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I find it extremely irritating that some dishonest human beings in this country can be so bestial in their opportunism to use the Black Lives Matter in the US movement in Guyana to mask their racist miasma and to use the Black Lives Matter experience to justify ethnic domination in Guyana.
Any school child, ten years old, if asked why the Black Lives Matter emerged will automatically tell you because white policemen kill Black Americans with impunity. The experience cannot be transported to Guyana because traditionally and historically the security forces have not been staffed by East Indians.
It was Ravi Dev who relentlessly argued that once you have African domination in the security forces and the state sectors, Indians will not feel safe in their own country. I do not support that thesis but there is some basis for that Indian fear. I was on the streets in 1992 watching African youths led by a young Portuguese businesswoman once associated with a firm that made spices destroying Indian stores. I saw that again in 1997, 2001 and risked my life investigating anti-Indian violence by Buxton based gunmen.
We have a police force in 2020 that is acting unprofessionally in protecting election riggers and raucous crowds of PNC supporters attacking members of the press and opposition parties in support of free and fair elections. A number of East Indians were arrested and charged for picketing last week violating the COVID-19 restrictions while scores of African protestors demonstrated in support of rigged elections in full view of the police. In the post-election violence in March 2020, police shot dead an Indian youth.
Those asinine Guyanese in Guyana that are pimping the Black Lives Matter movement in the US should be denounced because they are violating Black American dignity. In fact these very asinine, misguided idiots need to protect African dignity from African leaders who are intent to destroy Black Guyana and Guyana in general by inciting their supporters to reject the fundamental right of Guyanese to vote and have their votes counted.
This was the great role Walter Rodney played in the struggle for democracy in the seventies. One of the seminal moments in the Arnold Rampersaud trial was when Rodney got on the street corners and appealed to African Guyanese not to be used by their authoritarian African leaders to hang an innocent East Indian man. The Rampersaud jury was all African. Lying witnesses, all of whom were Africans, took the stand to give false testimony.
In his appeal to African Guyanese, Rodney warned them not to let the dignity that they emerged with out of slavery be taken away from them by allowing themselves to be treated the way President Burnham was using them to hang Rampersaud. In the end, the appeal of Rodney worked and Rampersaud became a free man.
In the election crisis that we are in, the African leadership is lying to their people with the depraved, repugnant, immoral intention of getting them to unleash violence against non-Africans. In this scenario only a jackass would make reference to Black Lives Matter in Guyana when other ethnic communities are scared like hell if the election is declared in favour of Dr. Irfaan Ali.
We don’t have a Walter Rodney to plead with African Guyanese that their party has lost the election and they must not use African people to go on a regime of violence to protest what is inherently indecent – the rigging of elections where innocent citizens are virtually disenfranchised.
How can any foolish persons transport the Black Lives Matter praxis to Guyana when right at this minute we are witnessing how careless African leaders are endangering the lives of Black Guyanese? From the morning of March 3, that African leadership knew it lost the election. Then came the relentless insults to Black Guyanese that were cruelly humiliating.
First, they used Mingo. When they announced that they win, they insulted their supporters by not supplying proof that they won by making available their statements of poll. Then they lied to the soldiers and police telling them their votes were not recorded. Then they told their supporters jumbies voted. It was one comical text after another. Last Wednesday they told their supporters that Lowenfield’s report demanded by the GECOM chairman will still result in a win for APNU+AFC knowing full well this was deception. Those who think Black lives matter in Guyana need to start protecting Black lives in Guyana from vicious Black, Guyanese politicians who want to use them for power intoxication.

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The universal black mind has no room for any race of ppl on this planet earth. There are very few blacks with the appreciation of what the world is really like. Many blacks refuse to read other cultures in all forms, so they end up being prejudiced.

These demonstrations all over of the world, is the destruction of other cultures. The Blacks on the streets do not care for employment. They want equal opportunities on their terms. I cannot see it happening.

Guyana is the perfect example of how blacks interact with another race of people. They need to be on their own.



Quote from article:

"Those asinine Guyanese in Guyana that are pimping the Black Lives Matter movement in the US should be denounced because they are violating Black American dignity. In fact these very asinine, misguided idiots need to protect African dignity from African leaders who are intent to destroy Black Guyana and Guyana in general by inciting their supporters to reject the fundamental right of Guyanese to vote and have their votes counted."


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