15.

President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 


Does this fellow not fill you with hope and a sense of pride! This is the fellow that squatted on OMAI's board while they dig a hole a mile wide by 1/5 of a mile deep deep over 20 years and yet returned no profit!  And OMAI has not left. They simply trade under a new name, kept lands for their mining and lumber potential and as an added bonus is into Guyanese real estate speculating! They bought DEMBA property for 5 million and resold it for 45 million some 4 years later...and Ramotar was t here! Was he not the one who also sat on the sugar board, oversaw the receipt of that white elephant in Skeldon from the Chinese with no warranty? And now this fellow is telling us all is kosher in the land of BaiShanLin!


Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 15.

President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 


Does this fellow not fill you with hope and a sense of pride! This is the fellow that squatted on OMAI's board while they dig a hole a mile wide by 1/5 of a mile deep deep over 20 years and yet returned no profit!  And OMAI has not left. They simply trade under a new name, kept lands for their mining and lumber potential and as an added bonus is into Guyanese real estate speculating! They bought DEMBA property for 5 million and resold it for 45 million some 4 years later...and Ramotar was t here! Was he not the one who also sat on the sugar board, oversaw the receipt of that white elephant in Skeldon from the Chinese with no warranty? And now this fellow is telling us all is kosher in the land of BaiShanLin!


maybe he should take a look at HAITI, I WONDER WERE HE WILL HIDE

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:

Ramotar talking about BSL investments in Guyana. So where are they? ALl we see is loads of thieving Chinese coming over to hoard away Guyana. Let's get them before they get us.

Hey T.,

Would you still complain they send some chinese women with Chinese Blush? You can go back to GY and blush all day.

I don't want any women from China thank you. There is no supporting evidence to say that they are great in bed. Name me one famous female from China with an abundance of sex appeal.

There you go, you can't name one from a population of more than one billion. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Conscience:
President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 15.

President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 


Does this fellow not fill you with hope and a sense of pride! This is the fellow that squatted on OMAI's board while they dig a hole a mile wide by 1/5 of a mile deep deep over 20 years and yet returned no profit!  And OMAI has not left. They simply trade under a new name, kept lands for their mining and lumber potential and as an added bonus is into Guyanese real estate speculating! They bought DEMBA property for 5 million and resold it for 45 million some 4 years later...and Ramotar was t here! Was he not the one who also sat on the sugar board, oversaw the receipt of that white elephant in Skeldon from the Chinese with no warranty? And now this fellow is telling us all is kosher in the land of BaiShanLin!


He needs to take a look at Surinaam and its dealings with Chinese to stop the raping of its forest and natural resources. These Chinese are vultures preying on poor countries.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


  Jan - June
Total logs (  90,35673,146110,724
Sawnwood (  28,50930,97533,176
Plywood (cu. mt.)  3,6586,2876,629





source - the Bank of Guyana Half Year Report



It looks like them Chinese and Indian ramp up their operations.

In 6 months the log export went up by 37,000 cu mt.


That can build close to 900 brand new 2,500 sq ft house made exclusively from wood.

How much royalty we got?  - NIL because of the duty free, tax free agreement with the new investors - China and India?




The full figure of 110,724 for the first 6 months of 2013 declared as exports can build 2,500 house of 2,500 sq ft.  I have not even mention the undeclared LOGS.

Originally Posted by HM_Redux:

This president likes to be violated so you cannot blame him for his bogus bullshit statements.

He is full of sh. it pretending there is anything rational about their invention of "exploratory leases". It is like paying someone to come into our house to see what they can steal.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 15.

President Donald Ramotar at the press conference today, Friday, August 15.

[] – President Donald Ramotar is of the view that there is an orchestrated attack on investments in Guyana, as he criticized sections of the media for taking an “opposition stance” as it relates to the recent revelations about the operations of Chinese Company, Bai Shan Lin.

The Chinese Company has been in the spotlight as of recent relating to its logging activities in Guyana.

At a press conference on Friday, August 15, the Head of State made it clear that the Chinese Company is operating within Guyana’s laws and is not logging more than its limit.

“There is no raping of our forest. The export of logs is below the limit…not a single law has been broken,” President Ramotar told reporters at Office of the President.

Meanwhile, the President pointed out that there is a constant attack on Chinese investments in Guyana, which he noted are all aimed at hurting the country’s economy.

“It is a total anti – national position. We need investments to develop our country and Chinese investments are important to Guyana. I am very shocked at this vicious attack by the media,” the President said.

A document provided by the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) shows that the total Log Production for Guyana in 2013 was 304,000m3; total log export in 2013 was 76,600m3.

This represents 25.2% of log production.

According to the GFC, Bai Shan Lin has been awarded two State Forest Exploratory Permit to a total of 344,849ha following a public advertisement process and compliance with the relevant legal requirements.

One of such requirements requires the holders of State Forest Exploratory Permits to engage in limited commercial harvesting to allow for maximum of 25% recoupment of exploratory cost.

The document revealed that to date only 1,778m3 of logs were exported over the period January 2013 to June 2014. It was noted that this is a very small percentage of the 25% allowance given to the company based on the Forest Act.

Additionally, Bai Shan Lin has entered in 4 Joint Venture arrangements with the following local companies:

  • Haimorakabra Logging Company
  • Kwabanna Wood Products Inc.
  • Puruni Wood Products Ltd.
  • Wood Associated Industries Company Ltd (WAICO)

The Laws of Guyana allows for the formation of commercial relationships in the form of Partnerships, Joint Ventures, mergers and acquisitions, etc.

All Export of Logs by Bai Shan Lin are subject to the National Log Export Policy, the GFC noted.

Guyana’s National Log Export Policy does not prevent the exportation of logs but established the framework within logs can be exported from Guyana. The forest sector has in place a graduated scale of export commission computed on the free on board export price for logs.

DANALD is a puppet and a classic AZZHOLE!


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